幼儿英语教案实用37篇 幼儿英语课件及教案.docx
幼儿英语教案实用37篇 幼儿英语课件及教案下面是我共享的幼儿英语教案好用37篇 幼儿英语课件及教案,供大家参考。幼儿英语教案好用1好吃的水果一、活动内容:好吃的水果二、活动目的:1、通过在嬉戏中复习学过的单词,如:apple、pear、orange、banana等等。2、学习新单词:“pineapple”(菠萝)、“strawberry”(草莓)。3、初步运用“Whatsthis?”“Itsaan”的句型。三、活动打算:打算各种水果(实物)、水果图片、电视,EVD四、活动过程:1、热身活动歌曲AppleTree2、师生相互问好3、导入:嬉戏“猜包中物”(1)猜出水果并提问:T:Whatsthis?S:Itsanapple。T;Verygood!appleappleItsanapple。(小挚友可真棒,现在魔术师就把这个苹果送给你们)(2)猜出橘子并提出问题。T:Whatsthis?S:Itsanorange。T:Readafterme,orangeorange。(3)现在请小挚友再看看还能摸出什么?(梨子)T:Whatsthis?S:Itsapear。T:pear,pear,pear。(4)猜出香蕉并提问。T:Whatsthis?S:ItsabananaT:banana,banana出示实物,学习新单词“pineapple”“strawberry”并让幼儿仔细视察以及学习单词的正确发音。“现在我们再来看看还能有什么东西呢?”(1)出示菠萝并提问T:Whatsthis?S:是菠萝T:No,no,no,Itsapineapple(2)出示草莓并提问T:Whatsthis?S:是草莓T:No,no,no,Itsastrawberry。幼儿英语教案好用2活动目标:?、乐于参加英语活动,对故事内容感爱好,有主动的参加看法。、在听听、看看、说说、玩玩的活动中,理解故事内容,初步学习对话。?Can you help us?Yes,Im glad to help you .活动打算:?背景图片一幅,萝卜、老爷爷、老奶奶、小姑娘、小狗、小猫、小老鼠图片?活动过程:、出示萝卜,引起幼儿爱好?Today many friends come here , guess ,who are they? Now lets have a look. An old man an old women? a little girl a doga cat and a little mouse,Look, Whats this?(萝卜turnip? a big turnip)、结合图片老师讲解并描述故事?A:Today ,I will tell you? a story about the? big turnip and these ,please? look at the picture and listen to me carefully. Pulling The Big Turnip?B:Now,let me tell the story again. Please listen to me carefully. Pulling The Big Turnip、师幼练习故事中的对话?A:Now, Lets tell the story together.?B: you understand?Now, Lets tell the story again.、故事表演?A: Now,we will play the story. I am? the old man Who want to be An old man an old women? a little girl a doga cat and a little mouse ? You should do as they you ready?Now,lets begin.?B:Who want try?lets play together.、结束、延长? The big turnip is pulled out, are you happy?lets dancing? together!幼儿英语教案幼儿英语教案好用3一,、活动名称:大班英语:Health二:活动目标:1、能够让幼儿相识健康的英语单词会读会说,知道一些健康的生活方式与习惯;2、培育幼儿对英语的爱好,让幼儿主动并乐意参加英语活动中,学会仿照老师读英语,知道一些简洁的关于养成健康生活习惯的英语表达;复习原来学过的”运动“ ”唱“ ”跳“ ”笑“的英语。3、让幼儿了解健康身体的重要性,并要求他们好好爱护自己的身体。三、活动打算:健康歌的视频,一些英语卡片与图四、活动过程:1、老师作自我介绍T:”hello evelyone,I'm JOJO,I'm very glad to be you English teacher ,now the class is begin ,are you ready?“T:大家好!我是你们的英语老师JOJO,很兴奋能为大家上英语课。现在,你们打算好上课了吗?S:打算好了。T:打算好了就跟老师一起说:yes!S:yes.T:yes,you are so good.起先呢!老师要告知大家三个手势,当我把手抬高大家就大声的说:yes,手放平的时候大家的声音像这样说:yes当JOJO把手放在下面时大家就小声的说:yes。”are you ready?“S:yes.T:全部的小挚友眼睛看前面的视频,跟着视频和老师一起动起来,看哪个小挚友最有活力。S;好。T: (音乐声结束)刚才小挚友表现得都特别的有活力,你们知道刚才那首歌叫什么名字吗?你们喜爱听刚才那首歌吗?S:健康歌,喜爱。T:嗯,很正确。我们刚才听的健康歌英文名叫Healthy song,立刻圣诞节就快到了,圣诞老人特殊喜爱能跟他说英语的小挚友,他说;谁跟他说英语,他就送谁礼物。小挚友们你们想不想要圣诞老人的神奇礼物啊?S:想。T:想就要跟着JOJO老师学会如何用英语表达”健康“ ”运动“ 、”唱“ ”跳“ ”笑“哦。看这里,跟着我说:HealthS:healthT:heal heal healS:heal heal healT:th th thS:th th thT:health healthS:health healthT:小挚友都会读了吗?S:会T:ok,very good.大家会读了我就把health姐姐叫出来大家向她打招呼咯!