The Sheraton Corporation Trace Board 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 1213141516171819202122232425262728293031 32333435WORK REQUEST FLOW DIAGRAMTRACE BOARD DEPARTMENT HEAD WHITE BLUE BLUE TO BLUESTORAGEBUFFBUFFBLUETO CHIEFBUFFAUDITOR ENGINEERWORK REQUESTBOARDASSIGNMENTS IN PROGRESSCOMPLETED REQUESTMECHANICBUFFBLUE TO JOBBUFFBLUE BUFFELECTRICICANSBOB ALF ASSIGNMENTS IN PROGRESS PAINTERSEMIL JACK KARL ASSIGNMENTSIN PROGRESSDAILY ASSIGNMENT BOARDSELECTRICIANPAINTERSFITTER WORK REQUESTS ASSIGNMENTBACKLOGWORK NOT COMPLETEDWORK COMPLETEDAWAITING PARTSDEPARTMENTHEADSDUTYENGINEERDUTY WHYRECORDENGINEERWHY?BOOKHousekeeping CodesACC Air Conditioning: Cold ACH Air Conditioning: Hot CAN Air conditioning: NoiseyAL Alcove Light FlushingBCL Bathroom Ceiling LightBDL Bathroom Down LightBPP Bathroom Power PointBPW Bathroom Plug WasherBL Beside LightBSL Bathroom Strip LightBM Bathroom MirrorCLF Clothes Line FaultCDH Cupboard Door Handle DC Door CloserDL Desk LampEDL Entrance Door LockESL Exit Sigh LightFL Foyer LightFDH Fridge Door HandleFF Fridge FaultLLL Lift Lobby LightLBL Left Bed LightMG Marble Bed LightRF Radio FaultRDL Room Down LightSAB Shower Arm BrokenSAR Shower-arm LooseSC Security ChainSDS Soap Dish SinkSDB Soap Dish BathSD Shower DrippingTSB Toilet Seat BrokenTSL Toilet Seat LooseT TBL Toilet Bowl LeakingTNF Toilet Not FlushingTCF Toilet ConstantlyTL Tap Leaking WL Wardrobe Light WD Wardrobe Door WP Wallpaper MEMORANDUMTO ALL DEPARTMENT HEADSFROM BRIAN MOOREDATECOPIES TORE: WORK REQUEST SYSTEMTO assist the Engineering Department in the correct scheduling and delegation of work so that priorities can be established and met, it is necessary that Work Request Tickets be used, and the following procedure applies:1. To avoid duplication, work is to be requested by the Department Head or his designee only.2. Be exact regarding nature of request and location type or print.3. The white copy is to be retained by the person or department initiating the request.4. The blue copy will be returned from the Engineering Office to indicate that work has been completed, and is to be matched with the white copy (and disposed of, if you desire).5. The unmatched white copies represent work still to be completed.6. Please use telephone for requesting work to be done in emergencies only, and follow up with a work Request Ticket marked Confirmation.7. Requests submitted by Department Heads for work other than maintenance (eg new furniture in an office) may need to be cost estimated and submitted to the General Manager for approval.8. Do not approach members of the Engineering Department to do work unless it is of an emergency nature.9. The Chief Engineer or his Assistant will schedule the work according to its importance and the best interest of our guests.10. Work Request Tickets are available from General Stores.11. Work Request Tickets are to be used for all requirements from the Engineering Department.12. Any portable equipment that requires maintenance must be delivered to the maintenance workshop with a work ticket attached.This work request system is considered a mandatory procedure for all Sheraton hotels and the efficlency and success depends on your cooperation.NOTEFrequently a request for work cannot be completed in a reasonable time because:1. More pressing or important assignments take priority.2. Ordered materials or equipment is yet to be delivered.Therefore the system sometimes appears not to function, either due to the above mentioned points, or because the correct procedure has not been followed. Do not duplicate the original request, as this can result in costly waste of material and labour. If the request has not been completed within a reasonable time. feel free to call the Engineering office, referring to the original request number and date.Thank you for your cooperation,Brain MooreCHIEF ENGINEERSTANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING JOB CATEGORY: KEN-FIX-IT HEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: GUEST ROOMS A/CSTANDARD: Room Temp: 23 c+/ - 1 C D8 RH: 50% =/ - 5% at all time.