2023年英语沙龙活动策划 Boys and gentlemen, girls and ladies, Good afternoon! Welcome to join the opening ceremony of our English Salon with foreign teachers. 各位老师,各位同学,大家下午好。欢迎大家前来参加我们外教外教英语沙龙的开幕式。大家在百忙的周日下午,抽出宝贵的时间,来到这里,有的人是来学英语的,有的人是来听音乐的,有的人是来学习如何穷游的。这是什么精神?当然了,还有的人,可能是无聊没地方打发时间的,或者是没地方自习的,也可能是没地方谈恋爱的,甚至有的人可能纯粹是来打酱油的,但不管怎样,我们热烈欢迎大家来到由飞利浦之家和西大英语协会联合举办的外教英语沙龙! Next , lets welcome阳志飞to give us a speech with warm applause . 接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎阳志飞同志给我们说两句。 阳志飞:From today, you will have a new place to relax.That is our English Salon with foreign teachers.从今天起,你们就有新的休闲的地方可以去了,这就是外教外教英语沙龙It's not in the claroom, with boring teachers reading textbooks.It's not on the street, with cold wind blowing in winter and mosquitoes biting in summer.上课地点不在教室,没有无聊的老师对着书本念课文。也不在大街上,冬没有寒风凛冽,夏没有蚊虫肆掠!It's in the comfortable bar near Guangxi University!这是西大正门一个舒服优雅的咖啡吧。You can talk here.You can make more friends here.You will be happy here.Come and join us!在优雅的咖啡吧上课,学习氛围轻松愉快。我们不定期还将会组织户外活动或节日活动。Here we have music, we have drinks, we have paion, we have dreams, we have girls, we have boys, we have deserts, we have games,.这里有音乐,有美酒,有激情,有梦想,有帅哥,有美女,有美食,有游戏。 我们有的是自由,没有的是无趣。有的是青春,没有的是界限。有的是自信,没有不敢说。English Salon with foreign teachers is to improve your English level and practice your ability of communication is our main objective . 外教外教英语沙龙主要目的是为了真正提高大家的英语水平,锻炼大家的交际能力。 You can talk here ; you can make friends here ; you will be happy here . 在这里,你可以自由交流,可以认识更多的朋友,可以体验到不一样的快乐。快来加入我们,一起行动吧。 We hope all of you have a nice time here, we all hope that you will enjoy this evening and benefit from it.Thanks for阳志飞s attractive speech .And I think you have had a deeper know of the English Salon.And we hope , with all those excellent foreign teachers and friends , who are here or not here today, our English Salon will becoming better and better . 感谢阳志飞老师的精彩演讲。相信现在大家对外教英语沙龙有了进一步的认识,希望在各位外国老师和外国朋友的带领下,我们外教英语沙龙会越办越好,大家的英语越来越棒! Today, the theme of our English Salon is about travelling, music and English! And Im your hoste , Tang . 今天是咱们这个特别的外教英语沙龙的第一次活动,主题呢,关于旅游,音乐,英语。 Tonight ,we will bring you a Audio-visual feast! You will enjoy it! 今晚,我们将带给你视觉和听觉的盛宴。希望你们喜欢! To learn English is interestingBut to talk in English is not easy.But we try.We try our best.Thats enough.Look!Our little friends Syki and xiao P are coming.They can sing in English.Lets welcome! 学英语,当然要唱英文歌!所以呢,首先,让我们以一首来开始我们的外教英语沙龙开幕式。欢迎 Do you enjoy this one? YesWhat a great song ! We are drunk in the beautiful poem .And the moving music can also make us excited . 优美的诗歌总是让我们陶醉,动感的音乐会让我们心潮澎湃。 让我们心潮澎湃的,还有我们幼稚或者不现实的梦想! I have a dream! I have a dream that one day I can travel around the world! 很多人也都有周游世界的梦想。But, but,梦想很丰满,现实很骨感! 就像大多数人一样,俺爹既不是李刚,也不是郭德纲。长得也不是沉鱼落雁,顶多是摇树落叶,所以也没有个把sugar daddy。嗯?什么是sugar daddy?就是干爹,爹哋 虽然毕业多年,每年存款,都是归零。要想周游世界,就必须得想办法! 我们的外国老师阳志飞就非常有省钱的办法,既玩的开心,又花费不多。