研究生英语研究生英语阅读阅读C C翻译复习(部分)翻译复习(部分)KEY SENTENCESuMore art and intelligence go into the design and layout of an ad in The Saturday Evening Post or Life than into stories and features in the same magazines.u星期六晚报星期六晚报或或生活生活上的一幅广告的设计上的一幅广告的设计和版面要比同期报纸或杂志上的故事和特写投入和版面要比同期报纸或杂志上的故事和特写投入的艺术和智力成分更多。的艺术和智力成分更多。uIn order to achieve this end there has to be an elaborate series of consumer surveys to establish the exact character of the social groups whose dollars are to be magically extracted.u为了达到这一目的,就必须有一系列精心策划的为了达到这一目的,就必须有一系列精心策划的消费调查,消费调查,以准确地确定那些社会群体的特点,以准确地确定那些社会群体的特点,这些人的美元将被商家巧妙地榨取。这些人的美元将被商家巧妙地榨取。uOur own advertising layouts are so extremely funny that if we paid any serious attention to them,we would soon be in stitches of laughter.The reason this does not happen is not that we have become hardened to these fantastic appeals to our passions,but that we have become so groggy,so passive,so helpless amidst the endless barrage of appeals that we go about our business,as we say.u我们自己的广告版面设计是如此滑稽我们自己的广告版面设计是如此滑稽,假如我们假如我们用心留意它们用心留意它们,我们很快就忍俊不禁。之我们很快就忍俊不禁。之 所以没所以没有出现这样的情况有出现这样的情况,并不是因为我们已经对这种并不是因为我们已经对这种呼唤激情的荒谬做法习以为常呼唤激情的荒谬做法习以为常,而是因而是因 为我们已为我们已经在永无止境铺天盖地的呼唤声中变得如此麻木经在永无止境铺天盖地的呼唤声中变得如此麻木,如此被动如此被动,如此无助如此无助,我们只管自己的事儿。我们只管自己的事儿。就像我们所说的那样。就像我们所说的那样。u我们自己的广告版面设计是如此滑稽我们自己的广告版面设计是如此滑稽,假如我们假如我们用心留意它们用心留意它们,我们很快就忍俊不禁。之我们很快就忍俊不禁。之 所以没所以没有出现这样的情况有出现这样的情况,并不是因为我们已经对这种并不是因为我们已经对这种呼唤激情的荒谬做法习以为常呼唤激情的荒谬做法习以为常,而是因而是因 为我们已为我们已经在永无止境铺天盖地的呼唤声中变得如此麻木经在永无止境铺天盖地的呼唤声中变得如此麻木,如此被动如此被动,如此无助如此无助,我们只管自己的事儿。我们只管自己的事儿。就像我们所说的那样。就像我们所说的那样。uThe ad was a piece of abstract art,of unabashed symbolism,such as is reputed to outrage ordinary man when he meets it in an art gallery,but which worked perfectly in the market place.u广告是一件抽象艺术广告是一件抽象艺术,是不折不扣的象征主义。是不折不扣的象征主义。据说普通人在艺术画廊里看到广告时会怒不可遏据说普通人在艺术画廊里看到广告时会怒不可遏,但是它在市场上的确管用。但是它在市场上的确管用。uSo powerful is this feature of the huge artificial,pictorialized,neon-lighted environment created by advertising that people have gotten into the habit of living in that future environment.u广告创造的图文并茂五颜六色的人造环境的阵势广告创造的图文并茂五颜六色的人造环境的阵势如此强大如此强大,以至于人们都已习惯于生活在广告所以至于人们都已习惯于生活在广告所宣传的未来世界里。宣传的未来世界里。uFor if the ads are psychological machines hitched to the assembly lines of mass production at the distribution end,it is only by an intense appeal to the new,the different,the latest model or gadget that those lines can be kept rolling.u因为因为,假如广告是接在流通一端的批量生产装配假如广告是接在流通一端的批量生产装配线上的心理机器的话线上的心理机器的话,那么只有凭借新的、不同那么只有凭借新的、不同的、最新型号或玩意儿的、最新型号或玩意儿,那些生产线才能开动起那些生产线才能开动起来。来。