精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题 目: 浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗 系部名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 3 指导教师: 教师职称: 讲师 专心-专注-专业 浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗 摘要:研究建筑环境,了解暖通空调负荷产生的原因及影响因素,可以更加合理地提出解决问题的方法。关键词:建筑环境 暖通空调 能耗浅谈建筑环境与暖通空调能耗能源为经济的发展提供了动力,但是由于各种原因,能源的发展往往滞后于经济的发展。近几年,中国的国民生产总值的增长率维持在约10,但是能源的增长率只有34。这样的形势要求我们必须节能。建筑能源消耗在社会总能耗中的比例较大,发达国家的建筑用能一般占到全国总能耗的3040;中国采暖区的城镇人口虽然只占全国人口的13.6,但是采暖用能却占全国总能耗的9.6。建筑节能是建筑发展的基本趋势,也是当代建筑科学技术的一个新的生长点。现代建筑的必要组成部分暖通空调领域也已经收到这种趋势的影响,暖通空调系统中的节能正在引起暖通空调工作者的加合理地提出解决问题的方法。暖通空调能耗的组成为了创造舒适的室内空调环境,必须消耗大量的能源。暖通空调能耗是建筑能耗中的大户,居统计在发达国家中暖通空调能耗占建筑能耗的65,以建筑能耗占总能耗的356计算,暖通空调能耗占总能耗的比例竟高达22.75,由此可见建筑节能工作的重点应该是暖通空调的节能。从暖通空调的能耗组成可以看出:暖通空调系统的能耗主要决定于空调冷、热负荷的确定和空调系统的合理配置,空调系统的布置和空调设备的选择是以空调负荷为依据的。所以暖通空调节能的关键是空调外界负荷和内部负荷的确定,而暖通空调节能工作也应该从这个方面着手,合理布置建筑物的位置,正确选择外墙、门、窗、屋顶的形状及材料等,尽量减少空调负荷。室内环境的影响暖通空调的目标是为人们提供舒适的生活和生产室内热环境,主要包括:室内空气温度、空气湿度、气流速度以及人体与周围环境(包括四壁、地面、顶棚等)之间的辐射换热(简称环境热辐射)等。在一般的舒适性空调中,以能够使人体保持平衡而满足人们的舒适感觉为目的;在恒温恒湿或有洁净要求的工艺性空调中,一切以满足生产工艺为目标。而房屋的建筑热工设计是恰当地利用房屋维护结构的热导性,抵抗室外气候的变化,使房间内产生舒适的微气候。围护结构暖通空调负荷的影响围护结构包括外围结构和内围护结构。外围护结构主要包括屋面、外墙和窗户(包括阳台门等);内围护结构主要包括地面、顶棚、内隔墙等。在采暖建筑中,围护结构的传热热损失占总的热损失的比例是较大的,以4个单元6层的砖墙、混凝土楼板的典型多层建筑为例,在北京地区,通过围护结构的传热热损失约占全部热损失的77(其中外墙25,窗户24,楼梯间隔墙11,屋面9,阳台门下部3,地面2);通过门窗缝隙的空气渗透热损失约占23;在哈尔滨地区,通过围护结构的传热热损失约占全部热损失的71(其中外墙28,窗户28,屋面9,阳台门下部1,外门1,地面4);通过门窗缝隙的空气渗透热损失约占29。由此可见改善围护结构的热工性能对于暖通空调节能具有重要意义。建筑规划设计对暖通空调节能的影响规划设计时建筑节能设计的重要方面,规划节能设计应从建设选址、分区、建筑和道路布局走向、建筑方位朝向、建筑体型、建筑间距、冬季季风主导方向、太阳辐射、建筑外部空间环境构成等方面进行研究。以优化建筑的微气候环境;有利于节能,充分重视和利用太阳能、冬季主导风向、地形和地貌,利用自然因素。节能规划设计就是分析成气候的决定因素、辐射因素、大气环流因素和地理因素的有利、不利影响,通过建筑的规划布局对上述因素进行充分利用、改造,形成良好的居住条件和有利于节能的微气候环境。建筑旁边的绿化不但有防风、隔声、防尘和美化环境的作用,而且对于建筑节能也有重要作用。因为首先树木可以从根部吸收水分,同过叶面蒸发,从而降低空气温度,其次树木有很好的遮阳作用,从而使建筑物直接受到的太阳辐射及从地面得到的辐射热减少,二是树木有引导风及挡风的作用。此外,地面不但会反射太阳辐射,而且其本身辐射升高后又会成为新的热辐射源。所以尽量种草、植树,避免地面土壤裸露,并减少不必要的大面积混凝土地坪对于减少空调负荷,达到节能的目的是非常重要的手段。而且清洁的室外环境对于洁净空调系统的有效运行和空调箱过滤器的寿命也是有利的。总之,建筑环境是影响暖通空调能耗的重要因素,从建筑环境着手考虑是解决暖通空调节能问题的关键,也是一种积极的节能工作作者认为应着重以下方面的工作:(1)制定相应的政策法规。制定政策法规对建筑节能工作具有指导意义,而且以法规的形式出现,一则表示政府重视和鼓励,二则可以为节能工作的开展提供法律依据。近年来国务院和有关部委也颁布了相关的建筑节能法规;此外各地方政府也根据气候条件和能源特点,制定了各自的建筑节能标准和规定;但是总的来说法规和政策还有待进一步的完善。(2)推动科技的进步。暖通空调节能工作的顺利开展离不开技术的进步。国家在制定节能政策时,即指明了发展方向,同时也鼓励了技术进步。只有依靠科技的发展,不断优化能源结构和用能方式,才能够真正做到节能,创造巨大的社会效益和经济效益。(3)加强专业间的协调。建筑是各工种配合的产物,建筑专业在考虑建筑环境时,不但要从建筑功能、建筑美学等方面考虑,还要与设备工种进行配合,充分重视建筑环境、建筑材料等对暖通空调乃至建筑能耗的影响,各工种协调工作,共同完成节能设计。总之从建筑内外环境着手,不断优化建筑热功能,充分利用有利的建筑环境,必然会创造出适宜的室内热环境,同时也必将有利于暖通空调节能的发展参 考 文 献 1姚江波,白蔚君.绿色建筑与建筑节能J.华中建筑.2000 2魏东杰,胡彤.绿色建筑中暖通空调的应用J.河北建筑科技学院学报.2003本文摘译自 2013年第7期企业导报杂志目次Shallow talk the building environment an air condition to consume with the warmSummary:The research constructs environment, understanding a warm an air condition to carry output reason and influencing factor, can be more and reasonably put forward solve problem of method. Keyword:Constructing a warm of environment an air condition to consumeFirst,Shallow talk the building environment an air condition to consume with the warm The energy provided motive for the development of the economy, but because of various reason, the development of the energy is a usually behind in economy of development.In the last few years, the growth rate maintenance of citizen's total output value of China are in about 10%, but the growth rate of the energy only have 3% s 4%.Such situation's requesting us has to economize on energy.The comparison that constructs the energy depletion in the society always the ability consume compares greatly, the building of the flourishing nations' use can have to the whole country generally and always can consume of 30% s 40%;China adopts the town population of the warm area although only 13.6% that have national population, adopt warm use an ability but have a whole country and always can consume of 9.6%.Construct the economy energy is the basic trend of the building development, is also a new growth ofwith the contemporary building science technique to order.The necessity of the modern building constitutes a part of warm, the air condition realm has already received the influence of this kind of trend as well, warm the economy energy within air condition system is cause a warm the attention of the air condition worker, and aims at different of the adopt of energy characteristics and the dissimilarity building of the nation,region is warm,well ventilated,the air condition request develop a related economy energy technique.The research constructs environment, understanding a warm an air condition to carry output reason and influencing factor, can be more and reasonably put forward solve problem of method. (1) the destruction and pollution of the environment of our country's traditional construction industry is very big.System's construction and environment relationship is purely to bestow, is naturally turn to adapt to the construction, the consequences of doing so is necessarily provoke human nature. The