关于2023儿童节的英语优秀演讲范文(优选)关于2023儿童节的英语优秀演讲范文(优选)的具体演讲稿参考范文,觉得有用就保藏了,这里给共享给大家运用。 随着时间的消逝,我们遗忘了童年的记忆,旺盛一去不复返,旧时间的迷茫一去不复返。转瞬间,我们就长大了。在岁月的路上,我们肩并肩。儿童节欢乐,好挚友!我为大家收集整理了关于儿童节的英语演讲,希望可以帮助您! 关于儿童节的英语演讲1 尊敬的老师,同学们: Dear teacher, the classmates: 大家好! Hello, everyone. 恒久欢乐,恒久甜蜜,恒久温馨的"六一"国际儿童节来到了! Always happy, always sweet, always warm "six one" the internationalchildren's day came! 六一是红领巾的节日! The six one is the red scarf festival! 六一是世界上最稚嫩,最年轻的节日! Six one of the world's most young, most young holiday! 六一是全世界儿童共同期盼的美妙日! Six one children all over the world look forward to the beautiful day! 同学们,六月的校内花如海,六月的校内歌如潮,六月的孩子在温馨中向往明天,六月的少年在华蜜里规划将来。 Students, campus in June June sea of flowers, the campus songs Ruchao, Junechildren in the warm look forward to tomorrow, June youth in happiness and planfor the future. 六月是我们学习的大忙季节,六月是同学们奋斗的美妙时间。 June is our busy season, June is the class struggle in good time. 同学们,在我们饱含华蜜的欢声笑语里,承载了长辈的亲切关怀,校长,老师的殷切期望父母的茹苦含辛,是他们付出了深情的爱。儿童是国家的希望,孩子是民族的将来。少年智则国智,少年强则国强。同学们,我们肩负着时代的重任,寄予着祖国的将来。"谁言寸草心,报的三春晖。""滴水之恩,涌泉相报。"作为二十一世纪的新一代,我们要带着感谢去生活,要备加珍惜今日的华蜜时间,不辜负祖国的重托,不辜负父母的期望,不辜负校长老师的训诲。在家做个好孩子,在校做名好学生在社会做位好公民。 The students in the US, full of happy laughter, the loving care of elders,the headmaster, ardent expectations of parents and teachers of the bear bitterhardships, they paid the love. Children are the hope of the nation, the childrenare the future of the people. Young Chi Chi, junior strong guoqiang. Students,we shoulder the important task of the times, the sustenance of the future of themotherland. "Who made grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments. "" drippinggrace, Yongquan phase newspaper. "In twenty-first Century as the new generation,we should with a grateful to life, to cherish time today's happiness, not tolive up to the trust of the motherland, do not live up to the expectations ofparents, not to live up to the principal teacher education. Be a good boy athome, at school to do a good student to do a good citizen in the society. 同学们,我们都是阳光少年,我们是光荣的少先队员,我们以红领巾的名义宣誓:祖国至上,人民为先;诚恳守信,自律自强勤学好问,誓做栋梁,振兴中华,创建辉煌! Students, we are the sunshine boys, we are proud of the young pioneers, weswear in the name of the red scarf: first, people first; honest, self-disciplinenquisitive, striving to be the pillars, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,create brilliant! 同学们,世界的六一儿童节,让我们共同祝愿明天更美妙! The classmates, the world children's day, we wish a better tomorrow! 关于儿童节的英语演讲2 Fellow guardians, dear children: Midsummer the sunlight strugglesbeautifully, the riotous baby carries delightedly. Impels the baby to teach thekindergarten which the enterprise develops to celebrate “ six? One ” theInternational Childrens Day is an objective. I to the child who presents extendthe kind holiday regards! Thanks the fellow guardians to be able in ten thousand busy, extracts theprecious time to participate in this time activity, this is they the first ownholiday which passed in the kindergarten! The happy song joke celebrates the festival, hundred condition thousandposture exhibition new face. Here has the lively form which the children growhealthy and strong, here has the children yearning magnificent dream, here hasthe artistic elegant demeanor which the children eyas spreads the wings, herehas the children vigorous upward spiritual outlook. Through this activity, wehoped sincerely everybody may pick up tomorrows sun together. Bases in improvesbabys overall quality, creates are more, the more spirited effective educationform, impels them to study, the practice, the healthy development. Finally,wishes the children holiday to be joyful, health! Wishes the fellow guardians towork satisfactorily, good luck in everything! 