读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇 完整的短文。When Aiden asked me to go with him on a camping trip to the mountains, I thought i t would mean a cottage with a wood-burning fireplace and hot chocolate. My comfortab1e image of camping became a ni ghtmare (噩 梦)when Aiden and his older brother, Lebron, showed up with camping supplies-tents, ro 11ed-up sleeping bags, and canteens! 1 did pack a backpack, as instructed, but I had no idea we were going on survival training!Lebron had a perfect plan, and he hurr i ed me to get in so we could leave the busy city life behind us. Ahead, the mountains appeared bigger than I had remembered them: the trees were 1 arger, and the environment was much more dangerous. At least the weather was amaz i ng一cotton-candy clouds dotted the deep blue sky.Before we began hiking, Lebron had a sleeping bag stuffed into my pack and told Aiden and me about hiking rules. The first part of the road looked easy. Soon, the path became narrower and rougher, fore ing me to talk less. As we went h i gher, I could see the road zigzagging (蜿蜒)up the mountain.“It looks closer than i t i s, “ Lebron said, reading my facial express ions. “This i s the most difficult par t watch your step, not the view. Loose rocks and tree roots make the road dangerous.”Finally, we reached the top. My legs ach ing, I dropped my pack and complained. "No time to rest, “ Lebron said, looking up at the sky. The weather had been warm all day, and i t felt good to relax in the cool wind. "The weather up here changes quickly, and that cool air means a storm i s around the corner. We need to set up camp. ”注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I thought Lebron was kidding, but without delay they worked expertly. Lebron, sensing tha t I was scared, reached in his backpack forcandies.试题分析文本分析:1 .人物:©Aiden: asked me to go with him on a camping trip to the mountains(2) Lebron: Aiden' oIder brother with rich experi ence of hiking;had a perfect plan, and he hurried me to get in so we could leave the busy city life behind us(3) I : had no experi ence of hiking, thinking i t would mean a cottage with a wood-burning fireplace and hot chocolate2 .主要情节:好朋友Aiden约我跟他和他哥哥Lebron 一起去大山里徒步。我以为会 是很舒适的一次旅行,我仅仅带了一个背包,哪里知道,这是一次极具挑 战的噩梦般的徒步不仅山高,而且大山里的天气变化无常。好在,Ai den 和Lebron很有户外经验,他们带足了户外徒步需要的物品,对户外的天气 变化也很熟悉!登上山顶,我准备歇一歇的时候,Lebron提醒说,风暴就 要来了,我却不信。3 .续写可以写些什么:段1:我的想法和心态(注意与开头句的衔接)在Aiden和Lebron的努力下,帐篷很快就搭好了果然不出所料,storm真的过来了(可以适当描写风暴来临时的场景) 段2:Lebron边递给我糖果,边尽力让我的害怕的情绪平静下来storm更猛了,好在他们俩很有户外活动的经验。他们的冷静让我在 这样危险的天气中能保持镇定做任何事情,千万不能想当然,要做足准备(主题升华)下水作文I thought Lebron was kidding, but without delay they worked expertly. I didn' t care about what Legron said, for the blue sky dotted by the cotton-candy clouds showed no signs of awful weather. I begged Lebron and Aidento let me have a rest, enjoying the cool wind. But they wasted no time and began to set up the camp. So skilled were they that soon all the work was done with their great efforts. Hard 1 y had they finished the perfect work when there came the strong wind with the heavy rain pouring down. (83 words)Lebron, sensing tha t I was scared, reached in his backpack for candies. Handing me the candies, he comforted me in a calm tune, saying complaining brought nothing and that protect ing ourselves was the best choice. The fierce storm roaring, I came to keep myself still from that dangerous weather. How changeable the weather inthe mountains was!The storm leftsoon and we experiencedamaz ing but scary hiking,a survival with no one hurt. 11 was anpreparat ionwh i ch taught me not to take i t for granted and to make full for the possible danger. (83 words)参考范文I thought Lebron was kidding, but with out delay they worked expertly. I stood around and pretended to help, thunder rumbling in the di stance. We had just finished putting up the tents when i t hit. The wind, thunder, and lightning were relentless.Lebron, sensing tha t I was scared, reached in his backpack for candies. Handing some candi es to me, he started told us some stories about his camping adventures. But each time 1 ightning lit up the tent and the thunder echoed, I jumped. "Don' t worry. Summer storms pass quickly, Leo said trying to comfort me. "And at least the rain will keep the bears away, “ he said with a teasing smile, which was less comforting. And as quickly as the storm came rushing in, i t passed, and we exited the tent. The view was incredible一I could see for miles. As darkness set in, I stared in wonder at the millions of glowing stars in the night sky. I knew this was an adventure I would never forget. (144 words)