2023年招聘英语翻译兼职岗位职责(精选多篇) 推荐第1篇:英语翻译岗位职责 1.负责往来产品资料的翻译工作。2.负责各类信件资料的翻译工作。3.负责外国人员的接待、翻译等工作。4.负责产品资料的辅助管理。5.完成其他领导交办的任务。 推荐第2篇:英语翻译兼展览策划岗位职责 1.与部门业务相关的英语翻译工作。2.展览的策划与实施。3.承担本部门的英语翻译工作。4.对各种在博物馆举办的文化活动进行策划并进行必要的翻译,包括社会文化活动、学术研讨会、商业文化活动、展览的引进和对外交流等。5.参与博物馆与其他馆文化交流、展览过程中的翻译及协调性工作。6.参与临时展览的主题策划,根据主题充分利用社会文化资源与博物馆现有资源,并进行展览的市场定位与组织规划工作。7.对展览方案进行策划、撰写和组织推广。8.完成领导交办的其他工作。 推荐第3篇:兼职会计岗位职责 上海丹迪电力技术有限公司 财务部兼职会计岗位职责 CW04版次:A/0 财务部兼职会计岗位职责 1、坐标位置: 1.1协助财务部部长完成财务部日常工作 1.2是公司财务会计业务的执行者 1.3是公司各项成本费用合理开销的监督人、把关者 1.4是总经理运筹公司业务的财务参谋 2、资质条件 2.1 认同公司的企业文化、经营理念和核心价值观 2.2 熟悉财务和税收法律法规。 2.3 熟悉公司财务管理和财务分析,能制定全面的成本核算控制计划 2.4具有较强的组织协调和沟通能力 2.5 具有高度的责任心,团队精神和创新意识 2.6 保守公司财务秘密 3、工作内容及要达到的标准 3.0负责所兼职公司除涉及现金收付制单业务以外的其他日常财务工作。 3.1负责每月税务报表的申报及与税务或其他相关部门的外联工作。 3.2负责每月编报相关财务报表。 3.3负责开具所兼职公司的增值税发票开票工作及抄税、报税工作。 3.4负责管理装订所兼职公司的记账凭证,凭证一律不外借。凭证装订要整洁,年终将本年所有收付款凭证整理齐全,交档案管理人存档。 上海丹迪电力技术有限公司 财务部兼职会计岗位职责 CW04版次:A/0 3.5 做好成本核算工作 3.6完成领导交办的其他任务。 3.7 严禁利用职务之便侵占公司利益,要做到清廉公正、大公无私。 编制:审核:批准:生效日期: 推荐第4篇:翻译岗位职责 1、负责国际SOS儿童村组织及其他国际朋友来访的口译、各种英文文件和资料的翻译工作。 2、负责儿童国际、国内助养工作。 3、主动做好国际、国内募捐工作。 4、做好办公室来人来访接待及募捐工作。 5、促进儿童村其他工作人员英语水平的提高。 6、负责指导家庭助养报告的书写、上交和翻译工作。 7、认真完成办公室共他日常事务。及时完成村长交办的任务。 推荐第5篇:招聘岗位职责 招聘专员岗位职责 1、全面负责公司内部的人才招聘工作。 2、根据现有编制及业务发展需求,协助上级确定招聘目标,汇总岗位需求数目和人员需求数目,制定并执行招聘计划。 3、调查公司所需人才的外部人力资源存量与分布状况,并进行有效分析,对招聘渠道实施规划、开发、维护、拓展,保证人才信息量大、层次丰富、质量高,确保招聘渠道能有效满足公司的用人需求。 4、发布职位需求信息,做好公司形象宣传。 5、搜集简历,对简历进行分类、筛选,安排人员应聘面试,确定面试名单,通知应聘者前来面试(初试),对应聘者进行初步面试(初试)考核打分,出具综合评价意见。 6、组织相关用人部门人员协助完成复试工作,确保面试工作的及时开展及考核结果符合岗位要求。 8、招聘费用的申请、控制和报销。 9、总结招聘工作中存在的问题,提出优化招聘制度和流程的合理化建议,完成招聘分析报告。 10、与其他招聘人员进行招聘流程、招聘方法与技巧的沟通和交流,尽量采用结构化面试方式,提高招聘活动效率。 11、负责建立企业人才储备库,做好简历管理与信息保密工作。 12、搜集各地区人才市场信息,并熟悉各地区人事法规。 13、与各地区劳动保障,人才,学校沟通联系,对应届毕业实习学生的就业问题达成共识。 14、跟踪和搜集同行业人才动态,吸引优秀人才加盟公司。 15、熟悉公司人力资源制度,对应聘人员提出的相关问题进行解答。 招聘工作流程 程序名称:招聘计划程序 主管部门:人力资源部 说明: 用人部门负责人填写需求申请表,制定岗位描述,交人力资源部主管审核。 人力资源部招聘主管根据年度规划进行审核,规划以内审批后交招聘专员;规划以外的,需求部门填写申请增编表,人力资源部经理批准后,转招聘专员。 程序名称:计划审批程序 主管部门:人力资源部 说明: 1.招聘专员根据需求申请表和岗位描述书,确定信息发布的方式,并预算经费及相关材料,填写招聘计划表,交人力资源部主管审批。 2.人力资源部主管审核招聘计划表,提出修改意见,招聘专员重新填写招聘计划表,交人力资源部主管审核,通过后转入信息发布程序。 程序名称:信息发布程序 主管部门:人力资源部 说明: 1.招聘专员确定信息发布的内容及时间、渠道,与相关协作单位联系,办理相应的手续。 2.协作单位进行信息发布制作、设计,招聘专员进行修改,确认之后,由协作单位发布信息,转入应聘申请程序。篇2:招聘专员岗位职责说明书 岗位说明书 篇3:招聘主管岗位职责 深圳市中科联通信服务有限公司 岗位说明书 篇4:招聘专员岗位职责 二、招聘专员岗位职责 招聘专员的主要职责是协助招聘主管完善公司的招聘体系,并负责招聘工作的具体实施,其具体职责如表3-2所示。 表3-2 招聘专员岗位职责 篇5:招聘专员岗位职责 1、全面负责公司内部的人才招聘工作; 2、根据现有编制及业务发展需求,协助上级确定招聘目标,汇总岗位需求数目和人员需求数目,制定并执行招聘计划; 3、协助上级完成需求岗位的职务说明书; 4、调查公司所需人才的外部人力资源存量与分布状况,并进行有效分析,对招聘渠道实施规划、开发、维护、拓展,保证人才信息量大、层次丰富、质量高,确保招聘渠道能有效满足公司的用人需求; 5、发布职位需求信息,做好公司形象宣传; 6、搜集简历,对简历进行分类、筛选,安排聘前测试,确定面试名单,通知应聘者前来面试(笔试),对应聘者进行初步面试(笔试)考核,出具综合评价意见; 7、组织相关部门人员协助完成复试工作,确保面试工作的及时开展及考核结果符合岗位要求; 8、对拟录用人员进行背景调查,与拟录用人员进行待遇沟通,完成录用通知; 9、负责招聘广告的撰写,招聘网站的维护和更新,以及招聘网站的信息沟通; 10、招聘费用的申请、控制和报销; 11、总结招聘工作中存在的问题,提出优化招聘制度和流程的合理化建议, 完成招聘分析报告; 12、与其他招聘人员进行招聘流程、招聘方法与技巧的沟通和交流,提高招 聘活动效率; 13、负责建立企业人才储备库,做好简历管理与信息保密工作; 14、搜集各地区人才市场信息,并熟悉各地区人事法规; 15、跟踪和搜集同行业人才动态,吸引优秀人才加盟公司; 16、熟悉公司人力资源制度,对应聘人员提出的相关问题进行解答。 