2022年杭州一模高三英语七选五阅读 教学指导及命题思路评析.docx
2022年杭州一模高三英语七选五阅读教学指导及命题思路评析在指导学生这篇七选五阅读时,一定思路和方向.七选五阅读不同于前四篇选择性阅读,它更注重对于考生的行文结构能 力的考查,对于设置空的不同位置,孩子们要清楚知道其会涉及的相关考查 考点.但不论怎样,七选五阅读的任何一个选项都是有依据及线索的.今天抛 开应试的先易后难、排除待定的技巧性,就从文本内容和行文结构及题型设 置,来谈一谈此次杭州一模的七选五的做题思路.第二节(共9卜题;每小题2.汾,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项为多余选项。My heart went out to the drama teacher I read about in a recent news item. Each parent from her class insisted that she cast their own child as Snow White. This reminded me of my seventh grade musical “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. " I desperately wanted to play the role of Becky, the female lead who was Tom,s girlfriend. 36For starters, Becky had to sing numerous solos, and I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. I also didn't have long blonde curls like pretty Linda Wright who won the part.I was assigned the non-singing role of Miss Watson, the Maid. I had to wear an ugly dress. And I had only one line to learn. "That's what I say. *37 Miss Watson wasonstage in quite a few scenes, and got to repeat "That's what I say" throughout the play.At last, our production was put onstage. Imagine my surprise when Miss Watson made the audience laugh out loud each time I piped in with "That's what I say. " I hadn't known that she or I could be funny, or that her character was important in moving the plot along. 38That night, I began to understand that being the star may not be any more fun than being a stand-out in a supporting role. Each person, onstage and backstage, is essential in theater. Without everyone doing their part, the play would be dull as dirt. 39 If everyone's a star then nothing gets done. It's all noise and chaos.And so I believe all children should get the opportunity to play Miss Watson, tobecome someone they didn't know they wanted to be. 10A. So it is in life.B. It was not to be.C. It was anything but a great part.D. My Miss Watson turned out to be a hit.E. It took the entire cast to make a good show.F. There was an advantage, in my opinion, though.G. I would hope all children could be a hit in life.36题思路解析36题,是段末空.段末空一般有这两种行文考察能力要求:总结本段内 容承上启下.本题考查前后段落的语境反差一一即承上启下的作用,根 据空前段落内容: "I desperately wo - ted to play the role of Becky, the female lead w/w wos Tom's qirlfriend.这句话可知,作者希望自 己扮演Becky这个角 色; 再参考空后第二段:"For starters, Becky had to sinq numerous solos, and / couldn't ccrrv a tune in a bucket. / also didn't have Iona blonde curls like pretty Linda Wriqht w6。woe the part.”可矢口,作者给出了两个 自己不适合这个角色 的原因:是自身的五音不全(carry a tune in a bucket美国俚语),是 自身没有一头金色长卷发.