浙江省稽阳联谊学校2022-2023 学年高三上学期11 月联考试题卷含答案(十科试卷)目录1.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考数学试题卷含答案2.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考英语试题卷含答案3.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考地理试题卷含答案4.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考化学试题卷含答案5.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考试题卷含答案6.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考历史试题卷含答案7.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考试卷生物含答案8.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考物理试题卷含答案9.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考语文试题卷含答案10.浙江省稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期 11 月联考政治试题卷含答案稽阳联谊学校稽阳联谊学校 2022-2023 学年高三上学期学年高三上学期 11 月联考数学试题月联考数学试题第第 I 卷卷 选择题部分选择题部分(共共 60 分分)一、选择题:本大题共 8 小题,每小题 5 分,共 40 分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合A=xy=x 1,B=yy=2x 2,则 CRA B=()A.0,+)B.1,+)C.(2,0)D.(2,1)2.若a=log0.20.1,b=log20.4,c=0.20.1,则()A.bcaB.bacC.abcD.cba3.已知数列an的前n项和Sn=3n+t,则“t=1”是“数列an为等比数列”的()A.充分而不必要条件B.必要而不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件4.中国古代数学著作九章算术中,记载了一种称为“曲池”的几何 体,该几何体的上下底面平行,且均为扇环形(扇环是指圆环被扇形截得的部分),现有一个如图所示的曲池,它的高为2,AA1,BB1,CC1,DD1均与曲池的底面垂直,底面扇环对应的两个圆的半径分别为 1 和 2,对应的圆心角为180,则该几何体的表面积为()A.152+2B.152+4C.7+2D.9+45.盒子里有 1 个红球与n个白球,随机取球,每次取 1 个球,取后放回,共取 2 次.若至少有一次取到红球的条件下,两次取到的都是红球的概率为19,则n=()A.3B.4C.6D.86.已知双曲线x23y2=1 的左右焦点分别为F1,F2,过F1的直线分别交双曲线左右两支于A,B两点,且F2A=F2B,则F1A=()A.14 3B.14+3C.14 2 3D.14+2 37.在ABC中,BAC=60,AC=8,AB=2,D是边AC上一点,将ABD沿BD折起,得PBD,使得平面PBD平面BCD,当直线PB与平面BCD所成角正弦值最大时三棱锥PBCD的外接球的半径为()A.1433B.53C.2 13D.5328.若存在aR使对于任意x1e,e 不等式 lnxax2+bx e2 2e lnx+e 恒成立,则实数b的最小值为()A.e2+ee1B.e3+e+1e21C.eD.1二、选择题:本大题共 4 小题,每小题 5 分,共 20 分。在每小题给出的选项中,有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得 5 分,有选错的得 0 分,部分选对的得 2 分。9.已知平面向量a=(1,3),b=(2,t).下列命题中的真命题有()A.若a/b,则t=6B.若ab,则t=23C.若|a|=|b|,则t=6D.若a与b的夹角为4,则t=110.在长方体ABCDA1B1C1D1中,AA1=2AB=2BC=2,点E,F满足AF?=AA1?(0 1),CE?=EC?1.下列结论正确的有()A.若直线BE与D1F异面,则12B.若AEBF,则=13C.直线AE与平面ABC1D1所成角正弦值为1515D.若直线AE/平面BFD1,则=1411.已知定义在 R 上的函数f(x)与g(x)满足f(x+1)=11g(x),g(x+1)=11f(x),则()A.f(x)0B.f(x+4)=f(x)C.g(x+6)=g(x)D.g(x+3)=f(x)12.过点A(a,0)(a 0,0 0,y 0,若x+y=1,则33x+2y+11+3y的最小值是_.16.椭圆x29+y25=1 的左右焦点分别为F1,F2,P为其上一点.PF1F2的外接圆和内切圆的半径分别为R,r,则Rr的取值范围是_.17.四、解答题:本大题共 6 小题,共 70 分。解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。18.(本题满分 10 分)记ABC的内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c.已知bc=cosB2cosC.19.(I)求ab;20.(II)若 cosC=14,AC边上的中线BE=15,求ABC的面积.18.(本题满分 12 分)已知Sn为等差数列an的前n项和,且a1=1,_.在a2,S13,a14成等比数列,S2n 2Sn=2n2,数列Sn为等差数列,这三个条件中任选一个填入横线,使得条件完整,并解答:(I)求an;(II)若bn=an,n为奇数,1anan+2,n为偶数,求数列bn的前 2n+1 项和T2n+1.注:如果选择多个条件分别解答,则按第一个解答计分.19.(本题满分 12 分)下表为从某患者动态心电图中获取的二十四小时的心率数据(单位:次/分钟)(I)求最快心率y与最慢心率x的线性经验回归方程y?=b?x+a?(a?,b?保留小数点后一位);(II)依据已有数据估计该病患后续的心率变化.(i)设该病患后续 48 小时中平均心率大于等于 100 次/分的小时数为随机变量X,估计X的期望;(ii)若该病患在后续 48 小时中共测出 10 小时平均心率大于等于 100次/分,请运用统计学中的3原理分析该结果.参考公式:b?=i=1nxix?yiy?i=1nxix?2,a?=y?b?x?.参考数据:x?=67.3,y?=102.4,x?2=4529.3,x?y?=6891.5,124i=124xiyi=6943.5,124i=124?xi2=4550.220.(本题满分 12 分)如图,在四棱台ABCDA1B1C1D1中,底面ABCD是边长为 2 的菱形,DAB=3,平面BDD1B1平面ABCD,点O1,O分别为B1D1,BD的中点,O1B=1,A1AB,O1BO均为锐角.21.(I)求证:ACBB1;22.(II)若异面直线CD与AA1所成角正弦值为217,四棱锥A1ABCD的体积为 1,求二面角BAA1C的平面角的余弦值.21.(本题满分 12 分)已知椭圆:x2a2+y2b2=1(ab 0)的上下顶点分别为A(0,1)和B(0,1),左右顶点分别为C和D,离心率为2 55.过椭圆的左焦点F的直线l交于点M,N(都异于A,B,C,D),P为MN中点.(I)求椭圆的方程;(II)记直线AP,BP,CP,DP的斜率分别为k1,k2,k3,k4,求k1k2k3k4的最小值.22.(本题满分 12 分)已知函数f(x)=exsinx.(I)求函数f(x)的极大值点;(II)若x0为函数f(x)的极大值点,证明:存在t使f(t)=f x0且54tx054+22e54.2022 年年 11 月稽阳联谊学校高三联考月稽阳联谊学校高三联考英语试题英语试题第 I 卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the man doing?A.Making a consultation.B.Renting a guitar.C.Organizing a party.2.