Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JEarly Childhood Education Pedagogy幼儿教学法幼儿教学法Session 4:Learning outcomes through play第四讲:游戏教学法Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JOverview 综述综述Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JFive Learning Outcomes 五大教学目标五大教学目标1.identity 强烈的本体感 2.connected and 与外部世界建立联系并有所贡献 3.wellbeing 有强烈的幸福感 4.involved learners 自信的参与式学习者 municators.成功的交流者 Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JOutcomes influenced by学习结果受到以下因素影响学习结果受到以下因素影响current capabilities 儿童当前的学习能力、个性及学习偏好practices and the environment 教师的践行以及学习环境family and community 与各个儿童的家庭及所在社区的交流情况across the outcomes.在各个学习目标间的协调 Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JOUTCOME 1:教学目标教学目标1CHILDREN HAVE A STRONG SENSE OF IDENTITY儿童有强烈的本体感儿童有强烈的本体感 feel safe 感到安全、受保护和有依靠 develop autonomy,inter-dependence,resilience,agency 建立自主、相互依靠、自我恢复与力量感的意识knowledgeable and confident 加深对自身的认识,形成自信的自我认同感care,empathy and respect 学会在与他人互动时表现出关心、同情与尊重。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPause and Reflect反思反思In your setting what do you do to encourage the development ofa strong sense of identity?根据你的实际情况,想想你是如何鼓励儿童培养强烈的本体感?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JOUTCOME 2:教学目标教学目标2CHILDREN ARE CONNECTED WITH AND CONTRIBUTE TO THEIR WORLD 儿童儿童与外部世界建立联系并有所贡献与外部世界建立联系并有所贡献 relationships and participation 建立人际关系,参与相关活动different relationships and communities.儿童进入早教环境后,参与人际交往,接触不同社区丰富自身经历。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPause and Reflect反思反思In your setting what do you do to help children feel connected to their world?你是如何设计帮助儿童感觉他们是周围世界的一部分?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JOUTCOME 3:教学目标教学目标3CHILDREN HAVE A STRONG SENSE OF WELLBEING 儿童具有强烈的幸福感儿童具有强烈的幸福感physical and psychological 包含身心两方面physical health,feelings of happiness,satisfaction and successful social functioning.包括身体健康、感到幸福、满意和成功的社会作用confidence and optimism 帮助儿童建立自信和乐观精神,以使其学习潜力得到最大发挥exploratory drive,agency and interact.鼓励儿童天生的探索精神、力量感 以及互动欲。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPause and Reflect反思反思In your setting what do you do to ensure children have a strong sense of well being?你是如何营造确保儿童拥有强烈幸福感的氛围的?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JOUTCOME 4:教学目标教学目标4CHILDREN ARE CONFIDENT AND INVOLVED LEARNERS 使儿童成为自信的参与式学习者使儿童成为自信的参与式学习者 family and community experiences 当儿童在家和社区的经历和认识得到认可,并包含在他们的早期教育中,儿童更有可能成为自信的参与式学习者。因为这可以帮助儿童构建起前后关联,理解新的经历。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPause and Reflect反思反思In your setting what do you do to ensure children are confident and involved learners?你在学校是如何确保儿童成为自信的参与式学习者?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JOUTCOME 5:教学目标教学目标5CHILDREN ARE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATORS儿童成为成功的交流者儿童成为成功的交流者gestures,sounds,language 从出生起,儿童就使用手势、声音及语言进行交流ideas,thoughts,questions and feelings 他们是社会人,有交流观点、想法、问题和情感的愿望tools and media,including music,dance and drama,to express themselves 使用一系列工具和媒介来进行自我 表达,包括音乐、舞蹈、戏剧等。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPause and Reflect反思反思In your setting what do you do ensure children are effectivecommunicators?你是如何施教,确保儿童成为成功的交流者?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JQueensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPlaying Peekaboo玩躲猫猫玩躲猫猫Principles:游戏原则游戏原则Practices:实施方法实施方法Outcomes:游戏结果游戏结果Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JQueensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPlaying Peekaboo玩躲猫猫玩躲猫猫Layla was sitting on the floor.