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    Unit 5 Reading1 Giant pandas课件--牛津译林版八年级英语上册.pptx

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    Unit 5 Reading1 Giant pandas课件--牛津译林版八年级英语上册.pptx

    Reading(i)UnitUnit 5 Wild animals5 Wild animals It is a sea animal and looks like a large fish.It is very clever and often plays some games for us in the zoo.dolphin Its a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp (锋利的)paws.It can walk upright(竖直地).bear Its the king of the animal world.It has yellow fur and black stripes(条纹)on its body.tiger It jumps with its baby in its pocket.You can see it in Australia.kangarooIt has black and white lines and looks like a horse.zebraWhich animal is small and lovely,but has a very big tail?Squirrel.It lives in China.It is black and white.Its favorite food is bamboo.giant pandaecbdfaTask1 Read and match 1.be born(line 3)2.in the beginning(line 9)3.serious(line 12)4.mainly(line 14)5.take action(line 19)6.none(line 25)a.do something b.not many c.bad or dangerousd.at first e.more than anything e into the world as a babyHow many paragraphs are there in the story?Can you use one word to tell the main idea of each part?Task2 Walk into the life of a panda.The story of Xi Wang _(Para_-Para_)(Para_)(Para_-Para_)growthproblemsaction13465weightfood wasnt _ any more a small babyb.Yes,they tell us Xi Wang grew very slowly.a.Yes,they tell us Xi Wang grew very quickly.Xi Wang grew very quickly.Are the three words important here?looked like _started to _ for the first time_(when she was born)_(4 months old)_(8 months later)just 100 gramsabout 8 kilosover 35 kilosc.Yes,they tell us Xi Wang grew up happily.d.No,they have no special meaning.Task3 Xi Wangs growth world(weight)a white mousego outside_(in the beginning)drank her mothers milk _(6 months old)bamboo _(20 months old)learnt to look after herselfXi Wangs growth world(food)amazing!The growth of Xi Wang1 day10 days 20 months12 months6 months4 monthsa.She started to look after herself.b.She was about 8 kilograms and started to go outside.c.She looked like a white mouse.d.She began to eat bamboo.e.She weighed 100 grams.f.She weighed 35 kilograms.eafdbcTask4 Give a talk!123456Time is up!Hello,Im Xi Wang.When I was born,I weighedWe grow quickly and are very big and strong,but why is our number getting smaller and smaller?face serious problemsMy growth Pandas problems1.2.3.4.Difficult to have babiesDie at a young ageHave no foodHave no place to liveWhyTask5 Find out our problems.Discuss:have one or two babies at a timeThe babies are hard to look after.Pandas problems1.2.3.4.WhyFind out our problems.Difficult to have babiesDie at a young ageHave no food to eatHave no place to livebamboo forests live mainly on a special kind of bamboocut down As a result,the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller.Pandas problems1.2.3.4.Find out our problems.Difficult to have babiesDie at a young ageHave no food to eatHave no place to live_ bringmany problemsto us.HumansWhat actions can we take to protect wild animals?Task6 Take action to help pandas!黑水河佛坪阿坝勿角A.B.C.1.help pandas have more babies 2.build more panda reserves3.make laws to protect pandas A giant panda is lovely and cute.When she was born,she looked like a white mouse.She drank her mothers milk_.When she was six months old,she began to _ a special kind of bamboo._,the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller._,pandas may have no food to eat.They are now _.We should _ to protect them_.in the beginning live onAs a result take actionin dangerright away Fill in blanks with proper words or phrasesHoweverAll of you did a very good job!There are now only 1,600 pandas in the world.If we do nothing,soon there may be none left!However,we do believe thatWhere there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成Where there is life,there is hope.生命不息,希望常在Proverb(谚语):Read and learnwhere there is Xi Wang,there is hope.Group work:Discussion Not only pandas,but also many other animals are in danger.What can we do to protect wild animals?1.Make reserves bigger.2.Build more reserves(保护区).3.Encourage(鼓励)farmers to leave the reserves.4.Dont kill animals for their fur.5.Dont cut down trees and forests.6.Dont buy the clothes made of animal fur.Task8 Discussion:Ways to protect giant pandasTo protect wild animalsis to protect ourselvesGoodbyeThanks a lot


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