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Salesperson and customer.B.Brother and sister.C.Classmates.3.How does the man feel about the concert?A.It was terrible.B.It was average.C.It was pleasant.4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Aweekend plan.B.Anew company.C.Ajob opportunity.5.Why does the woman look tired?A.She has walked a long distance.B.She has done too much housework.C.She has played tennis after school.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.Why didnt the man get the injured woman out of the car?A.He couldnt open the door.B.He was afraid of a car explosion.C.He didnt want to worsen her wounds.7.Where does the conversation take place?A.On the road.B.In a hospital.C.Over the phone.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8.What does the man dislike about the sofa at the beginning?A.The size.B.The color.C.The style.9.What does the man say about the old sofa?A.It is heavy.B.It is small.C.It is comfortable.10.What do the speakers decide to do?A.Look at other sofas.B.Go to another store.C.Wait for a sale.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11.What does the man most probably do?A.Hes a hotel clerk.B.Hes a steward.C.Hes a travel agent.12.What does the man advise the woman to do?A.Call a taxi by herself.B.Pack her bags in advance.C.Set off early to catch the flight13.How long does it take the woman to get ready?A.About one and a half hours.B.About an hour.C.About half an hour.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。14.Why is the man going to Montreal next summer?A.To do some business.B.To attend a wedding.C.To take a course.15.What do we know about Quebec City?A.It is the biggest city in Quebec Province.B.It is far from the St.Lawrence River.C.It is the capital of Quebec Province.16.What does the woman mention about Quebec City at last?A.The ancient buildings.B.The cold winter.C.The beautiful river.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.Why does Barry go to The Parent Agency?A.To get his dream parents.B.To meet with his lost parents.C.To draw his parentsattention.18.What does Barry get during the 5 days?A.Extra homework.B.Five birthday parties.C.Aspecial bedroom.19.What does the speaker think of the book?A.Very imaginative.B.Quite difficult.C.Too serious.20.Who does the speaker recommend the book to?A.New parents.B.Children.C.School teachers.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 个小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIf you havent decided how to spend your summer,you may want to think about thepossibility of participating in a summer program.Virtual Experience:Harvards High School ProgramsIf youre wondering what college is like,Harvard offers online college programs just for highschool students who are curious.Harvards high school programs allow you to take real coursesand earn college credit.Financial aid is available for qualifying students.Virtual Experience:American University High School Summer ScholarsThis multi-week,online program helps high school students pursue their interests in a varietyof topics.Each online course is 1-credit hour.Rising sophomores,juniors,and seniors with a 3.0GPA(Grade Points Average)can choose 1 course from 14 subjects-from Political Action andPublic Policy to Oceanography and more.Virtual Experience:Worcester Polytechnic Institute(WPI)-Frontiers ProgramThis online,summer program is designed for high school students entering their junior andsenior years.Program participants are challenged to explore the outer limits of their knowledge inscience,technology,engineering,and math(STEM)with current laboratory techniques andexploring unsolved problems across a wide range of disciplines.Virtual/In-Person Opportunities:Immerse Education ProgramsImmerse Educations summer programs offer in-person and online courses in a variety ofsubjects and take place throughout the United Kingdom and Australia.Students ages 11-18 fromaround the world get to learn on