欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!第一套 SECTION 1 1.A certain brand of dishwashing liquid was sold in two different bottle sizes.The small bottle was sold with 2/5 as many ounces of liquid as tlie large bottle and was sold at a price that was 1/2 the price of the large bottle.Quantity A:The price per oirnce of the liquid in the small bottle Quantity B:The price pei ounce of the liquid in the large bottle A.Quantity A is greater B.Quantity B is gieater.C.Tlie two quantities aie equal D.Tlie relationship cannot be detemiiiied from the infbmiation given.“=12,4C=30.and AD=2/5(.Quantity A:Tlie measure of angle BDC Quantity B:120a A.Quantity A is greater.B.Quantity B is greater.C.The two quantities are equal D The relationship cannot be detemiined from the information given.3.Set I consists of the integers from 11 tliiough 100,inclusive.Quantity A:4 times the number of integers in set T that are multiples of 4 Quantity B:5times the munber of integers in set T that are multiples of 5 A.Quantity A is greater.B.Quantity B is greater.C.The two quantities are equal D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!4.F+6X=7 Quantity A:(x+3)2 Qxiantity B:16 A.Quantity A is greater B.Quantity B is greater.C.The two quantities are equal D The relationship cannot be deteiiniiied from the information given.5.Qxiantity A:Tlie number of different prime factors of 500 Quantity B:The number of different prime factors of 360.A.Quantity A is greater.B.Quantity B is gieatei.C.The two quantities are equal D.The relationship cannot be detemiined from the information given.5.Quantity A:The area of a triangular region with perimeter 8 Quantity B:8 A.Quantity A is greater.B.Qxiantity B is greater.C.Tlie two quantities are equal D.The relationship cannot be detemiined from the information given.6.List L consists of 7 munbers.The range of the numbers in list L is 0.Quantity A:The average(arithmetic mean)of the muiibers in list L.Quantity B:0 A.Quantity A is greater B.Quantity B is greatei;C.The two quantities are equal D.The relationship caimot be detemiined from the infbniiation given.7.s=|r-2|Quantity A:s+2 Quantity B:|/|A.Quantity A is greater.B.Qxiantity B is greater.C.The two quantities are equal D.The relationship cannot be detemiined from the information given.8.!A jar contains exactly 10 dimes and x quarters and no other coins.If a coin is 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!randomly selected from the jar,the probability that a quartei is selected is 0.6.What is the value of x.A.5 B.6 C.8 D.12 E.15 10.In The rectangular coordinate system,the point(3.1)is on the circle with center(0.3).What is the area of the circle?A.5n B.7n C.IOTT D.25K lL(lv+l)2-(Zv-l)2=A.2 B.8.Y C.4A-1 D.4A+1 E.&v+2 12,Which of the following is an equation of a line that doe NOT contain any points in the.yy-plane for which both coordinates are integers?A.-=4 Cj=x+3 V=X+D.2 y=x+3 E.2 13.A veterinaiian has 70 clients who own cats,dogs,or both.Of these clients,36 own cats,iucludiug 20 clients who own both cats and dogs.Which of the following statements must be true?Indicate all such statements.A.Tlieie are 54 clients who own dogs.B.There are 34 clients who own dogs but not cats.C.There are 16 clients who own cats but not dogs.欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!14-16 are based ou the following data.Sun ery*of preferred method to obtain news,by age-group *Each person surveyed indicated one of the fbur methods as his or her prefen ed method to obtain news.14.What fraction of the people in the age-group 20 to 49 indicated newspaper or the Internet as their preferred method to obtain news?15.Which of the following is closest to the percent of all the people survey who indicated the Inteniet as their preferred metliod to obtain news?A.18.8%B.21.7%C.23.0%D.33.3%E.46.0%16.For the age-group 50 and older,the number of people who indicated the Internet as their prefened method to obtain news is approximately what percent less than the number of people who indicated radio?A.12%B.27%C.36%D.45%E.50%17.Wlien the positive integer.v is divided by 42,the remainder is 19.Wliat is the remainder heu A is divided by 7?A.0 B.2 C.3 D.4 E.5 18.If.x is 4 more than half of y and if y is 10 more than half of x,what is the value of x?Agc-Group 20 to 49 Number Surveyed:240/gc*Group 50 and Older Number Surveyed:300 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!19.A pianist agreed to perfonn one concei!at a fee 12.5 percent less than her usual fee and a second concert at a fee 20 percent greater than the first fee.The fee for the second concert was what percent greater than her usual fee?A.5%B.7.5%C.15%D.16.25%E.32.5%20.Textbook Number of Pages A 510 B 480 C 490 D 520 E X The table shows the mimbei of pages in each of 5 textbooks.Wliat is the greatest possible value of A for which the average(arithmetic mean)mmiber of pages of the 5 textbooks is equal to the median number of pages of the 5 textbooks?