英文版招聘启事范文英文版聘请启事范文(精选5篇) 英文版聘请启事范文 篇1 Sincerely hired:job overview1. is responsible for the implementation and completion of the monthly sales target and task in the area under its jurisdiction.2. is responsible for the development of supply, refunds and new core selling points for each selling point within the jurisdiction of the area.3. according to the standardization of the standardization of the company terminal, guide the standard display of the sample counter sample, the publicity products and the promotion articles.4., responsible for the sales consultants, distributors, training all kinds of sales skills, product knowledge and corporate culture, enhance shopping guide and dealer sales skills, and maintain customer relationship.5. timely and proper handling of the difficult problems related to the terminal advisers in the areas under their jurisdiction;6., actively communicate with distributors, plan and organize related promotions or promotions according to the needs of sales and sales season, so as to improve vivo's market share and promote brand.qualificationA, college or above, male and female, 21-30 years old;B, cheerful personality, standard Mandarin, with a strong desire for success and the pursuit of the realization of personal value;C, with more than half a year sales experience and certain training or related job experience.(veterans or more than two years of sales experience can be relaxed)salary and welfare1. Salary standards:1, the probation period (2 months):2400 yuan / month;2, correct: post wage + performance bonus, comprehensive income of 2400-8000 yuan / month.Two, welfare:1, five social insurance and one housing fund: endowment / medical / family / work / unemployment insurance + housing provident fund;2, working age wage + holiday welfare + year-end welfare + tourism allowance and so on.3, paid annual leave + employee tourism + Department building + birthday care + regular physical examination, etc.working conditions1, high vitality: 85 people accounted for 80%, undergraduate and above education personnel accounted for 79%, to promote happy work, happy life.2, high growth: provide a comprehensive training system (induction training / professional training camp / internal open class / Supervisor MBA, etc.), to provide a comprehensive knowledge and skills training, so that employees can have better development.3, high opportunity: "acceleration" life value realization platform: the company encourages capable, and more middle management employees through internal competition to produce.working hours1, summer: 08:30-12:00, 14:00-17:30;2, winter: 09:00-12:00, 13:30-17:30;3, the month rests 4 days off, flexible system.working placeThe big vivo selling points of the counties and towns around Chenzhou and Chenzhouinterview siteRoom 1505, room 15, Chenzhou City railway stationcontactMiss Chu: 151x6 (with WeChat)Seat machine: 0735-226x9 英文版聘请启事范文 篇2 Sincerely hired:Now because of the needs of the development of the company, we are now seeking the post of resident personnel in charge of the community.Position information post duties:1, responsible for the Chenzhou dealer store team (FEMA stores shopping guide, construction, business personnel recruitment etc.);2. It is responsible for the training of the staff of the store team.3, in charge of staff attendance, performance assessment, social security payment, salary payment and so on.4. It is responsible for the employee relationship management of the store, and not regularly communicate with the employees to understand the employee's psychological dynamics.5, in charge of some administrative work on the store and other work assigned by the leaders.Job requirements:1, 25-35 years old, more than three years of human resources work experience, familiar with the six modules of human resources professional knowledge and skills;2. Familiar with the relevant laws and regulations of the state and the local.3, have strong