关于儿童节的英语演讲3 敬重的各位老师,各位家长敬爱的小挚友们大家上午好! Kindergarten children's Day presided over the word dear teachers, dearparents my dear little friends good morning! 首先感谢敬爱的家长挚友们在百忙之中来参与我园的六一活动,我代表创新幼儿园全体老师和小挚友欢迎你们的到来今日,我们又迎来了新的一天看,教室里,会场上,活泼的是我们孩童的天真听,阳光下,绿荫里,收集的是我们童年的欢乐看到小挚友们在幼儿园老师和家长的细心呵护和关爱下强壮成长,我们由衷地为他们感到兴奋!在大家的关切和支持下,我们幼儿园和小挚友们一起成长、一起进步,同时我们在这里也很快就要迎来了小挚友的节日-六一国际儿童节!六月,是童年的摇篮,六月,是童年的幻想,六月,是哺育我们的沃土,六月,更是照射我们的太阳。六月更有一个小挚友们最喜爱的节日。在这快乐的日子里,让我们共同祝福全世界的小挚友们节日欢乐!我们的欢乐不仅是老师的期望,同时也是爸爸妈妈的期望。今日上午,我们的小挚友们将会用最美的歌舞给自己送上最真心的祝愿。 First of all thank dear parents and friends in his busy schedule toparticipate in my garden six one activities, I welcome you today on behalf ofinnovation of kindergarten teachers and children, we have ushered in a new day,the classroom, meeting, lively is our children's day really listen, the sun, theshade, collection of our childhood laugh to see the children grow sturdily inthe kindergarten teachers and parents care and love, we sincerely happy forthem! In all the concern and support, our kindergarten and children grow uptogether, make progress together, at the same time, we here also will soon usherin the children's Festival - the international children's day! In June, is thecradle of childhood, is the childhood dreams, in June, June, is raising ourfertile soil, June, our sun is shining. In June more than a little friends likefestival. In this happy day, let us wish the world happy kids festival! Ourhappiness is not only a teacher's expectations, but also the expectations ofparents. This morning, our kids will be the most beautiful song and dance tosend their most sincere blessing. 现在我宣布创新幼儿园"庆六一"汇报演出正式起先为了使我们的六一更丰富,更精彩,我们今年同样为大家打算了很多精彩的节目,大家拭目以待吧!首先,为大家带来的是小班的小可爱们给我们打算的特别好玩的舞蹈看电视 Now I declare the innovation of Kindergarten "Qing six one" report began toperform in order to make our six one richer, more exciting, this year we alsoprepared for you a lot of wonderful programs, we rub one's eyes and wait! Firstof all, for everyone to bring the small lovely are ready to give us veryinteresting dance "watch TV" 狗狗乐园 "The dog park" 再这样快乐的日子里,连小狗狗也来凑喧闹了,小挚友们,喜爱不喜爱小狗狗呢? This happy days, even the little dogs also laicourenao, kids, like it ornot the little dog? 老师也喜爱,小狗是人类最真实的挚友,现在让我们一起跟着小挚友们们来到狗狗乐园里去看一看吧,掌声有请小班的小挚友们哎呀呀 The teacher also like, dog is the human most real friends, now let usfollow the children who came to "dog park" to look at it, please welcome thesmall kids "ah" 一首哎呀呀,信任大家肯定很喜爱!有请中班的小挚友们! A well, I believe we must be very loving! Please middle-class kids! 牛奶歌 "Milk." 小挚友们,喜不喜爱喝牛奶?要多喝牛奶,能补充大量的钙,可以长的又高又帅又美丽,还可以变白哦!接下来中班的小挚友们要为大家表演一个关于牛奶的舞蹈牛奶歌。超级可爱,有请中班的小挚友们! Little friends, love or not love to drink milk? Like to drink milk, can adda lot of calcium, can grow tall and handsome and beautiful, can also be whiteoh! The next class the kids want to perform a dance song about milk "milk" foreveryone. Super cute, please middle-class kids! 我爱洗澡 "I love to take a shower" 我始终想问大家一个问题:大家会自己洗澡吗?夏天到了,小蚊子多,又简单出汗,小挚友们肯定要勤洗手,勤洗澡,才会变成干净的香喷喷的宝宝,接下来让可爱的宝宝来教教我们怎样洗澡吧,请观赏一首特别欢快的歌舞蹈我爱洗澡,大家掌声欢迎! I have always wanted to ask you a question: you will take a shower? Summerarrived, small mosquitoes, and easy to sweat, the children must wash theirhands, often take a shower, will become clean and delicious baby, let baby toteach us how to take a shower, please enjoy a very happy song and dance "I lovetake a shower", everybody applause welcome! 