推荐第6篇:英语翻译 网络购物 如今很多人都会借助互联网在家里舒舒服服地购物,网络购物已成为人们最喜爱的购物方式之一。对于消费者来说,网络购物不仅方便,选择范围广,价格具有竞争性,而且更容易获取商品信息。对于商家来说,网络提供了更多的客户和更大的市场空间。对于整个市场经济来说,这种新型的购物模式可在更大的范围内、更广的层面上以更高的效率实现资源配置(allocate resources)。 These days, lots of people do their shopping in the comfort of their homes with the help of the InternetOnline shopping has become one of people's favorite ways of shoppingFor consumers, online shopping offers not only convenience, broader selection and competitive pricing, but also easier acce to goods information For businees, the Internet brings in more customers and offers a larger marketFor the entire market-oriented economy, this new type of shopping method can allocate resources with greater efficiency on a broader scale in a more extensive dimension 1 推荐第7篇:英语翻译 他们应从这件事中吸取教训,玩火者必自焚。(burn) They should learn a leon from this incident, the person who play with fire will surely get burnt. 这位作家生活在18世纪60年代,但他的作品到90年代才流行。(notuntil) The writer lived in the 1760s,but his works didnt become popular until the 1790s. 我们只有一个可以生存的地球,浪费任何土地资源都承受不起。(waste) There is only one earth on which we can live, so we cant afford to waste any land resources. 那位教授的幽默感和很强的记忆力给每个在场的人留下了深刻的印象。(impreion) The profeors sense of humor and strong memory left a deep impreion on all the people present. 这枚奖牌将奖给任何一个先解决此技术问题的人。(Whoever, award) Whoever solves this technical problem first would be awarded the medal. 她年轻时想从事对外贸易工作。(engaged) He wanted to be engaged in foreign trade when he was young. 他能否在大学头一年通过努力获得奖学金还是个问题。(remain) It remains a question problem whether he would win the scholarship by working hard during the first year in the university. 今天下午我没空,我和牙医有约。(appointment) Im not available this afternoon because I have an appointment with the dentist. 关于伊拉克战争的报道占据了该报头版的大部分版面。(occupy) Report on Irag War occupied most of the front page of the newspaper. 汤姆说他看过这部电影,但要说到细节,他却一无所知。(come to) Tom said he had seen the film, but when it came to the details, he knew nothing about it. 外出旅游时务必注意保护环境,为他人着想。(sure) Be sure to pay attention to preventing the environment and be considerate of others when going out traveling. 救援工作已持续多日,失踪的人基本无生还的可能了。(poibility) The rescue work has lasted for many days, and there is little poibility that the miing people are still alive. 如果你年轻时不努力,那么你将一事无成。(achieve) If you didnt work hard when you were young, you will achieve nothing. 那些从电视上得知这家医院用血告急的人都纷纷排队献血。(Those) Those who knew that the hospital was short of blood badly on TV lined up to devote their blood. 经理今天情绪不好,我刚才被他平白无故骂了一顿。(scold) The manager was in a bad mood today, and I was scolded by him with no reason. 使市民高兴的是,苏州河不再是几年前的样子了。(what) What delighted the citizens is that The SuZhou River was not what it used to be. 