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    2023年喜迎2023建国70周年中国梦演讲稿_建国70周年英语演讲稿范文5篇美丽的新中国,就如春泥中埋下的种子,正蓬勃着,生长着,这一代的中国人正寻找着先辈的梦。几百年了,在尘封的历史里,无数的中国人都有一个相同的梦,只属于中国人的梦,伟大的中国梦,为中国的崛起,为中华民族的伟大复兴,为中华人民的幸福生活而奋斗。以下是我给大家整理的2023建国70周年中国梦演讲稿,希望可以帮到大家2023建国70周年中国梦演讲稿篇一亲爱的老师、同学们:大家好!遥远的东方有一个古老的国家。她地大物博,景色宜人,她顶天立地,历史悠久,她光彩照人,文化博大精深。她就是我的祖国,伟大的中国!悠悠中华五千年,这片美丽富饶的土地,孕育了一代又一代的中国人,记载了华夏民族一个又一个传奇。燧人氏、有巢氏、神农氏、轩辕氏、尧舜禹汤、秦皇汉武、唐宗宋祖……一个个伟大的名字诉说着她曾经的骄傲。长城、故宫、敦煌龙门……一栋栋雄伟的建筑谱写着她曾经的辉煌。然而,近代的她满目苍夷。她在胡夷的铁骑下悲鸣,在列强枪炮下哭泣。她坚强忍受,终于在无数革命先辈的努力下她度过了最黑暗的岁月,迎来了她的新生,她拥有了一个展新而骄傲的名字中华人民共和国。美丽的新中国,就如春泥中埋下的种子,正蓬勃着,生长着,这一代的中国人正寻找着先辈的梦。几百年了,在尘封的历史里,无数的中国人都有一个相同的梦,只属于中国人的梦,伟大的中国梦为中国的崛起,为中华民族的伟大复兴,为中华人民的幸福生活而奋斗。沙滩上有一颗饱经沧桑的贝壳,那是中国遥遥五千年的故事。从黄帝开创历史到如今的我们诵读历史,我看到太多太多的事迹,每个中国人都拥有着同样的中国梦。富强!富强!中国梦的口号在继续。中国梦流淌过每个日日夜夜、每个中国人的内心。不管有多大的困难,地震、泥石流、洪灾,还是会有饱经沧桑后成功的微笑。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。收藏岁月流淌过的每一个中国梦,战于世,立一生之梦沙滩上有一颗闪亮的贝壳,那是中国奥运会、世博、嫦娥二号的故事。当一阵阵掌声雷鸣般响起,当世界举目投足于中国时,我知道,中国的光芒已散发在世界的每一个角落。中国梦还在继续,我们的视线还在执着,默默献上自己微薄的力量。这是一个梦,一个叫作中国梦,一个被每一个中国人所深呼的梦。我以心的维度仰视奖牌下每一个奋斗的身影,倾听每一声临近中国梦的足音,俯身捧起岁月流淌过的荣誉,扬手敬礼,大声喊出自己的中国梦。沙滩上有一颗铭记的贝壳,那是羁旅在外的中国人的故事。我清楚的看到,有人客于异国,却随身带着中国的泥土,有人在奥运会直播前呐喊中国万岁,有人在参加外国记者采访时说:我是中国人,我们都共有一个梦,她叫中国梦!是的,那就是我们的中国梦,一份信仰,一份怀念,一份奋斗,到处都迷漫着中国梦的味道。就算在异国他乡,我们都还能轻哼着国歌的旋律,心怀着祖国,铭记着中国梦,力创美好未来。中国有着悠久而独特的地质历史,在长期的地质历史过程中形成了多种多样的地貌类型。既有巍峨的高山和雄伟的高原,也有广阔的平原和巨大的盆地;既有辽阔的大地,也有宽广的海洋,形成了许多美丽的自然景观。在这片美丽的大陆,中华民族正进行着波澜壮阔的民族发展。中华文明是世界古代文明中始终没有中断连续5000多年发展至今的文明。中华民族在漫长历史发展中形成的独具特色的文化传统,深深影响了古代中国,也深深影响着当代中国。现时代中国强调的以人为本、与时俱进、社会和谐、和平发展,既有着中华文明的深厚根基,又体现了时代发展的进步精神。梁启超曾经说过:今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年。少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步,少年胜于欧洲则国胜于欧洲,少年雄于地球则国雄于地球。只要我们无数的少年,为了中国的富强和腾飞而努力,未来,我们必将能够为缔造富强腾飞的中国,实现我们的中国梦!我的演讲到此结束!谢谢大家!2023建国70周年中国梦演讲稿篇二各位领导,各位来宾:大家好!中国梦,是民族梦,是复兴梦,是每个中国人的梦。中国梦的实现是一项系统工程,需要我们齐心协力、同心共筑。加强中国梦的宣传教育,是当前宣传文化系统一项重大任务。我们要充分发挥文化的引领作用,引导人们坚定理想信念、构筑精神支柱,提振精气神、积聚正能量,为实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦而努力奋斗。加强思想道德建设,凝聚中国梦。要抓好广大干部群众的理想信念教育,充分认识中国梦是精神旗帜,把思想统一到中国梦的重大意义、目标任务、基本、本质属性、实现路径上来。有效地组织开展党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领教育,爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义和延安精神教育,大力宣传普及科学知识、科学思想、科学方法、科学精神,帮助引导广大干部群众坚定对马克思主义的信仰,坚定对社会主义的信念,增强对改革开放和现代化建设的信心,增强对党和政府的信任,凝聚实现伟大中国梦的精神力量。要把先进性要求与广泛性要求结合起来,努力形成与经济和社会发展相适应的健康和谐、积极向上的思想道德规范。推动文化繁荣发展,彰显中国梦。让人民享有健康丰富的精神文化生活,是实现中国梦的重要内容。结合安塞实际,我们重点做好以下几方面工作:一是进一步整合资源,设立文化艺术发展资金,建立日益完善的文化开发研究、文化精品创作、生产和传播体系,建立和完善文化产品生产机制和文化产业发展扶持机制,努力创作一批文化底蕴深厚、时代气息浓郁,具有安塞地域特色的精品力作,精心塑造安塞文化品牌。二是深入开展群众性文化活动。依托安塞民间文化资源,策划举办中国安塞黄土风情文化艺术节和新春系列文化活动,经常性组织开展文化艺术下乡演出活动,定期举办鼓乡大舞台广场文化活动,城乡群众文化生活日趋活跃。三是按照大项目引领,大园区承载的思路,建设黄土风情文化产业园区,加强与陕文投等文化企业的合作发展,依托延安的红色旅游优势和安塞具有国际水准的民间艺术品牌,将安塞县打造成为延安红色旅游的延伸地和陕北黄土风情文化旅游的首选地。四是加快推进文化与旅游产业、农业产业融合发展,大力发展黄土风情文化旅游、观光农业和乡村旅游,打造一批乡村旅游名镇名村,促进农业产业转型升级和新农村建设。强化精神文明创建,传递中国梦。要按照三个倡导的要求,用生动活泼的教育方式,在广大干部群众中倡导富强、民主、文明、和谐,倡导自由、平等、公正、法治,倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善,引导广大干部群众树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,做三个倡导的弘扬者、践行者和传承者。