=PROCEDURE:1. Thermostat to be checked for high & low operation, the on off switches located from underneath to be checked, check to see control labels are fixed on thermostat.2. During thermostat checking ensure solenoid valve opens and closes, check solenoid valve is tight and no water is leaking.3. Remove Air Filter for cleaning.4. Check cooling coil fins for dirt and clean.5. Remove cooling water filter and clean.6. Check cooling water isolation valves, close and open and make sure they are left open.7. Check condition of water tray for water, leaks etc. check drain lines.8. Check all pipe work insulation.9. Check fan unit and motor and make sure all screws are tightened etc.10. Check three speed control switch and ensure motor runs on high fan.11. Check Air temperature at grille.12. Check Room temperature13. Room humidity.ENGINEERINGJOB CATEGORY WINNERUTILITY SHERATON FIJI RESORTTASKSCLEARING OF ENGINEERING PIGEON HOLE FROM ADMINISTRATION BLOCKRETURNING MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORMS TO OTHER DEPARTMENTSHOW TO FILL A PURCHASE REQUEST FORMSTANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING JOB CATEGORY: KEN-FIX-IT HEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: CLEARING OF ENGINEERING PIGEON HOLE FROM ADMINISTRATION BLOCKSTANDARD: TO REMOVE MAIL FROM PIGEON HOLE 3 TIMES A DAY.=PROCEDURE:1. The Engineering PigeoThe hole to be cleaned 3 times a day(i) 8.00 am(ii) 12.00 pm(iii) 4.00 pm.2. The mail to be sorted out and put in Chief / Assistant Chief Engineers tray.3. Distribute all mail from Engineering to respective Department Pigeon Hole.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING JOB CATEGORY: KEN-FIX-IT HEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: RETURNING MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORMS TO OTHER DEPARTMENTSSTANDARD: RETURN COMPLETED MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORMS TO RESPECTIVE DEPARTMENT PIGEON HOLES.=PROCEDURE:1. Remove completed maintenance Request Forms from Maintenance Request Board and put in Assistant Chief Engineers IN tray 8.00 am daily.2. Remove completed maintenance Request Forms from Assistant Chief Engineers OUT tray 9.30 am daily.3. Sort out the Request forms into respective Departments.4. Distribute the request form into respective Department pigeon hole situated in the Executive Administration Block.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING JOB CATEGORY: KEN-FIX-IT HEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: HOW TO FILL A PURCHASE REQUEST FORMSTANDARD: TO FILL OUT PURCHASE REQUEST AS PER POLICY AND PROCEDURE.=PROCEDURE:1. Make Purchase Request for all store items.2. Make Purchase Request for all spare parts required.3. Enter date requested and when required.4. Enter what the items is for.5. Take the Request to purchasing Department for quotation.6. When receiving Purchase Request Forms with quotes, put in Chief Engineers IN tray for signature and codes.7. Remove signed Purchase Request Form from Chief Engineers OUT tray and put in General Managers Pigeon Hole.8. Put all unreceived Purchase Requests in Assistant Chief Engineers IN tray for follow up every Wednesday.ENGINEERINGJOB CATEGORY WINNERGROUNDSMAN SHERATON FIJI RESORTTASKSFLOWER CUTTING PROCEDUREMOWING OF LAWNSEDGING GRASS AREASPATHWAY MAINTENANCEPRUNING OF TREESFERTILIZINGREFUSE REMOVALSPRAYING, HANDLING AND STORAGE OF TOXIC CHEMICALSSTANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: REPAIRS AND MAINT. JOB CATEGORY: GROUNDSMAN HEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: FLOWER CUTTING PROCEDURESTANDARD: FLOWERS WILL BE CUT FROM TREES ONLY UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE HEAD GARDENER OR CHIEF ENGINEER AS PER THE PROCEDURE.