空气动力学(2)课程教学大纲Course Syllabus: Aerodynamics II课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码(Course Code)学时学分AV309Tu 、48:、3(Credit Hours)(Credits)课程名称(Course Name)空气动力学(2)Aerodynamics II课程属性(Course Type)Compulsory course for Aerospace Engineering majors, open to all other engineering majors开课院系 (School)开课学期School of Aeronautics and Astronautics-十:Fall(Term)先修课程(Prerequisite course)Aerodynamics 1 or Fluid Mechanics授课教师 (Instructors)Dr. Yu Wensheng课程简介(Description)300-500 字This course is a compulsory course for aerospace undergraduate students. The main contents of the course are: compressibility of fluid, small perturbation and sonic speed, and fundamental equations governing compressible fluid flow; quasi-one-dimensional isentropic flow and normal shock; quasi-one-dimensional inviscid flows with area-change, friction, and/or heat transfer; oblique shock and expansion wave; linearized subsonic and supersonic flows; method of characteristics; compressible viscous flow, boundary layer, and turbulence; introduction to computational fluid dynamics; introduction to hypersonic flow.Upon finishing the course, the students are expected to obtain the following basic knowledge and are capable of: (1) Formulate and apply appropriate aerodynamic models to predict the forces on and performance of two/three-dimensional high-speed configurations; (2) Assess the applicability of aerodynamic models to predict the forces on and performance of two/three-dimensional high-speed configurations and estimate the errors resulting from their application.课程教学大纲(Course Syllabus)*学习目标(Learning Outcomes)After completing the course, students should be able to:Explain what characteristics air has in the context of high-speed flow;Apply flow similarity, non-dimensional coefficients such as the lift and drag coefficients, and non-dimensional parameters such as Mach number and Reynolds number in aerodynamic modeling of realistic configurations;Explain the mechanism of conversion between internal energy and kinetic energy of gas in internal flow configurations, and the phenomenon of choking and standing normal shock;Explain the basic elements of supersonic airfoil models, including the shock-expansion theory and the linearized supersonic theory, and apply them to estimate the forces on airfoilsExplain the sources of lift and drag forces (including friction, induced, wave, and pressure drag) acting on 2D/3D configurations placed in compressible stream;Explain the use of wind tunnel testing in aerodynamic modeling focusing on the importance of flow similarity in scale testing required to simulate flight conditions*教学内容 进度安排 及要求 (Class Schedule & Requirements)教学内容 topics学时 Credit hours教学方式 Teaching methodology作业及要求 tasks基本要求Intended learning outcomes考查方式 Assessment methodsElements of Compressible Flows: (1) Review of Thermodynamics: Perfect Gas, Internal Energy andEnthalpy,Entropy, Second LawofThermodynamics, Isentropic Relations;(2) Definition of Compressibility;(3) Review of Governing Equations for Compressible Flows; (4) Total (Stagnation) Condition; Sound Speed; RegionsofDependence and Influence3Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&AQuasi One-Dimensional Isentropic Compressible Flows:(1)Governing Equations; (2) Flow with Simple Area Change; (3) MassFlowFormula and Choking.3Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&ANormal ShockWave:(1)Governing Equations for Normal Shock;(2)ShockRelations; (3) Measurement of Velocity in a Compressible Flow.3Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&AQuasi One-Dimensional Compressible Flows: (1) Flow6Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&Awith Simple Area Change and NormalShock;(2) Flow inside a Laval Nozzle; (3) Flow with Simple Friction; Flow withSimpleHeating/Cooling; (5)Supersonic Wind Tunnel.Oblique Shock and Expansion Waves:(1)Oblique Shock Relations; (2) FlowoverWedges and Cones; (3) Shock Interaction and Reflection; (4) Detached Shock; (5) Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Wave; (6) Shock-Expansion Theory: ApplicationtoSupersonic Airfoils;(7)Nozzle Exit Flow6Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&AMid-Term Exam3Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&ALinearizedSupersonicFlows:(1)Full-VelocityPotentialEquation; (2)Linearized-Velocity PotentialEquation; (3)LinearizedSupersonic PressureCoefficient; (4)Supersonic Airfoil3Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&AMethodofCharacteristics:(1) QuasilinearPDE;CharacteristicTheory;(3)MethodofCharacteristicsApplied to 2-D6Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&ASupersonicFlows;(4)SupersonicNozzle DesignLinearizedSubsonic Flows &Transonic Flows: (1)Prandtl-GlauertRule; (2) SoundBarrier; (3) AreaRule;(4)Supercritical Airfoil.6Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&AViscous Compressible Flow:(1)Compressible Couette Flow; (2) Compressible Poiseuille Flow;(3) Compressible Boundary Layer over a Flat Plate; (4) Reference Temperature Method;(5)Stagnation Point Aerodynamic Heating;(6)IntroductiontoTurbulence and Turbulence Modelling.9Classroom sessionsHomework assignmentsPreview; Reading textbook;Q&A考核方式 (Assessment methods and Grading)20% Homework20% Written Mid-Term Exam30% Written Final Exam30% Term Project Report and Presentation教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Reading Materials)Textbook: John D. Anderson Jr. (2011), Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company.References:Maurice J. Zucrow and Joe D. Hoffman, Gas Dynamics, Volumes I and II, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.A.H. Shapiro (1954), The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, The Ronald Press Company.Kuethe and Chow, Foundation of Aerodynamics, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons.Bertin and Smith, Aerodynamics for Engineers, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall.备注 (Notes)