Olympic games.ppt
Olympic Games Are the people looking forward tothe Olympic Games?Why?What are the events?Discus铁饼铁饼撑杆跳高撑杆跳高Pole jumpWeight liftingHurdles举重举重跨栏赛跑跨栏赛跑Swimming Diving游泳游泳跳水跳水strokes-swimmingbreaststroke backstrokebutterfly strokefreestyle stroke 场地自行车赛场地自行车赛 Track cycling Skiing(winter)滑雪滑雪Gymnastics Rings Horse Balance BeamFloor 吊环吊环平衡木平衡木鞍马鞍马自由体操自由体操Boxing Fencing 拳击拳击击剑击剑帆船帆船 Sailing花样游泳花样游泳Synchronized Swimming水球水球 Water Polo皮划艇静水皮划艇静水 Canoe棒球棒球 Baseball射箭射箭 Archery柔道柔道 Judo摔跤摔跤 Wrestling足球足球 Football篮球篮球 Basketball乒乓球乒乓球 Table tennis跆拳道跆拳道 Taekwondo马术马术 Equestrian铁人三项铁人三项 Triathlon现代五项现代五项 ModernPentathlon蹦床蹦床 Trampoline排球排球 Volleyball沙滩排球沙滩排球 BeachVolleyball羽毛球羽毛球 Badminton垒球垒球 Softball网球网球 Tennis射击射击 ShootingDiscus 铁饼铁饼 Pole jump 撑杆跳高撑杆跳高Weight lifting 举重举重Hurdles 跨栏赛跑跨栏赛跑Swimming 游泳游泳Diving 跳水跳水Cycling自行车自行车Track cycling 场地自行车赛场地自行车赛Skiing 滑雪滑雪 Boxing 拳击拳击Fencing 击剑击剑Rhythmic Gymnastics艺术体操艺术体操Rings 吊环吊环Balance Beam 平衡木平衡木Horse 鞍马鞍马Floor 自由体操自由体操Which event do you like most?Why?EuropeEuropeAsiaAsiaAfricaAfricaOceaniaOceaniaAmericaAmericafive Olympic RingsWhats the symbol of Olympic Games?stand for five continentsThey are joined together as a sign of friendship.higherswifterstrongerWhats the spirit of the OlympicGames?Comparison!1.How often are the Olympic Games held?In ancient times:In modern times:2.How many kinds of the Olympic Games are there?every four yearsevery four yearsIn ancient times:In modern times:2.How many kinds of the Olympic Games are there?Summer OlympicsWinter OlympicsEvents not included:Events included:Held years before2running races,horse ridingevents which need snow and iceSummer Olympics3.Who can take part in the Games?In ancient times:In modern times:/men and womenman of Greek citiesno women,slaves,foreignersathletes from all over the world4.Where are the Games held?In ancient times:In modern times:in a host cityin GreeceWhya great honour5.What do the winners get as a prize?In ancient times:In modern times:olive wreathmedals6.What do the competitors compete for?In ancient times:In modern times:/higher,swifter,stronger higher,swifter,stronger for the honour of winning1.Both are held _.2.Both are held not for money but for _.3._ are allowed to take part in both in ancient and modern Olympics.4.The spirit(motto)is the same.They are:_.every four yearshonorMenswifter,higher,and stronger.1.There are only _Games in the ancient Olympics,but there are _in the modern Olympics,that is,_and_.one set oftwo setsthe Winterthe Summer Olympics2.In the ancient Olympics,no _ countries could join in,nor could _ or_.However,nowadays _country can _if their athletes have reached _ for the event.Women are not only_,but _.otherslaveswomenanytake partthe agreed standardplay an important role allowed3.A _ is built for the competitors to live in.for the competitors to live in.special village4.The prizes for winners are _ in the ancient Olympics,while in the present day Olympics,the prizes are_.olive wreathsmedals(gold/silver/bronze)Ancient ModernHow oftenKindsCompetitors Prize Place to hold Spirit(精神精神)The Ancient and the Modern Olympic Gamesevery four yearsevery four yearsonly menmen and womenolive wreath medalsonly in Greece an Olympic host city Higher,swifter,stronger Higher,swifter,strongerSummer Olympics Winter Olympicsonly Summer Olympics Please retell.The ancient Olympic Games as well as the modern ones were held _.But in ancient Greece _ could join the games and they had their matches in their own _.No other countries could join them.Now the Olympics are held in _ each time.The best athletes dont get _ as the prize any longer,but the _.All the athletes are trying to be_.every four yearsonly mencountrydifferent citiesolive wreathmedalshigher,swifter,strongerStadiumOlympic torchShare your opinions on the true meaning of sports.to help each othernot to win but to take partto show true courage and perseveranceIm strong.to build our bodiesto enjoy sports to make friendsto build a peaceful and better worldHow to be a goodin the Olympics?audienceAudience manners1.Try to reach your seat half an hour before the start and dont leave when a game is in progress.Audience manners2.When you leave,remember to take away your soft drink bottles and other rubbish.Audience manners 3.Control yourself during an exciting game.Audience manners4.Applause properly.You can clap your hands when players do well,when players first appear and when someone fails,but you cant clap your hands when a game is in progress.Peoples OlympicsHigh-Tech OlympicsGreen Olympics 绿色奥运绿色奥运人文奥运人文奥运科技奥运科技奥运MottoMottoFuwaMascot