natural disaster to mankind in color. The correct relationship between architecture and ecology, should be less disturbance of the building ecology, architecture and ecology. Although this approach seems to be more difficult, but, in fact, it is feasible. Especially in the HVAC field there are many ways to the relationship between architecture and ecology to form a harmonious relationship between the natural. Between the two links, promote each other. Deep research, we found that the HVAC energy consumption is the biggest is heating and refrigeration, and produced by users in these two points is the determining factor in the HVAC system cooling load parameters, the two parameters determines the air conditioning operating conditions and system configurations. Internal users' demand is an internal load, and the external environment influences the external load of the HVAC system. So for the HVAC energy saving and consumption must be resolved from the two aspects. In the actual construction process, we found the building toward the position, and in the process of building envelope, door materials, window sealing condition of size and shape and so on will have a very important influence on the air conditioning load, and green building is at the foot of the effort. (2) the retaining structure includes the external and internal. The peripheral structure mainly includes the roof, walls and windows; in the retaining structure mainly includein groundcrestinside separate wall etc. In building heating and building envelope heat loss accounted for the proportion of the total heat loss is larger, in the Beijing area, through the envelope structure heat transfer heat losses accounted for 77% of the total heat loss; through gaps of doors and windows of air infiltration heat loss accounted for 23%; in Harbin area, envelope structure heat transfer heat losses accounted for 71% of the total heat loss; through gaps of doors and windows of air infiltration heat loss accounted for 29%. This shows that improving the thermal performance of building envelope is of great significance to the HVAC energy saving. (3) planning and design an important aspect of the construction of energy-efficient design, siting and planning the construction of energy-saving design should be, zoning, building and road layout to, toward the building orientation, building size, building space and winter monsoon leading direction, solar radiation, exterior space environment composition. In order to optimize the construction of micro climate environment, it is conducive to energy conservation, full attention and use of solar energy, wind direction, topography and geomorphology in winter, the use of natural factors. Energy-saving planning and design is the analysis into the determinants of climate, radiation, atmospheric circulation factors and geographic factors advantageous and disadvantageous influence, through the architectural layout of the above factors to make the transformation, the formation of good living conditions and micro climate environment conducive to energy conservation. Second,Warm the air condition can consume of constitute For creating comfortable indoor air condition environment, have to consume a great deal of energy.Warm the air condition can consume is the building can consume medium of big door, reside to statistics a warm an air condition in the flourishing nation and can consume to have 65% that building can consume, canning consume to share by building always can consume of 356% calculation, warm the air condition can consume to share and always can consume of the comparison is up to 22.75% unexpectedly, be showed from this the building economy energy work of point should be warm the economy energy of the air condition.The air condition can consume to constitute and can see from the warm:Warm the air condition system can consume main the decision is cold in the air condition,hot the burden really certainly installs with the reasonable of the air condition system, the decoration of the air condition system and the choice of the air-condition take the air condition burden as basis of.So warm air condition economy energy of the key is the air condition the external world to carry to carry and inner part really settle, and warm air condition economy energy the work should also begin from this aspect, reasonable decoration building of position, the exactitude chooses the shape and material etc.s of the outside wall,door,window,roof, reducing air condition burden as far as possible. Third,The influence of the indoor environment Warm the target of the air condition is for people to provide comfortable life and produce indoor hot environment。