“Ah!”she said.I turned around and came to sit in front ofher.She handed me her blanket and I put it in front of my face.“Ah boo!”I said.Layla giggled.I handed her the blanket and she put it over her own face,pulling it away and crying,“Ah!”again.“Peekaboo Layla,”I said and she laughed,handing me the blanket again.We played Peekaboo back and forth for a few minutes before Layla moved away.Thinking she had grown bored with our play I got up to move too.Layla squealed and I turned to find her looking through one of the big wooden boxes.I crouched down on the other side.Layla ducked her head in and out of the box with a grin and then pointed to me.I copied her action.“Boo!”she said,seeming delighted with her new game.We continued this game,Layla laughing every time until it was time for afternoon snack.莱拉坐在地板上。“啊!”她叫道。我转过头来,坐到她面前。她把她的毛毯递给我,我用毛毯遮住脸。“阿嘘!”我说。莱拉咯咯地笑了。我把毛毯递给她,她用毛毯遮住自己的脸,然后拉开毯子,再次叫道“啊!”。“躲猫猫,莱拉,”我说。她笑了,再次把毯子递给我。我们就这样来来回回玩了几分钟躲猫猫,直到莱拉走开了为止。我以为她已经厌烦了这个游戏,便也起身准备离开。莱拉尖叫一声。我转过身来,发现她正透过一个大木箱朝我看。我蹲了下来,躲在箱子的另一边。莱拉笑着,不时把头躲进箱子又伸出来,然后指着我。我模仿她的动作和她一起玩。“阿嘘!”她说,似乎对她的新游戏很满意。我们继续这个游戏,每一次莱拉都笑得很开心。直到下午的点心时间才停止了游戏。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JExample of Peekaboo 躲猫猫游戏示例.视频PPT视频101_P4-C1-Peek-a-boo Baby Emma!.wmvQueensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPrinciples Secure,respectful and reciprocal relationships.In the story there is evidence that the educator is in tune with Laylas thoughts.Supporting the development of a strong sense of wellbeing.游戏原则游戏原则:安全、尊重以及双向关系。在以上一则故事中,很明显该教育者与莱拉的想法一致,帮助儿童形成强烈的幸福感。Practice Responsiveness to children.The educator was responsive to Laylas interest and engaged with her in her learning.实施方法实施方法:与儿童互动。该教育者给莱拉助兴趣,并置身于该儿童的学习中。Outcomes The children have a strong sense of identity.In this example there is evidence that the educator was aware of Laylas developing sense of agency and responded sensitively to this.游戏结果游戏结果:儿童拥有强烈的本体感。在上面这个例子中,很明显该教育者清楚地意识到莱拉不断发展的主体感,并且对此做出了敏感的反馈。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPlay游戏游戏Children playing clip(2 mins)儿童游戏剪辑(两分钟).视频PPT视频101_P4-C2-Children playing clip(2 mins).wmvQueensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JQueensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JQueensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPlay Skills游戏技巧游戏技巧 Imitates sounds and gestures 模仿声音和手势Experiments with new sounds,gestures,reactions 体验新的声音、手势和反应Pretends to be an adult,animal,monster 扮演一位成人、一个动物或怪兽Role reversesuses a special toy as a significant other,talking to it,asking it questions,and then reverses roles and answers on its behalf 角色互换将一个特别的玩具作为游戏中的另一方。让儿童和该玩具谈心、向玩具提问。然后交换角色,让儿童代替玩具回答。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JUses symbols and toys to represent characters,objects 使用符号及玩具来代表人物和物体Takes on the role of others 扮演其他人的角色Engages in dramatic play separated from other play activities 让儿童参与独立于其它表演活动的戏剧表演Drama.All of the above and increased improvisation.Ideas are tested and repeated.(adapted from Jennings 1999,p.73)戏剧。包括以上各点以及更多的即兴表演。儿童的想法得到检验和重复。Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JPause and Reflect反思反思How does your environment supportlearning through different types of play?你设计的环境是否鼓励儿童通过各种游戏进行学习?Queensland University of TechnologyCRICOS No.00213JFinal Thoughts结束语结束语Play-discover,create,improvise and imagine.游戏为儿童提供了学习机会。因为儿童在游戏中发现、创造、即兴反应以及想象。Play-being,belonging and becoming.游戏使儿童能够享受自身的存在、归属和形成。