关于描写动物英语作文带翻译关于描绘动物英语作文带翻译关于描绘动物英语作文带翻译1大熊猫并不是猫,他起先被定名为大熊猫,是由于他的脸型像猫那样圆胖儿,体型又像熊,尽管大熊猫像猫,但它不是猫。The giant panda is not a cat. At first, it was named as a giant panda because its face is as fat as a cat and its body is like a bear. Although the giant panda is like a cat, it is not a cat.大熊猫身子胖胖的,尾巴短短的,它的色调是黑白相间,眼睛像戴着一副黑色的墨镜,帅极了,他最宠爱吃的植物是竹子。The giant panda has a fat body and a short tail. Its color is black and white. Its eyes are like wearing a pair of black sunglasses. It is very handsome. His favorite plant is bamboo.中国是大熊猫的故土,咱们要从本身做起,爱护环境,为大熊猫营建一个杰出的家乡China is the hometown of giant pandas. We should start from ourselves, protect the environment and build a good home for giant pandas关于描绘动物英语作文带翻译2我最想要养的小动物是小猫,它有一双蓝宝石般的眼睛,它的鼻子可厉害了,它的听觉还非常活络,它非常宠爱吃鱼,吃老鼠。它捉老鼠的时分可神威了,爪子非常的尖利,一扑就把老鼠摁住了,此外它还会装萌扮心爱,你们也知道不少吧,快和我一同共享吧!The little animal I want to raise most is kitten. It has a pair of sapphire eyes. Its nose is powerful. Its hearing is also very sensitive. It likes eating fish and mice very much. It's very powerful when catching mice. Its claws are very sharp. It can hold the mice at a glance. In addition, it can pretend to be cute. You know a lot about it. Share it with me!关于描绘动物英语作文带翻译3我家养了一条小狗,小狗长得心爱极了。全身的毛纯黄,像用黄色的染料染过似的,头上长着一对活络的耳朵,平常总爱竖着,这让它更能听清四周的动态。一双水汪汪的大眼睛镶嵌在它窄窄的脸上,非常有神。小小的鼻子高高地翘着。小狗的嘴巴平常总是闭着,只要发觉状况的时分才会打开嘴巴“汪汪”大叫,一副很神威的姿态。I have a little dog in my family. It's very cute. The hair of the whole body is pure yellow, like being dyed with yellow dye, with a pair of sensitive ears on the head, which always likes to stand up at ordinary times, which makes it more able to hear the movements around. A pair of big watery eyes are inlaid in its narrow face, which is very divine. The little nose is high. The dog's mouth is usually closed. Only when he finds out the situation will he open his mouth and "bark" and shout. He looks very dignified.别看小狗平常那么神威,其实它非常害怕。有一次,小狗在宅院里玩,望见飞来一只蝴蝶,就带劲地去追,正追得起劲,一只老鼠突然窜到它面前,小狗一瞬间愣住了,一副非常惊惶的姿态,然后拔腿就跑,惊慌中还把奶奶晒的花椒给碰翻在地。Despite the dog's usual prestige, in fact, he is very timid. Once, when the dog was playing in the yard, he saw a butterfly flying in, and he chased it vigorously. He was chasing it vigorously. A mouse suddenly jumped in front of him, and the dog was stunned. He looked very frightened. Then he started to run. In the panic, he knocked over his grandmother's pepper.小狗尽管害怕,但也很狡猾。有一次,奶奶坐在沙发上织毛衣,小狗静静地走到奶奶面前,无精打采地睡起觉来,合理它闭目养神的时分,毛线球一瞬间滚了下来,砸到了它的头上,小狗一子跳了起来,看了看毛线球,皱了皱眉头,接着就在那里和毛线球打起“架”来。一会咬,一会扑,一瞬间撕,毛线球被小狗折腾得杂乱无章的,小狗也变建立“毛线狗”了,看到这情形,我和奶奶又好气又好笑。Although the dog is timid, it is also very naughty. Once, grandma sat on the sofa knitting sweater, the dog quietly came to grandma, lazy to sleep, just when it closed his eyes, the wool ball rolled down, hit it on the head, the dog jumped up, looked at the wool ball, wrinkled his brow, then there and the wool ball play a "fight". One bite, one pounce, one tear, the wool ball is tossed by the dog, the dog has become a "wool dog". Seeing this, my grandma and I are angry and funny.瞧,这便是我家的小狗。有了它,我的日子变得五花八门了。Look, this is my dog. With it, my life has become colorful.关于描绘动物英语作文带翻译4我想养小白兔,由于小白兔全身都是雪白雪白的毛,摸起来非常的松软,安逸。它的眼睛像红宝石相同亮堂,耳朵非常的长,它爱吃胡萝卜和青菜。成天和我相同爱蹦爱跳,吃起胡萝卜来的姿态也很心爱,所以我很想养这个小动物。I want to raise a little white rabbit, because the whole body of the little white rabbit is white and white hair, which feels very soft and comfortable. Its eyes are as bright as rubies. Its ears are very long. It likes carrots and vegetables. Like me, I like to jump all day long. I like to eat carrots, so I want to raise this little animal.关于描绘动物英语作文带翻译5我有一只无比心爱的小熊,它是我的玩伴。I have a cute little bear. It's my playmate.小熊它每天在我不大不小,刚刚相宜的五彩缤纷小床上“睡大觉”。它是一只棕色的小熊。它有一对黑乎乎的小眼睛,就像两颗大黑枣;它有两只大大的、半圆形的大耳朵;一个圆滚滚的脑袋,好像一个香馥馥的大包子;三瓣嘴上面嵌着一个又黑又大的鼻子,心爱极了!由于它是我的玩伴,所以,我细心地帮它做了一个巨大的蝴蝶结,上面是一格一格的,有红、白、黑三种色调。我当心谨慎地给它戴上去,它“浅笑”着,好像在感谢我!Bear it every day in my small, just the right color bed "sleep.". It's a brown bear. It has a pair of small black eyes, like two big black dates; it has two big, semi-circular big ears; a round head, like a fragrant big bun; a black and big nose is embedded in the three petal mouth, which is very cute! Because it's my playmate, I carefully made a huge bow for it. It has three colors: red, white and black. I carefully put it on, it "smile", as if in thank me!这便是我的心爱的小熊,你宠爱吗?This is my lovely bear. Do you like it?