v1.3UTAB The Balanced Scorecard Project 2002/2003Uddeholm Tooling ABHagfors,October 3,2002Introduction and Discussion Paperv4.0.Getting an overview on the Balanced Scorecard concept Following the process of cascading down a Balanced ScorecardViewing an example of a Balanced Scorecard ProjectLooking at a proposed work plan Discussing the next stepsObjectives of this PresentationThe aim of this presentation is to be informed about the following aspects:01/12/20222UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.1 The Balanced Scorecard ConceptDesigning the Balanced Scorecard Implementing the Balanced Scorecard 2 Balanced Scorecard Example3 Project Approach and Project Plan4 Summary 5 References6 Next Steps Contents01/12/20223UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.The purpose of the Balanced Scorecard.“.is to translate strategy into measures that uniquely communicate your vision to the organisation.”01/12/20224UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.The Balanced Scorecard(BSC)is based on a very simple PhilosophyWhat gets measured,gets done!01/12/20225UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.Traditional Management Systems are backward looking and track only the outcome of processesPossibility to take corrective actions in the processHighLowClientRequestOrderOrderProcessingProductionDistributionBillingAccountManagementMonetaryTransactionAccountingFinancial ResultTraditional Controlling starts at the end of the whole process chain!This procedure of backward looking leads to a considerable time lag of several weeks/months.01/12/20226UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.This leads to missed opportunities in managing processes more proactivelyMissed opportunities to manage processes more effectively are even more crucial if many processes run simultaneously.TimePossibility to take corrective actions in the processHighLowMissed opportunity to manage the processClientRequestOrderOrderProcessingProductionDistributionBillingAccountManagementMonetaryTransactionAccountingFinancial ResultClientRequestOrderOrderProcessingProductionDistributionBillingAccountManagementMonetaryTransactionAccountingFinancial ResultClientRequestOrderOrderProcessingProductionDistributionBillingAccountManagementMonetaryTransactionAccountingFinancial Result01/12/20227UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.Daily work/daily businessProjects/InitiativesManagements Challenge lies within the Combination of Strategy and Daily BusinessNewProductsInvestmentprioritiesProfitabilityGrowth of TurnoverQualityCustomer satisfactionThe Vision123 Process Improve-mentEfficiencyEmployeemotivationQualityGlobalisationMultitude of goals,many different initiatives,unrecognisable coherences,missing“overall”approach/toolVisionCompany ValuesStrategy01/12/20228UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.Aspects of a Management and Measurement System like BSCBalanced Scorecard(BSC)helps to focus on strategic activitiesObjectives,Activitiesand ResultsA shared vision and common goals lead to focused alignment of the organization towards strategic prioritiesCommunication,MotivationAlignment,FocusCommunicated objectives will lead to more transparency and motivationClear responsibilities assure rapid actionIndividual contribution becomes visibleChanges of individual behaviour occurShift towards a learning organizationResponsibility,Incentives,Actions Measuring motivates!01/12/20229UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.Let us ask ourselves some,maybe provocative questions.01/12/202210UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.In many Companies there is just a limited Common Understanding concerning the Strategic Priorities?When you ask the Management Team members for the strategy are you sure to obtain always the same answer?To what extent is there an overall agreement on the strategic priorities?To what extent are all projects and internal activities aligned to the achievement of these targets?Alignment,Focus 01/12/202211UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.To what Extent is the Strategy transparent and comprehensible to the Employees?Are all employees able to answer questions on the financial and customer focused objectives?Does the internal steering system tell the same story“as the strategy?To what extent had the employees been involved in the development of the KPI(Key Performance Indicators)?Communication,Motivation01/12/202212UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.Do the actual Roles,Responsibilities and Incentive Systems reflect the Strategic Objectives of the Company?Do the employees succeed in describing their daily share in obtaining the financial and customer related targets?Are the responsibilities for reaching the objectives clearly defined?Does the actual incentive system support the obtaining of the strategic objectives?ResponsibilityIncentivesAction 01/12/202213UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.The Balanced Scorecard is both,an Instrument to Implement the Strategy and an Instrument to Measure the ResultsAnalysis of Status quoStrategic