u Ideally,ads are most valuable as windows providing a rational view of the entire social and psychological landscape of our communities,but their magical power is felt only by those who think they dont read them.u按理说按理说,广告作为橱窗是最有价值的广告作为橱窗是最有价值的,它合理地它合理地展示我们社区的整个社会和心理环境。然而展示我们社区的整个社会和心理环境。然而,广广告的魔力却只有那些不看广告的人告的魔力却只有那些不看广告的人 才能感受到。才能感受到。u Spain is the last European country where conversation remains a popular art and where the peasants,though illiterate,are as a rule so highly cultured that high society and intellectuals imitate their special accents and expressions out of snobbism.u西班牙是欧洲依然保留对话这一大众艺术的最后西班牙是欧洲依然保留对话这一大众艺术的最后一个国家。在这里,农民虽然没有读过书,但是一个国家。在这里,农民虽然没有读过书,但是他们一般很有教养,以至于上流社会的人和知识他们一般很有教养,以至于上流社会的人和知识分子势利的模仿他们独特的口音和表达方法。分子势利的模仿他们独特的口音和表达方法。KEY SENTENCESuThe deeper meanings of jazz lie in the story of its beginning.Historically,its sounds and moods parallel the struggle and growth of a people.u爵士乐更深层次的意义在于有关它的起源的传说爵士乐更深层次的意义在于有关它的起源的传说中。从历史的角度看,它的声音和基调和一个民中。从历史的角度看,它的声音和基调和一个民族的奋斗和成长相伴相随。族的奋斗和成长相伴相随。uThe blues were a rich,social,and personal musical language social in that it was the creative language of a people,and personal in that it was an expression of individual thinking and feeling.u布鲁斯是一种丰富的、社会的、也是个人的音乐布鲁斯是一种丰富的、社会的、也是个人的音乐语言。说它是社会的是因为它是一个民族的创造语言。说它是社会的是因为它是一个民族的创造性语言;说它是个人的是因为它是个人思想和感性语言;说它是个人的是因为它是个人思想和感情的表达方式。情的表达方式。uInstead of a barrier,the color line became a catalyst of creativity,stimulating the development of what is known as modern jazz.u肤色非但不是一种障碍,反倒成了一种创造性的肤色非但不是一种障碍,反倒成了一种创造性的催化剂,刺激着被称作现代爵士乐的发展。催化剂,刺激着被称作现代爵士乐的发展。uHis music is a creative and spontaneous music a manifestation of the creative urge of the common man for the people and by the people.u他的音乐是一种富有创造性和自发性的音乐,它他的音乐是一种富有创造性和自发性的音乐,它所展示的是普通人表现创造力的欲望。它由人民所展示的是普通人表现创造力的欲望。它由人民所享用,并由人民所创造。所享用,并由人民所创造。uThe creative jazz man of today is in tune with what happened last night and anticipates what may occur tomorrow.u当今富有创造性的爵士乐手表现的是昨晚所发生当今富有创造性的爵士乐手表现的是昨晚所发生的事情,他预言的是明天将要发生的事情。的事情,他预言的是明天将要发生的事情。uJazz began with the Negro slave from the west coast of Africa;the circumstances surrounding his freedom from slavery gave jazz its momentum u爵士乐和非洲西海岸的黑人奴隶一起诞生,有关爵士乐和非洲西海岸的黑人奴隶一起诞生,有关他从奴隶中获得自由的那些事件给了爵士乐原动他从奴隶中获得自由的那些事件给了爵士乐原动力。力。u It does not use chord structure where a single melodic line is better,and in this sense it is akin to abstract art which reduces lines to a minimum.u只要一个旋律线谱更好,就绝不用和弦结构。在只要一个旋律线谱更好,就绝不用和弦结构。在这个意文上讲,它类似于抽象艺术,把谱线减少这个意文上讲,它类似于抽象艺术,把谱线减少到最小量。到最小量。