2022年新高二英语暑假刷讲专项讲义 2-学生用卷.docx
绝密启用前2022年新高二英语暑假刷讲专项讲义2考试范围:XXX;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:XXX学校:姓名:班级:考号:题号-四五六七八九总分得分注意事项:1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上, 写在试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题)一、单选题(本大题共16小题,共16.0分)1. Some scientists believe that there is no that the new medicine for cancer will befound.A. problemB. matterC. doubtD. question2. He*s one of the bar's customers, so he can enjoy the drinks at a discount.A. regularB. normalC. officialD. extraordinary3.4.一 How did you like Nick's performance last night?一 To be honest, his singing didn,t to me much.A. appealB. belongC. referD. occurLittle Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what itA. collectedB. containedC. loadedD. savedAmy thought it was to read English newspapers every day so she subscribed to (订阅)the 21st Century.A. worthB. worthwhile C. worthless D. worthyWe're expecting Mr. Carter because he's our visitor who comes here for holidayevery winter. ()A. familiarB. similarC. classicD. regularAfter reading the book The Last of the Mohicans, we can know that Cora is very.to avoid ra_he 二 han it jamming _h2.echoLocaHOp= said Fiona Mart hewskad author of rhe paper in Environmen-a- polcriomMatthews said the effecr of ordinary traffic noise on bars mean二ha二he negarive impact: of new roads on bat populations was likely 5 be more farreachmg than realized She said: -This is impor-anLas ir means we coidd expec二。see negaUve effects continue ar a considQrabcrdisrancQ from rhe road. We know -ha 二 OWQr frequency road noise rrave-s we= beyond 50 metres -he sca-e a- which ecoogica 二 mpact assessmen-s are conduced- Dr Henry schofiesfrom Vincenr wi-d-ife TrusTwhich joinr-y funded -he researcmsa-d := We have raised peop-e-s awareness that bar spec-es face barriers in rhe landscape that: impede (泮 斑)(heir abi三y 5 access Sui-able feeding areas and reduce their chances of survival. Along with habita- destrucHon and aaficia 二 ighting a- nigh-jhis research has added road noise -o the -is- of an-hropogerdc (»3) facors reducing habi-ar qualify for-hese protected species: 55- What does the new research find about vehicle noise? A I- destroys bats- habisLB I- influences ba-s- abi-i-y -0 feed c I- helps ba_s -o nnd insect: prey. D, If causes bats to co=ide wi_h traffic.56- Whaf does paragraph 2 foeus on 2 A The design of rhe research- B The varieties of wild bars. c The function of bar detectors, D The traffic flow on highways. 57- Whar can we gm from Marrhews-S words abou二he impact: of new roads on bars 7A. It is well informed. B It could be prevenrable c I- could be more serious, D Ir is predictable- 58 Which aspect: of rhe research does Dr schoneld 巨k about:7 A I_s app=cation B Its dimensioru c Its Hmita二OF D Its significance,I watch documen-aries9 no- movies,I read history books9 no- nctioF I use every free moment: to accomplish one of theBsks on my neverendmg check=SL and I am comp-ae-y f三 ed with (houghrs of productivity- An hour sleeping is an hour wasfed. And =ke the resf of 21s- Cen-Ury America"二 ike F Buts-is fixation on produc-iviry is increasingly destroying charaser and搬一。刘洋2。河请不要在装订线内答题 夕卜 、二改transforming men m_o robo_s-New York Times cocmnis- David Brooks warned American UniversHy studenrs of-his Cid-Ural decline in a speech 二 We cu- off all things spiritual and emoro-nalin a competitive urge 5 srand out- he said二The pressure 5 succeed professionally3 to acquire sk三s3 to do rhe things you need -o do 3 succeed in an informa二on age economy rea二y became rhe overwhelming(熊 充旦3) pressure? and it son of weakens the -hmking about character and morality Many students happily go to co二eg9 viewing i- as a next ssp on their rise to professional achievement Forcing as many successbuildmg acriviries info rhs.r schedules as -hey can t hey enjoy keeping busy wirh little sleep -二 Today-S ours-andmg kids are Hkely -o spends-eir af-emoons and weekends shut 二 ing from one skiTimproving activity 5 the nexL- Brooks wroCD in an article二We fear failure more rhan we desire success二 A cencry agoa college was about: charaser bu 二 dmg Today" our characfers are in dec=ne We are experts on economicsma-eria二hings and professional sk三s, We fail_0 discuss and undorsrand relationships emotions and all things spiricaL Philosopher Kari Popper divided -he world into -wo casgories: cocks and couds- cock problems arehose -har can be -aken apartexamined and so-ved rhrough deduc-ivereasoning (湎鞅洋,VH招). c-ouds canno be _aken aparrCloud problems repreSen- whole sys-ems - ha- needObe understood in a different: way-二 When we have a coud problemw。