青蛙我 "My biggest" Frog 感谢各位家长的主动参加,请大家宁静,接下来还有更精彩的表演。这不,我们可爱的青蛙宝宝也来凑喧闹了,他们甜蜜的笑容告知我们:他们是健康,欢乐,英勇,自信的。不信我们来瞧一瞧吧。请观赏大班宝宝为我们带来的舞蹈青蛙最宏大 Thank you to participate actively in the parents, please calm down, thenthere are more wonderful performance. This does not, our lovely baby frogs alsolaicourenao, their sweet smile tells us: they are healthy, happy, brave,confident. Do not believe we get a look at it. Please enjoy the large class ofchildren bring us a dance "the greatest" Frog 嘻唰唰 "Shua Shua" 今日的演出到现在进行了半个多小时,在座的每一个小挚友仔细看表演,遵守纪律,你们每一个小挚友都是最棒的!也给自己鼓鼓掌吧,下一个节目就要上场,一首动感的嘻唰唰送给大家,掌声有请大班的小挚友们! The performance today to now for half an hour, every little friends presentserious look at performance, discipline, each one of you kids are the best! Giveyourself a round of applause, the next program will play, a dynamic "Shua Shua"gave everyone, welcome large classes of children! 大家一起喜洋洋 "Everyone," 今日,每个小挚友的脸上都喜气洋洋,好了,小挚友们,带上你们绚丽的笑脸,带上你们耳朵幻想,跟我一起,向欢乐动身,请观赏大家一起喜洋洋,有请苗苗班的小挚友踏浪 Today, every child's face will be bursting with happiness, okay, kids, withyour bright smiling face, with your ears dream, together with me, happy toleave, please enjoy the "big crazy", please Miao Miaoban little friend"tide" 一群活泼可爱的小天使们踏浪而来,朵朵雪白的浪花在欢歌舞蹈,请观赏苗苗班的小挚友们带来的舞蹈踏浪 A group of lively and lovely little angels came to Hangzhou, blossomingwhite spray in song and dance, please enjoy the Miao Miaoban kids brought dance"tide" 不怕不怕 "Not afraid" 下个月,又一批小挚友要毕业了,老师舍不得你们,你们也舍不得老师,可是你们长大了,要到更大的学校接受教化,你们也会相识更多的挚友,遇到更多关切你们的老师,祝福我们每一个小挚友都开快乐心,在前进的道路上不要胆怯,勇往直前。一首不怕不怕代表我们幼儿园全部老师的心愿送给大家,掌声有请大大班的小挚友们爸爸妈妈听我说 Next month, a group of kids to graduate, the teacher want to you, you cannot bear to teacher, but when you grow up, to the larger schools, you will knowmore friends, meet more concerned about your teacher, I wish every one of uskids are happy, don't be afraid of the road ahead, march forward courageously. Asong of "not afraid" on behalf of all the teachers in our kindergarten wishes toeveryone, welcome big large little friends "Mom and Dad, listen to me." 妈妈把我比做鲜花 在太阳下,鲜花才会绽开笑脸爸爸把我比做小船在海洋中,小船才能披荆斩棘我们深知自己是祖国的将来,民族的希望可是爸爸妈妈你可知道,我有很多话想要对你说,请观赏大大班演唱的歌曲爸爸妈妈听我说 Mother sent me to the flowers in the sun, the flowers will be bloomingsmiles my father took me to the boat in the sea, the boat to ride the wind andwaves we know oneself is the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation'smom and Dad, you know, I have many words to want to say to you, please enjoy thebig class sang the song "Mom and dad to listen I say" 欢乐珍宝 "Happy baby" 小挚友们,大家都知道,珍宝啊就是宠爱的意思,在家里,爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶都希望你是个健康欢乐的小珍宝,在学校里,老师也希望你是好学欢乐的小珍宝,那小挚友们自己想不想当个欢乐珍宝呢?好,那现在我们有请大大班的小挚友给我们带来欢乐珍宝舞蹈,看看他们跳的快不欢乐,大家鼓掌欢 Kids, you know, baby is the favorite means, at home, mom and dad grandpaand grandma, hope you are healthy and happy baby, in the school, the teacheralso hope you are good happy baby, the children want to don't want to be a happybaby? Well, now that we have make class children "happy baby" dance for us, havea look they jump fast not happy, everyone applauded. 关于儿童节的英语演讲4 敬爱的小挚友们,敬重的老师和家长们: My dear little friends, respect for teachers and parents: "六一"国际儿童节到了,这是孩子们快乐的日子。首先,我代表县委、人大、政府、政协向全县的小挚友们表示节日的庆贺!