2023年员工晋升制度(Employee promotion policy).docx
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2023年员工晋升制度(Employee promotion policy).docx
2023年员工晋升制度(Employee promotion policy) Employee Promotion Policy 员工晋升制度 一Propose目的: The Employee Promotion Policy is formulated to encourage employees to be more positive, improve contribution and increase employee loyalty.Its purpose is to help in the selection of the elite, reduce staff turnover, improve organizational efficiency and reward outstanding performance. 为鼓励员工积极向上,多做贡献及奖励工作努力、业绩突出,选拔贤能,增加员工的忠诚度、减少员工流失及提高组织的效率,特制定本制度。 二Scope适用范围: To include all employees with outstanding performance. 工作努力、业绩突出者,均可成为被晋升的对象。 三Responsibilities权责 1、HR Dept.is charged with developing the Employee Promotion Policy. 人力资源部负责制定公司的员工晋升制度。 2、The relevant department manager is responsible for the appraisal of their subordinate employee.相关部门经理负责对晋升员工的考核。 3、GM is responsible for the employees final promotion appraisal.总经理负责对员工晋升的最终审核。 四Rules规定: 1Employees cannot leapfrog higher ranking positions, promotion is based purely on seniority! 员工晋升不可越级,每次只可向上晋升一级。 2Requirement at least six months working experiences in current position.员工在现任职位工作至少满半年。 3Grade 4 or above should achieve 80 points on the annual performance appraisal with Grade 5 to 8 requiring 70 points. 四级及以上人员上年度工作表现评估在80分以上;五级-八级人员上年度工作表现评估在70分以上。 4Aement criteria for Promotion 晋升考核标准: AGrade 5 to 8: Composite score of no le than 70 points, including 50% of performance appraisal and 50% of written paper test; 五级-八级人员晋升,综合成绩不得低于70分,考核分为两项:工作表现评估和书面考核,满分100分。工作表现评估占50%,书面考核占50%。 BGrade 4 or above: Composite score of no le than 80 points, including 60% of performance appraisal and 40% of written paper test.四级及以上人员晋升,综合成绩不得低于80分,考核分为两项:工作表现评估及书面考核,满分各100分。工作表现评估占60%,书面考核占40% 。 CExamination papers contents书面考核内容: (1)There will test capability & capacity for the applied promotion positions and will ascertain technical, managerial strengths etc.所晋升岗位实际工作能力测评,包括技术和管理类等。 (2)Test candidates knowledge on the subjects of Company philosophy and contents of previous training courses conducted.公司理念及已经培训课程的考评。 5Candidates seeking promotions are required to attend the related training courses which are set by the company for the appropriate positions.升职(级)人员需参加公司设定的相关培训课程。 6Disqualification will occur if candidate has received any written warning or oral reprimands during the previous 12 months.员工近一年内无任何严重警告及以上违纪处分。 五Procedure晋升程序: 1The department Manager shall submit their department annual promotion plan to HR in June or December of each year.Once a vacant position occurs in their department, they need to complete and submit the , and Outstanding work performance reports to HR Dept before the 10th of the relevant month.晋升每年申报二次,在每年 6或12月份,部门经理首先需确认本部门是否有名额空缺,若有,在相应月份的10号前提名并将填写完毕的内部升职申请表、工作表现评估表及突出工作业绩报告交到人力资源部。 2Confirmed completion of required training courses 查核所需培训课程完成情况 。 3Submit the list of candidates required to attend the written paper test to HR Dept.by the end of the given month.申报当月的月底安排书面考试。 4HR Dept.summarize the final appraisal result 人力资源部汇总各项评估结果。 5HR will return the failed candidates files to their department manager and will arrange for candidate to take another test during the following month.If candidate fails again, he/she must re-attend the relevant trainings and re-apply for the next scheduled appraisal.考核不合格者,内部升职申请表将退回部门,对于不合格人员在次月有一次补考机会,如还不合格,需再次培训并参加安排的下次考核。 6The department Manager will submit the salary adjustments details for the succeful employees to HR Manager and GM for approval! HR will inform the department manager upon completion of he final approval. 各项考核合格者由部门进行薪资调整,人力资源部经理和总经理审批;将审批结果在申报的次月通报部门。 Prepared by 编制人签署 Authorized by 批准人签署 (Date) (Date) HR Manager General Manager 员工晋升制度(Employee promotion policy) 员工晋升制度 员工晋升制度 员工晋升制度 员工晋升制度 员工晋升制度 员工晋升制度 伊利员工晋升制度 员工薪资晋升制度 晋升制度