要把中国梦学习教育与中国特色社会主义教育结合起来,坚定理想信念,自觉把个人成长进步与祖国未来发展联系在一起。积极组织开展多种形式的群众性道德实践活动,加强社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德教育,展示新时期广大人民群众的新精神。要深入开展系列文明创建活动,大力开展学雷锋志愿服务活动,建立完善长效工作机制和活动运行机制。深入开展公益广告宣传活动,提升质量水平,加大刊播力度,扩大公益广告的覆盖面和影响力,更好地展示文明新风,弘扬社会正气。谢谢大家!2023建国70周年中国梦演讲稿篇三Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I’m very glad to make a speech here. Today my topic is I love you, China.Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud nameChinese. Since the day I began to talk, the most beautiful sentence I’ve ever learnt has been I love you, China!I love you, China, and I’m so proud of being a Chinese. I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. I’m also proud that I speak the most beautiful language in the worldChinese.I love you, China, for I can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. Last year, I got an opportunity to visit the United States of America. During my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. While at , he looked at me and asked: Little boy, how long have you been in America? About a month, I answered, How lucky you are! he said, If you were living in China, how could you learn such perfect English? I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are able to learn English at school. I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, I’m proud of you, China2023建国70周年中国梦演讲稿篇四There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -China !I love my motherland !Because I love the different races of my country !Each race has its own culture and customs.Some people are kindhearted,some people are ggenerous,some people are humourous.anyway ,I can't display evry race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are great.Because of them ,our motherland is developing day by day .Our country is becoming much stronger tham before .My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world .When the foreigners talk about China ,they all extend their thums and sayEn.China is a famous and fantastic country !Yes,that's ture ! We have the Great Wall ,the world's second longest river ,the oldest history and the most glorious culture .As wa all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice .How marvelous it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly My country is really great !My country is really beautiful !2023建国70周年中国梦演讲稿篇五Today, I speak for everyone is "homeland in my heart." The "From my parents, who raised my homeland." "Country Country, there is only home country." Much more appropriate Say ah! So I love my homeland, more than all my love. Everyone must have heard, "My Chinese Heart" This is the first well-known songs, right? In particular, has been inside the lyrics have touched me deeply, "the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Mount Huangshan, Yellow River, heavy weight in my mind at any time, regardless of where, like the hearts of the pro." Yes ah, me at any time, anywhere, please