我们觉得互联网是我们获得新信息的重要来源之一。(turn) We think the Internet is one of the most important sources that we can turn to for new information. 要在一个大城市找到一些不花钱的娱乐不是件困难的事。(It.) It is not difficult to find some entertainments free of charge in a large city. Peter全神贯注地看小说,根本没有听见我说的话。(absorb) Peter was absorbed in reading the novel so that he didnt hear what I had said. 近几年生态旅游在全世界5个百分点的年增长率。(enjoy) In recent years, the eco-tourism has enjoyed an annual growth of 50% worldwide. 在即将采取的所有措施中,教育无疑是第一位的。(on top of) Of all the measures to take, no doubt education is on top of the world. 这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。(quality) Although the economy in this area is developing rapidly, the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory. 说到教育,大部分人认为其实是一个终身的学习。(come) When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifelong study. 这款手机式样新颖、携带方便、深受年轻人的欢迎。(popular) The mobile phone is fashionable in style and convenient to carry, so it is very popular with youngster. 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。(it) I find it hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions. 与城市相比,在乡下的时间似乎过得很慢。(contrast to) In contrast to the city life, time seemed to pa slowly in the country. 考虑到身体不好这样一个事实,工厂让他提前退休了。(fact, ahead) Considering the fact that he is in poor health, the factory let him retire ahead of time. 你是否意识到那个人在注视你。(conscious) Are you conscious of that man who is staring at you? 均衡的膳食是使人保持身体健康的重要因素。(well balanced) A well balanced diet is an important factor to keep people healthy. 如果我们去欺骗顾客,那是不光彩的。(It.) It would be dishonest for us to cheat the customers. 和世界万物一样,语言也得与时俱进。(change) Like everything else in the world, languages have to change with the time. 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大。(Never) Never before has our country been so powerful as it is today. 现在许多年轻人所缺乏的,不是书本知识,而是实践经验。(notbut) What many young people lack is not book knowledge, but practical experience. 学生应该将大部分时间花在学习上而不是看电视上。(suppose) Students are supposed to spend most of the time on study instead of watching TV. 众所周知,中国政府正不遗余力地把中国建成一个山青、水秀、天蓝的国家。(spare) As is known to all, Chinese government is sparing every effort to turn China into country with green mountain、clean water and blue sky. 朋友应该是无论发生什么,都能与你同甘共苦的人。(share) A friend is a person who can share your joys and sorrows even whatever happens. 简直难以置信,世界上竟有如此过目不忘的人。 (whatever) It is hard to believe that there should be some one who will never forget whatever he has seen. 许多书籍和杂志能提供给我们精神食粮。(provide) Many books and magazines can provide us with mental food. 推荐第8篇:英语翻译 unit 1 在许多情况下,一个单词的意思在美国英语和英国英语里有所不同。(in many cases) In many cases the meaning of a word differs in American English and British English. 因为他在一个广东人开的餐馆里打过工,所以学会了一些广东话。