2023年8年级英语教案模板全英文(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:英语教案 英文,中文 英语教学教案优秀模板 众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首她就在这里! 最完整的内容,最清晰的结构,最翔实的细节!就她了! 一、教学目标 Teaching aims 1, 认知目标cognitive objective 2,能力目标 ability objective 3,情感态度目标Affect and attitude objective 二,教学内容 Teching contents 三、教学重点 Important points 四、教学难点 Difficult points 五、教学方法 Teaching methods 六、教具 Teaching aids 七、教学过程 Teaching procedures Step1 lead-in Step2 Presentation Step3 Practice Step4 Revision step5 Conclude Step6 Homework aignment 八,教学反思 teaching resonsideration 推荐第2篇:全英文英语阅读课教案 阅读课教案 School_ Number3 Middle School_ Junior or Senior Section _Junior_ Cla _3_ Grade _1_ Size _45_ Time_40_ Date _2023-12-28_ Materials _Go for it_ Type of leon _reading _ Contents: 1.Vocabulary: Some nouns about furniture and some daily use things: table, bed, dreer, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, books, keys, baseball, drawer, plant.Some prepositions of place: on, in, under 2.Structure: Where is (Wheres)? It is (Its) in/on/under Where are? They are (Theyre) in/on/under Wheres/wherere? I dont know.Is it /are they on/in/under ? No, it isnt./They arent./ Yes, it is./they are. 3.1) Dialogue: Wheres the bag? I dont know. Is it on the dreer? No, it isnt. Where are my books? I dont know.Are they on the bed? No, theyre not.2)Writing: ask, gue and write Objectives: 1.Instructional objectives (language knowledge and language skills) 1) To promote students vocabulary development (table, bed, dreer, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, books, keys, baseball, drawer, plant.) 2) To promote students reading skills a) prediction b) skimming 3) To promote students oral English 4) To develop students writing skill 2.Educational objectives (affect, learning strategy and cultural awarene) 1) To develop students ability to communicate with others to get information 2) To build students confidence 3) To make students learn to cooperate with others 3.Personal objectives: 1) To develop teachers ability of claroom management Focal points: a: the nouns.b: prepositions of place c: Where- question and d: answers to “Is the in/on/under the ?”; Difficult points: a: use the prepositions to describe position of things b: use the where-question and Is it-/Are they -question to ask things position Aids: PPT, blackboard, chalk Procedures and Time Allotment 1.Getting students ready for learning ( mins) 1) Greetings: Good morning everyone! 