再结合第三段第一句:“/ was assiqned the non-sinqinq role of Miss Watson, the Maid”,可知,最后饰演的角色与自 己希望 的背道而驰,所以选B为最佳选项:/t was not t。be.这是不可能的”37题思路解析37题是一道难题,也是一道好题.此题是考段中空,也可以说是句间空.很多 孩子也是倒在该题上.这题实则是考察七选五阅读的一种较少考察的句间思 维一一同意向化的反向推论思维,即意思相同但表达的立场却相反.首先学 生们应该要明白句中空的基本做题思路:一定要注重该空前后句的关系,所 以要解决此题,我们应该先判段前后句到底是什么关系呢?空格前:"And / had only oe line to /ear/?, "That's what I say.""空格后:"Miss Watson was onstaqe in quite a few scenes, and got to repeat"76at's wAat I sav" throuqhout the plav.同学们会发现,前后句都在重复一个概念,即: Miss Watson这个人物在整场表演中只有一句台词.它重复的作用是什么? 我想很多学生会觉得是强调,但强调在这里会起到什么作用呢? 一般来说, 强调的作用在英语阅读中,是同向性的论证,即加深读者观感,即我不喜欢 这个角色,再次论述后,加深我不喜欢这个角色的印象.但这里如果属于第 一种,选项似乎没有一个是合适的,A选项是总结中性陈述,B选项是否定 陈述,CDEFG均为正向性陈述.那就是第二种情况,反向性论述,即作者是站 在不同点的观点论述,即前一句是在负向情绪面一一该角色我不喜欢,只有 一句台词,后一句是在负向情绪面中的一种自我安慰一一然而在我看来,也 是一个优点,仅有一句台词,表演难度不大.这样就说得通了.38题思路解析38题考察段末空,考察段末空的第一种情况:总结该段.涉及我与角色 两个人物的融合(考场里的你,真的看出了这种融合一体化了吗?).我们 一起来看一下空前一句中 的部分内容, / hadn't known that she or I 一 could be funny”这个句子里,Sheor I体现了任务和角色的二合一,我正在 扮演Miss Watson , Miss Watson就是舞台上现在的我,所以选项D的前半部 分:“My Miss Wstso/?”就是与之最好的呼应和契合.其二是通过"Imaqine my surprise when Miss l/IZctsoc made the audience lauqh out loud each time / piped in with ''That/s what I say,character was important in moving theplot along 两个句子可知,Miss Watson的出场和演出赢得了观众的欢笑,比 我预想的要好太多.刚好证明了选项D的后半部分好out to be a hit大受 欢迎;获得成功(尤其指演出方面).39题思路解析39题涉及句间空.同样考察承上启下的作用.在思维上考查七选五的总 结理论缩放概念,这是七选五的核心考察理念之一 .所谓的缩放,分为两个 部分:即缩与放.缩是由面及点,由社会缩至个人生活;放是有点及面,有 事件放至社会生活.在39题这里,前句是对于这次表演的一次总结性陈述, 亦 或者说 反思."Each person, onstaqe and backstaqe, is essential in theater. Without everyone doinq their part, the play would be dull os dirt.“它的范围极 其微妙,用副词短语做插入语,放置期中:"onstaqe and backstaqe”也就是说, 这条感悟是局限于舞台表演而来的,每一个舞台剧的参与者,不论台前还是 幕后,都是至关重要的.特别是后句的“dull as dirt无趣乏味”这一词,更是精 准立足在了作者此次扮演的角色之上的陈述,同学们可以体会一下这种上下 文的 联系.这时 候我们 再来看 后句:“If everyone's a star then nothinq qets done. It's oil noise and choos."这个句子乍一看,似乎还是在讲舞台剧,但If 这个词是关键,它在举例子,打比方响谓举例子打比方?如果还是论述舞台 剧本身是不是等于重复累赘?所以作者现在是把舞台剧的微观感悟,投放到 了生活之中的一种感慨.(这里我们还可以借用下everyone这个词,它是挣脱了 onstage and backstage的人群限定范围了,说明了论述对象在扩大).再从选项本身看一看:So it is in life .连词so和代词it,是不是完美契合了承上 启下这个特点呢? So使前文舞台范围感悟顺承至后文的生活新范围之中;it 代指前文的感悟,也适用于后文的内容.天衣无缝的契合.40题思路解析40题相对来说,是比较好选的.最后一段,构建了新的主体关系,即 Children ,根据该段文意就是进一步的深化期许,作者把自身的感悟,以 期许的形式传递给了孩子们.而体现两者关系的选项,只有G选项.(这题抓 核心词即可突破选择障碍,是千万不能失分的题目)七选五阅读是这次一模的失分大块,哪怕是对杭州前八重点高中的孩子, 此次篇幅想要满分拿下,也是一个不小的挑战。因为单从题材上看,这更像 是一则记叙文,而孩子们恰恰平时都在练说明、议论文的题材。所以,迁移 能力很重要,要把七选五解题思维用好很困难.那此次考查了记叙文类型,这 是不是意味着后期我们浙江考生的七选五训练要往记叙文倾斜呢?答案是: 没有必要.在当下浙江加入新高考一卷后,七选五阅读一定会继续以说明和 议论文为主力考查对象,杭州一模此次选的题材,纵观历年可谓是大胆的一 次尝试.