(pick up) As he did a part-time job in a restaurant run by a Cantonese, he picked up some Cantonese. 一个复合词的意思并不一定是其构成部分的意思的相加。(not necearily) The meaning of a compound (word) is not necearily the sum of the meanings of its parts /components. 讲英语的外国人一般需要两三个月的时间来习惯澳洲口音。(be accustomed to) It usually takes an English-speaking foreigner two or three months to get accustomed to the Australian accent. 许多外来词都已经融入到英语里。(mix into) Many foreign words have been mixed into the English language. 这些话都是我的肺腑之言。(straight from) These words came straight from the bottom of my heart. unit 2 在谈判中如果你对谈判对手了如指掌,你就不用担心会吃亏。(know .inside out, rest aured, at a disadvantage) If you know your opponent inside out in a negotiation, you can rest aured that you wont be at a disadvantage. 你去年的收入总共有多少?(in the aggregate) What was your income last year in the aggregate? 他似乎随时准备与人争论。(plunge into) It seems that he is ready to plunge into argument with others at any time. 一切新产品都应该经过检验才能投放市场。(be subject to) All new products must be subject to testing before they are launched into the market. 从管理层的角度看,他们是不大可能签订这份合同的。(from the point of view) From the point of view of the management, it is not likely they will sign the contract. 由于双方各执己见,谈判最终毫无结果。(end up in) Since both sides stuck to their own opinions, the negotiation ended up in nothing. 你应该打起精神来勇敢地面对生活。(psyche up) You should psyche yourself up and face life bravely. unit 3 因特网的采用已经并且正在对现代社会的各个方面产生巨大的影响。(make an impact on) The introduction of the Internet has made and is still making huge impacts on every aspect of the modern society. 这对双胞胎长得太像了,我想除了他们自己以外没有人能把他们区分开来。(tell apart) The twins are so identical in appearance that I am afraid nobody except themselves can tell them apart. 毋庸置言,21世纪初最大的科技成果当属人类基因组工程的胜利完成了。(needle to say) Needle to say, the greatest scientific achievement at the beginning of the 21st century should be the succeful completion of the Human Genome Project. 人类文明史已经表明, 一切进步的、科学的东西必将战胜落后的、邪恶的东西。(demonstrate; win out) The history of human civilization has demonstrated that what is progreive and scientific will win out over what is backward and evil. 人们关于克隆技术的争论主要集中在是否应该克隆人的问题上。(focus on) The argument about the cloning technology focuses on the question of whether we should clone human beings. 贫穷夺去了许多农村孩子上学的权利。(deprive of, right to) Poverty has deprived many children in the countryside of their right to education. 他在会上提出了一个尴尬的问题。(pose) He posed an awkward question at the meeting. unit 4 伸出手去摸一摸,感觉一下它是什么样子。(reach out and touch) Reach out and touch it to get the sensation of what it is like. 当然,他们的产品的确能满足年轻人的需要,但有些不合老年人的口味。(meet one's needs) Of course their products do meet the needs of the young, but some of them are not to the taste of the old. 警察必须配备必要的装备,可以在盗贼隐匿之处(hideout)追捕到他们。(track down) The police must be equipped with the devices needed to track down the robbers in their hideouts. 