try_0 2m it into a Clock problem二 Brooks said- And in a reasoncdred cufurpadding titlesoone.s resume becomes a trend. A- American university85 PerCen- of seniors (and 89 PerCen- of business majors) graduas with a二Cas- one practical experience which is often h2-pfu - 一0 a s-udent-s future career" bu- can sometimes draw focus away from academics-To preventrhe death of man-s charac 图 Brooks urges rediscovering our human natures through falling inove And by -Ove he meansove for a raskso-ba or another person- 二 Synchronicity is keyohappiness he said Rather than crazi-y increasing ourong Hs-S of accomp-ishmenF we needoose ourselves in whm we d9 and success w 三 come on ifs own- 59. From Paragraph 1 we can -earns-ar peopleA are controlled by rime B are eager _0 achievec are changing -heir characters D. are keen on reading books more 60 wha- is the au-hoFS attitude awards co一一eges rha- exisfed a century ago7 A To一ean_ B uncerain c Approving. D curious,61 The las- paragraph main-y -s us -har A success comes from devo二on 3 work Brhe focus on human Ues courts c- more work contributes 5 happiness Dove is more imporran-than focus 62 The purpose of -his passage is to A criticize sBdents- desire for achievemenrs B srresss-e importance of product! viry c warn abou二he pressure to seek success D- bring awareness -o characsr bu=dmg 岳,西河上湖H(畀>F壮5 3明壮一。.0少) Bad News for the Highly Intesgent There are advantagesobeing smarL People who do well on IQ -esrs -end_0 be more successfulin the classroom and -he workp - acpThey also -end -0 Hve longerhealthier Hvey and are 一ess Hkely -o experience negative Hfe even_s (1) In a studya Rurh Karpinski and her co=eagues carried Ou- a sHdy on 一 he members of MensF a high IQ society。The study covered mood disorders and anxiety disorders- Respondenrs were asked 5 report: whes-errhey had ever suffered from each disorder- The researchers compareds-e percenrag。of those who reported disorder to rhe national average and found thar Mensa-S highly inte三genl members were more Hke-y to suffer from a range of serious disorders。To explain -heir findingsKarpinski and his feam bring up rhe hyper brain and hyper body theory. This theory holdss-aL for all of - ts adugey being highly in_e 三 gent is associated whh psychological and physiological -Overexcitabilities-L or 0E,(2) This can include anything from an as-onishmg soundoconfHswith another persoru Accordingos-e rheorF OEs are more common in highly insmgenf peoppA highly infesgent person may overana一yze a disapproving commen- made by a bossimagining negative OUBOmes -har simp-y wou-dn-roccurro someone less intelligent (3) The results of -his study musf be imrerpreted (彤森)Caur5us-y Showing rhar a disorder is more common in a sample of people with high IQs -han in -he gene邑 population doesnl prove rha- high mte=igence is the cause of -he disorder。(4) A= -he Sam9 1he findings se二he s-age forresearch thar promisesOcast new =ght ons-e link be-ween ms 三 gence and healrh One搬一2列洋2。河请不要在装订线内答题 o* * * O * * 邹* * * * 叔 . o* * * O * * IP * 敝 * .* 感 * o. O * * 期 * * * * o * 料O * .氐* * o* * * O 63.A. AEB. BC. CD. DE.F.FG.G64.A. AB. Bc.cD. DE.EF.FG.G65.A. AB. Bc. cD. DE.EF.FG.G66.A. AB.Bc.cD. DE.EF.FG.G67.A. AB. Bc.cD. DE.EF.FG.G68.第II卷(非选择题)possibility is that associations between intelligence and health outcomes reflect pleiotropy (基 因多效性),which occurs when a gene influences seemingly unrelated characteristics. In a 2015 study, Rosalind Arden and her colleagues concluded that the association between IQ and living longer is mostly explained by genetic factors. From a practical standpoint, this research may lead to insights about how to improve people's psychological and physical well-being.A.Now there's some bad news for those smart people.B.There is already some evidence to suggest that this is the case.C.It is an unusually strong reaction to an environmental threat or abuse.D.Scientists did many researches to understand the reasons behind the advantages.E.That may cause the body's stress response, which may make the person even more anxious. F.Its also possible that people who join Mensa differ from other people in ways other than just IQ.G.They found that the differences between the respondents were seen fbr mood and anxiety disorders.