他高中毕业后旅游了一年,加上之前之后,差不多一共到过20多个国家,only spent a little money。他是怎么做到的呢?大家想不想了解一下? Next , lets welcome the one foreign teacher of English Salon, 阳志飞 to give us a speech !warm applause!大家欢迎阳志飞跟大家分享:屌丝穷游吸星大法!。 Thanks for阳志飞s great speech .3.Don't be obseed with brother, he is only a legend. If you still have questions for him,you can continue talking in the English Salon of tomorrow.Tomorrow we will have a special party for April Fools Day! 4月1日愚人节狂欢! It will be very fun! Time is 5:30pm.-7pm. Fee: if you are the member of our English Salon, tomorrow, you only need to pay 1 RMB! 1 RMB! 成为会员,再加一元送:4月1日愚人节狂欢Party How to become a member of English Salon? 外教小班:团购价:440元/一学期,平均不到25元一节课!原价:60元一节外教小班课。外教一对一150-180元。和外国人交朋友,交流音乐,分享美酒,做游戏,学英语,机会多难得呀!定金:100元。可分期付款!报名就在第一排张老师处。张老师站起来让大家看一下你的庐山真面目吧。 现在报名,再加一元送:4月1日愚人节狂欢Party Now its game time! 分组,起名字,计分,比胜负。有大礼相送。 1、抢答英文歌曲名字!(15) price tag someone like you call me maybe die young stronger we found love whistle firework 2、抢答题目!answer race(5*5) Boys and girls, if you want to speak well, you have to practice your tongue.But how? Now lets welcome Theresa to share her experience of learning a language esp.oral English. Thanks for Theresas great speech .If you still have questions for her, you can also join in the English Salon of tomorrow.Tomorrow we will have a special party for April Fools Day! 4月1日愚人节狂欢! It will be very fun! Time is 5:30pm.-7pm. Fee: if you are the member of our English Salon, tomorrow, you only need to pay 1 RMB! 1 RMB! 成为会员,再加一元送:4月1日愚人节狂欢Party How to become a member of English Salon? 外教小班:团购价:440元/一学期,平均不到25元一节课!原价:60元一节外教小班课。外教一对一150-180元。和外国人交朋友,交流音乐,分享美酒,做游戏,学英语,机会多难得呀!定金:100元。可分期付款!报名就在第一排张老师处。 Song is the most beautiful way for us to communicate.Lets listen a moving English song written by our friend who wants to share his life with us.Welcome Anan. What brother is smoking is not a cigarette, but loneline. Now its game time again! 猜单词 2人比划,剩下人猜,猜的人面对观众。一分钟猜出最多单词的组获胜。 清洁剂detergent电吹风 hair drier 白酒liquor 插座plug seat 节能灯energy saving lamp 香皂soap 钱包wallet 醋vinegar 酱油soy 便签notepad 面巾facecloth 充电器charger考勤卡timecard 盆景miniascape 味精monosodium 锁lock 台灯desk lamp 方便面instant noodles 相框photo frame 复读机repeater dre(服饰)mask(面具)book(书)fridge(冰箱)photo(图片)Party(聚会)window(窗户)wire(电线) Soldier(军人)dictionary(字典)car(跑车) dolphin error explode freshman frog heaven injure judge bo local measure peek prince scior rabbit Boys and gentlemen, girls and ladies, we have to say goodbye to you now.Jia Junpeng ,your mother wants you to go home to have some food. But our English Salon has just been born.We are looking forward to your coming again.Thanks for your coming .See you next time! And the following time is yours .Its time for you to talk freely with our teachers .(响起音乐) 本次的开幕式已圆满结束。接下来的时间交给大家。说你们想说的,问你们想问的,尽情的和老师们交流吧。 英语沙龙活动策划 英语沙龙活动策划 英语沙龙策划 “英语沙龙”活动策划书 “英语沙龙”活动策划书 通信学院英语沙龙活动策划 英语沙龙策划(小学活动课) 沙龙活动策划 英语沙龙策划方案 英语沙龙策划方案