中英诗歌比较与欣赏中英诗歌比较与欣赏unit4unit4Begin with a ComparisonBetween a Chinese poem and an English Poem:玉阶怨玉阶生白露,夜久侵罗袜。玉阶生白露,夜久侵罗袜。却下水晶帘,玲珑望秋月。却下水晶帘,玲珑望秋月。The Jewel Stairs GrievanceThe jeweled steps are already quite white with dew,It is so late that the dew soaks my gauze stockings,And I let down the crystal curtainAnd watch the moon through the clear autumn.The Hidden Meaning Jewel stairs,therefore a palace.Grievance,therefore there is something to complain of.Gauze stockings,therefore a court lady,not a servant who complains.Clear autumn,therefore he has no excuse on account of weather.Also she has come early,for the dew has not merely whitened the stairs,but has soaked her stockings.The poem is especially prized because she utters no direct reproach.She Walks in BeautyShe walks in beauty,like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies;And all thats best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes;Thus mellowd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.1.climes:climate2.aspect:look or appearance One shade the more,one ray the less,One shade the more,one ray the less,Had half impaird the nameless grace Had half impaird the nameless graceWhich waves in every raven tress,Which waves in every raven tress,Or softly lightens oer her face;Or softly lightens oer her face;Where thoughts serenely sweet expressWhere thoughts serenely sweet express How pure,how dear their dwelling place.How pure,how dear their dwelling place.3.raven tress:black hair3.raven tress:black hair4.their dwelling place:the soul or the mind4.their dwelling place:the soul or the mindAnd on that cheek,and oer that brow So soft,so calm,yet eloquent,The smiles that win,the tints that glow But tell of days in goodness spent,A mind at peace with all below,A heart whose love is innocent.4.eloquent:movingly expressive5.tints:glowing,delicate color6.goodness:good conduct and virtue她在美的光辉中行走她在美的光辉中行走,宛如没有云翳、星空灿烂的黑夜;一切明与暗最美好的色素全聚集在她的明眸和容颜,融为一种柔光,赏心悦目,比那节日的光彩更加愉悦。增加或减少一分明与暗就会损害这难以名状的美态;美在她每一根头发上荡波,或在她脸上幽幽泛彩,恬静的思想亲切地向人们表述她的灵府深处何等纯洁、可爱。那脸颊,那眉额,如此娴静如此温馨,但又脉脉传情,那迷人的微笑,那泛光的色彩,都诉说着她度过的美的岁月。一个胸怀,安于世上的一切,一颗真心,充溢着无邪的爱。1.Chinese Circularity and Western LinearityChinese culturally circular traditionWestern culturally linear tradition 中国民族舞蹈中国民族舞蹈曲线美,拧倾曲圆,曲线美,拧倾曲圆,眷恋大地,走跑为主,眷恋大地,走跑为主,手形复杂,。手形复杂,。西方芭蕾西方芭蕾直线美,开绷直流,直线美,开绷直流,向往天空,蹦跳为主,向往天空,蹦跳为主,手形简单,。手形简单,。I.C-EDifferenceinTermsofDancingChineseNationalDanceCurves,graceLookingearthwardsWalkingandrunningComplicatedhandmovementWesternBalletLines,strengthLookingskywardsHoppingandbouncingSimplehandmovement Chinese:Curves and circles Closeness to the earth Integration with Nature 中国古典建筑中国古典建筑多多曲线曲线美美飞檐反宇飞檐反宇亲近大地亲近大地天人合一天人合一Western:Lines and pinnaclesScraping the skySeparation from Nature西方建筑西方建筑多直线美多直线美平顶尖拱平顶尖拱向往天空向往天空天人分离天人分离II.C-EDifferenceinTermsofArchitecture对景对景对景对景Conclusion 1These two conspicuous different cultural traditions,to some degree,explain the two different poetry versifications:Chinese indirectness English directness 2.Chinese Suggestiveness and English NarrativenessI.Chinese SuggestivenessI.Chinese SuggestivenessI)Latent I)Latent The Literary Mind and the Carving of DragonsThe Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons,1first book of literary criticism in the Chinese 1first book of literary criticism in the Chinese language(Liu Xie)language(Liu Xie)2 latent 2 latent the layered significance that lies beyond the textthe layered significance that lies beyond the textthe latent is fully accomplished in complex and the latent is fully accomplished in complex and multiple concepts.multiple concepts.From the definition and interpretation,we find From the definition and interpretation,we find that what Liu Xie means by latentthat what Liu Xie means by latent is the layered is the layered significance and multiple concepts conceived in significance and multiple concepts conceived in one given poem or even in a single line.Since one given poem or even in a single line.Since the meanings of the poem are layered and the meanings of the poem are layered and multiple,the poem takes on the feature of multiple,the poem takes on the feature of fuzziness,Consciously or unconsciously,lots of fuzziness,Consciously or unconsciously,lots of poems are created by the rule of latent.poems are created by the rule of latent.Apparently,directness can not achieve such a Apparently,directness can not achieve such a success.Indirectness is often the poets success.Indirectness is often the poets preference.preference.II)Reserve TheThe Twenty-Four Categories of PoetryTwenty-Four Categories of Poetry