do not forget that everyone must own a Chinese, there must be patriotic.Love my homeland, because I love her beautiful landscape. Look, that Mr. Laoshe Daxinganling described the boundless expanse of blue water, not only could not finish going, but also not object to watch, she brought up the number of rare birds and animals, and the number of literary production. It is no wonder that Mr. Lao said she did not empty the United States, but became one of the concrete construction of the United States. Listening, always pour it, rolling in the Yangtze River water from milk such as the general nourishment of this magical land, raising a great nation. First visit to the majestic Mount Tai to visit her, "you would be extremely Ling, list of small hills," the majestic momentum error indicates that the Chinese nation will be permitted on nations of the world ? Times and then a peaceful trip to the West Lake water gently, she like wonderful, and the mind to absorb a large number of rivers of water, symbolizing the Chinese nation is not correct that the character of tolerance and generosity of mind ?I love Her love of the motherland is not only plants, mountain water, but also love her long and splendid history and culture. Five thousand years long history, the number of Chinese heritage and splendid culture ah! Lively and cute characters, bearing the success or failure of the Chinese nation. Away of the "Book of Songs" "Li Sao" Let the Spring and Autumn scene also shows us, the Tang Dynasty style often linger in the mind; Song, Yuan catchy sound of loud reading, people at the mouth widely sung; the Ming and Qing Dynasties as if the spirit of the novel with me to grow food. Historical and cultural homeland, you are so colorful, so that .I love the motherland is not only a brilliant long-standing love of the motherlands history and culture, but also love the people with lofty ideals of patriotism, heroes. Also remember the moving story of the clank sake of the general good ear drums also vowed; still remember the "no life since ancient times who die, according to Khan, to retain loyalty clearance" of the Zhuang bold and heroic image of Wen Tianxiang as if still present; still remember "Wang Zhongyuan date scheduled for the North division, been forgotten," the earnest warning, Lu You died long before the confession echoed in the mind. Zhan Tianyou resolutely not afraid to accept the difficult task is not afraid of ridicule; Qian reputation to give up money, after a difficult return to its motherland; jewel of the unknown soldier Island to the island as their home, determined to put an island built. Homeland heroes and heroines are all infected with the patriotic feelings of me, inspired my patriotism.Students! Let us work together to study, right? With our excellent performance, excellent work by our great motherland, the mother returns, right? Mother never let the motherland at my heart.


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