A10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)PortsPressure control DRStandard setting:A10VODFR/31:280 barA10VODFR/52:250 barFlow control FR(p=10-22 bar)Standard setting:p=14 bar X-Pilot pressure portPressure port BCase drain port LSuction port S(viewed A10VO,BR 31,clockwise)Damping orificePressure portControl pistonCounter balance piston and mechanical springFlow control(Standard:p=14 bar);DecompressionorificeAdjustable orifice,res.Mobile valve block(not included in supply)X-portA10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Circuit diagram(Circuit diagram viewed for A10VO,series 31)DRFRA10 146.2.e/VST6/H 01.AKA10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Function and circuit diagramDRFRXOrifice res.Mobile valve blockDR-axisFR-axisLS-pilot pressureXA10 146.3.e/VST6/H 01.AKA10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)p-control characteristic f(x)=(px,Vg)A10 VO 74 DFR(1)Mode of experimental procedure:n=1500 rpm p=15 barStand by=20 bar p=15 barHigh pressure:p HDSimulated load pressure:p XA10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Decompression orifice and damping orificeDFR with decompression orifice:(DFR:Standard:0,35 mm)(DFR1:closed,without drilling)Damping orifice DR-FR(Standard:0,6 mm,Slit in longitudinal direction:orifice opened Slit in cross direction :orifice closed,SO 74)FR-axisDR-axisDRFRXA10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Measurement of high pressureMeasurement high pressure:At this particular spot,the existing plugs(M8 x 1)canbe replaced by mini measure-ment connectionsAttention:The mini-measurement connection have to be shortened according to the original lenght of the plug(reach of a screw 7 mm).A10 146.7.e/VST6/H 01.AKA10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Adjustment for pressure-res.flow controlValve axis:Flow controlAdjustment of flow control:Stand-by“pressuremeasurementorDifferential pressuremeasurement with swivel angle!Adjustment of pressure controlValve axis:Pressure controlMeasuring-point 1:High pressure(measurable at plug of DR valve axis)A10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Adjustment of pressure control DRDRFRProcedure:FR-flow control blocked!High pressure line closed!Adjusting of DR pressure control with setting value!XAdjustment DR:each rotation app.50 bar!-50 bar+50 barA10 146.9.e/VST6/H 01.AKMeasuring-point 1:zero stroke pressure(measurable at plug of valve axis)1.Stand by“pressure measurement:A10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Adjustment of flow control FRDRFRProcedure:X-port unloaded to tank!close high pressure port!XStandard adjustment FR p=14 bar(When port X is unloaded to tank,a zero stroke pressure of p=16 1 bar stand by“results.-16 bar+16 barMeasuring-point 1:load pressure corresponding to pressure of port X!(LS-signal)Measuring-point 2:High pressure(measureable at plug of valve axis)2.Possibility:Differential pressure measurement:A10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Adjustment of flow control FRDRFRX-16 bar+16 barA10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Differences between DFR and DFR1DFR-designWith decompression orifice!(DFR:Standard:0,35 mm glued in place,fastened with Loctide)DFR1-designWithout decompression orifice!(DFR1:closed,without drilling)A10 146.12.e/VST6/H 01.AKA10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Usage DFR(1)for series 31 and 52!DRFRA10-series 31:DFR(1)-without return line orifice!A10-series 52:DFR(1)-with return line orifice (Standard:2,2 mm!)Special design(Stabilization):SO 116:Return line orifice 1,3 mmSO 229:Return line orifice 1,5 mm SO 231:Return line orifice 2,2 mm SO 277:Return line orifice 1,0 mm SO 381:Return line orifice 0,8 mmSO 617:Return line orifice 0,6 mmXA10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Mounting of DFR(1)control(series 31)Mounting of DFR(1)-control(A10V(S)O series 31)depends ondirection of rotation(Direction of rotation by view on drive shaft)!A10V(S)O Pressure/Flow control DFR(1)Different designsDFR(1)for A10V(S)OSize 18-100Standard design!DFR(1)for A10V(S)OSize 140Design in sandwich-platedesign!A10 146.15.e/VST6/H 01.AKPressure control DRStandard setting:A10V(S)O DFLR/31:280 barFlow control FR(p=10-22 bar)Standard setting:p=14 bar X-Port(With integrated orifice(in adap-ter):0,8 mm)Pressure port BCase drain port LSuction port S(viewed A10VO,series 31,clockwise)Power-control LRPortsA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLRA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Circuit diagramA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Function and circuit diagramA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Function and circuit diagramA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Function power controlAdjustable spring package of power control valveEccenter cradle position(i.e.displaced volume)will be restored by the eccenter prestress of the spring package will be changed by the eccenter Thereby the opening pressure of the power control valve has been changed small swivel angle=high pressure large swivel angle=low pressureA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Integrated orifice and damping orificeA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Measurement of high pressureMeasurement of high pressure:At this particular spot,the existing plugs(M8 x 1)canbe replaced by mini measure-ment connections.Attention:The mini-measurement connection have to be shortened according to the original lenght of the plug(reach of a screw 7 mm).A10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Adjustment of DR,FR and LR-controlValve axis:flow controlAdjustment ofpressure controlAdjustment offlow control:stand-by“pres-sure measurementordifferential pressuremeasurement with semi swivel angle!Adjustment of power controlValve axis:pressure controlA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Adjustment of power controlStart of control!Start of control is adjustable bythe first outer spring,prestressed at fully displaced volume(100%Vg)End of control is adjustable by the second inner spring,clearance at fully displaced volume(100%Vg)torque04060802050100150200250280501001502000Q l/min pressure pHD bar drive torque Nm 00,40,61,00,2Vg/Vgmax0,8Point of action of thesecond inner springA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Hints for assembling/disassembling of the LR valve1.:loosening the plugEccenter pin2.:by pushing the spring,the eccenter will be relievedAdvantage:Adjustment of power control valve is unchanged!Bushing3.:assembling i.e.disassembling of the power control valveA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Usage of DFLR-SO128 with LUDV mobile blocksA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Usage of DFLR-SO128 with LUDV mobile blocksA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Pilot pressure port X forLS-mobile valve blockFR 1FR 2LRHigh pressure support bydrilled valve spool(Q=f(d,p,u)u)Pilot oil consumptionDFLR-SO128 valve:approx.3-5 lDFLR-SO128,high pressure support and X-portFR 1FR 2LRXVA10V(S)O pressure,flow and power control DFLR Pilot pressure port XDFLR-SO 128 pilot pressure port X