当health姐姐说;hello!小挚友就说;health! Ok?S;ok.T:大家都打完招呼了,小挚友有没有望见JOJO手上有一张health姐姐的图片啊?小挚友想不想再看看我们原来见到过的老挚友啊?S:想。T;叮叮、我们出来啦!我是你们的”sport哥哥“ 我是”sing叔叔“ 我是jump弟弟” 还有我“smile妹妹”。我们每人手里都有一张去圣诞节老人家里做客人的邀请函,小挚友们想要吗?S;想。T;那就和他们打招呼吧!S;、T;嗯!现在有哪位同学自告奋勇的把刚才老师教的全部单词来读一遍啊!因为,这里的4张邀请函要送给读的最好的小挚友了,“sport哥哥”要来当见证人啦!最终结果由他确定,小挚友可要赶快啦!(有许多小挚友都上来读了,最终有4个小挚友胜出了,由“sport哥哥”发邀请函了)。T;让我们大家以热情的掌声庆贺刚才获胜的4位小挚友,哈哈,没有得到邀请函的小挚友也不要难受,因为圣诞老人会让刚才的获胜者给你们带礼物回来的,人人都有。OK,the class is over .小挚友敬请期盼圣诞老人给你们的礼物吧!幼儿英语教案好用4活动目标:1、巩固对单词red green yellow的相识与发音。2、并尝试利用Hello X X。Here you are。 That's OK。等短句与老师沟通。3、能开心参加英语活动。活动打算已学过单词red green yellow在日常生活中老师与孩子运用过Hello X X。Here you are。 That's OK。等短句每位孩子基本记住自己的英文名字。红、绿、黄糖果三桶。活动过程:一、起先部分T:Class begins。 Good morning, boys and girls二、基本部分1、复习嬉戏:Touch your face2、T:OK。Now,we'll play a game “Touch your face”。Are you ready?(Yes。)Let's begin。T:Touch your face(mouth ear hair eye nose)Once again。3、复习单词red green yellowA:师出示红色积木。What colour is it?依次为绿色、黄色。(个别、集体)B:指认教室中红黄绿三种颜色。What colour is it?(个别、集体)4、嬉戏:Buy CandyA:Look,I have some candies。 What colour is it?依次为绿色、红色、黄色。(个别、集体)B:与配班老师示范嬉戏。Let me play a game with Miss Wang 。P:Hello Miss Wang。W:Hello Miss pang。P:Which one would you like?W:The red one。P:Here you are。W:Thank you。P:Goodbye。W:Byebye。C:师幼嬉戏T:Who wants to try?T:I'd like the yellow one。Now,let's have candies。(师幼共享糖果)There are many teachers in our classroom,let's give them some,yes or no?Mary please。(个别幼儿送糖给听课老师。)三、结束部分Let's say “Goodbye, teachers。”幼儿英语教案好用5相识五官Teaching Aims1、正确识别面部器官:眼、耳、鼻、嘴。2、能够区分单复数的器官名称。3、单词:eye(s)、ear(s)、nose、mouth短语:touch my句型:This is aan These areTeaching Aids:五官图片Teaching Ste一、 Warming UpChant: Two Little Blackbirds二、 Daily Talk1、 A: Hi, Good morning。 B: Morning。 A: How are you?B: Fine, thank you。 (And you?) A: Thank you。2、A: How do you do? B: How do you do? A: What day is it today? B: Its Friday。3、A: Whats your name? B: My name is A 。A: Im John。 Nice to see you, A 。 B: Nice to see you, too。4、A: How many people are there in your family? B: Therere five。A: Who are they? B: They are my father5、A: How old are you? B: Six。 A: Whos your friend? B: Jim。6、A: Whats your telephone number? B: 。7、A: What color is it? B: Its red。 A: What color do you like? B: I like pink and blue。三、To Review1、T: Look! Whats this? Its a face。 C: Face。T: What is on the face? (Point to the parts of the face。)C: This is an eyeearnosemouth。2、T: Look at the face! How many eyes are there on the face? Lets count!T&am C: One, two。C: Two eyes。T: Good。 But whats this? This is an eyeear。 C: This is an eyeear。T: What are these? These are eyesears。 C: These are eyesears。3、Game1T: What is mi ing? C: An eyeear。 A nosemouth。T: What are mi ing? C: Eyesears。T: An ear mi ing。 Right?