the campuses of Cambridge,Oxford,London and the Universityof Sydney.21.Which program will you possibly choose if you are from a family on a tight budget?A.Immerse Education Programs.B.Harvards High School Programs.C.American University High School Summer Scholars.D.Worcester Polytechnic Institute(WPI)-Frontiers Program.22.What do these four programs have in common?A.They provide access to online learning.B.They set academic requirements.C.They offer participants college credits.D.They take place in the United States.23.Who is the text mainly intended for?A.College staff.C.Program organizers.B.College students.D.High school students.BHalfway through the womens slalom(障碍滑雪赛)event at the 2014 Winter OlympicGames in Sochi,Russia,18-year-old Mikaela Shiffiin held a commanding lead over the greatestwomens slalom skiers in the world.On her final run,she burst from the start house at breakneckspeed,zigzagging(曲折前进)around the poles in crazy rhythm.Skiing has always been a big part of Mikaelas life.Her dad ski raced all through collegeand her mom raced and coached skiing.The Shiffiins taught Mikaela and her brother,Taylor,toski at a very young age.At two and a half years old,Mikaela made her first ski run on plastic skis.From ages 8 to 11,she worked hard,repeating hundreds of training runs on small hills to learn thecorrect techniques of slalom skiing.When Mikaela was 11,she attended the Burke Mountain Academy,a Vermont boardingschool for skiers.She took classes,studied,and practiced her skiing crazily.According to BurkeMountain Academy headmaster Kirk Dwyer,“What separated Mikaela from others was the degreeof her effort to be the best.Her commitment to conditioning,getting proper sleep,eating correctly,doing the drills,and watching video was unusual for an 11-to 13-year-old.Mikaela practiced morethan anyone and believed in herself then and now.”By the time she was 17,she had already won her first World Cup race.For Mikaela,working hard is a full-time job.Even her off-season is work time.In thesummer,when Mikaela is off the ski slopes and in the gym,her daily training consists of six toseven hours of weight lifting core body work,and biking to improve her strength and flexibility.She does all of this so that she can dash down a mountain at speeds topping 50 miles per hourwhile cutting back and forth around gates with astonishing precision.“If youre passionate about your goals,whatever they are,”she says,“theres no limit to whatyou can achieve.Give it your all!”24.What can we Iearn from paragraph 2?A.Mikaela came from a skiing family.B.Mikaelas mother taught her to ski first.C.Mikaela trained harder than her brother.D.Mikaelas father coached skiing in colleges.25.Why were headmaster Kirk Dwyers words cited?A.To praise the good students in his school.B.To stress the great importance of practice.C.To show Mikaelas difference from others.D.To highlight Mikaelas great devotion to training.26.Which of the following words can best describe Mikaela?A.Competent and smart.B.Confident and creative.C.Aggressive and optimistic.D.Committed and self disciplined.27.Where is this text probably taken from?A.Atextbook.B.Anovel.C.Amagazine.D.Abrochure.CMorethan40companiesandinstitutes,includingChinesechip-makingcompanySemiconductor Manufacturing International Corp,have established a working committee onautomotive(汽车的)electronic components standards,as part of the nations broader push todevelop the domestic auto chip(芯片)industry.The move came as a long-time shortage in auto chips has highlighted the importance ofprocessors in vehicles which are getting increasingly smarter and internet-connected.YangXudong,head of the electronic information department at the Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology,said electronic components represented by chips are the key