2023年英语学位考试作文题目 1.Our attitude towards life 我们对生活的态度 2.Why I study MBA 我为什么学习MBA 3.My view on the criterion (标准)of succe 我对于成功的标准的看法 4.To Be a Big Fish In a small pond or a small Fish In a Big Pond? 是愿做小池塘中的大鱼还是愿做大池塘中的小鱼?(做鸡头还是凤尾?) 5.The Management Style (管理方式)I like 我喜欢的管理方式 要求题型:字数为150个单词。 一、Our attitude towards life 我们对生活的态度 帮我改改下面作文呀,要不跑题呀,呵呵 We always hear people say, “Never give up.” These can be encouraging words and words of determination.A person who believes in themselveswill keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails.In my opinion, the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have.Therefore, I believe that we should never give up. One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything.It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel discouraged and should try again.Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow as people.Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes only if we make a new effort.If we do not try again, the leon we have learned is wasted.Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives.If we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities. In short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals.Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better, more confident people.Furthermore, if we give up, we have no chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day. 二、Why I study for MBA? 我为什么学习MBA Every MBA student has his own reasonfor taking MBA for promotion, for making more money, for being his own bo, for being a better person, for managing better, and so on so forth.For myself, the reasons for taking MBA are: There is a need.I obtained my master of mechanical engineering in 1990 in China, but I am working today as a supply chain manager.I feel a strong need to know more about1 busine-related concepts, theories, and best practices.My engineering background does help my daily work but it is obviously insufficient for me to go further along my career path. There is a poibility.I believe that there are many people who want to incept an MBA.But they face obstacles.The first obstacle might the scarce resource - time.Many of us just cannot allocate sufficient time to study due to busy life and tight schedule.The second obstacle might be money.Even the cost for MBA has reduced due to the increasing supply of it; it is still expensive for many junior and middle managers.Luckily, I could manage to overcome the obstacles and commit my time and money to this course. There is an extra benefit for me.I incepted my degree in China with all subjects being offered in Chinese.But today, I am working in an English-speaking environment.Studying for MBA offered in English will surely enhance my English proficiency.Of course, I have to devote more efforts to enjoy the extra benefit. 三、My view on the criterion (标准)of succe 我对于成功的标准的看法 我的中文作文表达: 我们的社会正在快速发展之中,社会发展的成功离不开个人的成功,只有社会成员获得普遍的成功,作为整体的社会才能算是成功。因此,成功应该有一个普遍的标准,来引领广大国民。对于成功,每一个人的认识固然不必完全一样,但有一些基本的东西应该是共同的:一是要有一定的奋斗目标。不同人的奋斗目标可以是不一样的,但应该有目标,积极向上的目标,不能混日子,不能把“不同人的成功是不一样的”作为个人不努力的借口;二是要有一个为了实现目标而努力奋斗的过程,这个过程可长可短,可艰辛可顺利,甚至可以失败,但必须是努力过,努力才能有收获;三是要有一定的收获。这个收获也可以是多样的,但也应该是正面的、向上的,是对社会有积极贡献的。 我认为,成功既是一个心理学范畴,不同人的成功概念是不一样的,但同时也是社会学范畴,有着相对公认的标准,一个人树立了积极向上的目标,经过了努力奋斗,有了正面的收获,就是成功。 