o /o Jw o 黑o -£-6 o . o 公o o 热o £ o 2022年新高一英语暑假刷讲专项讲义7题号二三四五六七总分得分绝密启用前考试范围:XXX;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx学校:姓名:班级: 考号:注意事项:1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑:如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上, 写在试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题)一、单选题(本大题共41小题,共41.0分)if you arc about the countryyou arc going to visit, find a book to read.A. seriousB. curiousC. anxious D. interestedIf you don't understand some words in the book,you can a dictionary.()A. refer toB. referC. lead to D. leadMicroblog provides a fun and easy way to keep up with the news and thoughtswith friends online.()A. explainB. concludeC. expressD. exchange1. Unfortunately I wasn't of the importance of learning English well when 1 was inhigh school.A. proudB. awareC. guiltyD. worthyAs we know, no matter how a man is if he doesn't learn, he will know nothing.A. enthusiasticB. intelligentC. relaxedD. disappointedThe third and fourth grades teamed up to the gym for the party.A. buildB. repairC. decorateD. paintThe idea for the project was highly thought of by our manager.A. disappointingB. meaninglessC. curiousD. creative>" Add money _0 your ID card and play chess。Have mea-s w=h your5ends c, Buy d_s-ks and enjoy concerts。 o- Do your homework and waoh Tv- 93. Whar can -he URS Express do for -he s-udcn-s? > prov-dc scdcn-s wi-h campus _ours.B Take s_udeHso-he Ma-tson cenonc Transpor 二 he scdeHs to and from -he soresD, Carry -he sGderns _0 -heaccre ha-F94- Whom can you ge- h2p fromfor your wrEng?> The professors. B. voun-eers.c, Trainers。 D c-assma_csBSchoo- had just siartcd in Augus- when Conner began -hrow-ng up for no reason. H wasn-t ong before【he boy a-so began suffering【err-b-e headaches,n February a 一.7'.nch Tumor was found -n his bra-n and Conner was se- -o begin-o receive radia-ion (&泮二范)- rea-men-s. Before treatments SIa?techn5:ans make a whi-e ppstic mask (1般)_o keep patien-s immoveaze and proQc- unaffed par_s of -he brain while radia-c-n is direcodx-hecmor IFs an unpaasaHexperience and a fr - gh-ening 二 mpThe doc-or Cook decided -ha 二 he masks cou-d a-eas- be made tocok -ike something funmaybe Ba-man or Mickey MOUSP-I spr-cd -h-nk=-g【hese masks arc whi-c and fun a- a= for k - dslshe -OEThe Greene三e News. -I fe 一二 ike if we COUEmake -hem a 三二 e more fun for -hem = hey migh - be a 三二 e more exci-ed abou- coming info二 he -remmenL Because - he kids are a_Taw- While - he -rea-meH= se-f isn- physica 二 yl.nfuL i- can cause ao【of anxisy (液就) And _hc -rca-mcn 二 s requ - red dai-y for upcsix weeks;And rhe masks rea 二 y make a difference -The kids rea一一y -ike - henL- Cook said'zx makes wharis.ors face k aorr-b-c experiencea n-cc cxpcr-cncc because -hey gc 二。choose something themse-ves.-When new children come in for the【rea-menL Cook finds o=wha 二 heir favori【e movies or car-oon characters are Then she se-s abou- crea-ing -he mask by drawing -he -mage she wants oncpapers-icking = wi_h g 三pand once Ws dry" she apples the coors using pain_s Each child can rake -he mask home once -he _rea_men- ends.更3日准46对o内o装o订o线o请不要在装订线内答题派Io 夕卜o 装o 订o线o,o 线O-coming 10 -he docor always means fear and Pam. I wanted_0 make 一二 un=she sa-d.-The kids rea=ycve = I-S some-hmg -hey enjoy and can reETa【9 And it fi=s an iHeres 二 have,ge- grea- pleasure from iu-95。Why is _he pE-s-ic mask used according -o paragraph - 7A To pro_ec-he braim B, To speed rhe -rearmenL c To reduce - he hcadachpD To h2p wi_h a hca=h chccr 96 wha【can we know abou 二 he radia-o-n【rea-menr?A=can be received a- home.B=w王 cause huge phySica- Pam.c I_ may make -he pa-Sts fee- worried.D=needs _o be comporcd -n a monrFwha-docs Cook do -o hc-p -he ch = dren bcs-g _rca_cd7> Showhem【heir favori-e movies-B- Offer -hem some free masks as gifts。