2) Routine task: duty report 2.Revision: Use some pictures to review the vocabulary ( table, bed, dreer, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, books, keys, baseball, drawer, plant, on, in, under) and sentence structure: Where is (Wheres)? It is (Its) in/on/under Where are? They are (Theyre) in/on/under 3.Pre-reading : Step1: vocabulary and some phrases learning Task: Look at the conversation between them and gue the meaning of the sentences in red.( using the conversation between Liu Qian and A Xin to show those phrases to the students in order to learn them by the context; because the sentence structure in the conversation is those they have learnt) ( mins) 此步骤包括词汇、语法教学等 4.While-reading 5.Post-reading ( mins) 1) Oral work 2) Written work 6.Aigning homework 1) Conclusion: a: vocabulary b: sentence patterns: Where is (Wheres)? It is (Its) in/on/under Where are? They are (Theyre) in/on/under Wheres/wherere? I dont know.Is it /are they on/in/under ? No, it isnt./They arent./ Yes, it is./they are.2) Homework: Ask, gue and write Let your partner to ask as well as gue where your things are in your room.Write down your conversation by using the following sentence patterns: A: wheres/wherere your? B: You can gue.A: I dont know.Is it /are they on/in/under ? B: No, it isnt./They arent.Yes, it is./they are. Self-evaluation 推荐第3篇:幼儿英语教案leon 8 备课人: 备课时间: 检查人: 音标班Leon 8 4个短音音标/ / / / Teaching aims: 1、学习新短音音标复习7单元音标,短音歌 2、掌握图片单词的四会 3、学习字母组合oo ,or ,er ,复习字母组合ch ,sh,ck ,qu 4、进一步提高学生自主拼读能力 Important points: 1、.学习新短音音标复习7单元音标,短音歌 2、学习图片单词 3、进一步提高学生自主拼读能力 Difficult points: 1、进一步提高学生自主拼读能力 2、Oclock sweater 3、/的发音 4、学生第一次接触字母组合,oo, ea ,er,要告诉学生二个或二个以上字母发一个音为字母组合。 Teaching tools: 7个短音卡片、字典、卡纸、彩色笔、Period :3 Period 1 Teaching aims : 1、四个短音音标的正确发音,以及字母组合的学习 2、学生自我拼读直呼音标,音标词 3、拼读能力提高 Important points: 1、短音音标的正确发音,以衣字母组合的学习 2、拼读能力提高 Difficult points 1、/的发音 2、学生第一次接触字母组合,oo, ea ,er,要告诉学生二个或二个以上字母发一个音为字母组合。 Teaching tools: 7个短音卡片、字典、卡纸、彩色笔 Interesting points : 1、实力大挑战 2、字母组合故事 3、音标口决 4、音标速读接龙 5、快乐拍手挑战赛 6、音标大搜索 Teaching steps: Step1: Greeting, warm up and review (5minutes) 一、Greeting: Glad to see you ,dear children.Are you happy today ? 二、Warm up :Glad to see you (老师带一遍,一起唱) 1、Glad to see you, Glad to see you, glad to see you. 1、鼓励:slogan: I can read all English words, I am the best ,I can do it ,I must do it . 三、Review:(实力大挑战:who has best memory) 1.音标概况歌(全体表演一遍) 英语音标48,元音20辅音28,认真用心去学它。 2.拼读音标歌(全体表演一遍) 元音音标很重要,拼读单词先找它,再把前后辅音连。重音符号,同样重要,轻重有别不跑调。 3.音标展示(/æ/ /e/ / /) 4.展示上节课的学图片单词(英中,用两组比赛的方式来进行) Step2: Lead in and presentation (5 minutes) 1、呈现a e I o u 音素请学生正反读一遍 2、请学生上来写a e I 的短音音标,看谁写得又正确又快速(3个学生)。老师写o u 的短音音标,让他们观察。 3、口诀/æ/ /æ/ 像蝴蝶, /e/ /e/ 原模样,/ / / /变大写。 / / a 倒写,/ / / / v 倒写。 (1遍)(音标口决) 4、讲oo ,er ,or , 故事引出 A、oo: 从前有一对失散多年的亲兄弟,由于家里很穷没有钱,所以妈妈没有办法,就将弟弟O送给别人家里去了。十年后的一天,兄弟俩在街上相遇,就/ / /的大哭起来,为了纪念这天相遇,他们就用花瓶装眼泪。 