20153白良及 B%6c6ix4A .噌入£。±£3。为"1bliiijHow Should People Keep HealthjjjjDo you want a strong body?Let me tell you how to do.j( j jYou should eat lots of fruit and vegetables£-iand drink lots of boiled water. You should do exercise .You should sleep at least eight in the evening£-itoo.but you shouldnj-t drink coffee or tea before sleep£-<you shouldnj-t eat too many candies.You shoulnf t work or study too hart. The way can keep your health.j j j Many students do not have breakfast before they go to school.Itj- s a quite bad habit and it厂 s bad for your health.Maybe you don;-1 have time to have breakfast but you couldnft learn well in your classes if you donj-t eat any thing .Keeping in a good health which can help you study well is very important.i n j EE AQOL AE9°I±£3dii|Li A0j i i i A打60 吟QC4X3|J A 白魂 Ao?它 Ai。产EbA这q。访¥X0落i i i i 乐6;员3°,6A 加语 62后,哈21口划-然丛狐印。侬IE AbGA巨U。及利症ague %里。瓦§ .总>62自入温61入3。认晌4(期 £ Aa2>>shouln1ax>>oN§I0i<<1l)i0i£MAEEdd±£3dAa|jAi|Lii£i i i iDfpN§Gi12»366q2企¥术学£0枝加入 加6£)4£62£)优以 >>ODE±%a3OOQ4,|Li<<Aa>AUN§oAi4,Eg1uAa>3OEioi<<ij£±£3dEiiaj|LiEd6oi 人 、 OuAaN§IooAE°UO0Oa|nAi£