从现在开始,史密斯先生将同总裁一起帮助管理公司。(along with) From now on, Mr.Smith will help manage the company along with the CEO. 当蚊子将一种疾病感染体(agent)从一个人传播到另一个人身上时,这种感染体必须在蚊子体内存活直到传播完成。(transmit to) When a mosquito transmits a disease agent from one person to another, the infectious agent must remain alive inside the mosquito until the transfer is completed. 他们竭尽全力最后证明了那声音是鲸(whales)发出的。(go to great lengths) They went to great lengths to demonstrate conclusively that the sound is made by whales. unit 5 我得警告你花费不能超过收入。(in exce of) I have to warn you that you cannot spend in exce of your income. 这项工程由于技术难度大,没有人能够单独完成。(be in a position to) As the project is quite difficult technically, nobody is in a position to complete it alone. 他在海外的三年苦读终究没有白费他做了一家大型合资企业的总裁。(pay off) His three years of hard work overseas paid off he is now the CEO of a big joint venture. 许多中国留学生在完成学业后都毅然回国帮助建设。(take the plunge) Many Chinese students studying overseas take the plunge and return to help develop their home country when they complete their studies. 大火发生时各种各样的动物从各个角落里蜂拥而出。(nooks and crannies) When the fire broke out all kinds of animals poured / ran out from all nooks and crannies. 收入的不断增加使得普通人家的孩子也能出国留学。(make .available to) The ever-increasing income has made studying overseas available to children from average families. 中国在许多高科技领域里所取得的成就不亚于,甚至还超过了西方发达国家的成就。(come near) The achievements made by China in many hi-tech sectors come near or even surpa those made by the developed countries in the West. unit 6 这首诗的这两行不押韵。(rhyme with) These two lines of the poem do not rhyme with each other. 尽管工程师与艺术家情况不同,但就创造性而言是一致的。(in the same boat) Though engineers and artists are not in the same boat, they are the same in terms of creativity. 许多学生并不知道这些艺术课程与当好一名工程师有什么关系。(have to do with) Many students dont understand what the arts courses have to do with being a good engineer. 当一名工程师意味着你将面临各种各样的问题。(be faced with) Being an engineer means that you will be faced with all kinds of problems. 我们应该把注意力集中在解决手边的问题上。(at hand) We should focus our attention on solving the problems at hand. 迟早人们会找到治疗这种疾病的有效方法。(come up with) Sooner or later people will come up with a cure for this disease. uint 7 他惊吓得把所有的门窗都关了起来。(shock .into) He was shocked into shutting all the doors and windows. 工资加上各种补贴,他的年收入达到近50万元。(amount to .) With his salary and all sorts of subsidies his annual income amounts to nearly 500 000 RMB yuan. 迟早人们会认识到全球变暖带来的影响。(a matter of time) It is a matter of time that people will realize the effect of global warming. 更为糟糕的是,傍晚的时候停了电。(to make matters worse) To make matters worse, there was a power cut in the evening. 警察有责任维护公共秩序和公共安全。(be responsible for) The police are responsible for the preservation of public order and security. 保持自然界的平衡至关重要。(be of vital importance) It is of vital importance t