2023年两分钟少儿英语小故事:忠诚的小狗|小狗吸尘器两分钟后转红灯少儿英语网权威发布两分钟少儿英语小故事:忠诚的小狗,更多两分钟少儿英语小故事相关信息请访问少儿英语网。 What shall I do, said a very little dog one day to his mother, to show my gratitude to our good master, and make myself of some value to him? I cannot draw or carry burdens like the horse; nor give him milk like the cow; nor lend him my covering for his clothing like the sheep; nor produce him eggs like the poultry; nor catch mice and rats so well as the cat. I cannot divert him with singing like the canaries and linnets; nor can I defend him against robbers like our relation, Towzer; I should not be of use to him even if I were dead, a s the hogs are. I am a poor insignificant creature, not worth the cost of keeping; and I dont see that I can do a single thing to entitle me to his regard. So saying, the poor little dog hung down his head in silent despondency. My dear child, replied his mother, though your abilities are but small, yet a hearty good-will is sufficient to supply all defects. Do but love him dearly, and prove your love by all the means in your power, and you will not fail to please him. The little dog was comforted by this assurance; and, on his masters approach, ran to him, licked his feet, gambolled before him, and every now and then stopped, wagging his tail, and looking up to his master with expressions of the most humble and affectionate attachment. The master observed him. Ah! little Fido, said he, you are an honest, good-natured little fellow! and stooped down to pat his head . Poor Fido was ready to go out of his wits for joy. 翻译: 一天,一只小狗对他的妈妈说:我该怎么做,才能向我们慈爱的主子表示感谢,让自己对他有价值呢?我不能像马那样背负重物;不能像奶牛一样给他供应牛奶;不能像羊那样用我的毛为他做衣服;不能像鸡鸭那样为他产蛋;不能像猫那样抓老鼠;不能像鸟儿一样为他歌颂;也不能像我们的亲戚大黄狗一样为他赶走强盗。我就是死了,对我的主子也毫无用处,还不如大肥猪呢!我是无用的东西,没有存在的价值。我不知道怎样做才能引起他的关注。可怜的小狗说着,失落地垂下头。 好孩子,他的妈妈说,虽然你的本事不大,但你的好心肠足以弥补全部的不足。深深地爱主子,并在你力所能及的范围内用各种方式向他呈现你对他的爱,就会使他欢乐。 妈妈的话使小狗得到了极大的劝慰。主子过来了,小狗跑过去,*的脚,在他面前游戏,时时常地停下来,摇摇尾巴,特别尊敬而深情地看着主子。主子留意到了他,说道:哦,小费多!你真是真诚可爱的小家伙。主子边说边停下来拍拍他的头。可怜的费多兴奋得几乎要发狂了。