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    Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 1:ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation TranslationUnit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1.1.In In paragraphs paragraphs 1 1 and and 2,2,the the author author tells tells a a story story about about a a professor professor in in Robert Robert A.A.FowkesFowkess s class.class.What What was was strange strange about the professor?about the professor?First,First,the the professor professor said said“ladies“ladies and and gentlemen,”gentlemen,”while while there there was was only only one one student.student.Second,Second,Robert Robert A.A.FowkesFowkes,the the only only student student in in class,class,missed missed one one class,class,but but the the professor professor didnt didnt give give the the lecture lecture FowkesFowkes had had missed,missed,but but gave the next one in the sequence.gave the next one in the sequence.ReferenceReferenceEx.I,p.8Unit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension2.2.Why Why was was the the lecture lecture system system popular popular in in the the thirteenth thirteenth century?century?In In the the 13th 13th Century Century books books were were so so rare rare and and expensive expensive that that few students could afford them.few students could afford them.ReferenceReferenceUnit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension3.3.In In paragraphs paragraphs 57,57,what what does does the the author author use use an an imaginary imaginary class to show us?class to show us?The The author author uses uses an an imaginary imaginary class class to to show show us us the the inadequacy of the lecture system.inadequacy of the lecture system.ReferenceReferenceUnit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension4.4.In In the the imaginary imaginary class,class,what what makes makes Mary Mary and and other other students bored?students bored?The The way way the the professor professor lectures:lectures:He He is is just just reading reading from from a a stack of his very old notes.stack of his very old notes.ReferenceReferenceUnit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension5.5.Why Why do do Mary Mary and and her her fellow fellow students students stick stick it it out out while while some drop out of college?some drop out of college?Mary Mary and and some some other other students students become become resigned resigned to to the the lecture lecture system system and and wait wait to to become become juniors juniors and and seniors.seniors.Then,Then,they they will will attend attend smaller smaller classes classes and and at at last last get get the the kind of personal attention that real learning requires.kind of personal attention that real learning requires.ReferenceReferenceUnit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension6.6.In In paragraph paragraph 10,10,the the author author discusses discusses active active learning learning and and passive learning.Give some examples of both.passive learning.Give some examples of both.Active Active learning:learning:Students Students write write essays,essays,do do experiments experiments and and then then have have their their work work evaluated evaluated by by their their instructors.instructors.Passive Passive learning:Attending lectures.learning:Attending lectures.ReferenceReferenceUnit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension7.7.In what way do most students learn best?In what way do most students learn best?Most Most students students learn learn best best by by engaging engaging in in frequent frequent and and even even heated debate.heated debate.ReferenceReferenceUnit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension8.8.According According to to paragraph paragraph 13,13,why why do do administrators administrators love love lectures?lectures?They They can can cram cram a a lot lot more more students students into into a a lecture lecture hall hall than than into a discussion class.into a discussion class.ReferenceReferenceUnit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension9.9.Why may smaller classes be exhausting to the teacher?Why may smaller classes be exhausting to the teacher?Smaller Smaller classes classes may may require require energy,energy,imagination,imagination,and and commitment commitment from from the the teacher,teacher,which which can can be be very very exhausting.exhausting.ReferenceReferenceUnit 1:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension10.10.According to the author,who should receive more lectures?According to the author,who should receive more lectures?Juniors and seniors.Juniors and seniors.ReferenceReference1.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.12).12)2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.314).314)3.3.Conclusion(Para.15)Conclusion(Para.15)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 1:Structure of the textStructure of the textEx.II,pp.8-91.1.Introduction(Introduction(ParasParas.12).12)A A true true story story told told by by Robert Robert A.A.FowkesFowkes about about how how a a professor taught a class.professor taught a class.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 1:Structure of the textStructure of the text2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.314).314)3.3.Disadvantages of lectures and _.Disadvantages of lectures and _.1)1)American American colleges colleges and and universities universities are are criticized criticized from from many sides.(Para.3)many sides.(Para.3)For For example:example:College College graduates graduates _.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 1:Structure of the textStructure of the text2)The root of the problem:_.(Para.4)2)The root of the problem:_.(Para.4)why they existwhy they exist the lecture systemthe lecture system lack both basic skillslack both basic skillsand general cultureand general culture 2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.314).314)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 1:Structure of the textStructure of the text3)3)Marys example to showMarys example to show _ _.(Paras.5-7)(Paras.5-7)The size of the class:_The size of the class:_._.The professor:_The professor:_._.Students:_.Students:_.Mary:_Mary:_._.never takes attendance;reads from his oldnever takes attendance;reads from his oldnotes;notes;gives no quizzes;asks no questionsgives no quizzes;asks no questionsthe inadequacy of the lecturethe inadequacy of the lectureget bored;ask no questions;drop out of collegeget bored;ask no questions;drop out of college at first 100 orat first 100 or more students;thenmore students;thenbecomesbecomes very smallvery smallreads no assignment;memorizes facts and datesreads no assignment;memorizes facts and datesbeforebefore the final exam and forgets them immediately;the final exam and forgets them immediately;sticks it outsticks it outsystemsystem 2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.314).314)4)4)_._.