Beginning of the speechGuidelinesA.GoalsoftheintroductionB.DevelopinganEffectiveIntroductionC.AvoidingCommonFaultsD.CriteriaforanEffectiveIntroductionE.TipsforyouGoals of the introductionvGettingYourAudiencesAttentionvHelpestablishamoodvCreateaFavorablePersonalRelationshipwiththeAudiencevMaketheSpeakerMoreatEasevPreviewYourMainIdeasDeveloping an Effective IntroductionFive waysvAskingaQuestionvUsingaQuotationvUsingStartlingFactsorStatisticsvUsingStoriesvUsingHumorsAsking a QuestionExamples:vWhatbugsyoumostaboutyourcollegeclasses?vIfyoucouldorhadtolivethelifeofsomeoneelse,whomwouldyouchoose?vDoyouagreewiththatoldclaimthatonlydeathandtaxesareinevitable?Using a QuotationExamples:Awisepersononcesaid,“Alwayshaveyourbagspacked,youneverknowwherelifesjourneyisgoingtotakeyou.”Icouldntagreemore.Infact,asyoucansee,Ihavemybagswithmetonight.sheholdsupherstandardmedicalbagfortheaudiencetosee.-AMApresidentNancyDickeyAmerican Medical AssociationUsing Startling Facts or StatisticsAspeechabouteatingdisorderWhoarefiveofthemostimportantwomeninyourlife?Yourmother?Yoursister?Yourdaughter?Yourwife?Yourbestfriend?Nowwhichoneofthemhashadorwillhaveaneatingdisorder?Beforeyoudisregardmyquestion,listentowhatresearchtellsus.OneineveryfivewomenintheUnitedStateshaseatingdisorder.Using StoriesvPersonalstoriesvCelebritysstoriesvAnonymousstoriesvDogsstoriesUsing HumorsvSpeakersshouldassurethatthereisapracticalpointtotheiruseofhumorsothattheycanstillmakearelevantapplicationofthestorytothetopicorarea.C.Avoiding some common faults of introductiona.No common but ineffective statements b.No apologyc.No too much detailed introductionsd.Dont start with“Today Im going to talk about”e.Dont lead the audience to take a negative attitude toward your subjectf.Dont ask a broad questionC.Avoiding some common faults of introductiona.No such ineffective statementsBefore I begin my talk,I want to sayI hope I can remember everything I want to sayPlease forgive me if I have missed somethingCommon used but insignificant statements:b.No apologyIm certainly glad to be here to talk with you today,but I do want to apologize before I begin my speechIll try to give you a lot information about this subject,but I just got back from a meeting and didnt have all the timeI sorry about the cough I have today.Ihope youll be able to bear me OK and that youll bear with meApologies are usually the same and inappropriate.You can get you problems explained by the chair or moderator instead of yourself if necessary.c.No too much detailed introductionsDo not labor introductions I show great interest in my subject and spend a lot oftime doing research To tell the truth,I reallydont have time to preparemuch of the speech This may seem pretty simple to a lot of you,but take my word for it,it is important Long boring and unspecificIrrespective unconsciousunimportantnonsensesredundantd.Dont start with“Today Im going to talk about”Attention-getterQuotations-Chairman Mao had ever said that-As a famous saying goes Create humorous atmosphere-With a funny joke.-Relevant to your topic.Raise a question?-Is anybody know that Einstein had ever?-What is the most effective way to learn.?Tell a story-Once there was a boy who devoted a lot to-It is a true story happened arounde.Dont lead the audience to take a negative attitude toward your subjectvBeoptimistic,bepassionateandhumorousvAudiencewillfollowyourstep.vNoattention-gettervNorespondenceandagreement.f.Dont ask a broad questionGet your audience absent-minded of your broad questionLead your audience to think its a waste of timeThe audience know nothing about you topic Have you ever wondered bow oil is distributed?Im not sure that I can talk about this issue professionally and creatively.Your may not realize it,and you may not agree with me,but actually the most important thing is.D.Criteria for an effective introduction 5.it is persuasive and innovative1.It is relevant4.It stimulated your audience2.It get your audience involved3.It gets them to think positively about your subjectE.Tips for youThe most successful people are the one whove got most failures.It is very important for us to follow the regulation at school as a studentNo one can achieve if he contributes nothing,you need to be devoted.2.Avoid clichs3.Be directly 1.Be assertiveE.Tips for you4.Use quotesWell-said quotes is available.No cross,no crown5.Be confidantimagine you have succeed for many timePractice!practice and practice 6.Learn from common lifeSlow down the pace of life,pay attention to roadside sceneryConclusion of the speechGuidelineA.The purpose of conclusionB.Methods of concludingC.Dos and Donts of ConclusionD.Tips For UA.The purpose of conclusionPurposes1.Todrawthelastattention2.Toleaveyourfavorableimpression3.TogiveasenseofcompletenessB.Methods of concludingB.Methods of concludingMethods1.Summarize2.Callforaction3.Givechallenge4.Throwashock5.Refertothefollowingevent6.Returntotheintroduction7.ThanktheaudienceC.Dos and Donts of Conclusion1、Do Work on Your Conclusion Carefully2、Do Point Up That You Are About to Finish If Helpful 3、Do Make the Conclusion 10%or Less of Your Speech4、Do Write Out the First Sentence of Your Conclusion on Your Speech5、Do Thank the AudienceC.Dos and Donts of Conclusion1、Do Not Say。2、Do Not Apologize3、Do Not Stretch It Out4、Do Not Introduce New Material 5、Do Not Continue to Speak as You leave the lecternD.Tips For U1、Do Not Rush to an Ending Abruptly2、Do Not Shout Slogans Unless Appropriate3、Use Quotations Wiselyto Create an Ending on a Powerful Note