译林版高中英语必修二Uint4 Reading (I)教案(名校).docx
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译林版高中英语必修二Uint4 Reading (I)教案(名校).docx
Unit 4 Exploring literatureWelcome to the unit & Reading (I)内容分析:本单元的主题语境是“人与社会”,话题是“文学作品”,涉及的语篇类型 有:议论文、推荐信、小说(节选)、海报。本单元的教学,旨在帮助学生认识 阅读文学作品的意义,体验文学作品的魅力。整个单元的八个板块分别涉及“文学作品”的多个层面。Welcome to the unit 板块以两个节选自名著的段落来激发学生对于文学的探究欲。Reading板块引导 学生探究优秀文学作品的特征,思考阅读文学作品的好处。本板块的任务是“名 著选段赏析”,教材选取了查尔斯狄更斯的大卫科波菲尔和桑德拉希 斯内罗丝的芒果街上的小屋的两个语段。这两段文字都反映了对生活充满热 情的积极人生态度,诠释了面对逆境时应有的心态,与学生生活密切相关。通过 对这两段文字的赏析,可以激发学生进一步探究本单元话题的兴趣,为单元学习 做好热身。本单元卷首语的引言出自埃兹拉庞德,意为:“伟大的文学只不过是在最 大程度上承载意义的语言。”埃兹拉庞德是美国著名的诗人和文学评论家。这 句话说明文学语言承载着丰富的内涵,阅读文学作品时我们要认真揣摩和体会。教学目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. know about the structure, the figure of speech and writing skills used in the text;express their opinions on what qualities a great work of literature should have;2. talk about their favourite work of literature by the three qualities.教学重难点:1. Analyze the writing skills used in the text.2. Talk about their favourite work of literature by the three qualities.教学过程:Step 1 Lead-inLiterature genresGreat literature is timeless and timely. Each takes a stand in history in various types or genres. Lefs take a look at the four major literature genres: poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction.Ask students to have a discussion about their favorite literature. What's your favourite work of literature? Who's your most beloved author? Would you please introduce one of your favourite books?【设计意图:介绍五种文学体裁,引导学生讨论喜欢的文学类型。】Quote sharing:Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree. -Ezra PoundWelcome to the unitRead the excerpts from two famous works of literature and discuss the following questions in pairs.What message is conveyed in the two excerpts?Are these two books the same type? Do these two excerpts show anything in common?David Copperfield and The House on Mango Street are distinctively two types of books. However, these two excerpts both express a positive outlook in the face of adversity.【设计意图:通过阅读文学名著的摘录,引出本节课话题,启发学生思考,从而 激发学生的阅读兴趣。】Step 2 Pre-ReadingAsk the students the following questions:What qualities do you think a great work of literature should have?【设计意图:问学生如何了解文学类型,通过讨论上述学生感兴趣的话题,引导 学生通过讨论,初步思考文学名著有什么样的特征,培养学生预测性思维能力。】Step 3 Fast ReadingFigure out the genre and the structure of the article.【设计意图:指导学生通过找主题句快速获取段落主旨,概括段落大意和分析文 章结构,培养学生的概括能力和分析能力。】Step 4 Detailed Reading1. Read and figure out the answers.Read paras. 1-2 and answer the questions.(1) What does the man stand for?(2) What does the child stand for?(3) How is the story of the child and the man related to the topic of literature?Read paras. 3-5 and finish the chart.Finish a chart of the qualities of literature.Read paras. 3-6 and figure out the pattern of the structure.2. Reading for structure: PEEL structurePEEL: point, explain & expand, example & evidence and link.3. Rhetorical Device.Parallelism, anadiplosis and simile and other rhetorical devices are introduced in different paragraphs.【设计意图:考察学生对文本细节的理解】Step 5 DiscussionDiscuss in groups to talk about your favourite work of literature by the three qualities.My favourite work of literature:The reason I like it:Three qualities:Its description of truth and beauty:Its appeal to our feelings and imagination:Its permanence:Summary:【设计意liT重霹正从三个文学的三个素养对文学作品展开讨论,学以致用。】Teaching Notes: