HFC6100LT FAN CONTROLLER USER MANUAL All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form(including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means or other)without the written permission of the copyright holder.Applications for the copyright holders written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to SmartGen Technology at the address above.Any reference to trademarked product names used within this publication is owned by their respective companies.SmartGen Technology reserves the right to change the contents of this document without prior notice.Table 1-Software Version Date Version Note 2020-12-18 1.0 Original release.CONTENTS 1 OVERVIEW.4 2 PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS.4 3 SPECIFICATION.5 4 OPERATION.6 4.1 CONTROLLER PANEL.6 4.2 KEYS FUNCTION DSCRIPTION.7 4.3 FAN CONTROLL MODE.8 4.3.1 AUTO MODE.8 4.3.2 AUTO CONTROL OUTPUT.8 ONE GROUP OF FANS CONTROLLED BY ONE GROUP OF SENSORS.8 ONE GROUP OF FANS CONTROLLED BY TWO GROUPS OF SENSORS.9 4.3.3 MANUAL MODE.9 4.3.4 MANUAL CONTROL OUTPUT.9 5 PROTECTION.10 5.1 ALARM.10 6 CONNECTIONS.11 7 PARAMETER RANGE AND DEFINITION.13 7.1 PARAMETER CONTENT AND RANGE.13 7.2 SENSOR SELECTION.19 7.3 AUX.OUTPUT 1-12.19 7.4 DIGITAL INPUT 1-18.20 8 PARAMETER SETTING.21 8.1 MENU.21 8.2 CONTROLLER PARAMETER SETTING.21 8.3 LANUGUAGE OPTION.21 8.4 CONTROLLER INFORMATION.21 8.5 FAN RUNNING TIME.21 9 COMMISSIONING.21 10 TYPICAL APPLICATION.22 11 INSTALLATION.22 11.1 FIXING CLIPS.22 11.2 OVERALL DIMENSION AND PANEL CUTOUT.23 12 TROUBLESHOOTING.24 1 OVERVIEW HFC6100LT Fan Controller can be used for automatic control of 5 groups of fans,and can control its start/stop and PWN output function according to the selected temperature sensor.It has the function of balancing the running time of fan.This controller integrates digital,intelligent and network technologies and is able to work in the temperature range(-40C+70C).It is easy and reliable to operate by LCD display with Chinese and English.HFC6100LT Fan Controller adopts 32-bit micro-processing technique which can achieve precise measurement of various parameters,value adjustment,timing and threshold setting etc.All the parameters can be configured from front panel.It can be used in all types of fan automatic systems for its compact structure,simple connection and high reliability.2 PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS Its main characters are shown as follows:132*64 LCD display with backlight,optional Chinese and English operation interfaces for on-site selection,which is convenient for commissioning staff;With RS485 communication port,it can achieve“four remote”functions(remote control,remote measurement,remote communication and remote adjustment)via MODBUS protocol;Collect and display parameters of temperature,PWM output percentage,fan output numbers,etc.;With the function of grouping control of fans,1 sensor could control the output of a group of fans,or multiple sensors could control the same group of fans,the number of output fans is the maximum number of fans required by multiple sensors;Each sensor can set the temperature control fan curve,(8 points,X(Temperature),Y(Output fan numbers);With the function of balancing running time:the fan with shortest running time will output when the start conditions are met each time;Control protection functions:to realize high temperature sensor and open circuit alarm,as well as perfect fault display protections;With PWM control output function,the auto mode will automatically adjust PWM output duty ratio according to the selected temperature sensor;Parameter setting function:allow users to change and set the parameters in case of missing even power off.The parameters can be adjusted from front panel;With a variety of temperature sensor curves and they are available for users to customize;The controller has 12#outputs,which can be divided into 5 groups at most;With 4#PWM output ports and each one can manually or automatically adjust PWM;Wide power supply range DC(835)V,is able to adapt to different battery voltage environments;Add rubber gasket ring between shell and controller screen,the waterproof performance can reach to IP65;Controller is fixed by metal fixing clips;Modular design,pluggable wiring terminals,embedded mounting,compact structure and easy installation.3 SPECIFICATION Table 2 Performance Parameters Items Contents Working Voltage Continuous power supply:DC8.0V to DC35.0V Power Consumption 4W(Standby mode:2W)AUX.Output 112 1A DC24V Transistor B+output PWM 1-4 1A DC24V Transistor B+output Frequency 100Hz Duty Ratio 0100%Digital Input 1-16 Low threshold voltage is 2.8V;high limit voltage is 60V Digital Input 17-18 Low threshold voltage is 1.2V;high limit voltage is 60V RS485 Isolated,half-duplex,9600 baud rate,maximum communication length 1000m Vibration 5-8 Hz:7.5 mm 8-500 Hz:2 g IEC 60068-2-6 Shock 50g,11ms,half-sine,complete shock test from three directions,and 18 times shock for each test IEC 60068-2-27 Bump Test 25g,16ms,half-sine IEC 60255-21-2 Production Compliance According to EN 61010-1 installation category(over voltage category)III,300V,pollution class 2,altitude 3000m Overall Dimensions 209mm x 167mm x 45mm Panel Cutout 186mm x 141mm Working Condition Temperature:(-40+70)C Relative Humidity:(2093)%RH Storage Condition Temperature:(-40+80)C Protection Level Front panel:IP65,when waterproof gasket ring inserted between panel and housing.Rear panel:IP20 Weight 0.6kg 4 OPERATION 4.1 CONTROLLER PANEL Fig.1-HFC6110LT Front Panel Indication Note:Partial indicator insructions.Table 2 Indicators Introduction Indicator Description Alarm Slow flashing(1 time per second)when alarms,light off when there is no alarm.Status Light on when fan outputs,light off when there is no output.Power Normal Light on when unit normal input closes,light off when power is off.Fan Switch In manual switch mode,light off after it is illuminated for 2s when pressing the switch key.Fan Speed In manual speed mode,light off after it is illuminated for 2s when pressing the speed key.4.2 KEYS FUNCTION DSCRIPTION Table 4 Keys Description Icon Key Description Fan Speed In manual mode,press this key to set controller to manual fan speed mode.Adjust PWM output duty ratio to realize fan speed control by pressing or.Note:In manual fan speed mode,press to switch PWM output channel.Fan Switch In manual mode,press this key to set controller to manual fan switch mode.Open or close the corresponding fans by pressing or.Note:In manual fan switch mode,press to switch fan output channel.Manual Press this key to set controller to manual mode.Long press this key for more than 3s to test whether the panel indicator is normal.(Lamp test)Auto Press this key to set controller to auto mode.Fan On/Speed-up In manual fan switch mode,press this key to control the selected fan opening.In manual fan speed mode,press this key to control the selected PWM channel speed-up.(PWM duty ratio increases)Fan Off/Speed-down In manual fan switch mode,press this key to control the selected fan closing.In manual fan speed mode,press this key to control the selected PWM channel speed-down.(PWM duty ratio decreases)Set/Confirm Press this key to enter menu list,move the cursor in parameter setting and confirm the set information.Page Up/Increase Screen scroll;Up cursor and increase value in parameter setting.Page Down/Decrease Screen scroll;Down cursor and decrease value in parameter setting.Homepage/Return Return to homepage when in main interface;Return to previous interface when pressing this key in parameters setting interface.4.3 FAN CONTROLL MODE 4.3.1 AUTO MODE Auto mode is activated by pressing,LED indicator beside the key is illuminating which confirms this action.4.3.2 AUTO CONTROL OUTPUT ONE GROUP OF FANS CONTROLLED BY ONE GROUP OF SENSORS Fan Automatic Control Setting:a)The balanced running time is not enable,temp.sensor 1 controls the first group of fans and the outlets of the first group of fans are(Output port 1 2 3 4);b)The fan control curves(X1:60,Y1:0),(X2:70,Y2:1),(X3:80,Y3:2),(X4:90,Y4:3),(X5:100,Y5:4);c)The return difference value of sensor 1:5;d)1#PWM output temp.sensor selects sensor 1.The logic graph of automatic running is shown as below:Fig.2 The Logic Graph of Automatic Control NOTE:When balanced running time enables and meets the start condition,the fun with shortest running time will output;when meets the stop condition,the fun with longest running time will shut down.1#PWM will automatically output corresponding duty ratio according to the set PWM output curve. ONE GROUP OF FANS CONTROLLED BY TWO GROUPS OF SENSORS When 2#sensor control the same group of fans:the number of output fans are the maximum number of 2#sensor required fan on.Fan Automatic Control Setting:a)The balanced running time is not enable,temp.sensor 1 and temp.sensor 2 control the first group of fans at the same time,and the outlets of the first group of fans are(Output port 1 2 3 4);b)The fan control curves of sensor 1 and sensor 2 are as follows:(X1:60,Y1:0),(X2:70,Y2:1),(X3:80,Y3:2),(X4:90,Y4:3),(X5:100,Y5:4);c)The return difference value of sensor 1 and sensor 2:5;d)1#PWM output temp.sensor selects sensor 1.Fan Automatic Running Description:The running process description of turning on/off the fan is the same as fan on temperature of sensor 1 or sensor meets the output condition,the fan off temperature of the sensor 1 and sensor 2 meet the shutdown condition simultaneously.Example:when the temperature of sensor 1 is 70 and the temperature of sensor 2 is 80,two fans should be output by fan groups;when the temperature of sensor 1 drops to 65 and that of sensor 2 drops to 75,one fan shall be shut down of fan groups.NOTE:In auto mode,when the unit running input is inactive,delay the setting time,all the output will be disconnected and the output of PWM duty ratio is MANUAL MODE Manual mode is activated by pressing,the controller enters“Manual Mode”and the LED indicator is illuminating.4.3.4 MANUAL CONTROL OUTPUT a)In manual mode,press and controller enters manual fan switch mode.Select the corresponding fan output by pressing.When select output 1,press and the outlet 1 will output,press and the outlet 1 will be disconnected.b)In manual mode,press and controller enters manual fan speed mode.Select the corresponding speed output channel(PWM)by pressing.When select 1#PWM channel,press to speed up(1#PWM output duty ratio increases),press to speed down(1#PWM output duty ratio decreases);5 PROTECTION 5.1 ALARM When controller detects the alarm signal,it only alarms.Table 5 Controller Warning Alarms No.Items Description 1 Battery Over Voltage When the controller detects that the battery voltage is higher than the threshold,it will send alarm signal.2 Battery Under Voltage When the controller detects that the battery voltage is lower than the threshold,it will send warning alarm signal.3 Sensor 1 Open Circuit When the controller detects that sensor 1 is open and the open action selects alarm,it will send alarm signal.4 Sensor 1 High When the controller detects that the temperature value is greater than the alarm value,it will send alarm signal.5 Sensor 2 Open Circuit When the controller detects that sensor 2 is open and the open action selects alarm,it will send alarm signal.6 Sensor 2 High When the controller detects that the temperature value is greater than the alarm value,it will send alarm signal.7 Sensor 3 Open Circuit When the controller detects that sensor 3 is open and the open action selects alarm,it will send alarm signal.8 Sensor 3 High When the controller detects that the temperature value is greater than the alarm value,it will send alarm signal.9 Sensor 4 Open Circuit When the controller detects that sensor 4 is open and the open action selects alarm,it will send alarm signal.10 Sensor 4 High When the controller detects that the temperature value is greater than the alarm value,it will send alarm signal.11 Sensor 5 Open Circuit When the controller detects that sensor 5 is open and the open action selects alarm,it will send alarm signal.12 Sensor 5 High When the controller detects that the temperature value is greater than the alarm value,it will send alarm signal.13#112 Fan Faults When the controller detects that the#112 fan faults input,or the input port set fans running input and when fans output,when fans running do not input,the controller will send corresponding alarm signal.6 CONNECTIONS The rear panel of HFC6100LT is as below:Fig.3 Controller Rear Panel Drawing Table 6 Terminal Connection Description No.Function Cable Size Remark 1 DC input B-1.5mm2 Connect to negative of battery 2 DC input B+1.5mm2 Connect to positive of battery.Max.10A fuse is recommended.3 Aux.Output 1 1.0mm2 B+is supplied by 2 points,Transistor output rated 1A.Refer to Table 9 4 Aux.Output 2 1.0mm2 5 Aux.Output 3 1.0mm2 6 Aux.Output 4 1.0mm2 7 Aux.Output 5 1.0mm2 8 Aux.Output 6 1.0mm2 9 COM1 1.5mm2 Aux.output 712 common ports,connect to positive of battery.10 Aux.Output 7 1.0mm2 B+is supplied by 9 points,Transistor output rated 1A.Refer to Table 9 11 Aux.Output 8 1.0mm2 12 Aux.Output 9 1.0mm2 13 Aux.Output 10 1.0mm2 14 Aux.Output 11 1.0mm2 15 Aux.Output 12 1.0mm2 No.Function Cable Size Remark 16 COM2 1.5mm2 PWM 1-4 output common ports Connect to positive of battery.17 PWM Output 1 1.0mm2 B+is supplied by 16 points,rated 8A Transistor output rated 1A.18 PWM Output 2 1.0mm2 19 PWM Output 3 1.0mm2 20 PWM Output 4 1.0mm2 21 Aux.Input 1 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)22 Aux.Input 2 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)23 Aux.Input 3 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)24 Aux.Input 4 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)25 Aux.Input 5 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)26 Aux.Input 6 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)27 Aux.Input 7 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)28 Aux.Input 8 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)29 Aux.Input Common Port The controller interior has been connected to power input B-.30 Aux.Input 9 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)31 Aux.Input 10 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)32 Aux.Input 11 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)33 Aux.Input 12 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)34 Aux.Input 13 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)35 Aux.Input 14 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)36 Aux.Input 15 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)37 Aux.Input 16 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)38 Aux.Input 17 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)39 Aux.Input 18 1.0mm2 Connect to GND(B-)40 Aux.Input Common Port The controller interior has been connected to power input B-.41 RS485+0.5mm2 Impedance-120 shielding wire is recommended and its single end grounded.42 RS485-0.5mm2 43 Terminal Resistor(120)0.5mm2 If impedance-120 is needed,short connected terminal 41、43.44 Sensor 1 Input 1.0mm2 Connect to temp.sensor 1.45 Sensor 2 Input 1.0mm2 Connect to temp.sensor 2.46 Sensor 3 Input 1.0mm2 Connect to temp.sensor 3.47 Sensor 4 Input 1.0mm2 Connect to temp.sensor 4.48 Sensor 5 Input 1.0mm2 Connect to temp.sensor 5.49 Sensor Common Port/Sensor common port The controller interior has been connected to power input B-.7 PARAMETER RA