ScenariosStrategyDevelopmentProcess(quarterly,annual)ManagementProcess(weekly,monthly)Balanced Scorecard Measurement of Results&continuous FeedbackImplementation of the StrategyDefinition of StrategyTopDownBottom UpGap-AnalysisWhere are we today?What are the priorities in closing gaps?What are the objectives?When to be met?ObjectivesKPI definitionHow to define/balance measurement categories?ImprovementsHow to close the gaps?Plan/Actual comparisonHow did we perform compared to plan?FinancialFinancialPerspectiveVision/StrategyCustomerCustomerPerspectiveLearn&Learn&InnovationInnovationPerspectiveInternal Internal ProcessProcessPerspective01/12/202214UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.Defining a balanced set of objectives,and the respective key performance indicators(KPIs)Measuring progress achieved -because“only what you measure gets done”!Forcing management to focus on a small,yet balanced handful of measures deemed most critical to achieve the overall objectivesThe underlying principles of the Balanced Scorecard are simple but powerful.The Balanced Scorecard defines Objectives in order to align the organization and to support target oriented changesUnderlying principles of Balanced ScorecardFinancial Financial PerspectivePerspectiveWhat are our financial goals?Vision/StrategyCustomer Customer PerspectivePerspectiveHow do we look to our customers?Learning&Learning&InnovInnov.PerspectivePerspectiveHow to enable innovation,change and improvement?Internal Process Internal Process PerspectivePerspectiveWhat does good look like internally?01/12/202215UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.In Acknowledgement of the Strategic Core Themes we screen the Causes and Effects for all four Perspectives.FinancialPerspectiveCustomerPerspectiveInternal Processes PerspectiveLearning&Innovation Perspective Strategiccore themesExceptionally effectivemanagement of the existing core businessEffective introduction of successful new product Growth through good investmentsIncreasing the market valueEnsuring customer loyaltyIncreasing sales per customerMaking better use of existing technologyIncreasingsalesOfferingunique added valueImprovingplanningRealising the budget and sales planPerforming as good in core as in non-core areasIncreasing profitabilityMaking buying UTAB anpositive experience Making the“basic topics”rightOpening up new distribution channelsOffering the bestserviceDeveloping the brand imageImproving deliveryImprovingproductionWelldirectedinvestmentsDeveloping a company attitude of constant improvementLiving up to the company valuesHiring good and develop them to the bestHolding on to motivated and loyal employeesWORKING EXAMPLECauses and EffectsGaining new customers01/12/202216UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.The Cause-Effect-Chains forms the Basis for the Definition of the Objectives.Financial PerspectiveShareholder valueGrowthCapital efficiencyCustomer perspectiveCustomer serviceCost-performance ratioCustomer loyaltyInternalProcessesPerspectiveProductivityDevelopment timeCustomer focusLearning&Innovation PerspectiveAbility to work in a teamEmployee motivationStaff efficiencyIncreasing the market valueIncreasing sales per customerMaking better use of existing technologyIncreasingsalesImprovingplanningRealising the budget and sales planPerforming as good in core as in non-core areasIncreasing profitabilityMaking buying UTAB anpositive experience Opening up new distribution channelsOffering the bestserviceDeveloping the brand imageImproving deliveryImprovingproductionWelldirectedinvestmentsDeveloping a company attitude of constant improvementLiving up to the company valuesHiring good and develop them to the bestHolding on to motivated and loyal employeesGaining new customers01/12/202217UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.Learning and Innovation PerspectiveInternal Processes PerspectiveCustomer PerspectiveFinancial Perspective How can we map our vision as strategic goals?How do we want to measure and track our strategic success?Which performance do we exactly strive for in these areas?Which initiatives allow us to meet the targets?Which person is respon-sible for this initiative?The Balanced Scorecard Design links Objectives to KPIs,Targets,Initiatives and finally ResponsibilitiesBalanced Scorecard Design to be done for all four perspectivesObjectivesKPIsTarget figures baseline/year nActivities,InitiativesRespon-sibility01/12/202218UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.and give the Input for the Definition of KPIs and Target figuresCustomer perspectiveInternalProcessesPerspectiveObjectiveKPITarget FiguresCustomer serviceCost-performance ratioCustomer loyaltyCustomer satisfaction indexPrice-basketRatio of sales to new and already existing customersImprovement by 30%in 200320%above average by competitors60%at end of 2003ProductivityDevelopment timeCustomer focusTurnover per working hourTime to marketNumber of developmentpartnerships with customers30%improvement until 2003Reduction to x months Doubling within 2 yearsLearning&Innovation PerspectiveMotivation indexTurnover per working