建筑学专业ARCHITECTUREARCHITECTURERebekahRebekahXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCONTECTSCONTECTSCourse assignmentsCourse assignmentsLearning contentsLearning contentsTeaching methodsTeaching methodsLiving stateLiving stateCourse assignmentsCourse assignmentsProfessional coursesProfessional coursesPractice teaching programPractice teaching programPublic classes and quality educationPublic classes and quality educationLearning contentsLearning contents1 1、Hand drawingHand drawing:pencil sketch pencil sketch、watercolourwatercolour、gouache painting gouache painting、pen sketchpen sketchLearning contentsLearning contents gouache paintinggouache painting pen sketchpen sketch Learning contentsLearning contents2 2、Graphics softwaresGraphics softwares:autoCADautoCAD、sketchupsketchup、3D max3D max、Photoshop Photoshop、RevitRevitLearning contentsLearning contents PhotoshopPhotoshop 3D max3D max Teaching methodsTeaching methods1 1、Theory CourseTheory Course Just like other common majors,Just like other common majors,parts of our classes conduct in aparts of our classes conduct in acommon way Teacher is lectur-common way Teacher is lectur-ing,and students are listening.ing,and students are listening.Teaching methodsTeaching methods2 2、Professional CourseProfessional Course About 15 students make a study About 15 students make a study team,a teather lead us to designteam,a teather lead us to designbuildings and guide us to learn.buildings and guide us to learn.Teaching methodsTeaching methods3 3、Practice teachingPractice teaching We should go out of the classroom to study.We should go out of the classroom to study.Teaching methodsTeaching methods4 4、Making notesMaking notes We should not only write words,but also draw pictures.We should not only write words,but also draw pictures.Living stateLiving stateFood and DrinkFood and Drink Instant noodlesInstant noodles and and Red Bull Vatmin DrinksRed Bull Vatmin Drinks are necessary,are necessary,because we always have to stay up to drawing.because we always have to stay up to drawing.Living stateLiving stateClothingClothing BlackBlack is architects the greatest love of their clothing.is architects the greatest love of their clothing.THE ENDTHE END THANK YOU THANK YOU