c Dress -hem up as car50n charac_ers.D. Make -he masks more in_eres【ingokids.97. Wha - does -he aus-or wan-oshow bvo三nra-his story?A Love can-rca 二 he -cB.ze sickness。B Kindness can br-ng warmth andjoy-n- Hea=h mailersoeveryone-o- crea-ivxy - eadsosuccess-ccan-s.ng aong rhe habi-a-(百典浮)of crocodios。 making frQ-nds wi-h Honsand huniing whh-hc abor - g=-a- (6端 w) African pcopp: To nawrcovcrs。Chen has【he mos-idca - job m 【he wor-dworking a 二 he Tanzania Nauona- Parks adminis-rauon, promo-mg and prooc-mg -he African country-s w±d=fe resources-1- a= s-ar-ed fros a chi - dhood dreass as Chen describes in his new book Inio Tanzania.When Chen was a HS.C boy,he wished -ha- one day he cou 一 d go 10 Tanzania and see reasons。 His drcam came -njc in 2006“ when he firs- worked atihe ch-nese embassy (汁冷遇 in Tanzania,Three years 一三 erin order 5 ge- closer 5 animaFChen joined【he Tanzanian Na-iona_ parks.Chen s-ar-ed 5 record every exci-mg meeting wi_h animaF-and the beau-y of Tanzania haspushed him to spread - he dream of Afro-a -hrough h-s book. His wr 三 ngs covered his knowledge of the wi 一 d worstrave 二 ips and his persona 一 traveogues (兼 ieabout differed na-c-na 一 parks in Tanzania- such as observing prides of -ions in serenge-i and Jimbingc-he op o 二 he African coHinemMOUHK 三 manjarowi_h some 500 phocgraphs of scenery and w=d anima一s.Wc -can二ha- for-ravc一crs -he niosr dangerous anima- on the African savanna is no二he Hom bu 二 he eophanl from his book'xEvery Hme I driveORuaha Na-o-na- park. 一 w 三 always find mysc - f run after by w=d cophanf The=clhun=-lg there has caused cfhanrs ha-red (Aug cward humans.:comY 8 common be=ec Chen says- -ions usua一一y won-r a=ack humans。Years of -racking =ons on the Eas_ African pEn has made Chen an exper- on big cars.: Among an 一 maFIovc -ions-he mosL Leopards come second.- Chen wrx-es under -his pen name :Green Hi=s of Africawhich is a-sohe 二二 c of Eniest Hemmgway.s traveogues abou 二 he conunenL-Nacre works in -Is own ways- That is som2hing we need 5 respect Chen says- can- wai 二。read - he book*? Click here for more mfonna-c-n abou 二 L99 You CANNOT findin his boor> a number of phorographs of w=d anima一s- B-he au-hor-s knowledge of the w=d world c how io c=mb©the top of Mount K = imanjaro D-he mosi dangerous anima- on -he African savannp - 00, The underHned word in _he 4_h paragraph probab一y means =" > differen- from B- much un=ke c, doub-fu- of o- simi-a二o 10L Which of -he fb -owing is TRUE accordingOthe passage?> Now Chen is an exper- on -ions andoopards.B Chen go【some -nspirauon from Hemingway10 give himse-f a pen namp c chen-s dream came -rue whenC-ning -he Tanzania Na = Ona- parks。 D E-ephan-s unfriendly amEde -owards humans resu=ed -n human-s acuv. 一一 y. - 02 The purpose of -his passage is _o > describe African wi-d -ife B-e二 a s-ory c recommend a book D in-roducc a wriicr第一 2日准46对,o 线Os2.e=isrs may have found a way to reduce shortage of type o boOCL Type o is the kind of bood -ha- hospi-a-s mos- often need。What -he researchers are - es 二 ng is an easier wayomake -ype o bcod oin oo-her Ends of bcOFThere are four main kinds of bcCXL Mos- people born wi_h one of -hese foln.:Type A“ Type B“ Type AB or Type 0。Type o can be safely given 5 anyone So i- is common一y used when a person - s injured or sick and has_0 have bood-Type O is the BIOS- common bood group. Bu 二 he suppHcs of 二 ava 二 abom hospis - s and bood banks are usua一一y -=,三 ed This is because of -he h-gh demand forFType O bood is used in emergencies when 一 here is no Ume 5 iden 三,y -he paueln-s bcocl -ype. Giving A“ B or AB 5 someone w=h a difTerern bcod _yp9 inccdmg o" can cause a bin! reacucn by -he person-s defense system。