Unit 1 Women of achievement阶段复习课.构构词词技巧技巧1.由由achieve(v.)+ment achievement(n.)可可知知-ment是是动动词词变变形形为为名名词词的后的后缀缀之一。之一。请请填写下表填写下表:entertainmentargumentmovement2.由由organize(v.)+ation organization(n.)可知可知-ation是是动词变动词变形形为为名名词词的后的后缀缀之一。之一。请请填写下表填写下表:observationinspirationdetermination.易易错错点点拨拨(T/F)1.他提到的那条建他提到的那条建议应该议应该立即立即执执行。行。The suggestion he referred to should be carried out immediately.()The suggestion he referred to being carried out immediately.()【点点拨拨】定定语语从从句句he referred to在在句句中中修修饰饰先先行行词词the suggestion,介介词词to的的宾宾语语是是先先行行词词;should be carried out immediately是是句句子子的谓语的谓语,中误把中误把being carried out当成介词当成介词to的宾语。的宾语。TF2.Where did you meet her for the first time?It was on the farm where we worked.()It was on the farm that we worked.()【点点拨拨】答答语语是是强强调调句句的的省省略略句句,补补全全后后应应为为:It was on the farm where we worked that I met her for the first time.把把此此强强调调句句变变成成一一般般句句式式后后为为:I met her for the first time on the farm where we worked.由由此此可可以以看看出出where we worked是是定定语语从从句句修修饰先行词饰先行词the farm。TF3.他他发给发给我一封我一封电电子子邮邮件件,上面上面说说他会来看我。他会来看我。He sent me an e-mail saying he would come to visit me.()He sent me an e-mail said he would come to visit me.()【点点拨拨】现现在在分分词词短短语语saying he would come to visit me在在句句中中作作后后置置定定语语;句句中中存存在在“一一句句双双谓谓”的的错错误误形形式式,可可以以在在said前面加关系词前面加关系词that/which,也可以改成句也可以改成句的模式。的模式。T F.语语篇点睛篇点睛(用本用本单单元学元学过过的的词汇补词汇补全下文全下文)Yesterday,I found a book in the bookshop which _ _(专门为专门为设计设计)parents.There were some tips in the book,such as to teach children how to _(举举止止得体得体),to _(尊敬尊敬)others.The book also _(谈谈及及)some parents and their children who _(取得巨大成就取得巨大成就)_(在在的帮助下的帮助下)this book.I thought that it was _(值值得的得的)to read the book.wasintended forbehave themselvesrespectreferred tomade great achievementsin support ofworthwhile