2023年外企申请压力管道流程 List of Application Documents for Special Equipment Manufacture Licensing 2023-08-16 List of Application Documents for Special Equipment Manufacture Licensing (境外工厂申请特种设备制造许可证所需文件清单) The applicant should submit the following application documents in Chinese or in English. (申请方需要递交中文或英文的如下文件) 1.Three copies of original “Application Form” with signature (download at ). (制造许可申请书三份) 英文版本申请书下载网址同上;中文版本申请书下载网址如下: 及有关文件下载 Three copies for Boilers and another three copies for Preure Veels if apply for both. (如果企业申请锅炉和压力容器产品,则需要锅炉和压力容器申请书各三份) 2.One copy “Technical Data Form of Applied Products” (download at the above website) (申请产品数据表, 下载网址同上;中文版表格下载网址如下: 及有关文件下载) 3.General introduction of manufacturer in English or in Chinese (background and manufacturing capacity). (工厂背景及生产情况的简介) 4.Copy of the legal busine License or documents approved or registered by local government according to the laws. (制造厂在当地政府注册的法律文件的复印件) 5.Copies of qualified licenses or certificates that manufacturer has obtained such as ASME, ISO, TUV etc. (制造厂持有的例如ASME, ISO,TUV等相关证书的复印件) 6.Individual quality manual for Chinese manufacture licensing in Chinese or in English which shall meet the requirement of Announcement No.5 of SELO.(download at ) (符合许可办公告5要求的单独编写的制造手册,英文下载网址同上,中文下载网址为: http:/csei/index3.asp?code1=1030&code2=2200&lm3=许可办公告) 7.Typical samples (pictures), catalogue of products with their related parameters and specifications (所申请的典型产品样本,附产品技术参数) 8.Drawing and design documents (applicable only for the products such as gas cylinder, safety valves, bursting disks and valves that are required type test.) (申请产品的图纸,此要求仅试用于气瓶、安全阀、爆破片及气瓶阀门的申请) 9.Other supplementary documents if deemed neceary (其他需要补充的资料) Please note that we require only one copy of the documentation Point 2 to 9 above mentioned except the application forms in Point 1. (备注:除申请书需要三份之外,其他上述资料只需一份即可。) 外企申请压力管道流程 压力管道换证流程 压力容器、压力管道报装流程 压力管道安装管理流程 压力管道申请说明 压力管道 压力管道压力等级 压力管道延期检验申请书 压力管道考题 压力管道试题