hour+30%at end of 2003+20%until end of 2003Employee motivationStaff efficiencyTeam work abilityFinancial PerspectiveShareholder valueGrowthCapital efficiencyIncrease of dividendShare of turn-over by new productsROCE+x%per year25%until end of 200317%until year 2004Vision/Strategy01/12/202219UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.The Implementation of the Balanced Scorecard means Drilling Down to all Relevant Company LevelsCascading down the Balanced ScorecardThe implementation process ensures that each level understands its contribution to the higher level and the overall strategic objectives.Uddeholm Tooling ABCorporate ScorecardDepart-mentsHot FormingDepartmentScorecardMachiningDepartmentScorecardxyzDepartmentScorecardSub-Depart-mentsHeat TreatmentScorecardForgingScorecard.Activities,Initiatives,Projects.Activity n.FinanciaFinancial lPerspec.CustomCustomererPerspec.Learn&Learn&InnovatiInnovationonPerspec.Internal Internal ProcProcPerspec.FinanciaFinancial lPerspec.CustomCustomererPerspec.Learn&Learn&InnovatiInnovationonPerspec.Internal Internal ProcProcPerspec.FinanciaFinancial lPerspec.CustomCustomererPerspec.Learn&Learn&InnovatiInnovationonPerspec.Internal Internal ProcProcPerspec.FinanciaFinancial lPerspec.CustomCustomererPerspec.Learn&Learn&InnovatiInnovationonPerspec.Internal Internal ProcProcPerspec.FinanFinancialcialPerspec.CustoCustomermerPerspec.LearnLearn&InnovInnovationationPerspec.InternInternal al ProcProcPerspec.FinanFinancialcialPerspec.CustoCustomermerPerspec.LearnLearn&InnovInnovationationPerspec.InternInternal al ProcProcPerspec.FinanFinancialcialPerspec.CustoCustomermerPerspec.LearnLearn&InnovInnovationationPerspec.InternInternal al ProcProcPerspec.01/12/202220UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.Objectives and Targets on all levels are directly linked with the Corporate BSCCorporate Balanced Scorecard(objectives,measures,targets for integration)Finally the Balanced Scorecard tells a congruent story of strategy at all levels of the organizationCascading down the Balanced ScorecardDepartmental Scorecards(objectives,measures,targets)Clear functional priorities and alignmentActivities,Initiatives,Projects.“Management by Objectives”Clear responsibilities for each one“ALL FIT TOGETHER”“ALL FIT TOGETHER”Top-level consensus on“What is important.”FinanciFinancialalPerspec.CustomCustomererPerspec.Learn&Learn&InnovatInnovationionPerspec.Internal Internal ProcProcPerspec.FinanciFinancialalPerspec.CustomCustomererPerspec.Learn&Learn&InnovatInnovationionPerspec.Internal Internal ProcProcPerspec.FinFinPersp.CustCustPersp.LearnLearnPersp.IntIntPersp.FinanciFinancialalPerspec.CustomCustomererPerspec.Learn&Learn&InnovatInnovationionPerspec.Internal Internal ProcProcPerspec.FinanciFinancialalPerspec.CustomCustomererPerspec.Learn&Learn&InnovatInnovationionPerspec.Internal Internal ProcProcPerspec.01/12/202221UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.1 The Balanced Scorecard ConceptDesigning the Balanced Scorecard Implementing the Balanced Scorecard 2 Balanced Scorecard Example3 Project Approach and Project Plan4 Summary 5 References6 Next Steps Contents01/12/202222UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.?FUTUREThe Vision of a Mayor Sales Organisation was developed,but not understood by the Employees“We become number one!”Wide product basket adding value to the customerThe leading sales organisationExploit local market placesImproving customer focus year on yearBest in Europe by building the xy brandExceed customer expectations in such a way as to differentiate positivelyVision stated by Management“I dont think where were going is understood”“There is no clearly articulated vision”“I personally disagree”“It would be nice to have a view what we want to be”Were transitioning from the Old to the New and dont know what New needs”Statements given by Employees01/12/202223UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.Top Executive InterviewsStrategic objectives and priorities of top managementIdentification of strategic themes and key success factorsManagement WorkshopsAlignment of strategic objectives and prioritiesDevelopment of“Corporate Scorecard”ObjectivesKPIsTargetsCommunication and AlignmentStrategic initiativesLink to compensation and reward systems Customer PerspectiveRetain customer loyaltyIncrease customer spendAttract new customersFinancial PerspectiveGrow Sales Maximise ProfitInvest WiselyBuild betterOperate betterSupply betterTechnology betterInternal ProcessesPerspectiveLearning and InnovationPerspectiveRecruit the bestDevelop people to be the bestRetain the most loyal&committed peopleLive the valuesVision/StrategyThe Balanced Scorecard was developed in a Workshop driven ProcessHigh Level Process And Result01/12/202224UTAB BSC PAPER 9D-2002 WI.PPTv4.0.For every Perspective the actual Objectives,KPIs and Target Figures had been developed Customer Perspective1.Retain customer loyalty2.Increase customer spend3.Attract new customers2.Increase customer spendBest product offerBest loyalty clubBest service in UKAs strong in sales as in serviceOn trackCustomer plan-InnovationCustomer plan-Se