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2023年商务谈判英语对话连载:订单用语篇商务谈判最终的目的是为了把订单拿到,以下是我给大家整理的商务谈判英语对话连载:订单用语篇,希望可以帮到大家1a: are you ready to place your order now ?b: the order will be mailed to you next week .a: is it going to the head office ?b: no, i think it is going to be mailed to your local branch .a:你们准备好下订单了吗?b:下星期就寄给你们。a:寄到总公司?b:不,寄到分社。2a: thank you very much for the order .b: we appreciate your fast service .a: we do the best we can .b: we’ll be calling you again next month .a:谢谢你的订货。b:麻烦你会尽力处理,谢谢。a:我们会尽力而为。b:下个月我们会再打电话给你。3a: we haven’t received your order yet.b: it was mailed last week .a: i’ll check the office one more time .b: and i’ll see if there was any mistake on our end .a:您的订单我们还没收到。b:上个礼拜我们还没收到。a:我再跟公司查一下。b:我这边也会看看是否有什么差错。4a: we need to make a change on our last order .b: what was the order number?a: it was j-223,just double the second item .b: sure ,i’ll be glad to take care of it for you .a:上回的订单我们需要更改。b:订单号码多少?a:j223。第二项的订量要加倍。b:好的,没问题,乐于为你服务。5a: i’m here to see the purchasing agent .b: he’s not in his office at the moment.a: may i wait ?b: yes ,he should return soon .a:我是来拜访采购经理的。b:他现在不在办公室里,a:我等他一下没关系吧?b:请,他应该很快就会回来。6a: i’m the purchasing agent here .b: i’d like to give you one of our new catalogs .a: i’ll put it in my files .b: thank you very much ,a:我是这里负责采购的b:我们有新目录想给你a:我会将它归档。b:非常谢谢你。7a: do you usually buy in large quantities ?b: our standard order is 500cases at a time .a: we can handle an order that size very easily.b: we’ll let you know the next time we need to place an order .a:你们的订购量通常都很大吗?b:我们的标准订量是一次500箱。a:这种量我们做起来很容易。b:下次需要订购时我们会通知你。8a: if i place an order now ,when would you be able to ship it ?b: that all depends on the size of the order .a: it will be about the same as it was last time .b: we should be able to get that off to you right away.a:如果现在下单子,什么时候可以出货?b:这要订购量的多寡。a:大概和上回的订量一样。b:这样的话,我们马上就可以出货9a: this is last order we will be placing for a while .b: oh? is there some trouble ?a: no , we’re just getting a lot of material stock piled .b: let me know when you are ready to order again.a:这是最后一次下订单,我们暂时不再订货了。b:哦,有什么问题吗?a:没什么问题,只库存材料太多了。b:那么需要再订货时,请与我联系。10a: do you have anything like this in your stock ?b: may i see it a moment ?a: yes , here you go.b: yes ,we can supply this for you .a:你们库存中有象这样的东西吗?b:我看一下好吗?a:喏,就是这个。b:嗯,这个有。11a: we want to order some of these .b: this is a standard size .a: can you supply us right away?b: yes ,we have plenty on hand right now .a:我们想订些这种货。b:这是标准尺寸。a:能够立刻供货吗?b:可以,我们目前有不少现货。12a: this is what we need .b: i don’t think this is a standard size.a: it’s not .it is a little oversized.b: in that case ,we wouldn’t have it in stock .a:我们要的就是这个。b:我看这不是标准尺寸吧?a:不是,它比标准的大了一点。b:如果是这样,我们库存不会有。13a: is this the part that you need ?b: yes ,that ’s right .a: how many do you need ?b: we’ll take all that you can give us .a:这是不是你所需要的零件?b:是的,没错。a:你需要多少?b:你们有多少就买多少。14a: i understand you want to increase your order .b: yes ,we have to double it .a: i’m not sure we have that much on hand .b: could you check it for me ,please?a:我知道你想增加订购量。b:是的,我们必需加倍。a:我没把握现在的量有没有那么多。b:请你查一下好吗?15a: i checked our supply of that material you asked for .b: how does it look?a: we’ve got plenty,b: good ,i’ll get an order to you right away .a:我查过了库存中你要的那种材料。b:怎么样?a:我们有不少。b:好极了,我立刻就下订单给你。16a: i just got an answer about the stock we have on hand .b: good news ,i hope .a: sure, we can handle your order .b: boy ,i’m really glad to hear that .a:我刚刚接获通知我们现有库存量。b:希望是好消息。a:嗯,你的订单没问题。b:哇,听了真叫人高兴。17a: how much did you want to increase your order .b: we need three times as much as we originally ordered.a: i’ll have to check to see if we can handle that .b: please do. we ’re desperate for the material .a:你的订量要增加多少?b:原来的三倍。a:我得查查看我们是否付得了这么多。、b:麻烦你了,我们非常需要这些材料。18a: we don’t have enough material on hand to take care of this .b: when will you have more?a: by the end of next month .b: i’m not sure we can wait that long .a:我们现在手边的存量不够你的订单。b:什么时候你们会再进货呢?a:下个月底。b:恐怕等不了那么久了。19a: we’re going to be placing a large order soon .b: this is a pretty hot item .a: we’re really going to need it .b: in that case ,i’ll have some set aside for you .a:我们马上就会下一张大订单了。b:这货十分抢手哩。a:我们真的一定要定到。b:既然这么说,我会为你留一些下来。20a: we’re out of one item on your order .b: do you have any suggestions.a: we can give you a better one at thesame price .b: good . go ahead and do that .a:你我订的货里有一项我们没有了,b:你说怎么办?a:我们可以给你更好的一种,价钱一样。b:好啊,就这么办。