and heart ofautomotive electronic systems,and are also an important foundation for the intelligenttransformation of the automotive industry.Chinas automotive electronics industry started relatively late,has a relatively high degree ofdependence on imports,and the standardization of work is falling behind other leading countries.Meanwhile,during a global shortage of auto chips,domestic chips and component companies arealso beefing up the research and development of key products,and auto makers have becomemore willing to buy homegrown auto chips.In such a context,there is an urgent need to establish a standard system applicable to Chinasautomotive chip and component industry,guide its healthy and sustainable development,Yangadded.“We will promote the establishment of a set of much-needed automotive chip andcomponent standards as soon as possible,and speed up the standard construction process.Meanwhile,we will also increase policy and financial support to promote the supply capacity ofdomestic automotive chips and components,”Yang added.Chen Daji,vice president of China Electronics Standardization Institute,a professionalinstitute for standardization in the field of electronics and IT industry under the Ministry ofIndustry and Information Technology,said when drafting the industry standards,such work needsto be guided by industrial needs,focus on main technical issues,strengthen the industrialfoundation,and promote the development of key standards for automotive electronics.28.Whats the purpose of setting up a committee on auto electronic components standards?A.To promote Chinas auto chip industry.B.To solve the great shortage in auto chips.C.To develop global chip-making industry.D.To boost the cooperation among companies.29.What does paragraph 2 mainly focus on about auto chips?A.Its shortage.B.Its significance.C.Its components.D.Its application.30.Which of the following urges China to found the standard system?A.Chinas great demand for domestic chips.B.Chinas lack of leading industry standards.C.Chinas slow development of key products.D.Chinas heavy reliance on overseas markets.31.What is Yang Xudongs attitude towards the establishment of such a standard?A.Reserved.B.Unclear.D.Tolerant.C.Supportive.DMuch like people whose relatives or friends have died,orphaned(成为孤儿的)elephantsget by with a little help from their friends,according to a study.Scientists in the United States and Kenya analysed stress hormones(激素)in the babyelephants whose mothers had died,expecting to find higher levels.Instead,the support of theirpeers appeared to reduce the orphans,level of anxiety.The study,published last week in the journal Communications Biology,concluded that socialrelationships have a psychological impact on the young elephants.Elephants have strong familialand group tics.Before the age of nine,baby elephants rarely move away more than 30 feet(ninemetres)from their mothers,and even a few hours of separation lead to joyous reunion.The bondbetween female elephants and their young has long been thought to reduce stress.Expecting to find that the orphaned elephants,which tend to die early at a higher rate thanthose whose mothers are still alive,would be more depressed,the team analysed stress hormonelevels in the waste matter of 36 young elephants in the nature reserves in northern Kenya between2015 and 2016.Twenty-five of the elephants had lost their mothers to drought or hunting between2009 and 2013,when a rise in the demand for ivory left many elephants on the reservesmotherless.However,the researchers were surprised to find that long-term stress hormone levels weresimilar among orphans and elephants with living mothers.Jenna Parker,the studys main authorand a professor at Colorado State University,said their unexpected resilience is directly linked tosoci