Th2.r immune system can rejec-he botxk Th-S immune rcacHon can be dcadb."-The differences amongzood types arc 二一iked - o whe-her or no- red bood cc一一s conlain certain kinds of sugar mo-ecuos。These mo-ecu-es are found on【he surface of -he ce=s- They are known as anHgens (m %) These an-igens are found wi-hrypc A. B and AB b-ood bu- notw 二More _rn rwenqhve years agpscieHists found -ha 二he aHigens cou-d be removedc crea-e wharrhey ca 一一 ed universa 丁一 ype ceF They could be removed w-th chemica-s ca=a enzymes (强) Bu- large amoun-s of enzymes were required 一o make -he Chang。 Doc【or Hcnz.k Qauscn of rhe universiq of Copcnhagcnin Denmark -cdihe scdF The next SEP, he says。isocomp 一 e-e safety resis,The Samis working wih -he Amer - can company ZymcQucs 二。Qs 二 he new mcrhoplf h mcas safc-y rcquircmcnrs (疾并)and is no150 cosr-y 二 could become a wk±y used 三wsavingco 一 5 increase -he supp-y of universal bcOF 一03, How do scieHis - s dea - wis-s-e prcbom of 一 ack-rlg _ype o bocd*?> Make - ype ozood OHof os-er kinds of boopB Make -he mos- of -he presen 二 ypc O boop c Deveop new ways of using -ype o boOCL o- Appea-omore people -o dona-e 一 ype O boOCL 一 04 wha- makes people have d二矛ren- kinds ofb-ood*?> Sugar moocuos in red bood ce一一s- Peop 冠s wre=vmg condi-c-m c, The varieq of peop一e-s ce二s and genes- o- peopo-s various immune sys-ems, 85。Whar can we5-fer nomrhe _ ex_?> AnHgcns coEd easily be removed 3 erca-c universal bood. B A Danish company warned to mvo<e i-se-f in swdying boCXL c Type o bood can be safe-y givenoanyonp D, The new me-hod is no- safe enough -O be pu- m-o use in hosl-a - s now. 106. wha-is the best _ae for the texe> Four diffcrern khids of boOCLB A new way ro make -ypc O boCXLc, The 一atest research on b-ood -ype o- Find -he proper qpe ofbood- 国,国麻rt-雷田(畀汁固淋5膜图淋006) Chops 二 cks When were chopB.cks mveHed? In facL before -he inversion of chopsHcky Chinese anns() acca一一y used hands -O eaL but how d-d - hey ea- soup and pos.dge (遭 7 (一) Chinese s-arod 5 use chops-icks aboil_ 3.000 years ago in-he Shang DynasqWho inverted Chops-icks7The records of using chops-icks have been found in many wrhten books but have no exile- ewdencpHowevermany sories are abour the invemc-n ochops-ick,One says -ha- Js-ng Ziya, an ancien- wise man. crea-ed chopsucks。 (2) Bu二here is =0 exacr historical record abou-rh2.nvcnr - op Wc can 0n-y say tha- smart ancicn- Chinese inverted chops-icks. How 3 use ch-nesc chopsHcks?(3) You can do ilif you practice i-for some even if you are a foreigner* The key -o managing chops二cks is keeping one chops-ick in pos三on wh二e moving -he o-her 5 Pick up get Remember 5 Prac-ice w=h pauencp(4)chops-icks are usua = y hG.d inthe rig 三 hand. and -efrhanded chops-ick use -s considered as impropcrin ch-np pFying wi-h chops-icks is-hough 二。be -mpo=【pI二 s considered to be我一 4日准46对107.A. AB. BC.CD. DE. EF. FG.G108.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G109.A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.G110.A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF. FG.G111.A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.G112.第0卷(非选择题)polite and thoughtful to pick up food for (he elderly and children.A chopsticks-themed museum in Shanghai.If you are truly interested in chopsticks, you can pay a visit to the Shanghai ChopsticksMuseum. The museum gathered more than 2,000 pairs of chopsticks from China, Korea, Japan and Thailand. A. Chopsticks manners in China.B. Which hand holds chopsticks?C. They had to use sticks to eat them.D. There also go around some other stories.E. The oldest one was from the Tang Dynasty.F. Using two slim sticks to pick up food is actually not difficult.G. Chopsticks were introduced to many other countries because of their lightness.