广东高考写作备考课例1-广州市铁一中学-潘佑飞DiscussionDiscussion1.When do you feel lonely?2.2.How do you overcome the loneliness?21.When did you feel lonely?1)When I first moved to a new city/school,2)When I was misunderstood by 3)When I was left at home alone,4)When my grandma/grandpa left me,2.How did you overcome the loneliness?1)do shift your attention,such as reading books/watching TV/listening to music2)try to make more friends/exchange feelings and thoughts with3)Keep optimistic3读写任务点评In this lesson,we are going to to summarize a short passage with 30 to give an example or tell a story as well as give some advice.3.some accurate expressions 41)1)以约以约3030词概括短文的要点;词概括短文的要点;2)2)以约以约120120词词 3)3)a.a.描述你感到孤独的某个描述你感到孤独的某个时刻时刻;b.b.解释你解释你为什么为什么觉得孤独;觉得孤独;c.c.你你怎样怎样排除孤独感;排除孤独感;d.d.根据你的经历,给出排除孤独根据你的经历,给出排除孤独的的建议建议。3 3)标题标题自拟自拟Writing tasks5An outline(提纲)提纲)_(about 30 words)_(about 120 words)a._ do you feel lonely?b._?c._?d._?Titlesummarybody/argumentationwhenwhyhowwhat71._2._3._Underline/circle to grasp the main ideaSum up by rewriting or paraphrasingCheck to avoid copying Steps to write a good summary8 Most people feel lonely sometimes,.Psychologists have already identified three different types of loneliness.The first kind of loneliness is temporary.This is the most common type The second kind,situational loneliness,is a natural result of a particular situation,The third kind of loneliness is the most severe.主题句主题句(导向)(导向)Can you grasp the main idea?主题句主题句(制约)(制约)9 As is stated in the passage,there are three types of loneliness,temporary,situational and chronic loneliness,among which temporary loneliness is the most common one,situational loneliness results in a certain situation and chronic loneliness is the most serious one.As we can see from the passage,According to the passage,The passage/The author states that10 The writer tells us that most of us feel lonely at sometimes and there are three types of loneliness among us.He also tells us the result of some psychologists study on college freshmen,who are the loneliest people.Please evaluate your peers writings廖淑靖廖淑靖-3311The article is mainly about three different types of loneliness,temporary,situational loneliness and chronic loneliness,and analyzing a group of college freshmenPlease evaluate your peers writings莫婷婷莫婷婷it also analyzes 12Summary 部分要有层次部分要有层次1 1、记叙文:按故事原委;、记叙文:按故事原委;2 2、夹叙夹议:先叙后议;、夹叙夹议:先叙后议;3 3、议论文:总、议论文:总-分分/正正-反反13描述你感到孤独的某个时刻描述你感到孤独的某个时刻 As far as Im concerned,I also feel lonely sometimes.When I stay at home without somebody around me,I feel lonely.I cant do anything except watch TV.I want to talk with my family,but nobody is in.区燕君区燕君When I am left alone at home,or when I stay at home alone I can do nothing but watch TV or I have no choice but to watch TV,15 Take my experience for example.When I was young,my parents sent me to my grandmas.Living with my grandma,I felt very lonely.I missed my parents very much.At that time,I was shy and was afraid to talk with others.Therefore,I used to weep alone.I felt so lonely and I missed my parents so much that I used to weep alone.苏琼珍苏琼珍164.4.给出排除孤独的给出排除孤独的建议建议。Personally speaking,doing some sports is a good method to get rid of loneliness,or you can keep on keeping a diary to make friends with it.Tell everything to it,and then you will get relaxed.冼巧玲冼巧玲In my opinion,making more friends is the best way to get rid of loneliness.Friends can share your feelings and thoughts,give you advice and bring you happiness.梁思露梁思露Friends can offer you excitement and fresh ideas;friends can comfort you when something bad happens;friends can cheer you up when you are in low spirits.17常见的由常见的由summary 到第二段到第二段过渡句过渡句作者的观点听起来很在理。作者的观点听起来很在理。The authors opinion sounds reasonable.我非常同意作者的观点。我非常同意作者的观点。I do agree with the authors opinion.I cant agree more with the authors opinion.恐怕我不是很赞同作者的观点。恐怕我不是很赞同作者的观点。Im afraid I dont quite agree with the authors opinion.这个故事让我想起了我类似的经历。这个故事让我想起了我类似的经历。The story reminds me of my similar experience.The story sets me thinking of Another similar experience of mine jumps into my mind.18感到孤独感到孤独排遣孤独排遣孤独独处独处被误解被误解承受压力承受压力适应新环境适应新环境交友交友分散分散/转移注意力转移注意力保持积极保持积极/乐观的态度乐观的态度feel lonely/suffer lonelinessget rid of/release/break away from/rid sb.of lonelinessstay alone/be left alonebe misunderstoodsuffer stressadapt/adjust oneself to the new surroundings/circumstancesmake friends withdistract/shift/transfer ones attention(fromto)Keep/maintain a positive/an optimistic attitude towards21 How to correct the mistakes or improve the expressions?1.Lonely almost drives me mad.2.Here are some advices for you to overcome loneliness.3.If you always feel lonely,youd better to take immediate actions to get rid of it.4.I tried to show some interest to their topics and join them to some activities.5.The second is situational loneliness,its a natural result of particular situation.6.Reading the story,a similar experience of mine jumps into my mindlonelinessis adviceaction in in,which/,and itsReading the story,I After I read story,a similar experience22ConclusionConclusion 读写任务型写作模板读写任务型写作模板1.A title 标题标题2.A summary 原文摘要原文摘要3.Transitional words to lead in(过渡句)过渡句)-story or argumentation(经历或说理论证)经历或说理论证)4.Conclusion(结尾)(结尾)一定要留有时间进行检查一定要留有时间进行检查,避免避免小语法错误扣印象大分小语法错误扣印象大分;注重注重字体的美化字体的美化,卷面的整洁。卷面的整洁。24Lets Practise WritingLets Practise Writing郎声高中英语阅读攻略郎声高中英语阅读攻略1+51+5P62P62 What is a good friendship?1、用用3030个左右的词概括原文内容。个左右的词概括原文内容。2 2、写作内容:、写作内容:、简述你对友谊或好朋友的看法;、简述你对友谊或好朋友的看法;、结合自己的经历说说与朋友共处的好处;、结合自己的经历说说与朋友共处的好处;、当朋友之间发生误会时,你认为应如何应付、当朋友之间发生误会时,你认为应如何应付?标题自拟标题自拟2526此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