=PROCEDURE:1. Flowers will only be cut from trees under the direction of the Head Gardener of Chief Engineer.2. Flowers will be professionally cut from the stem at a 45 deg. Angle, leaving enough stem, approximately 150 mm for use in vases.3. Flowers will only be cut from bushes designated by the Head Gardener or Chief Engineer.4. If any staff request flowers directly from groundsman or are seen to be removing flowers themselves they are to be immediately reported to your Supervisor.5. All flowers will be cut prior to 0700 each morning and delivered to the designated outlet.6. Bushes that flowers removed will be rotated regularly to ensure all flowers are not removed so the guests of the hotel can enjoy them and the aesthetics of the grounds is not unbalanced or bland.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: REPAIRS AND MAINT. JOB CATEGORY: GROUNDSMAN HEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: MOWING OF LAWNSSTANDARD: LAWNS WILL BE KEPT BELOW 20 MM HIGH AND MOWED BETWEEN THE HOURS 1000 AND 1600=PROCEDURE:At the Head Groundsman direction lawns will be mowed to maintain a consistent appearance throughout the whole property without exceeding 20 mm in height.Each time a lawn is mowed it is to be cut in the opposite direction to the preceding cut.Lawns are only to be mowed between 1000 hrs and 1600 hrs to avoid guests disturbance.Catchers are to be used at all times unless directed by the Head Groundsman who may occasionally deem it necessary to leave cuttings for fertilisation.Ensure lawns are free of rocks and sticks before mowing, if rocks are in the way while mowing, do not run over them, stop and remove them.Safety equipment on mowers is to be checked before commencing work to insure its operation.If guests are present on lawn areas, respect their rights as guests and manoeuvre well clear of them.Safety boots and glasses are to be used when mowing. Check blades are sharp before attempting to mow lawns, if necessary sharpen or replace them.Ensure petrol tank is full and oil level is correct before leaving the workshop.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: REPAIRS AND MAINT. JOB CATEGORY: GROUNDSMAN HEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: EDGING GRASS AREASSTANDARD: GRASS EDGES WILL BE MAINTAINED STRAIGHT AND CLEAN ALONG WALKWAYS, GARDEN BEDS, CURBS AND BEACH LINES.=PROCEDURE:Edges are to be maintained as per the schedule set in the preventive maintenance programme.Maintenance of edges determines the overall projection of the grounds, if they are not straight and cleanly cut the whole of the grounds appears untidy and poorly maintained.It is the responsibility of the groundsman in each section to ensure the edges are correct and neat at all times.Once edge lines are set they are to be kept trimmed to that line to stop gradual growth into beach sand areas and garden beds.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: REPAIRS AND MAINT. JOB CATEGORY: GROUNDSMAN HEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: PATHWAY MAINTENANCESTANDARD: PATHWAYS WILL BE KEPT CLEAN AND FREE OF GRASS EDGES AND WEEDS. CRACKS AND DAMAGE WILL BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY.=PROCEDURE:Pathways are to be swept regularly as per the preventive maintenance system and kept free of plant, weed and grass overgrowth.Sprinklers are to be checked regularly to ensure they spray away from pathways. Any cracks or damage found during regular maintenance are to be reported to the Assistant Chief Engineer who will initiate prompt repairs.STANDARDS AND PROCEDURESDEPARTMENT: REPAIRS AND MAINT. JOB CATEGORY: GROUNDSMAN HEAD: CHIEF ENGINEER G.M. APPROVAL: DATE:TASK: PRUNING OF TREESSTANDARD: TREES WILL ONLY BE PRUNED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE HEAD GARDENER OR CHIEF ENGINEER AS PER THE PROCEDURE.=PROCEDURE:At the direction of the Head Gardener trees will be pruned at least once a year to encourage new growths and to remove dead and old woods.All cuts are to be made at a 30 deg. Angle.All cuts made must be painted with an oil paint thus preventing water seeping into the cut and causing stem rot.Use proper pruning tools to ensure trees are not damaged unnecessarily.When pruning trees ensure to exercise great care so that cut branches do not fall and dama