B、er,or: 在一片宽广的草地上r,来了一头鹅e和公牛o,这时公牛的肚子饿啦,就发出/ / /声音,看着这绿油油草地,也就不管这么多了,就吃了起来。这时,天色也越来越晚了,鹅的肚子也饿了,发出/ / /声音。看着公牛吃得这么香,它也吃了起来。 Step3: Practice (10 minutes) 1、Read after the teacher (指板书带读,老师1学生3) (字母组合带2遍,注意要求正反带读) oo er,or /æ/ /e/ / / / / / 2、老师展示音标卡,分组朗读比赛 Game1 : 音标速读接龙赛,(2组,共4轮,各2轮,四个人) A、游戏规则:每组派两名代表参加比赛,一分钟读黑板上的7个短元音音标,看哪个同学在规定的时间内读正确最多。如果在比赛中,发现读错了就要读正确了才能读下面一个。 纪律:其他同学在比赛时,任何同学都有要保持安静。 奖惩:纪律好的团队可以加1分,纪律不好的团队扣1分。在比赛中,获得冠军的个人可以得到2分的奖励。 B、老师示范 C、学生自我练习3分钟 Game2: 快乐拍手挑战赛(直呼音标、拼读音标词) 直呼音标:两组比赛,拍桌,拍手。 A、规则:团队比赛,每组轮流读一个单词,读完后坐下去。另外一组同学就要马上站起来读,先拍桌子,再拍手。比如:/-/(拍桌子)/bks/(拍手),看哪组同学的声音是最大,发音是最准的,就可以加分。 纪律:其他组在读的时候,保持安静。 奖惩:纪律不好的团队扣团队分1分,纪律好的团队加1分。 B、老师示范 C、听磁带跟读 D、自我操练:直呼音标(1分钟) E、游戏开始 音标词:两组以同桌为代表轮流参赛,拍桌,拍手。 A、规则:团队比赛,两组以同桌为代表轮流参赛,读完后坐下去,后面的同学就要马上站起来读,先拍桌子,再拍手。比如:/b/- /-/s/(拍桌子)/bs/(拍手),看哪组同学的声音是最大,发音是最准的,就可以加分。 纪律:其他组在读的时候,保持安静。 奖惩:纪律不好的团队扣团队分1分,纪律好的团队加1分。 B、老师示范 C、听磁带跟读 D、自我操练:音标词(3分钟) E、游戏开始 Step4: Consolidation Game1:音标大搜索 A、游戏规则:找含有今天所学音标/ / / /的音标词,写在一张卡纸上。正面写音标、单词,反面写单词的意思。(5分钟) 奖惩:在规定的5分钟内找的最多又正确的团队获胜,可以每人奖励3分。 备注:跟学生们讲:同学之间要相互帮助,要互相分配工作。哪个同学负责写,哪个同学负责查字典。 B、老师示范 C、游戏计时5分钟开始 Blackboard design: Period 2 Teaching aims 1、学习短元音歌 2、掌握图片单词的四会 3、学习字母组合oo, er , or 的正确发音 Important points: 1、掌握图片单词的四会 2、学习短元音歌 3、学习字母组合oo, er , or 的正确发音 Difficult points: 1、oclock, sweater Teaching tools: 1、音标单词卡片 2、红绿灯 3、磁带 4、秒表 5、娃娃 Teaching points: 1、男女大反串 2、单词速记 3、口形猜单词 4、一分钟速写 Teaching steps Step1: Greet, warm up and review (5minutes ) Greeting: Children welcome back.Warm up :口诀(像蝴蝶!) 口诀/æ/ /æ/ 像蝴蝶, /e/ /e/ 原模样,/ / / /变大写。 / / a 倒写,/ / / / v 倒写。 Review A、提问:上节课学了什么?(4个短元音标) B、展示卡片,认读2轮 C、鼓励:上节课你们表演很不错了,这节课会有更好的表现,yes or no? Step2: Lead in and presentation 刚才大家表现这么棒,老师有充分的理由相信,接下来你们会表现得更好!学习相关单词和歌曲。分团队读7个短元音,看哪个组所用时最短。 Step3: Practice 一、learn the song (10minutes ) 这首歌非常简单,只有3句话,看班上有多少天才在4遍之内自己跟磁带学会。 A、摆最酷的造型静听2遍,看谁能坚持到最后,跟磁带轻唱两遍。 B、请会唱的天才站起来唱一遍,老师根据情况纠正需要加强之处。 C、男女生大反串(请男生模仿女生唱歌,女生模仿男生唱歌) 二、learn the words (15minutes ) A、听、说、读 a、listen repeat and translate (two times 难点多读) OK!给你们一秒钟将书关上,看哪个团队最先。一边听磁带 ,一边读,看哪个团队的声音最大,就可以得分。听第二遍就请同学们来翻译,可以点同学或小组接龙。 b、找朋友,学生以团队为主自我操练读单词3分钟 等下老师,会评出一个团队为获胜组,每个人都可以获得积分2分,每个队员都必须会读,要互相帮助你获胜的机会才大一些,声音也会更加大。 c、老师带读,两组比赛(根据老师手势决定哪组读,男女读,左右读) d、老师展示卡片,两组比赛及个人点读(英、中) e、难点分析,字母组合,速记单词 1、逐个请学生分析难点,请操练字母组合3遍,有故事的字母组合讲解。doctor sister sweater, or er发/ good look book, oo发/ 2、10秒单词过目不忘,擦板书,写单词,同桌相互检查(速记单词) 当他们默写出一个时,让他们举手,有大部分默写出来,哇!你们太棒啦!那现在你们觉得默写单词难吗? Step4: Consolidation (30 minutes) Game1:口形猜单词 游戏规则:老师作单词的口形,不能发出声音,如果没有同学猜出来,老师可以发出一点点小声音。猜对的同学可以为团队加一分。可以训练难点单词:oclock, sweater.Game2:一分钟速写 游戏规则:先给同学们5分钟记今天所学的单词。关上书,1分钟看写单词的中英文,看谁写得最多又正确,就是今天的冠军。冠军可以获得3分积分的奖励。 备注:时间到了,如果还有同学没有停笔,做零分计算。 