我的英文作文翻译: Our society is rapidly evolving, the succe of social development is inseparable from the succe of individuals, only members of society were generally succeful, as the whole society can be succeful.Therefore, the succe should have a universal standard, to lead the majority of people.For succe, of course not everyone know exactly the same, but there should be some basic things in common: first, to have a certain goal.Goals of different people can be different, but it should be a goal, positive goal, not dawdle, can not be "different people's succe is not the same" as a justification for inaction individuals; Second, in order to have a strive to achieve the objectives of the proce, this proce can be long or short, can be difficult to smooth, even failure, but it must be hard too, to be fruitful; Third, there should be some gains.The harvest can also be varied, but should also be positive, upward is positive contributions to society.I think that succe is a psychological category, the succe of different people is not the same concept, but also a sociological category, with relatively accepted standards, a man set a positive goal to strive after, have a positive the harvest is succeful. 四、To Be a Big Fish In a small pond or a small Fish In a Big Pond? 是愿做小池塘中的大鱼还是愿做大池塘中的小鱼?(做鸡头还是凤尾?) 我的中文作文表达: 当然做小池塘里的大鱼,我喜欢强者.中国有句古话:宁做鸡头不做凤尾. 如果是我,我会选择做小池塘里的大鱼做小池塘中的大鱼 优势不能分享,独享才有利润,利润是企业生存和发展之本。对于小企业来说,如果那些大企业说这个市场前景非常大,将来肯定不得了,那你干脆不要做了。因为一旦被大企业看中的市场,你又怎么可能血拼得了呢?惟一的生存之道就是独辟蹊径,开创自己的独有市场。 小企业千万不要想着做大池塘里的小鱼,一定要做小池塘里的大鱼,因为一些大的企业看不上这些小池塘,不愿意跟你竞争,而这正可以成为让你在同行业中成为佼佼者,一个行业里的隐形冠军。 我的英文翻译: I will certainly choose to be the big fish in the small pond.I like to be a powerful man.There is a Chinese saying: Better be the head of a cock than the tail of a phoenix. If it were me, I would choose to be the big fish in the small pond.The superiority can not be shared.The profit can be obtained only when being monopolized.Profit is the eential for the survival and development of enterprise.For small enterprises, they should not explore the market which big enterprises have been convinced of very promising.Because how can the small enterprises defeat the big ones if the big enterprises enter the market.The only road to survive is to open a new road of yourself and explore the market of your own.Small enterprises do not choose to be the small fish in big pond and be sure to be the big fish in small pond, because some big enterprises look down on the small pond, and disdain to compete with you in the small pond, which makes you be an outstanding one and stealthy champion in the same trade.五、The Management Style (管理方式)I like 我喜欢的管理方式 我的中文作文表达: 我喜欢的管理方式是“让我有自己作决定的空间,决定我要何时及如何做我的工作。我对自己的工作有责任感,并对工作成功负责任。上面管我管得愈厉害,我越有理由责怪别人,我会说,如果照我自己的方法做,可以做得更好,我照着命令做,结果变得那么糟,这是因为你们要我这么做。我会变得比较不在乎工作,比较不投入,并产生太多的依赖性。相反地,我知道自己需要做什么,何时要完成,我一定会做很分内的事,并负起应负的责任。这是因为你们要我这么做。我会变得比较不在乎工作,比较不投入,并产生太多的依赖性。相反地,我知道自己需要做什么,何时要完成,我一定会做很分内的事,并负起应负的责任。 “上司的管理风格非常自由,他让我去做自己的事”。我喜欢这样,这是某种程度的信任。对我而言,这使我有更强烈的工作动机。. 我的英文翻译: The management style i like is "I can have more freedom to make decision, that is to say I can decide when to work and how to work on my own, so that I can have more responsibility for my job and really take responsibility for my work in order to succeed".The more restriction the manage give me, the more reason I will have to blame him.I would say "If the work was done according on my way, the result would be better.However it was done by the way according to your command, which leads to the bad result.It was the manager who let me do like that and also the manager who should be responsible for the result".Without more freedom of decision, I would have no paion for my work, care nothing about it, can't devote myself into my work, and have too much dependence when working.On the contrary, if I have more freedom, I would know what I need to do, and when to accomplish it.I will surely do what I should do, and take responsibility which I should take on my own initiative. "The management style is to give more freedom for his staff, and let them to do the work on their own way".I like this kind of management style, which means more trust to some degree.For me, it gives me a stronger incentive to work. 英语学位考试作文题目 写作考试作文题目 大学英语等级考试作文题目 小升初语文考试作文题目 工程硕士英语考试作文题目 小学升学考试作文题目 历年小升初考试作文题目汇总 大一英语期末考试作文题目 河南普通话考试作文题目 超全俄语考试作文题目(优秀)