关于元旦节的英语日记带翻译Has gone from us in 2015, in 2016 the first ray of sunshine lit up!This year's New Year's day is really busy! The street people mountain people sea, beaming, decorating. Some people carry the bags to visit family and friends, to new area; Some people around together, talking and laughing, laugh with, some people wearing beautiful clothes, walking in the leisurely. The square festival of lights shine as bright as day. Every family hangs red lanterns, every family clean thoroughly, spotless.In the evenings, fireworks in full bloom, firecrackers chorus. Beginning of the firecrackers. Where can hear the laughter of people. The family sat down to eat dinner, appear close thick, feel happy.In mingle, firecrackers, laughter, a New Year's day is spent in happiness.2015年已经离我们远去了,2016年的'第一缕阳光亮起来了!今年的元旦可真热闹!大街上人山人海,喜气洋洋,张灯结彩。一些人提着 大包小包去走亲访友,去拜年叙旧;一些人围在一起,有说有笑,笑声此起彼 伏,一些人穿着漂亮的衣服,在悠闲地散步。节日的彩灯把广场照耀得如白昼 一般明亮。家家户户都挂着大红灯笼,家家都打扫得彻底,一尘不染。到了晚上,礼花怒放,鞭炮齐声。劈劈啪啪的鞭炮声络绎不绝。在什么地 产都能听到人们的欢声笑语。一家人坐在桌前吃年夜饭,显得亲意浓浓,其乐 融融。在说笑声、鞭炮声、欢笑声中,一个元旦节就这样幸福地度过了。