it does not inhere in any single word,yet the it does not inhere in any single word,yet the utmost flair is attainedutmost flair is attainedOuyang xiu pointed out that the perfect effect of Ouyang xiu pointed out that the perfect effect of writing is writing is to hold inexhaustible thought in to hold inexhaustible thought in reserve,thought that appears beyond the words.reserve,thought that appears beyond the words.Only then is it perfect Only then is it perfect Yan Yu expressed the same idea by saying Yan Yu expressed the same idea by saying the the words are exhausted,but the meaning is never words are exhausted,but the meaning is never exhausted.exhausted.The above arguments show that reserve refers to indirect expression as well as hidden meanings between the lines.In terms of meaning,reserve emphasizes“inexhaustible meaning”held between the lines or“inexhaustible thought”beyond the words which can be understood from different angles.Such a meaning calls for readers understanding,reasoning and judgment and its interpretations,more often than not,vary from person to person.Reserve is more than the beauty of inexhaustible meaning;it is also presented in the beauty of indirect expression.II.English NarrativenessEpic overwhelmingEmphasis on the structure of stories,characters,conflictsConclusion 2Suggestiveness guides Chinese poets to compose poetry in an indirect way which endows Chinese poetry with suggestiveness,wholeness and pervasiveness.Narrativeness calls on poets to tell directly3.Chinese Parataxical LanguageEnglish Hypotaxical LanguageI.Chinese Parataxical LanguageLin Yutang once said,Poetry should be crisp,and the Chinese language is crisp.Poetry should work by suggestion,and the Chinese language is full of contractions which say more than what the words mean.Poetry should express ideas by concrete imagery,and the Chinese language revels in word-imagery.逢雪宿芙蓉山主人 刘长卿刘长卿日暮苍山远,天寒白屋贫。柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。Seeking Shelter in Lotus Hill on a Snowy NightAt sunset hillside village still seems far;Barren and cold the thatched cottages are.t wicket gate,a dog is heard to bark;With wind and snow I come when night is dark.-by X.Y.Z.II.English Hypotaxical Languagetree-like sentence structure with different parts connected like branches and sub-branches to the trunk lineTrunk line:S+V+(O)Branches and sub-branches:Adverbials and attributesHypotactic,connectives,explicit cohesion(显性联接)Conclusion3The parataxical language contributes to the conciseness of Chinese poetry.Grammatical rules play a less important role in the lines of poetry.More often than not,the pronouns are omitted.Thus the meanings can not be read directly.They are both-and related.The hypotaxical language contributes to the completeness of English poetry.Grammatical rules play an important role in the lines of poetry.More often than not,the pronouns are employed.Thus the meanings can be read directly.4.Chinese Groups of Image English Bare Image or Single Imagel lI.Chinese Imageryphysical object:concrete things allusion:ancient anecdotes such as allegories and fantasies,etc.,real or imaginary,Group of images古离别 孟郊孟郊欲去牵郎衣“郎今到何处”不恨归来迟莫向临邛去Leave Me NotYou wish to go,and yet your robe I hold.Where are you going-tell me,dear today?Your late returning does not anger me,But that another steal your heart away.II.English Bare Image or Single ImageMore adjectives More excitement Less image Single imageConclusion 4 From the above,we can find that image consists of vehicle and tenor,and when poets entrust their tenors,or say,their intentions to vehicles,image takes the duty as a medium to which poets can naturally resort to express their feelings in a roundabout way.In addition,owing to the fact that one vehicle usually has more than one tenor,one image allows of multiple interpretations.This effect is achieved when physical objects combine their tenors to form images by means of comparison and stirring,or when allusions are in use.Therefore,classical Chinese poetry is not only indirectly created but appreciated through image;while English poetry use less image,but uses more adjectives and direct expression.General ConclusionChinese IndirectnessEnglish DirectnessPoetry for chantingHold fast to dreams Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird Life is a broken-winged bird That can not fly.That can not fly.Hold fast to dreams Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go For when dreams go Life is a barren fieldLife is a barren fieldFrozen with snow.Frozen with snow._ Langston Hughes _ Langston Hughes结束结束