(ParasParas.812).812)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 1:Structure of the textStructure of the textA.A._._.B.B._._.C.C.Eventually,the lecture system harmsEventually,the lecture system harms _._.Listening intelligently is hard workListening intelligently is hard work Attending lectures is passive learningAttending lectures is passive learning Problems that the lecture system has brought aboutProblems that the lecture system has brought about Eventually,the lecture system harms professors as wellEventually,the lecture system harms professors as well 2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.314).314)5)5)_.(Para.13)(Para.13)For example:to faculty membersFor example:to faculty members Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 1:Structure of the textStructure of the textA.A._._.B.B.pretend to teach by lecturing pretend to teach by lecturing C.C._._.easier on everyone than debateseasier on everyone than debates offer some professors an irresistible forum for showing offoffer some professors an irresistible forum for showing off Reasons why lectures are still existing/People like Reasons why lectures are still existing/People like lectures lectures for different reasonsfor different reasons2.2.Body(Body(ParasParas.314).314)6)6)_._.(Para.14)(Para.14)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 1:Structure of the textStructure of the text Advantages of small classes and discussion in class Advantages of small classes and discussion in class Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 1:Structure of the textStructure of the text3.3.Conclusion(Para.15)Conclusion(Para.15)_._.Lectures Lectures will will never never entirely entirely disappear disappear from from the the university university scene scene both both because because they they seem seem to to be be economically economically necessary necessary and and because because they they spring spring from from a a long long tradition tradition in a setting that values tradition for its own sakein a setting that values tradition for its own sake1.1.His His heart heart attack attack was was _ _ by by the the physical physical and and emotional pressures suffered under interrogation.emotional pressures suffered under interrogation.triggered triggered Unit 1:VocabularyVocabularycommit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequencePart A,Ex.V,pp.10-11Complete Complete the the sentences sentences with with words words given given below,below,making making sure sure that that each each word word is is used used in in the the right right mit commit stride stride impersonality impersonality minimum minimum economical economical trigger trigger enrollment original scarce shrink relieve sequence.enrollment original scarce shrink relieve sequence.2.2.We We are are all all under under the the illusion illusion that that the the country country is is doing doing well well _,but in fact it is in serious difficulty._,but in fact it is in serious difficulty.economically economically Unit 1:VocabularyVocabulary commit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequence3.3.He He couldnt couldnt join join the the police police because because he he was was below below the the _ height allowed by the rule._ height allowed by the rule.minimumminimum Unit 1:VocabularyVocabulary commit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequence4.4.We We hope hope to to see see stronger stronger _ _ from from the the world world community community for for international international working working together together in in the the fight fight to to protect our common natural surroundings.protect our common natural mitmentcommitment Unit 1:VocabularyVocabulary commit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequence5.5.The The professor professor felt felt grateful grateful and and _ _ that that the the debate debate hadnt degenerated into something absurd and degrading.hadnt degenerated into something absurd and degrading.relievedrelievedUnit 1:VocabularyVocabulary commit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequence6.6.Tiger Tiger populations populations have have stopped stopped _,_,and and working working to to protect protect them them is is now now a a way way of of life life in in nations nations where where they they roam.roam.shrinkingshrinking Unit 1:VocabularyVocabulary commit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequence7.7.Our Our efforts efforts result result in in a a great great rise rise in in _ _ in in our our universities,universities,coupled coupled with with a a radical radical shift shift in in higher higher education education from the private to the public sector.from the private to the public sector.enrollmentsenrollments Unit 1:VocabularyVocabulary commit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequence8.8.It It was was such such a a funny funny and and wonderful wonderful show;show;I I could could _ _ keep from laughing with delight.keep from laughing with delight.scarcelyscarcely Unit 1:VocabularyVocabulary commit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequence9.9.Details Details are are often often organized organized according according to to time time _ _ or or from from one one place place to to another.another.These These are are two two very very important important means of descriptive writing.means of descriptive writing.sequencesequence Unit 1:VocabularyVocabulary commit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequence10.10.Many Many how-to how-to books books advise advise you you to to _ _ into into a a room room and and impress others with your qualities.impress others with your qualities.stridestrideUnit 1:VocabularyVocabulary Part B commit commit stridestrideimpersonalityimpersonalityminimumminimumeconomicaleconomicaltriggertriggerenrollmentenrollmentoriginaloriginalscarcescarceshrinkshrinkrelieverelievesequencesequence1.1.Even Even without without knowing knowing all all the the details,details,the the reader reader can can often often be be able able to to predictpredict the the general general direction direction the the author is going to.author is going to.A.A.anticipate anticipate B.B.expect expect C.C.capture capture D.D.nurture nurture Part B,Ex.V,pp.11Choose Choose the the word word or or phrase phrase that that is is closest closest in in meaning meaning to to the boldfaced part of the sentence.the boldfaced part of the sentence.Unit 1:VocabularyVocabulary1.1.Even Even without without knowing knowing all all the the details,details,the the reader reader can can often often be be able able to to predictpredict the the general general direction direction the the author is going to.author is going to.A.anticipateA.anticipate B.B.expect expect C.C.capture capture D.D.nurture nurture 2.2.In In the the Chinese Chinese household,household,grandparents grandparents and and other other relatives play relatives play vitalvital roles in raising children.roles in raising children.A.intolerable A.intolerable B.impassioned B.impassioned C.intellectual C.intellectual D.indispensableD.indispensableUnit 1:VocabularyVocabulary2.2.In In the the Chinese Chinese household,household,grandparents grandparents and and other other relatives play relatives play vitalvital roles in


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