affinity, communication ability, team cooperation ability, work initiative, positive enthusiasm;4. People who live in Chenzhou or want to return to Chenzhou are preferred for long-term development.5. The experience of personnel management in retail and monopoly stores is preferred.Note: this post is part of the Sichuan FEMA Co., post training direction: Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Manager - regional provincesSalary structure: base salary + performance + dealer return bonus + annual bonus 英文版聘请启事范文 篇3 Sincerely hired:Position information post duties:1. responsible for the promotion of the product in the target hospital, making the market plan and ensuring the completion of the task.2. actively study product knowledge and transfer company product information correctly.3. responsible for the development of the target market and the daily maintenance of the target customers, to establish a good relationship with the customers, and to maintain the company's image.4. the academic promotion activities are responsible for the target customers, including the slide lantern speech, the department meeting and so on, and organize various academic activities with the superior and the market medical department.5. collect the information in the clinical use of drugs and give feedback in time.6. strictly enforce the rules and regulations of the company and abide by the laws and regulations of the state;7. complete the other work done by the superior.Conditions of service:1. college or above, medical related major;2. age under 35 years of age, health;3. to recognize the value of the company and to be honest and honest.4. positive work, optimistic, self-motivated and under pressure;5. better learning ability and communication ability. 英文版聘请启事范文 篇4 我院创建于1953年,是集勘察、设计、科研于一体的大型甲级设计探讨院。持有国家勘察、设计等甲级资质证书20余个。主要从事各等级马路、桥梁、隧道、工业民用建筑及市政工程的勘察设计、科学探讨等业务。现有各类从业人员1500余人,在职职工700余人,其中,博士29人、硕士285人,教授级高级工程师31人、高级工程师289人,拥有全国工程设计大师、四川省学术和技术带头人及后备人选、四川省有突出贡献优秀专家、四川省工程设计大师等省部级以上专家40余人。1999年通过ISO9001国际质量认证,20xx年通过职业健康平安体系和环境管理体系认证。先后被授予建设部“推行全面质量管理先进单位”、“四川省文明单位”、“四川省先进单位”、“四川省最佳文明单位”、“全国文明单位”、“全国交通运输行业抗震救灾先进集体”、“全国工程勘察设计先进企业”、“全国交通运输系统先进集体”等荣誉称号(具体状况可以登录查询)。我院建立了对新进员工进行一对一跟踪培育的职业导师制度,具有成套的培育培训体系、多元化的职业发展通道和丰富的业余文体生活,薪资和福利待遇在行业内竞争力强。一、聘请专业:1.建筑景观、园林景观、环境艺术等专业;2.计算机相关专业;2.经济法学专业。二、岗位要求:1.20xx年应届高校毕业生,硕士及以上学历,本科为双一流、211、985等全国重点高校毕业,所学专业与探讨生阶段一样;2.得才兼备、诚信务实、吃苦耐劳,身体健康;3.具有剧烈的上进心和工作责任感、良好的思索分析实力和团队合作精神,创新意识和沟通实力突出;4.岗位主要需求:专业技术岗位(景观工程):景观规划、景观工程设计;专业技术岗位(计算机):大数据、信息化建设与设计,或熟识数据库、net开发、TCP/IP网络系统。专业技术岗位(法规审计):具有扎实专业学问。三、聘请程序:1.接收、筛选简历聘请笔试、面试实习考察签约;2.简历接收时间截止20xx年12月25日;3.聘请考试拟定20xx年春节前,详细考试支配将提前10天左右通知应聘者;4.实习考察可以在寒假期间或自选时间完成。四、联系方式:四川省交通运输厅马路规划勘察设计探讨院人事处地址:四川省成都市武侯祠横街1号 邮编:610041联系人:彭朗 电话:02885527415,电子邮箱:四川省交通运输厅马路规划勘察设计探讨院人事处 英文版聘请启事范文 篇5 北京成立于x年,商务部重点扶持的十五家全国大型零售企业之一 ,国际百货协会(IADS)唯一的中国零售企业成员 ,全球消费品论坛零售业峰会组织的董事会成员企业。拥有综合超市、购物中心、百货商店、国际合作等零售业态,旗下拥有综合超市600361与xx商厦000882两个上市公司。x年强势进驻,诚聘各界英才!欢迎您的加盟!聘请职位:1、生鲜技工(猪牛羊肉分割):8名能够娴熟分隔猪牛羊肉;身体健康;有相关工作阅历者优先。2、理货员:30名身体健康、吃苦耐劳,有较强的抗压实力;有相关行业工作阅历者优先。3、收银员:20名有良好的语言表达实力及服务意识;身体健康、吃苦耐劳;有相关行业工作阅历者优先;中学以上学历。4、安保员 :10名男女不限,身体健康,品德端正,执行力强,能吃苦耐劳;具有工作阅历者优先;退伍军人优先。5、库管员:5名男性,能吃苦耐劳,有相关行业工作阅历者优先。6、储备干部:20名 (发展方向-各部门领班、主管、经理)大专及以上学历,应历届毕业生,26周岁以下,有自信、酷爱零售业者,能吃苦耐劳者优先。7、生鲜部 主管|领班:6名具有超市生鲜一年及以上相关管理工作阅历;具有较强的团队管理实力、组织协调实力和贯彻执行实力,具备竞争意识;中学及以上学历。8、食品部 主管|领班:2名具有超市食品一年及以上相关管理工作阅历;具有较强的团队管理实力、组织协调实力和贯彻执行实力,具备竞争意识;中学及以上学历。9、安保部 主管|领班:4名具超市一年及以上管理工作阅历,具备肯定的消防学问;身体健康,品德端正,执行力强,能吃苦耐劳;退伍军人优先。10、信息技术:1名大专以上学历,计算机相关专业毕业,娴熟操作SQL大型数据库,能用C或C+语言娴熟编程,20-45周岁,具有同行业相关工作阅历者优先考虑。11、租赁主管:1名大专以上学历,有1年及以上商超租赁工作阅历;良好沟通协调实力,能够独立完成招商谈判;租赁合同签订,租金收取等工作;年龄18-45周岁。12、搬运工:5名男性,身体健康,吃苦耐劳。13、聘请小时工:100名 (收银员、理货员、收货员等)身体健康,品德端正,执行力强;年龄18-50周岁;在校大中专院校学生或有相关工作验者优先。14、聘请厂家促员:300名身体健康,品德端正,执行力强;年龄18-50周岁;有相关工作验者优先。备注:以上岗位一经录用,公司将签订正式劳动合同、购买五险,领班以上职务购买住房公积金。每位员工享有年节福利、带薪年休假,并供应畅通的晋升渠道。应聘方式: 1、通过邮箱投递简历;2、到我司登记应聘聘请时间:每周一至周五 08:5017:30询问电话:应聘邮箱: (简历以附件形式投递,附件名称:职位+姓名)聘请地址:xx市南谯路与琅琊路交叉口大金新百楼上12层北京xx人事部(大金新百东大门旁乘电梯至12楼)