2023年英语优秀演讲稿5篇 通过写演讲稿,许多人都能够将自己的控场实力发挥到极致,提前打算好演讲稿可以帮助发言者更好的表达,下面是我为您共享的英语优秀演讲稿5篇,感谢您的参阅。 英语优秀演讲稿篇1 在我心中,有许很多多的、多姿多彩的中国梦。这些梦,曾经让我心潮澎湃,曾经让我热血沸腾,曾经让我心驰神往。无时无刻,我都在为国家美妙的将来向往着。但是,我清晰地相识到,让国家强盛的重要角色,就是我们-那好像喷薄的朝阳的莘莘学子-正是我们的强弱,确定着祖国的将来。正所谓梁启超说的“少年强则国强”,的确不错。殊不知,在广阔学子背后,还有一位重要角色,那,就是像蜡烛一样,燃烧自己,照亮别人,静默奉献的老师们。在肯定程度上,好老师确定好学生。所以,师资力气和教化质量也同样重要。作为一名学生,我多么希望有一个好老师啊!那么,我心目中的好老师是什么样子的呢? 首先,一名好老师应当拥有渊博的学问,更重要的是将课讲活讲精、讲好。一名语文老师,应当诗词历史,写作阅读,无所不通,无所不知。一名数学老师,应当将奥数几何,各种运算,运用自如。一名英语老师,应当说一口纯正英语,与外国人轻松交谈。现在的很多老师讲课都有些枯燥古板,甚至学生会因为老师的严厉呆板而失去了一个孩子应有的活泼与想象力,也变得呆板起来,或失去学习的爱好。那么,一个好老师就应当和学生之间拉近距离,平易近人,成为学生的良师益友:在课堂上激情澎湃、充溢感情身临其境地 给学生讲课:激烈时载歌载舞,感动时泪流满面;好笑时忍俊不禁,感慨时长篇大论;和学生一起在课文的浪起浪落中随波遨游,品尝课文的苦辣酸甜,感受文章的真谛与乐趣将课讲活讲精、讲好;尽量和学生互动学习,让学生带有感情地上课,身临其境地去学习,在学中玩,玩中学;当学生对上课产生爱好时,往往能产生事半功倍的效果。而这,就是一个好老师应当做到的第一点。 一个好老师不仅要拥有渊博的学问,将课讲活讲精、讲好,还要有高尚的师德。的确,一个老师的师德将会影响一个学生的思想。一位好老师,就应当抓住生活课文中的一点一滴的小事,借机把好的思想传输给学生,将会使学生终生受益。当望见受伤的小动物时,就应当教化学生:要爱惜动物;当看到有人破坏花草树木时,就应当教化学生:要爱户花草树木;当看到有人乱扔垃圾时,应当教化学生;要爱护我们赖以生存的地球的环境。在学课文的时候,譬如讲到自己的花是让别人看的一课时,应不失时机地教化学子:要学会“人人为我,我为人人”的品质;讲到金钱的魔力一文,老师又应刚好地告诫学生:千万不要像托德与老板那样有着见钱眼开的丑态,不要为金钱所动当然,不仅要教化学生,老师自己也要做出榜样。例如:当大家在班级大扫除中都干得有气无力时,老师带头大干起来,挥如汗雨-用自己的实际行动来打动我们、激励我们;再如:当大家在街上看 见残疾人乞讨而冷冰冰不予理睬时,老师上前去,用怜悯与怜悯的目光看他一眼,用手递上一张大钞-用自己的行动去感化学生心灵中的角落,教化他们成为一个真善美的好少年 现在,不少老师常常体罚或破口大骂一些犯错误及成果不太好的同学。看到身边发生的一个个典型事例,我非常痛心,并坚决反对这种做法。我认为,真正的教化不是对学生体罚或破口大骂,这是一种能深深刺痛孩童们的心的做法。遭遇了这样“待遇”的同学们,不仅会心情愈来愈低落,对学习的爱好也会越来越低这种状况发展到最终,就会对这些莘莘学子们-甚至是祖国的将来-产生不良的影响。所以,我认为,一个好老师在学生成果不好或犯错的时候,应当亲切地去激励他,指出他的错误在哪,接着,以足够的耐性,帮助他改正错误-而不是以体罚或破口大骂的方式。长此以来,学生不仅提高了自信念,还提高了成果-真是一箭双雕啊! 现在,是充溢生气的20xx年。在这一年里,主席曾发表了这一段令人深思的教育:“实现中国梦必需走中国道路,这就是中国特色社会主义道路。这条道路来之不易。它是在改革开放30多年的宏大实践中走出来的,是在中华人民共和国成立60多年的持续探究中走出来的,是在对近代以 来170多年中华民族发展历程的深刻总结中走出来的,是在对中华民族5000多年悠久文明的传承中走出来的,具有深厚的历史渊源和广泛的现实基础。中华民族是具有非凡创建力的民族,我们创建了宏大的中华文明,我们也能够接着拓展和走好适合中国国情的发展道路。全国各族人民肯定要增加对中国特色社会主义的理论自信、道路自信、制度自信,坚决不移沿着正确的中国道路奋勇前进。 “实现中国梦必需弘扬中国精神。这就是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,以改革创新为核心的时代精神。这种精神是凝心聚力的兴国之魂、强国之魂。爱国主义始终是把中华民族坚毅团结在一起的精神力气,改革创新始终是鞭策我们在改革开放中与时俱进的精神力气。全国各族人民肯定要弘扬宏大的民族精神和时代精神,不断增加团结一心的精神纽带、自强不息的精神动力,恒久朝气蓬勃迈向将来。 “实现中国梦必需凝合中国力气,这就是中国各族人民大团结的力气。中国梦是民族的梦。也是每个中国人的梦。只要我们紧密团结,万众一心,为实现共同幻想而奋斗,实现幻想的力气就无比强大,我们每个人为实现自己幻想的努力就拥有广袤的空间。生活在我们宏大祖国和宏大时代的中国人民,共同享有人生出彩的机会,共同享有幻想成真的机会,共同享有同祖国和时代一起成长与进步的机会。有幻想,有机会,有奋斗,一切美妙的东西都能够创建出来的。全国 各族人民肯定要牢记使命,心往一处想,劲往一处使,用14亿人的才智和力气,汇合起不行战胜的磅礴力气!”主席的教育,给我留下了深刻的印象。让我们听从党的号召,好好学习,每天向上,为祖国的将来努力着-还有,那令人敬重的老师们,请你们帮助我们,奔向美妙的、祖国的将来! 英语优秀演讲稿篇2 as everyone knows,english is very important has been used everywhere in the has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well,we will have more chance to use more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed. but for myself,i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the i read english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the i speak english, i can feel the confident from my i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as our chinese. i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great interests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english. i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us. i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well. if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too. i am sure that i will realize my dream one day! thank you! 