五、单句语法填空(本大题共25小题,共25.0分)Life is the combination of joy and sorrow, success and failure and giving and (acquire).69. There is no sense in(argue) with such a stubborn man.70. Nowadays many children prefer(surf) the Internet at home to taking exercise outdoors.71. 根据所给词汇或所学语言知识填空,每空一词。We' 11 come back more frequently and we' re also considering(take) them to city to live with us.72. (equip) with global vision and the spirit of innovation is crucial to China's young generation.73. We have a very effective approach to(teach) languages.74. 单句填空After(struggle) for a while, he decided to tell the truth and apologize to the teacher.75. 单句填空I knew I had done a good job and was looking forward to(get) a positive comment.76. You have difficulty in(exchange) it for another, because the boss is a mean person.77. 用所给词的适当形式填空.(struggle) to control feelings is not easy for everyone especially when we are angry .78. As a driver, he has got used to(drive) in all kinds of weather.79. You can't imagine what great difficulty they have(solve) the problem.80. Generally speaking,(admit) one*s mistakes, especially in front of other people, requires great courage.81. On arrival there ,they set about (perform) the experiment with the professor.82. 根据上下文,在空格里填入适当的词(每空1词)或依据所给词填入其正确形式(不 超过3个词)。Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop(be) a threat to wildlife and to our planet.83. 在句子的空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词),或括号内单词的正确形式。Grass is planted to protect the soil from(wash) away.84. Reading aloud is fundamental to(study) English well.85. You can't imagine what difficulty we had(walk) home in the snowstorm. o* * o 瑞 * * o * o * * oo * 堞 * * *o* * o £ * * * * o * o 第14页,共20页o 邹o Xl o 盘o 宅o 86. Students should avoid(whisper) with deskmates in the class.87. Actually, everyone plays the most important role in (prevent) Yellow River erosion.88. China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from(attack) in the South China Sea.89. The house needs(equip) with a video camera.90. 在句子的空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词),或括号内单词的正确形式。The new techniques led to a lot of ancient treasures(discover).91. Li Ming remembers when visiting Louvre Museum(impress) by a picture of a lady with a mysterious smile.92. While shopping people sometimes can't help(persuade) into buying something they don't really need.六、语法填空(本大题共5小题,共75.0分)Gaining knowledge is a part of the learning process and how (put) knowledge gained every day into reality has interested many people. As a proverb goes, HKnowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it." Obviously, this saying tries to deliver the message that we ought not to stop (2) (practice) it if we truly want to master the knowledge we learn. There are several reasons accounting for the statement. For one thing, human beings are forgetful beings, and for another, knowledge has become more and more complicated and it can*t be understood if we do not practice we have learned repeatedly.(1)(2)down numerous times.(3)down numerous times.93. Most of us assume that we communicate (good) with our friends and loved ones than we do with strangers. However, is often the case that the closer we are to somebody, the less likely we are to listen carefully to them. The reason many people unconsciously ntune outn their family members or close friends is that they think they already know what the other person is going to say. It is similar (4) the way in which you might not notice signs, landmarks, or scenery on a path you have travelled(1)(2)(3)Like many major evenFa mara-hon can generas a massive carbon footprint Thousands travelsome by plane ro theocation Wasfe from food packaging and goody bags gets (1) aeave) behind by spec-arors and runners. For examppduring the London Mara-hon in 201847000 plaB.c bottles (2) (collecpalthough some were recycled- Th - s is becoming a big issue for crieshow ro host a wors-while evenL encouraging people -o exercise and help chari二esywhilst profecting rhe environment*? Over rhe las- few yeap severa- cities (3) (develop) forma- p-ans to reduce rheir environmenfa 二 mpacf and promo-e susramaze ideas,One event in wacrsa for exampp introduced recycling for o-d running kir and erhically sourceds-e race TshMSs (2) (3) Ir was a 二 he 2012 ISU worEFigure ska-mg Championships (一) I fi