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2023年英语教师粉笔字比赛方案带主持词 培训学校英语教师粉笔字比赛方案 一、活动目的 为营造浓厚校园文化气氛,打造一支素质高、技术硬的教师队伍,促进教师专业化发展,扎实教师教学基本功,促使教师自觉加强基本功训练,提高教师自身素质和综合业务水平,更好地服务于教育教学,特提供一个自我展现的平台,以便促进同志间的交流,我校特举办英语教师粉笔字比赛活动。 二、参赛人员:全体专职教师 活动时间:2023年6月5日 三、比赛形式及要求: 1、现场上板书写 2、限时2分钟约40词一段话 四、评委:杨校长、郭校长、张校长、于主任、卢主任、陈主任、周主任、马主任 五、奖项:比赛分设一二三等奖。一等奖2名,二等奖3名,三等奖5名 六、比赛流程: 1、12.50之前布置好教室 (1)比赛场地的布置,比赛座椅的摆放 (2)嘉宾席布置:桌椅摆设 (3)观众席的布置 (4)比赛所需物品准备(粉笔及黑板擦) 责任人:马、郭、彭 2、13:00教师提前抽签、发放比赛号码。评委老师到教室等候。责任人:王、郭 3、评委小组当场评分,评委将从字体结构、章法布局、完整、美观、艺术性等几个方面评定。 4、比赛时间为2分钟 七、前期准备工作: 1、5月14日教学中心研究比赛目的、内容、形式、规则 责任人:周 2、5月15日下发比赛通知责任人: 周 3、6月1日开始准备比赛号码、评分表等责任人:王、郭 4、人员安排:本次比赛的人员安排暂定如下 总负责:郭校长人员调动:马主任主持:周 准备、场务、摄像,比赛计时,核分:郭 ,王 ,彭 九、比赛程序: 1、主持人介绍各评委、宣布此次比赛的规则、要求和评分标准 2、校长致辞 3、书法比赛开始(计时两个小时) 4、评委评分 5、郭校长公布比赛成绩总结 6、比赛结束 十、参赛要求 1、书法比赛由粉笔书法的形式进行比赛。 2、以抽号形式进行比赛;比赛中途不得大声喧哗、随意走动 3、限时2分钟现场上板书写约40词的一段话 十一、比赛内容: (限时2分钟书写约40词的一段话) People from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that, English begin to be spoken in many other countries.Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. _外语培训学校 2023-6- 5粉笔字比赛评分表 参赛人 评委签字:_ Holding meetings in English I、Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen !Welcome to the 2023 English Caligraphy Competition of Follow Me English Traning School .We are very happy to gather here to hold the competition.And it is a good opportunity for all the English teachers to showyour writing abilities here.I am happy to stand here and have the opportunity to be together with you . II、Firstly,let meintrouduce the honorable leaders and judges present here:Headmaster Yang, Headmaster Guo, HeadmasterZhang, DirectorYu、Director Lu、Director Chen、DirectorMa、DirectorZhou.III、Now , lets welcome Headmaster Guo to give us the opening speech.IV、There are all together 40 contestants to compete in the Competition. Now let me introduce the rules of this competition.Each of the contestants has to write about 40 English words within 2 minutes.,and 2 contestants at every turn .The next 2 contestants should clean the blackboard first before their writing.When the time is used up,the writing time will be reminded by the working staff.The contestants must stop immediately .The judging panel will give scores on the spot.The final results of all the contestants will be announced at the end of the competition .V、Now please welcome Contestants No.1 and No.2.No.3 and No.4 please get ready Thank you .lets welcome contestant NO._ .Please next contestants get ready.VI、lets welcome Headmaster Guo to announce the results of the competition and to give us a comment on this competition.VII、ladies and gentlemen.For this afternoon party all the teachers have made careful preparations.So Im sure we have enjoyed many excellent performances this afternoon .We are ready, we are winner.How exciting todays competition is! How excited we are!But now I have to say : ”Today the English Caligraphy Competition is close .Thats all,thank you.” 英语教师粉笔字比赛方案带主持词 教师粉笔字比赛主持词 教师粉笔字比赛方案 教师粉笔字比赛活动方案 教师钢笔字粉笔字比赛方案 教师钢笔字粉笔字比赛方案 教师粉笔字比赛总结 小学粉笔字比赛方案 粉笔字板书比赛方案 教师粉笔字比赛活动方案文档 (3)