语境中的词汇教学 -湖北省教学研究室 罗之慧要点n n词汇教学现状n n词汇教学对策n n词汇教学课例 n n结语词汇教学现状1.1.为避免破坏阅读教学的整体性,课前讲授生词,为避免破坏阅读教学的整体性,课前讲授生词,让学生背生词表。让学生背生词表。2.2.为凸显词汇教学的重要性而过多讲解词汇。为凸显词汇教学的重要性而过多讲解词汇。3.3.为保障词汇教学的为保障词汇教学的“全面性全面性”而对不同层次的而对不同层次的词汇平均用力。词汇平均用力。4.4.词汇教学方式单一。词汇教学方式单一。解决策略(一)词汇的分层n n第一层:课标规定需要掌握的词汇,即教材生词表中不带 部分。n n第二层:单元重点词汇与短语,即教材生词表中黑体部分。n n第三层:话题拓展词汇,属于认读词,大部分只需听懂、会读。解决策略二 词汇教学的多元化 词汇教学方式单一会让学生觉得枯燥,易产生厌烦情绪,影响词汇学习效率。词汇教学的多元化是解决词汇教学问题关键。1.词汇教学生活化 5.词汇学习策略培养2.词汇教学任务化 构词法、猜词法、构词法、猜词法、3.多种方式交替使用 查阅词典法查阅词典法4.词汇教学语境化 词汇复现法词汇复现法词汇教学语境化 直接通过汉语释义往往会使英语词汇与语义运用割裂,不利于语言的有效学习。在词汇教学中要尽量给学生创设真实的语境,让学生在语境中体会词汇的运用,再学会创造性地运用。解决策略三将目标词汇的学习与阅读材料的理解有机地结合,关注读前、读中、读后阶段的词汇处理为设计思路,通过paraphrase、语义归纳、构词法、猜词法、翻译法、跟读、句式转换等多种策略和方式展开词汇教学使词汇学习和运用自然地渗透到文本地解读中,加深学生对词汇的理解与运用。具体步骤如下:1.读前感知词汇(激活学生已有的知识)2.读中理解词汇(结合课文内容)3.读后运用(结合课文话题)教学实例教材分析:教材分析:人教版教材选修7 Unit 2的阅读材料是科幻小说。故事借助丰富的描述心理状态的形容词,讲述了女主人与她的家务机器人之间发一系列的故事,生动地刻画了机器人富于人性化的细节。文章篇幅长,词汇量大。对大多数学生而言有相当的难度。语言知识目标分析:一级目标词汇:alarmed/alarming,absurd,awful,dissatisfied dissatisfying/dissatisfation(本课生词)embarrassed/embarrassing/disturbed/(已学关键词汇)二级目标词汇:household/accompany/elegant/offer sympathy/test out/envy/wear/make up(有助于文章理解、课标规定掌握的词汇)教学片段分析一.读前预热,浅尝感知读前预热,浅尝感知 根据布鲁姆教学目标分类法,识记层次是对具体或抽象知识的辨认。读前环节的预热活动旨在激活学生已有的背景知识,并让学生感知,记忆相关的新词汇。这是本课的初级词汇教学目标。教学片段1(1)导入 教师根据课前的MV内容提问。T:What can the robot do in the MV?S1:It can stay with its owner when she feels lonely and sad.T:What a lovely robot!It can accompany you when you are lonely.S2:It can do the housework,cookingT:What a helpful robot!A robot of this kind is called a household robot.What does“household”mean?(2)头脑风暴,以久带新。教师展示一张长相丑陋的机器人照片,提问If a robot like this fell in love with you,howwould you feel?引导学生用已学词汇表达。如:terrible,ridiculous等。根据学生的回答,教师近义词转换的方式,来呈现本课的部分目标词汇并领读,如:terrible/embarrassing-awful ridiculous/unreasonable/-absurd disturbing/frightening-alarming disturbed/frightened-alarmed注:预教的关键词6-8个为宜,而且处理要迅速,不要涉及词汇的深度知识,应尽快进入阅读阶段,否则过多、过细的词汇讲解会使学生丧失兴趣。二.读中穿插,深化理解 这一环节中,教师引导学生在解读文章的过程中体验、领会目标词汇的意义和用法。进行简单、初级的操练。在读中领会,在学中用,在用中深化理解。这是第二层次的教学目标。n n教学片段2T:Read Paragraph One and predict what the main idea of the story is.S:A household robot was tested out.T:What does“test out”mean?S:Experiment.T:How do you know that from Paragraph 1?S:“It had begun experimenting with a house-hold robot.注:引导学生根据上下文语境来猜词。n n教学片段3T:How did Claire feel about Tony at the beg-inning?Why?S1:She felt alarmed,because he seemed more like a human than a machine.T:That is to say:Its alarming that he seem-ed more like than a machine.S2:She felt embarrassed when Tony offered to help dress her.T:Or,ItsS2:Its embarrassing that Tony offered to help dress her.T:ItsS3:Its was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human.T:(to Ss)That is to say:She feltSs:She felt disturbed and frightened.T:According to these adjectives,what do You think Claires attitude towards Tony atbeginning?Ss:She disliked him.She was dissatisfied with himS3:Its disturbing that Tony offered to helpand frightening that he looked so human.T:(to Ss)That is to say:She feltSs:She felt disturbed and frightened.注:细读环节紧扣时间和情感变化两条主线展开,逐步梳理细节。在学生回答过程中,通过追问和示范有意识地引导学生循环操练“Its v-ing that/She felt v-ed”两个句型。n n教学片段4T:With the help of Tony,Claire owned an el-egant house and she turned out to be an elegant lady.The word“elegant”can also he be used to describe a person.