Blackboard design: Period 3 Teaching aims and important points: 1、检测:复习及巩固 2、拼读能力提高 Difficult points: 1、查字典时,看音标能拼读出单词。 Teaching tools:字典、单词音标卡片、7个短元音音标卡片 Interesting points: 1、查字典比赛 2、拼读比赛 Teaching steps: Step1: Greet, warm up and review (10minutes) 一、Greeting :Dear students ,welcome back ,this is last cla ,I believe ,you can do best .最后一节课,相信你们同样也传动轴做得这么好,还会比上节课做得更好,YES? 二:Warm up :短元音歌 /æ/ /e/ / / / / /, /æ/ /e/ / / / / /, A hen and a duck look at A big dog, a big dog.三:Review: 1、短元音歌 2、短元音音标、字母组合卡 3、单词卡(两组比赛及个人点读) Step2: Dictation and exercise (10minutes) 1、听写 请默写出所中音素的小写字母,注意标注序号。 1.qu 2.ch 3.sh 4.c k ck 5.l 6.m 7.n 8.a 9.i 10.e 11.o 12.u 13.i 14.a 15.u 16.e 17.o 18.f 19.v 20.d 21.t 22.b 23.p 24.s 25.x 26.l 27.j 28.z 29.g 30.r 31.y 32.w 33.h 请默写出所听单词的中英文,注意标注序号。 1.fat 2.cat 3.red 4.bed 5.big 6.hill 7.doll 8.on 9.same 10.Lane 11.use 12.Sue 13.run 14.sun 15.chick 16.ship 17.yes 18.egg 19.dad 20.lap 21.hat 22.man 23.Ted 24.hen 25.is 26.pig 27.box 28.dog 29.cake 30.home 31.go 32.no 33.fun 34.bus 35.cup 36.fish 37.Jim 38.swim 39.help 40.get 41.wet 42.van 43.cap 44.map 45.can 46.fan 47.ten 48.pen 50.pet 51.Mi 52.sit 53.in 54.pit 55.frog 56.log 57.mop 58.stop 59.mum 60.bike 61.his 62.ride 63.Mike 64.write 65.white 66.kite 67.him 68.he 69.we 70.she 2、限时做练习册(8单元14题),交换检查。 看谁是我们班上能看宝马的,老师会奖励第一个做的,而且做得正确,如果4个小题目全部对了可以奖励个人5分。 Step3: Consolidation (10minutes) Game1:查字典比赛 老师将事先准备好的单词贴在黑板上,让他们找出音标。团队3分钟,查对最多的团人获胜,老师公布答案交换检查。 Game2:拼读比赛 A、规则:团队每个成员拼读音标,又大声又正确为获胜。 纪律:团队在拼读时,保持安静。 奖惩:纪律不好的团队扣个人分及团队分1分。团队拼读单词正确最多的可以奖励积分每人2分。 B、1分钟自我练习,团队每个成员都会读。 C、比赛开始 Blackboard design: 中间贴大卡片 Homework: 1、听磁带大声朗读,每天2遍,并要家长签名,加二分。 2、说:能说出相关音标的知识,在家能自主拼读单词,加二分。 3、写:抄写第8单元单词(5+1+1),查字典找出今天所学音标词10个。 推荐第4篇:Go for it 8A Unit 10全英文教案 G fr it 8A Unit 10全英文教案 Unit10I gingtbeabasetballplaerPart1:TeahingdesignStrutures:Futureithgingt;anttbe;hat,here,hen,hquestinsTargetlanguage:hatareugingtbehenugrup?IgingtbeaputerprgraerHareugingtdthat? I gingtstudputersieneVabular:puterprgraer,prfeinal,engineer,pilt,putersiene,dreab,vet,fashinsh,retire,save,reslutin,getgdgrade,getapart-tieb,aerefriendsLearningstrategies:Usingntext,Rle-plaingSETINAGals Tlearntexprefutureithgingt;anttbe;hat,here,hen,hquestins Ttalabutfutureintentins TreadabutfutureintentinsPreduresaringupbgreetingHell,everne!eneverhildhashisngreatidealIthinudthesaehenugrup,abeuanttbeateaher,abusinean,apilt,ranengineerTdaearegingttalabutthetpiabuturintentinsTurntlatUnit10:I gingtbeabasetballplaerLattheblabardandreadafterethetargetlanguagefrthisunithenuread,paattentintgingt,anttbe,andhat,here,hen,hquestinsDunhatintentineans?IteanethinguanttdrplantdinthefutureItisntsethinghihilldefinitelhappenIillgiveuneinutetthinabutasualreadnttalabutfutureeventsAnduanusethequestinrdshere,hen,hat,hlngtasandanserquestinsFrexaple:Q: hereareugingnextee?A: IgingtsuerapQ: Hlngareustaing?A: IstaingfraeeQ: hataregingtd?A: I siingthereFrtheabveenthatingrdsexprethefuturetenseNlatthesentenesinthespeehbubblenpage9Inthisunit,eareusingingrdsttalabutthingsthataranthappenearetalingabutplans1aRaningthebsnpage9uillfindabxithsixdifferentbsNuaregingtranthesixbsfrthestinterestingttheleastinterestingAndafterthatushallfallintpairsttalabutthereasns1bListeningandtalingReadthephrasesinthetlunsfirstThenlistentfurnversatinsanddralinesnnetingthebsandtheativitiesLetshetheansers!es:1b;2;3d;4aNitstietreadthetapesript,underliningtheexpreins,andshadingsentenesexpreingfutureithgingt1DingpairrNinpairsgntasurpartnerhatthearegingtbeandhthearegingtdNI llgiveuadelnversatinanduapratieliethis2aListeningandheingNletsgtpage60Pleasetalabuthatuseehereinthepiture1 Hesaprfer2 Hesateaher3 Hesanatr4 He sastudentNlistentthetapeandhe therretbxes,thethingshengHanisgingtdNushallreadthetapesript,tringtunderlinetheexpreinsandshadsentenesexpreingfutureithgingt2bListeningandfillingListenagainandfillinthehart2DingpairrNextearegingtaeanversatininpairsAsandanserquestinsabuthatutaregingtd3aReadingandunderlingThereisadiarnpage61inhihTianTianritesabuthisdreabNuaregingtreaditandunderlinethethingsthatsheisgingtdFirstreadthediartthetapetgetherThatis,ustartreadingaludasthererderges,andustpreadingaludasthererderstpshilereading,paenughattentintthepauses,theprnuniatinandtheintnatinfthenativereaderaeurreadingaludasthesaeasthereader sNreadthediarthrughhilereadingtrtdivide/itintpartsandunderlinethethingsthatTianTianisgingtd3bDingpairrSilene,please!earegingthavearle-plainpairsSuppsenefuisTianTian,thetherillintervieuabuturdreabNextletstalabuturndreainthefutureusingthequestinrdshat,here,handet4DinggruprhatillhappeninXX?eah,BeiingishstingtheXXlpiGaeshatanuandurlaatesdthelpaethelpisasue?NdisuingrupsfthreerfurandaealistithbegingtlsingdnbplaingavidefthelpiGaesell,tnreabutthelpiGaesleteeavideftheXXlpiGaesDunhereitasheld? 推荐第5篇:全英文教案 Unit 5 Do you like candies? Warming up: 1.Sing a song Apple Tree.2.Look and say.(Review the words about food and drinks).Presentation and practice: 1.Present the new words and sentences: banana, grape Do you like ? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.T: I like apples.I like oranges.They are fruits.Now, I will give you two riddles.Lets gue what fruits they are.a.They are yellow.They are sweet.The monkeys like them very much.What are they? b.They are purple.They are nice.We eat them in summer.What are they? (Teach the new words: banana, grape) T: I like grapes.Do you like grapes? 2.Teach the new word