(Cover two ears with a hand。) C: No。 Ears。T: Very good。 Youre right。Youre very smart。4、Game2T: Lets draw the eyeearnosemouth。 I say and you draw。 For example, if I say:“Draw one eye”。 Please draw one eye on this face。 OK?5、Game3T: Now, Lets play another game。 Please do as I ask you to。 For example, if I say, “Touch your nose”。 Please find and touch your nose with your finger and say, “I touch my nose”。 OK?T: Touch your eyeeyes。C: I touch my eyeeyes。T: You can do this game with your friend。四、Song: Eye and Ear幼儿英语教案好用6活动内容:1. Zoo Farm2. After you!活动目标:1.理解词语含义,发音精确。2.喜爱玩嬉戏,用英语玩角色嬉戏。活动打算:图片、汽车方向盘、售票员。活动过程:一出示图片1. T: Morning kids.C: Morning2. T: Today its a sunny day?Lets play together ok?C: Ok!二老师带领幼儿一同出去玩。走到图片A处T: Oh, whats it?C: panda fox dogT: 为什么它们都到这里来了,我们应当把它们送到哪里呢?C: 动物园。T: Yes zoo.C: Zoo.老师带领幼儿一起Go to the zoo.T: Ok, This is zoo. Go to the zoo.C: Go to the zoo.三老师和幼儿又来到图片B处。T: What this?C: pig dog sheepT: 咱们把它们送到那里去呢?C: Farm!T: Yes, farm.C: Farm.老师带领幼儿Go to the farm.T: Ok, This is farm. Go to the farm.C: Go to the farm.四嬉戏: Bus!T: 我们一起Go to the home!C: Ok!A: After you!B: Thank you.C: After you!D: Thank you.E: 活动结束。幼儿英语教案好用7活动目标:1、初步学习歌曲Ten Little Indian Children,能大声地用英语来演唱。2、复习双语单词oneten,会与数字110相对应。3、通过音乐嬉戏复习第57册英语句子提高幼儿学习双语的爱好。4、培育幼儿感受音乐,酷爱大自然的美妙情感。教学重难点:1、相识单词oneten,会与数字110相对应。2、学习新的乐曲Ten Little Indian Children,初步驾驭歌词与旋律。活动打算:1、印有英语单词oneten的车票两套。2、情景布置图及汽车座位上粘上数字110两排。3、画有印第安小挚友的图片若干。4、一套含有中英文的短句,如:一个小孩 one little 。5、幼儿人手一个小背包,包内放有英语句子纸条两份。6、幼儿水笔人手一份,老师事先在十个小指上画有简洁的脸谱。活动过程:一、起先部分:up2; 以旅游售票的嬉戏导入,复习数字110的英语单词。(播放背景音乐)T:小挚友,今日天气真好,让我带你们去旅游吧!Lets go!(跟着音乐做简洁的律动)T:瞧,孩子们!车站到了,请你们去售票员阿姨那买票,然后依据你的车票上车找相应的座位号,赶快行动吧!(幼儿进行买票入座嬉戏,依据票上的英文找座位上的数字相匹配)T:小挚友都找到座位了。OK!我现在要来核对一下你的车票是否和你所坐的座位号相符合,请你用洪亮的声音从110的依次报出你的车票号码。Do you understand?Yes!OK! You pleas!(幼儿用洪亮的声音报出车票号码,老师依据幼儿所报号码进行核对,并订正个别幼儿的发音。)T:OK! Very good. 经过核对,你们的车票与座位号都相吻合。请小挚友保管好你们的票,把它放在口袋里,放好了吗?车要开了。(播放音乐,做简洁律动。)二、基础部分:up2; 引导幼儿相识、理解歌词,初步熟识歌曲旋律。1、以嬉戏性的方式引出主题。T:小挚友快看,我们到印第安了。瞧,那边还有很多Indian Children 在迎接我们呢。快打个招呼吧!Hello, Indian Children.T:拿出你们的照相机给他们拍张照片吧。(形象性的做手势照相)2、初步熟识歌词。T:小挚友们我们下车了。让我们来数一数这里有几个Indian Children.(师生一同用英语进行点数)T:OK!Ten Indian Children. 现在请你们来看一下我拍的照片,好吗?(边出示图片边请幼儿说出照片上有几个小孩)特别棒,Indian Children都在夸你们呢,老师告知你们一个小孩是用英语one little来表示的,跟老师说T:老师知道你们的英语学得特别棒,请你们把旁边的中英文短句贴放在相应的照片下。(将幼儿分为两组进行匹配)大班幼儿英语教案幼儿英语教案好用8Le on PlanTeaching content:Words: caterpillar? ladybugSentences: Caterpillar is to be butterfly.Teaching aim:(1)? Help the kids learn the new words and sentence.