向为儿童少年健康成长付出辛勤劳动的少儿工作者、家长及全部关切支持教化事业的社会各界人士表示亲切问候和崇高的敬意! "Six one" the international children's Day arrived, it is the childrenhappy days. First of all, on behalf of the National People's Congress,government, the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, to the kidsthat holiday greetings! Extend cordial greetings and high respect to children'shealthy growth of the children work hard workers, parents and all the concernand support of the education community! 儿童少年是祖国将来的建设者,是我们各项事业的接班人,是自治县将来的主子,关切儿童少年成长是全社会的共同职责。近年来,在全县上下和教化部门的共同努力下,儿童教化事业取得了显着的成果。儿童优先的社会发展理念初步形成,关切爱护儿童的意识明显增加,儿童少年健康成长的良好环境日臻完善。为孩子们创建良好的生活学习环境是我们这些大人们的责任。 Children are the future builders of our motherland, is the cause of thesuccessors, are the future masters of Autonomous County, concerned aboutchildren's growth is the common duty of the whole society. In recent years, withthe joint efforts of the whole county and the Department of education,children's education has made significant achievements. Children first theconcept of social development is preliminary form, concerned about theprotection of children's consciousness obvious enhancement, children grow uphealthy and good environmental improvement. For children to create a good livingand learning environment is our these people's responsibility. 努力培育德、智、体、美全面发展的接班人,是政府和教化部门的重要任务。希望儿童少年工作者,酷爱自己的工作和事业,教化儿童少年酷爱祖国、敬重父母、诚恳守信、酷爱劳动、民族团结、遵纪遵守法律、勤奋独立。 Efforts to cultivate all-round development of morality, intelligence, body,beauty's successor, is an important task of government and education department.I wish children workers, love their work and career, education of children wholove the motherland, respect their parents, honest and trustworthy, love oflabor, national unity, law-abiding, diligent self-reliance. 敬爱的小挚友们,你们是祖国的希望,也是自治县的将来。我们、老师和家长对你们寄予着无限的厚望,期望着你们健康成长,学好学问,报效国家!时刻打算着为祖国的美妙明天贡献力气!最终,祝小挚友们节日欢乐,身体健康、学习进步!祝儿童少年工作者和家长同志们工作顺当,事业进步! Dear friends, you are the hope of the motherland, is the Autonomous Countyof the future. We, teachers and parents with their boundless expectations ofyou, hope you grow up healthy, learn the knowledge, to serve the country! Readyfor the motherland beautiful tomorrow contribution strength! Finally, I wish thechildren a happy holiday, physical health, learning and progress! I wish thechildren young workers and parents comrades smooth work, career advancement! 关于儿童节的英语演讲5 child will be the national future host, therefore, how to provide the childa good family, the society perhaps the learning environment, is goal whichvarious countries will devote. in August, 1925 convened in the Swiss Genevaabout in child welfare's international conference, proposed “the InternationalChildren's Day” for the first time concept. this congress has 54 national lovingcare child representatives, gathers holds “the child happy internationalcongress” in the Swiss Geneva, "Safeguards Child Manifesto through Geneva". Inthe manifesto, proper enjoys, deprived child's relief, the child danger workregarding the child spirit to avoid, the child making a living opportunityacquisition, as well as how to rescue raises questions and so on child, has thewarm discussion.after will be inferior from now on the congress, so as to theone hand the inspiration child, lets the child feel happiness, joyful, on theother hand also to cause the society to take seriously with to cherish, variouscountries' government successively schedules “the children's day”. 关于儿童节的英语演讲