uThose who are sympathetic to both composed music and jazz claim that jazz must become a larger form of composition and be written down in a prevailing form as art ballet,opera,symphony,and musical comedy.u那些喜欢创作音禾和爵士乐的人称,爵士乐应该那些喜欢创作音禾和爵士乐的人称,爵士乐应该成力一种更为广泛的作曲形式,像芭蕾、歌剧、成力一种更为广泛的作曲形式,像芭蕾、歌剧、交响乐和音乐喜剧一样,以一种流行的形式把它交响乐和音乐喜剧一样,以一种流行的形式把它谱写下来谱写下来。uViewing the tradition of jazz in perspective,one must ask:Had the American Negro been given opportunity for musical education before 1865,would jazz be with us today?u回顾爵士乐传统,人们一定会同:假如回顾爵士乐传统,人们一定会同:假如1865年前年前美国黑人给予了接受音乐教育的机会,我们今天美国黑人给予了接受音乐教育的机会,我们今天还有爵士乐吗?还有爵士乐吗?uThe life story of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.u个人的生活历史首先是适应他的社团中按照传统个人的生活历史首先是适应他的社团中按照传统继承下来的模式和规范的历史。继承下来的模式和规范的历史。uIn the first place,any scientific study requires that there be no preferential weighing of one or another of the items in the series it selects for its consideration.u首先,任何科学研究要求研究者不能对其挑选的首先,任何科学研究要求研究者不能对其挑选的一系列对象厚此薄彼。一系列对象厚此薄彼。u Whether it was a question of choosing a wife or of taking a head,the first and important distinction was between his own human group and those beyond the pale.u不管是挑选妻子还是割取首级,不管是挑选妻子还是割取首级,首要的事情是要首要的事情是要把他自己的种族和其他种族区别开来。把他自己的种族和其他种族区别开来。uWe have failed to appreciate the emergence of this New Class.The difference in what labor means to different people could not be greater.u我们没有意识到这个新阶级的出现。我们没有意识到这个新阶级的出现。工作对工作对于不同的人有着不同的意义,其差别简直再大不于不同的人有着不同的意义,其差别简直再大不过了。过了。uHe wants above all that they will have an occupation that is interesting and rewarding.On this he hopes that they will have taken their learned parent as their model.u首先,他要他们拥有一份有趣的、有意义的职业。首先,他要他们拥有一份有趣的、有意义的职业。在这方面,他真希望孩子们会以他们学识渊博的在这方面,他真希望孩子们会以他们学识渊博的老子为榜样。老子为榜样。uSimilarly,we have excluded youngsters from the labor market,partly on the ground that labor at too early an age is unduly painful and injurious to health,and partly to make way for educational opportunity.u同样,我们把青少年排除在劳动力市场外面,部同样,我们把青少年排除在劳动力市场外面,部分理由是过早地开始劳动是极其痛苦的,而且对分理由是过早地开始劳动是极其痛苦的,而且对健康有害;部分理由则是为了给他们创造受教育健康有害;部分理由则是为了给他们创造受教育的机会。的机会。uThe economists with impeccable credentials in the conventional wisdom,who believes that there is no goal in life of comparable urgency as the maximization of total and individual income,would never think of applying such a standard to himself.u在一般人眼里,经济学家学位高知识渊博,他相在一般人眼里,经济学家学位高知识渊博,他相信生活中没有哪个目标能够同增加全民和个人的信生活中没有哪个目标能够同增加全民和个人的实际收入相提并论,他绝不会想到自己去身体力实际收入相提并论,他绝不会想到自己去身体力行这样一个标准。行这样一个标准。uSuch is the labor of the New Class.No aristocrat ever contemplated the loss of feudal privileges with more sorrow than a member of this class would regard his descent into ordinary labor where the only reward was the pay.u这就是新阶级的工作:一个贵族在失去封建特权这就是新阶级的工作:一个贵族在失去封建特权时思想上的痛苦也比不上这个阶级的成员在时思想上的痛苦也比不上这个阶级的成员在“堕堕落落”为只有通过领取工资才能获得回报的普通劳为只有通过领取工资才能获得回报的普通劳动者时的痛苦。