五、单句语法填空(本大题共3。小题,共30.0分)You always(complain) about the life in your school. I can* t stand it.113. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn't stopped ringing. People(phone) to ask how I am going to spend the money.114. 根据句意,填入合适的单词。Recently, he is(organizc)an exhibition to expand its business.115. 时态填空。His father(leave) for Shanghai tomorrow morning.116. 根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示或英语单词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上 写出对应单词的正确、完整形式,每空只写一词。The experts are (debate) how to solve the mystery (神秘)of the Amber RoomJ s disappearance.117. 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Our winter vacation(approach), and let* s make a plan for it.118. Because the shop(close) down, everything is sold at half price.119. My money(run out), I will withdraw some from the bank.120. My dear, you are always(throw) things about. Look, what a mess in the room!一Sony, Mom.121. The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers (repair) one of the main pipes.122. 语法填空Our manager(leave) for Shanghai in a few days and he has asked me to find out when the earliest plane takes off next Wednesday.123. 用单词的正确形式填空Mr. Smith is the person who(government) the town at (he moment.124. You(always throw) things about. Look, what a mess in your room!125. 用下面给出词的正确时态填空Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology(change) so rapidly.126. When the captain found that the ship(sink) rapidly, he ordered his men to send out signal for help.1. 8.1 kept a journal of my feelings, thoughts and daily activities to see how much progress I (make).129. James has just arrived, but I didn't know he(come) until yesterday.130. They(debate) whether to carry on with the experiment when I entered the room.131. When did the computer crash?This morning, while I(pack) up the reading materials downloaded from some websites.132. 用适当的时态和语态填空。While he(sleep), (he spaceship circled the earth twice.133. My mother(cook) when I(come) home yesterday evening.134. During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was (offer) a "free" course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits.o ® o fe o 热o 氐o 鼠蒯I-EI邪白然用雕IK-I磐冰 一 O 然O II- O 黑O -£ O 第16页,共46页,o 线O, O 夕卜O装 校学 o-35, She(bargain) w三二he shopkeeper for a skirt when I fia caughr sighi of her. 一 36。We weH8 -he res-aurarn-o havecncFon 一 ycfind -ha-二 was being (deconne)。 137- We(arrange) for -he wedding bus=y and happ二y when -he host informed us tha- the bride refused rh一s marriage and the ceremony was dismissed.13?°She was(s-are) a 二 he passerso-y w 三 lou- any expression.-39-I(nor rain) when wc wen- ouL The sun(shine),Bu-h (ramL so the ground was weL一 4PI(see) Tom off a 二 he airpor-when you dropped in yesoaay-一4一 He was (bury) in whE he was doing so -ha- heEdnY pay a 二 eHc-n 5 wha_ was happening around- 42 Jordan a - so recnled 5rhe o-ympo-s aher many yea? bu-Muhammad A=he(compc-c) for med巴s.沙,施涛流H)(畀>+鬻壮4膜般壮6006)一 43 Once James Thomhi=a famous English painanwas asked 二)(pamosome piccres § -he wa=s 0-he kings pa-ace in English。Then workers were sen- for and (2) big p-a-fonTI was made。 (3) -he help of a worker" Thomh 三 s_ar_ed pa=-ung ch 二 he p-a-fo_mThey worked for a whooyear (4) a 二 as-rhe picErcs were ready.Thonih 三 was happy when heookcd a 二 he picwrczfor They were (5) (rcan b