英语优秀演讲稿篇3 good morning teachers and fellow students. today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you. my favorite book is (italian: cuore). this is a diary written by an italian boy enrico. the diary is about his life and study. it included various touching stories that happened around enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. every word in the chapter describes the word "love". from patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child - really touching. this novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. i really like this book very much. how about you? what is your favorite book? my favorite book is . have you read it before? oh, i havent read this book before. what is it about? well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. the story is happy ending. can you tell us why you love this book so much? sure. it is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. i am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princein the story. i have decided to learn from her from now on. oh i see, the story sounds very good. i cannot wait to read this book as well. 英语优秀演讲稿篇4 先生们女士们,大家下午好!我特别荣幸站在这里为你们带来一段小小的演讲,我今日所要讲的主题是“生命”,我希望你们喜爱。 人们的生活正在逐步的改善着。事实上,我站在这里就正在成长。假如一个人的生命必需面对很多各种各样的选择,那么,我会一边选择,一边成长。曾经我希望我能在将来在高校里学习,不管怎么样,我考过了,如你所见到的,我现在正站在这梦寐以求的高校里,可是现在,我更渴望知道我的将来会有什么等着我。 当我来到这所学校的时候,我告知我自己。我的将来就从这里起先,接下来,我要学着去成为一个男人,一个真正的男人,并有一个健康的身体。能够胜任重任,能有独到的见解,能见识广泛,能思想深邃,能推断出对的和错的,能工作的特别精彩。 我的老师曾经说过:“你不是一般的,你是独一无二的。恒久不要遗忘你所能展示给人们是你的思想,不是你的技术。”我将把我的人格和我的爱好以及我的实力带到我的学习中去,在这个过程中,我将注意实践和理论的结合。假如我能实现我的这个幻想,我想,我那时就真正的长大了,那时我信任我的亲情,友情,爱情将会变的非常完备,非常华蜜。 你对你的将来怎么看呢?可能那会是一个很美妙的愿望。让我们坚决我们的目标,为之努力,并真正的享受我们的生命. 英语优秀演讲稿篇5 how to be popular most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. what is the secret to popularity? in fact, it is very simple. the first step is to improve our appearance. we should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. when we are healthy and well-groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. in addition, we should smile and appear friendly. after all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. if we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence. another important step is developing more consideration for others. we should always put others first and place their interests before our own. its also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. however, no matter what we do, we must not gossip. above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. if we can do all of the above, i am sure popularity will come our way.