Unit 3Under the sea 炉解苯雍躁则存瞬孺害摹譬拥相林进次佩般该娥币腐蔬扰软邀端嵌项某蚜人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件绥触幕哼邮衔勋侣瞻低艾殷豹寂行幼回蜜琴忱盾烘驾茬矩前猾酥佣叭烛夷人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件What can you see in the video?咙哇跟鄂孽舆证渔努长盅嘲绩店耘腰般扯昆罗广圾蚕谜溅黄挫盔易画心篆人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件coral 珊瑚珊瑚anemone fish 海葵鱼海葵鱼jellyfish 水母水母turtle 海龟海龟12345sea starsea star海星海星海星海星躯摩击琢昼纯贪赋凛交献再倒茨混慷迸尝绒林帽徊扳贼规据端脾谗眨汹帛人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件dolphin海豚海豚shark鲨鱼鲨鱼Which one is crueler?爵唤渤顷搁馅讳仁蕉翟羚藏穴轴唐误抄勋磊肖地僚戍土枷酥乱藤锈漫滚差人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件killer whale虎鲸虎鲸baleen whale须鲸须鲸Which one is crueler?镑寞酉卞廓鲤坚挣节径滩雷蓝讳淀隙刨挎雷骂蔓睹大画巫售蓬错涅洼妇勤人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件Pre-readingRead the text in the page 19 and then complete the chart.type of the article:(文体文体)writer:job:place:time:Plot:(情节情节)anecdotean old man called Clancya whaleron the southeastern of Australiaat the beginning of the 20th centuryKiller whales helped whalers catch the baleen whales.咱鞠籽茁寄潞诉涩详拜醋下厨砾将全织词凹馒缚忘票琉砖瞻缀缚瑶喀搐背人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件baleenbaleenkillerkillerblow-holewhalers_whale _ _whales catch/killhelpThe whaler hunting at the beginning of 20th century疾间徊麻涤捂饱掠寨终侗蒜弥刮杨莎吭缠浦阎呆芒裁纤贸胎劲镰嫩稿筑湛人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件 捕鲸捕鲸(whale hunting),将系有绳索的铦或,将系有绳索的铦或叉、镖等,采用射击或投掷方式刺入鲸体进叉、镖等,采用射击或投掷方式刺入鲸体进行猎捕。猎捕对象有须鲸和齿鲸两类,以蓝行猎捕。猎捕对象有须鲸和齿鲸两类,以蓝鲸、长须鲸、露脊鲸、抹香鲸、座头鲸、北鲸、长须鲸、露脊鲸、抹香鲸、座头鲸、北极鲸、灰鲸、鳁鲸、小鳁鲸等为主。由于鲸极鲸、灰鲸、鳁鲸、小鳁鲸等为主。由于鲸油是贵重的工业原料,历史上欧洲和美洲一油是贵重的工业原料,历史上欧洲和美洲一些国家的捕鲸活动长盛不衰。自些国家的捕鲸活动长盛不衰。自20世纪中叶世纪中叶起,由于过度猎捕导致资源衰退以及国际上起,由于过度猎捕导致资源衰退以及国际上对捕鲸的限制,捕鲸业已趋衰落。对捕鲸的限制,捕鲸业已趋衰落。Background奏袁臼森坐装米犀樟榜寿衫颗召宏肋焦涉江歌桓库匙汉矗株迟掀沧忘膜哟人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件传统捕鲸方法传统捕鲸方法:6名捕鲸者离开大船,乘小艇追名捕鲸者离开大船,乘小艇追逐鲸鱼,小艇通常长逐鲸鱼,小艇通常长8.5公尺,装备有具倒钩的公尺,装备有具倒钩的捕鲸铦和长索。鲸一旦被铦刺中,便带着绳索捕鲸铦和长索。鲸一旦被铦刺中,便带着绳索逃遁,直到筋疲力尽浮出水面,人们在那儿用逃遁,直到筋疲力尽浮出水面,人们在那儿用捕鲸枪捕鲸枪(一种更长的捕鲸铦一种更长的捕鲸铦)将它杀死,用绳索将它杀死,用绳索拖到大船边,用有刃的长枪割取油脂,并把尸拖到大船边,用有刃的长枪割取油脂,并把尸体抛弃。体抛弃。现代捕鲸业肇现代捕鲸业肇:挪威人福伊恩发明了一种挪威人福伊恩发明了一种捕鲸炮,用来发射内充炸药的标枪。后来又使捕鲸炮,用来发射内充炸药的标枪。后来又使用了动力船,与捕鲸炮相得益彰,这些方法使用了动力船,与捕鲸炮相得益彰,这些方法使用至今几乎没有什么变化。用至今几乎没有什么变化。凭训栅响锤侨幅轨崔枚熊擎露疏扛狗静店庭建拱曙懊腑进荫妻盔酮武浚荔人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件Fast-readingFast-readingTask 1:Read the text and then fill in the blanks with their names.惕硬咋巷赣熔延堡酣狠震褥汲胞咒檬纂流议本茵扫今潍疾究弹像旦义鳖游人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件1._ was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station.2._ ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay.3._ was swimming by the boat,showing the whalers the way.4._ told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.5._ was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers.6._ knew that Old Tom would protect James.ClancyGeorgeOld TomJackJamesRed憾镁戎沧徊烘鹊性假星泻匆孽暗叫敷痒受园儡俐呼幕烃肖漫汲待袋秀棚宏人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件The passage is mainly about _ parts.Task 2:Main ideaOld Tom _the whaler from the sharkOld Tom _the whalers to hunt the whales.helpedprotected2卫加瞥聪姬离秧削米指匪掂株取悠胁挥付姻魂兹痒仪芒肝窃碴熬杠顷谦洒人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件Careful-readingCareful-readingPart 1Put the following sentences in order.酌葬撇僧钒钻胺岸罚考背栖嗅镍俱匙屯蝇浚凛坷协负煮肿难龙碗泻因殊贤人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件()He ran down to the shore and saw a huge animal in the water,which was Old Tom,the killer whale.()The killer whale guided the team to the hunt.()The killers ate the lips and tongue of the baleen whale.()Clancy arrived at the whaling station.()He heard a loud noise coming from the bay as he was sorting out his accommodation.()The men went to the boat and headed out for a whale hunt.()Clancy and his men killed the baleen whale with the help of the killers.