(用ppt呈现一位elegant lady 的照片)Look at this elegantlady,Claire.What did she wear?(用ppt呈现以下句子。)n nShe wore a violet skirt.n nShe wore a diamond necklace.n nShe wore her blonde hair short.n nAnd,maybe,she wore light perfume too.T:Can you guess the meaning of“wear”in Sentences 3 and 4?S:T:And from the text we know that“Tony changed the make up she wore.”Can you translate this sentence?n n教学片段5T:What was Gladys attitude towards Claire on the night of the party?S:She envied her very much.T:What was Claires attitude towards Tony on the night o the party?Ss:Claire liked/loved/was satisfied with him.T:Lets take a second look at the title:satisfaction guaranteed or dissatisfaction-guaranteed robot?Did Tony satisfy Claire?S;Yes,Tony satisfied Claire with his excellent work S:No,Tony didnt satisfy Claire,because she fell in love with a machine.T:Was Larry satisfied with Tony?注:反思标题的过程是对阅读材料的深层次思考的过程,也达成了学习和运用目标词汇satisfaction的目的。(3)读后活动,内化运用读后活动是基于文本和词汇理解的综合性输出。这是最高层次的词汇教学目标,即通过一系列由简至繁的活动,使学生在运用词汇的过程中体验并深入理解词汇的意义和用法教学片段 6 活动一(对话操练)T:Gladys,in fact,is a gossip woman.She showed great interest in Tony after the party so she rang up Claire.Make up a dialogue with your desk mate.Expressions on the blackboard are for your reference.Try to use as many expressions as you can.You may start like this:(呈现下框中的ppt内容)A:Hello,Claire.Its Gladys.Thank you for theParty last night.It was _especially Tony.well,er,are you having an affair?B:No,no!Tony is only a_.A:Oh,my god!Its _Did you like him at First sight?B:Not exactly?At the beginning/BeforeThe party/On the night of the partyamazing;robot;ridiculous/absurd/awfuln n活动二(讨论与巩固)T:If you were Larry,how would you like to rebuild Tony?Ss:.T:Do you want to know my idea?Lets readand fill the blanks with the words we havelearnt today.Then you will get to know it.Your answer may vary.Tony was rebuilt.he was now an o_ cat like robot-Doraemon II(多啦A梦II).How it was for a gentleman!Once he missed Claire so much that he rangher up.Claire cried,”Its nothing to be e_by others.I know its _,but I just love you.”He was happy but _to declare to her that he was in love with her too.and that he desired to _her.However,he could not,for he is to be_ _ in another family.answers:overweight;ridiculous;/absurd/awfuembarrassing/discurbing;envied;ridiculous/absurd/embarrssing/disturbing;accompany活动三(思考和讨论)教师延续前一话题,引导学生思考:What do you think our future lives will like with many wonderful robots?As far as Im concerned/In my opinionItsliving with kind of robots,because.板书设计M7 U2 Reading Satisfaction GuaranteedM7 U2 Reading Satisfaction Guaranteed dissatisfied dissatisfied alarm-ed/ingalarm-ed/inghousehold household At the beginningAt the beginning disturbing-ed/ing disturbing-ed/ingaccompany accompany dislike dislike frighten-ed/ing frighten-ed/ingTest out Test out Before the partyBefore the party embarrass-ed/ing embarrass-ed/ingenvy sb envy sb trust/liketrust/like ridiculous/absurdridiculous/absurdelegant elegant On the night of the partyOn the night of the party amaze-d/ing amaze-d/ingwear make up wear make up loveloveoffer sympathy offer sympathy satisfiedsatisfied结语 在高中英语词汇教学中,应重视学生对词汇理解、记忆、判断及运用能力,精心设计词汇处理这一教学环节,引导学生在语境中形成词汇能力。