动者时的痛苦。uWith diminishing marginal urgency of goods,it is logical that the first to be spared should be the old and young.u随着产品边际需求的日益减少,符合逻辑的做法随着产品边际需求的日益减少,符合逻辑的做法是首先减轻老年人和孩子的劳累。是首先减轻老年人和孩子的劳累。uPay is not unimportant.Among other things,it is a prime index of prestige.u工资不是不重要,它和其他东西一道构成名望的工资不是不重要,它和其他东西一道构成名望的主要指数主要指数 Key SentencesuSo far,it has been the practice to compare the use of the same color in a number of entirely different countries or during periods of history as distant as possible from one another.u截至目前,惯常的做法是将同一种颜色在许多截截至目前,惯常的做法是将同一种颜色在许多截然不同的国家或是相距甚远的各个历史时期进行然不同的国家或是相距甚远的各个历史时期进行比较。比较。uThe real question,however,is whether or not the same system of symbols recurs in all civilizations.u然而,真正的问题是,同样的象征体系是否存在然而,真正的问题是,同样的象征体系是否存在于所有文化之中于所有文化之中?uDespotism(专制统治专制统治)is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians,provided the end be their improvement.u专制统治是对付野蛮人的合法政府形式,只要这专制统治是对付野蛮人的合法政府形式,只要这样做的目的是为了改良他们。样做的目的是为了改良他们。u No society in which these liberties are not,on the whole,respected,is free,whatever may be its form of government.u总的看来,不管它的政府形式是什么样的,不尊总的看来,不管它的政府形式是什么样的,不尊重这些自由的社会没有一个是自由的。重这些自由的社会没有一个是自由的。uTo make any one answerable for doing evil to others,is the rule;to make him answerable for not preventing evil,is,comparatively speaking,the exception.u让一个人为他对于别人所干的坏事负责,这是一让一个人为他对于别人所干的坏事负责,这是一条法规;相对来说,让他为没有阻止别人干坏事条法规;相对来说,让他为没有阻止别人干坏事负责,则是一种例外。负责,则是一种例外。uThe only freedom which deserves the name,is that of pursuing our own good in our own way,so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs,or impede their efforts to obtain it.u只有以我们自己的方式追求我们幸福的自由才配只有以我们自己的方式追求我们幸福的自由才配得上这样的名称,只要我们不试图剥夺其他人这得上这样的名称,只要我们不试图剥夺其他人这样做的自由或者阻碍他们这样去做。样做的自由或者阻碍他们这样去做。uNo wonder that philosophers looking at this pandemonium of self-assertion,self-justification,and social and political fantasy,view it as a reaction against the Age of Reason.u难怪观察这种自作主张、自我辩白的吵闹局面以难怪观察这种自作主张、自我辩白的吵闹局面以及社会和政治幻想的哲学家们把它看做是对理性及社会和政治幻想的哲学家们把它看做是对理性时代的反应。时代的反应。uSo that the very expression of alien mythology,incompatible with ones own vision of fact or truth,works to the corruption of that vision.To be obliged to confess,teach,or acclaim falsehood is always felt as an insult exceeding even ridicule and abuse.u于是,不符合他所信仰的于是,不符合他所信仰的“事实事实”或或“真理真理”的的异国神话就会危及他的信仰,是对个性的背叛。异国神话就会危及他的信仰,是对个性的背叛。被迫承认、宣传或赞同错误的东西永远被看作是被迫承认、宣传或赞同错误的东西永远被看作是比奚落和侮辱更为严重的人身侵犯。比奚落和侮辱更为严重的人身侵犯。