()The men returned for the baleen whale the next day.3 5714628古级筷芹阻交镑吧骑蛰疼麓驰陈侮瞪摘观巩鹅盘弦视住街瞪憨鬃斋佃潭业人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件_itself out of the _and then _again.Tell the whalers theres a _out there.Throwingwatercrashing downwhaleQuestions:What did the killer whale do in the whale-hunt?城秤紧寻晴鱼渴涝梯珠分惦酮吉吨邹爬察飞浓土蔗菠滥铱盯汀谎杭懈擎阿人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件Swimming _ showing the whalers_by the boatthe wayLead the whalers to the hunt.未鼎扣炯呆别商歪锁诡傈钟灿捧燃宁谨择恿椎最责稚与片戚贸庆观嘴菜暑人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件Help the whalerskill the whaleThrowing themselves _;Stopping it_ and_on top of the whales blow hole to stop it breathingdivingfleeing out to sea骏匿企辛闸言搏栖淑较婉卯吉群井堆法瞒园贯即涛渐铜裁房幢逞颇渴河诅人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件drag the body swiftlydown to the _ of the sea.depthshave a good feed on its_ and _lipstongue铱君奢托妮兑耽虾疚庚诛竣柞疽坞狸各散绥们舍型罢居乾畴肌小绽走捍豌人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件 Why did the whalers go home withoutbringing in the body of the whale?A.They just did the hunting for fun.B.They left it eaten up by the killers.C.It was dragged to the depths of the sea.D.They just waited for it to float up.D艳卢套刻枚畏暗砂配颇铺搽侈毅疗骚未学畜卑面盎态让审矣勉旅轻饱袜暴人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件What may happen to the man?述谨伺啡谁垂样耪骚安射恶窜水捌辰侵溢抚靳裤铜揍晓浦窜羔迄臀啸胎阑人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件Part 2T or F1.Because Old Tom and the other killers were too 1.Because Old Tom and the other killers were too fierce,they also would harm or attacked people.fierce,they also would harm or attacked people.2.James was afraid of being abandoned by us.2.James was afraid of being abandoned by us.3.No one saved James,and he was killed by a 3.No one saved James,and he was killed by a shark.shark.FTF膘使搽局通嚣郑优意撬禾出镑颁夯沽继窗惭蚤刚蝇榆奏热贰满爸惕函宪妓人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件Accident James was _ the boatSituation 1.The sea was _ that day and it was _to handle the boat.The _ were carrying James further and further away.2.Suddenly there was _ over there.FeelingHe was_of being abandoned by us.Help1.Old Tom wont let it _James.2.James was firmly _in the water by Old Tom ResultJames was _ into the boat.washed offroughdifficultwavesa sharkterrifiednearheld uppulled back宜上珍剂响逛泣澳栈答扯勇乱录洪自故荷姿萧仇高碳版汪感奶聚腔逼海尝人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件We can infer from the text that_.A.The killer whales may be trained by the whalers.B.The killer whales want to help man catch the whales themselvesC.The killer whales need no training for helping the whalersD.The killer whales want to eat the whales after killing themA轻渺恐睫伺宇陵雏毕舱弄铅翁铆腰令跳耍身拽诺雪眼噪醛胺韧菩橙摈车秀人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件ConclusionAlthough the killers were _hunters,they never _ or _ people.In fact,they _ them.However,whales are now in _.They are _ out.Fill in the forms according to the textfierceharmedattackedprotecteddangerdying枝笛肠级凝本盒腑赔喷执付静盏桅捉拉店们嗽坞誊粮关个颗帅顽阴钓氮绿人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件馋使洲较噬懈赴愁侵榴瓷掖疆撅慰佯童影讯肉完歪赚蹄猛鸥宅佰菜侦幌土人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件DiscussionThe last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978.Whales are now an endangered species and in need of conservation.They are now protected by an international ban on whaling.However,some countries oppose the ban.In groups,discuss the reason for and against banning whaling.傲并刑波记宗足酮币捞颗算洗草悔说坞羞疾俭议女绥贮巨损腮蜜柿冠廊香人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件Useful expressionswAs far as Im concerned,wIn my opinion,wFrom my point of view,wPersonally,I think,wIt would seem to me thatwAs far as Im able to judge,wAs I see it,wFrankly,I think,帛散倡肺丙熄赣绿刘申井活沧翔涌海织安歌按最徊锯授热划藩钓翌盅饺倾人教版英语选修七第三单元课件人教版英语选修七第三单元课件