2023年美联英语TED-ted演讲稿:人际关系的潜在影响5人际关系演讲稿 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 .aspx?tid=16-73675-0 And this is one of the first images we made to study this phenomenon. Again, a social network, but now we color the people yellow if they"re happy and blue if they"re sad and green in between. And if you look at this image, you can right away see clusters of happy and unhappy people, again, spreading to three degrees of separation. And you might form the intuition that the unhappy people occupy a different structural location within the network. There"s a middle and an edge to this network, and the unhappy people seem to be located at the edges. So to invoke another metaphor, if you imagine social networks as a kind of vast fapic of humanity - I"m connected to you and you to her, on out endlessly into the distance - this fapic is actually like an old-fashioned American quilt, and it has patches on it: happy and unhappy patches. And whether you become happy or not depends in part on whether you occupy a happy patch. 这是我们用来探讨这一现象所做出的早期图象之一。同样是一个社会网络,不过这一次我们把欢乐的人涂成了黄色,难受的人涂成了蓝色,介于两者之间的人涂成了绿色。假如你看看这幅图片,你立马就能看到欢乐的人和不欢乐的人扎堆出现,同样地是传递到三层分别关系。你的直觉或许会告知你不欢乐的人在这个网络中占据着一个不同的结构点。这个网络有个中心部分、有个边缘地带,而不欢乐的人似乎都集中在边缘地带。再打个比方,假如你把这些社区网络想象成是一大块人类的绸缎我与你相连,你和她相连,无止境地延长这块绸 缎就似乎是美国老式的被子一样,上面是一块块的补丁,有欢乐的补丁,也有不欢乐的。而你欢乐与否就确定于你是否身处一块欢乐补丁上。 So, this work with emotions, which are so fundamental, then got us to thinking about: Maybe the fundamental causes of human social networks are somehow encoded in our genes. Because human social networks, whenever they are mapped, always kind of look like this: the picture of the network. But they never look like this. Why do they not look like this? Why don"t we form human social networks that look like a regular lattice? Well, the striking patterns of human social networks, their ubiquity and their apparent purpose beg questions about whether we evolved to have human social networks in the first place, and whether we evolved to form networks with a particular structure. 所以像情感这种如此基础的东西都能按此来工作,我们不得不猜想,或许社会网路的基本缘由是写在我们的基因中的。因为人类的社会网络,每当构造起来的时候, 总是会和这个网络的图片很相像,但它们却从来不会是这个样子的? 它们为什么不是这个样子的呢? 为什么我们不组成一个个有规则的格子框架的社会网络呢? 人类社会网络惊人的样貌、其无所不在的特性和它们自不待言的功能,让我们猜想社会网络是否是我们进化的产物,而我们又是否进化出具有某种特别结构的社会网络。 And notice first of all - so, to understand this, though, we need to dissect network structure a little bit first - and notice that every person in this network has exactly the same structural location as every other person. But that"s not the case with real networks. So, for example, here is a real network of college students at an elite northeastern university. And now I"m highlighting a few dots. If you look here at the dots, compare node B in the upper left to node D in the far right; B has four friends coming out from him and D has six friends coming out from him. And so, those two individuals have different numbers of friends. That"s very obvious, we all know that. But certain other aspects of social network structure are not so obvious. 首先留意要想搞懂这一切,我们必需先把这个网络结构分解一下留意到每个人在这个网络中的结构点和其他人都是一样的。但在真实的网络中,却不是这个样子的。好比说,这是东北部一所顶尖高校内高校生之间的真实网络图。我这里着重选择了几个圆点,假如你细致看看这些圆点,把左上角的点B 和最右边的点D 做比较。B 有四个挚友从他那里延长出来,D 则是有六个挚友。所以这两个人的挚友数量有所不同这是自不待言的,我们都知道。但社会网络结构中的其他方面就没有这么明显了。 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 .aspx?tid=16-73675-0