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毕业论文(设计)开题报告姓 名院(系)外国语专业班级学 号联系方式论文题目:Beauty of Tension in Mrs. Browning s Sonnets from the Portuguese勃朗宁太太的葡萄牙十四行诗中张力之美开题申请:(包括选题的意义与目的、文献综述、研究现状、创新思路、论文提纲、参考文献等。如果篇幅不够,可另加页。字数不少于1500字。)1. The significance and purpose of the topic(1)The significance of the topicBeauty of Tension in Mrs. Browning s Sonnets from the Portuguese gives me a unique reading experience. In my opinion, I have a feeling which is about a strictly secular view of pure love. Besides, I understand the love. Its so precious and nothing can replace the love. Absolute sincerity will move a heart of stone. Although the poetry, I feel a thought which the pursuit of freedom. Elizabeth Barrett Browning lives in a era that gender discrimination is very severity. But she has a spirit which desires for freedom. And the same time, Elizabeth Barrett Browning struggle all the time in order to get the freedom. As for me, I must have a profound knowledge of literature to analyze the work. Interest makes me to understand the work, so I can feel the helplessness which from Elizabeth Barrett Browning. For the work, I think something from a rational point of view.(2)The purpose of the topicElizabeth Barrett Browning (1805-1861), also known as Mrs. Browning, was one of the most respected British poetess in the history of Victorian poetry. She creates many excellent works. As a female poet, she puts a lot of energy in the social status of women, the state of women's lives and women's spiritual needs, who lived in the Victorian period. Her poetries have a bright ideas which have something to do with female perspective. When you are reading poetries which are worked by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, you can feel a unique content including pure love, humanitarian spirit and feminist spirit. Elizabeth Barrett Browning is a typical representative in the history of world poetry. Beauty of Tension in Mrs. Browning s Sonnets from the Portuguese can help you understand the alive and dead. Mrs. Browning s Sonnets shows the love life of an era. It has a profound implications in history of British literature.2. Literature review There are many researches about Sonnets from the Portuguese, which mainly fall into 3 angles to analysis the sonnets. The fist is from the angle of Mrs. Browning s life experience and the background of Victorian age. The second is from the angle of aesthetics and the sonnet itself. The third is from the angles of Feminism. From the article of Fang ping, he talked about the illness of Mrs. Browning which made the first few sonnets tone in Sonnets from the Portuguese depressing. And after the courtship with Mr. Browning the sonnets tone got lighter and lighter. In the article he desire that: Love make miracle. Her health and the belief of life were rapidly enhanced. The literary critics are very pleased to find that at that stage, her poetry creation reached a new height. The sonnets are full of more emotion, and the style and form are more perfect than before. It was during that period that she began to write the "Portuguese Fourteen Poems" dedicated to her lover. This is one of her best and most popular works. And Wang Lingling analysis the music features of Sonnets from the Portuguese with the life experience of Mrs. Browning. She desires that: the whole sonnets present the struggle between love and death which make the sonnets remarkable. She writes that: Sonnets from the Portuguese is a reproduction of the poet's inner life with the theme of love. The unique life experience and monotonous life make her longing for love, but once thought that her illness may bring burdens to her lover, she got resisted and suppressed her love. At the same time, the poet also insists on his own independent personality, and the willingness not yield to only pity, sympathy, and impulsive love. The constant interweaving of these emotions makes this piece of love music so beautiful and so sincere. Art is more valuable than truth. It means that art is stronger than truth and can promote the expression of power and will in life.Zhang yuanyuan focuses on an aesthetic reading of Mrs. Browning s love poems from the aesthetics of sound, image, and structure. She used Li Zehou s aesthetics theory to analysis the beauty of Sonnet from the Portuguese. She believes that the research can fully express the beauty of her love poems and guide people to learn to enjoy the beauty of her love poems in all dimensions. In the thesis, she said: the aesthetic reading of Mrs. Browning s love poems is meaningful. It is a thoroughly research from the aesthetic perspective to analyze Mrs. Browning s love poems. We can use the same way to analyze her other poems and other poets poems. Besides, the research can help readers to appreciate and understand the beauty of the sonnets in an aesthetic way. It can also guide the readers to find the beauty of true love, practice the beauty, and create the beauty in their practical lives. “Full of merit, yet poetically, man dwells on this earth”, which is my final goal.Yang yongxiang raises the idea that with the development of tension theory, it has become a standard to judge whether a sonnet is good or not. So her paper focuses on how tension theory in New Criticism is presented in Mrs. Browning' s sonnets. In the thesis, she writes: The term tension is used widely in relation to the analysis or appreciation of poetry, even novels and films. The language in Sonnets from the Portuguese is mundane and unremarkable, the images are vivid, her use of syntax indicates a mind of complication. Tension theory helps us understand why there is such a strong sense of emotion and glamour. Artistically, the sonnet sequence is a brilliant example of confession or records of how love progresses. It reflects the sentiment of the poetess.To sum up, the detail researches of Sonnets from the Portuguese can be divided into 2 aspects, one is from the atheistic, another is from the life experience and love story of Mrs. Browning. The researches are meaningful and useful but it is evidently that scholars try to use different kinds of critical approach to analysis the sonnets. And Yang yongxiang offer a new approach to explore the sonnets.The beauty of tension offers a new angle to analysis the Sonnet from the Portuguese. Different from Yang yongxiang, I choose the 3 aspects to analysis the tension in Sonnet from the Portuguese are: language, emotion and theme. Through those aspects we can make a progress on the study of the Sonnet. And guide people to learn applying the tension theory to appreciate the sonnets. Whats more, it offers people a new way to analyze the other sonnets.Through these references, I know that Elizabeth Barrett Browning is very famous in Victorian period. She is responsible for her career. She becomes the founder of the tradition of female poetry. However, no reference researches the development of the work in future.3. The research status “Tension theory” is an important part of arnheim's art theory. In order to complete this paper, I refer to the literatures from the library. I know that the poetry is about the love and it is one of the treasures which are famous In the history of English literature. Women have no place in Europe in the 19th century. They must get permission from their husband when they want to do something 4. Innovative ideas Beauty of Tension in Mrs. Browning s Sonnets from the Portuguese is researched by the author from its ideas. Besides, the author analysis of the feeling about the protagonist.5. The paper outline The article has five parts: First of all, the article introduces the research background、research objective and significance、the research methods、research idea and literature research; the second part is the most import part for this article, it includes the characteristics of poetry; the third part is conclusion for this article; the last part is acknowledgement.paper outline1. Introduction1.1 The research background1.2 Research objective and significance1.3 The research methods1.4 Research idea1.5 Literature research1.5.1 Domestic literature research1.5.2 Foreign literature research2. Beauty of Tension in Mrs. Browning s Sonnets from the Portuguese2.1 Summary of the theory2.2 Characteristics of poetry2.2.1 A strictly secular view of pure love2.2.2 Humanitarian spirit2.2.3 Feminist spirit3. Conclusion4. AcknowledgementReference6. references 1秦昕,黄辉辉.对勃朗宁夫人爱情诗歌的美学解读以其作品葡萄牙人十四行诗集为例J.当代教研论丛,2018(09):137-138. 2张园园. 对布朗宁夫人爱情诗歌的美学解读D.河北师范大学,2017.3杨永香. 白朗宁夫人葡萄牙十四行诗集中的张力美D.云南师范大学,2014.4邵俊.解读白朗宁夫人十四行抒情诗历久弥新的艺术魅力J.湖北广播电视大学学报,2008(11):72-73.5余尚清.论文学语言的张力美J.平顶山师专学报,2004(03):63-65.指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日