Take can make the human body hold the balance but satisfy people's comfortable felling as a purpose in the general comfortable sex air condition;In the constant temperature wetly or have the craft air condition ofwith clean request, everything takes satisfying to produce a craft as a target.But the building of the house the hot work design is the heat that the fitting land utilization uses the house maintenance structure to lead sex, resisting the variety of the outdoors weather, making comfortable tiny weather of creation inside the room.Round to protect a warm of structure the influence ofwith air condition burdenRound to protect structure to include the outer circle structure with inside round to protect structure.The outer circle protects structure to mainly include the house noodles,outside wall and window;(include the veranda door etc.)Inside round to protect structure to mainly includein ground,crest,inside separate wall etc.In adopt the warm building, the comparison that rounds to protect structure to transmit heat hot loss to share total heat to lose is bigger, with 4 units 6 the brick wall,the concrete building knothole typical model of the layers many layer buildings for example, the region in Peking, pass to round to protectstructure to transmit heat hot lose about 77% of have the all hot loss;(among them outside the wall is 25%, the window is 24%, the stairs partition wall is 11%, the house noodles is 9%, the veranda door the lower part is 3%, ground 2%)The air that passes the doors and windows blind side permeate hot lose to have 23% about;The region in Harbin, pass to round to protect structure to transmit heat hot lose about 71% of have the all hot loss;(among them outside the wall is 28%, the window is 28%, the house noodles is 9%, the veranda door the lower part is 1%, the outside door is 1%, ground 4%)The air that passes the doors and windows blind side permeate hot lose to have 29% about.Be showed from this an improvement to round hot work function of protect the structure an air condition for the warm.The economy energy has important meaning.Fourth,Influence constructed the programming design an air condition economy energy to the warm.Program a design construct the important aspect ofwith the economy energy design, programing economy energy a design should choose an address from the construction,cent area,the building and road set up an alignment,building directions toward,building type offigure,building be apart from,winter monsoon predominance direction,the sun radiation,building the exterior space environment constitute etc. carry on a research.With excellent turn the tiny weather environment of the building;Be advantageous to economy energy, full value and make use of the solar energy,winter predominance direction of wind,geography and geography, make use of natural factor.The design of economize on energy the programming is the beneficial and disadvantageous influence of decision factor,the radiation factor,the atmospheric-circulation factor and the geography factor that analyzes to make good, passing a building of the programming layout carries on to the above-mentioned factor full make use of,reformation, become to live a condition and be advantageous to the tiny weather environment ofwith economy energy goodly.The flank of the building of green turn to have already defended breeze and separate a voice,dust palliative and beautify environment not only of function, and for building the economy energy also has an important function.Because the tree can absorb humidity from the root first, leading leaf's noodles toevaporate together, lowering the air temperature thus, secondly the tree is good hide the sun function, make thus the building be subjected to directly of the sun radiation and get from the ground of the radiation heat reduce, two is the function that the tree has leading breeze and blocks breeze.In addition, the ground will reflect the sun radiation not only, and its radiation become again after go up new of hot radiation source.So grow grass and plant trees as far as possible, avoid the ground soil bare, and reduce the otiose and big area concrete ground ping for reduce the air condition burden, the purpose that attains economy energy is a count for much means.And outdoors environment sweep for clean air condition system of valid circulate and the air condition box the life span of the filter is also beneficial.In fine, the building environment is influence a warm, the air condition can consume ofimportant factor, from construct environment to begin consideration is the key that resolves awarm an air condition economy energy a problem, is also a kind of aggressive economy energy work the author think and should emphasize a following work:(1)the establishment correspond of policy laws.Draw up the policy laws to economize on energy a work to have meaning of instruction to the building, and is appear with the form of the laws, on then meaning a government a value and encouraging, two can work for the economy energy of open an exhibition to provide law a basis.In recent years State Department with relevant depart