(2)? Help the kids review:Words: Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon、fat、thin、hungryChant: Season ChantA WeekSong: Morning SongTeaching aids:(1) Picture cards: caterpillar、ladybug 、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon(2) Real object: toy butterfly、yellow board、cotton.Teaching procedure:1、? Greeting: Say hello to all the guest teachers and make the? roll-call .2、? Warm up : (1) Song Morning Song(2)Game Simon Says3、? Presentation(1)? Talk about the weather、days and the season (Review the chant),tell the kids that there will be lots of i ects in? ring and summer with the warmer and warmer weather, such as ants 、 iders and so on. Guide the kids to find the i ects in the gra .Show and teach them the words: caterpillar and ladybug.Practice the words: whole cla partindividual Game of the two new words:Listening gameFind your friendsEaking gameLondon Bridge is Falling Down(2)? Caterpillar makes friends with the ladybug, they have a good time together(play some games). After a while, caterpillar feels a little hungry, he starts to eat: an a le、a pear、a banana、a strawberry、an orange、a cake、a biscuit、a hamburger、an ice-cream、a peach and a watermelon. Now the caterpillar become a fat one, not a tiny one any more. The caterpillar feels sleepy , so he build a small house and go to sleep.(3)? Tell the kids that if they can count the 7 days a week for two times, they will find the magic change of the caterpillar. (Review the days of a week).Show them the butterfly and teach them the new sentence with TPR.4、? ReviewToday we know two new friends and we have a good time together, now its time to say goodbye幼儿英语教案好用9one to five语言: 0ne to five (小班,25人)活动目标:1,感知单词one to five 与数字1-5的对应。2,能够标准发出单词one to five。3,乐于参加活动嬉戏,体验获得新学问的快乐。活动打算:布做的小鱼五条一组(5份),自作flash片段活动重难点:重点:感知单词one to five 与数字的对应,及在新学问的获得中感受到快乐。难点:活动的宗旨在于让幼儿感受英语情景中学英语,而不是刻意要求幼儿记住单词,所以要幼儿记住每次数字单词和阿拉伯数字的对应关系不简洁的。活动过程:1,导入活动,引发幼儿爱好。导入语:“good mining ,my babies。 Look, what is it?”幼儿:“鱼”(英语情境教学中,要求老师尽量是全英语,让幼儿感知英语的情境,但幼儿能够用母语回答。)师:“Yes, you are right。 It is one fish 老师再放一个一条小鱼,“,Now,two fish ,加小,three ,four ,five。 请幼儿跟读。师“follow me ,one two three four five。”(老师在发单词时能够用手指来表示相对应的数字)2, 老师用身体语言,让幼儿感受单词与数字的对应。one 老师站直,老师做个数字2的形态(手向前,腿向后,)two。 求幼儿绽开想象,用身体表现数字,老师说出英语单词。后面的能够请幼儿来想象仿照。3, 观看动画,巩固单词。一条小鱼油过来,念道one fish。又一条小鱼游来,咬住前一条小鱼的尾巴,“two fish。”又来了一条小鱼,咬住了前一条的尾巴,“three fish。”依次到5条小鱼,然后五条小鱼咬前面的小鱼在水里游泳,背景配上英文数字歌。(印地安小孩改编)请幼儿跟读。“Follow me 。”4,幼儿玩小鱼接龙,并且要求大胆发出单词。将小鱼分到每个组上,(小鱼设计很奇妙,小鱼的尾巴上有个钮洞,小鱼的眼睛是一粒纽扣。)师:“Now we are play a game ,play co ect these fishes。 Dscovers small fish's secret,Then links the small fish 。”(此刻我们来玩个小嬉戏,小鱼接龙,细致视察,去发觉小鱼的隐私,然后把它们连起来,并且每连一条鱼,请念出相应的单词,老师能够适当指导)幼儿自由操作,老师下去视察,指导。5,玩嬉戏,在嬉戏中感受单词与数字的对应。嬉戏规则:四小凳子排成一排,请5个小挚友上来,老师数到5,然后喊到起先,小挚友们围着凳子转,老师说停,幼儿找到一个凳子坐下,站着的回座位。师:“We have four chairs, and ,have five children。 When I say start, please walk around the chair。 When I say stop ,you sit down rapidly 。 The boy who are stand must go back。”选择幼儿来嬉戏,老师用英语数数。最终成功者得到小鱼奖品。(这个活动和这个嬉戏的结合非常贴切,每完成一轮,就数下人数和椅子,数字与英语单词的对应关系变得非常明显又趣味。)活动延长:接着想象用身体语言来表达数字。活动说明:我们的英语教学不是一味的要幼儿死记英语单词,而是感知一个英语的情境,为了发展幼儿的语感,所以活动中,是以各种趣味的方式来让幼儿了解英语单词和中文意思的对应。幼儿英语教案好用10A teaching plan教材分析 学情分析 Contents: 1. Vocabulary: 2. Structure: 3. Dialogue: 4. listening: Objectives:1. Teaching Aims and Demands (1) Instructional ObjectivesBe able to use the new words and phrases:(2) Ability Objectives Be able to use listening skills to comprehend their dialogues, such as listen for specific information etc.Be able to use what they learned to describe what they can do and give responses. Be able to use the language they learned to finish a dialogue and a short passage.(3)Educational ObjectivesArousing students interest and helping them learn by using pictures.Building their confidence by step by step approach and careful scaffolding. 2. Teaching Importance To master the key vocabularyTo understand and use the target language To master the usage of the different forms of “can” in the target language. 3. Teaching Difficulties To enable the students to understand the sentence patterns to talk about the ability activities.To enable the students to use the target languageThe students learned the structure “can do sth”, So its difficult and important to let them understand it can also be used to talk about the ability activities.4. Teaching Aids Multi-media computer, Tape recorder and so on. 5. The Teaching Methods (1) Communicative teaching method. (2) Audio-visual teaching method. (3)Task-based teaching method. 6. Studying Ways (1)Let the Ss pass “ObservationImitationPractice” to study language. (2)Let the Ss pay attention to the key information in listening practice. (3)Enable the Ss to study English language by Communication. (4)Let the Ss know that conclusions and being good at thinking are necessary to learn English well.Procedures and Time Allotment: 2 Task1: Warming-up(2mins) Before class, get Ss to enjoy an English song for about 2 minutes to warm them up. The purpose of the task-based activities is to Interest the students Task 2:Lead-in(3mins) 1. Use the PPT to lead in the new lesson. show some pictures and teach the words and phrases: 2. ask Ss read the words together. Task3: Play a game(4mins) Task 4: Presentation(8mins) The purpose of the task-based activities is to let the students learn to cooperate with each other and practice the language points, improve the students abilities of speaking. Task5: Representations(5mins) Task 6. Listening(5mins) 1. Ask Ss to open their books and turn to Page 59. Look at part 1b, look at the conversations and make sure the students understand the conversations and what to do. Then play the tape for t