未成年人学校保护规定Provisions on the Protection of Minors by Schools发布部门:教育部发文字号:中华人民共和国教育部令第50号发布日期:实施日期:效力级别:部门规章法规类别:教育综合规定营商环境优化Issuing Authority : Ministry of EducationDocument Number : Order No. 50 of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of ChinaDate Issued : 06-01 -2021Effective Date : 09-01 -2021Level of Authority : Departmental RulesArea of Law : General Provisions on Education Optimization of Doing Business中华人民共和国教育部令中华人民共和国教育部令Order of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China(No. 50)(No. 50)未成年人学校保护规定已经 2021年5月25日教育部第1次 部务会议审议通过,现予公布, 自2021年9月1日起施行。(第50号)The Provisions on the Protection of Minors by Schools, as deliberated and adopted at the first executive meeting of the Ministry of Education on May 25, 2021, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on September 1, 2021.Minister Chen Baosheng部长陈宝生June I, 20212021年6月1日学校应当定期针对全体学生开展 防治欺凌专项调查,对学校是否 存在欺凌等情形进行评估。第二十条 学校应当教育、 引导学生建立平等、友善、互助 的同学关系,组织教职工学习预 防、处理学生欺凌的相关政策、 措施和方法,对学生开展相应的 专题教育,并且应当根据情况给 予相关学生家长必要的家庭教育 指导。第二十一条教职工发现学 生实施下列行为的,应当及时制 止:(一)殴打、脚踢、掌掴、抓 咬、推撞、拉扯等侵犯他人身体 或者恐吓威胁他人;(二)以辱骂、讥讽、嘲弄、挖 苦、起侮辱性绰号等方式侵犯他 人人格尊严;(三)抢夺、强拿硬要或者故意 毁坏他人财物;A school shall regularly conduct special surveys on the prevention and control of bullying among all students, and assess whether there is bullying and other circumstances in the school.Article 20 A school shall educate and direct students to establish an equal, friendly, and mutually-helping relationship among themselves, arrange for its staff to learn relevant policies, measures, and methods for preventing and handling student bullying, provide corresponding special education to students, and give the parents of relevant students necessary guidance on family education based on the circumstances.Article 21 The staff shall stop the following acts committed by a student in a timely manner, if discovered:(1) Battering, kicking, slapping, scratching, biting, pushing, pulling, or otherwise violating the person of another person, or terrorizing and threatening another person.(2) Violating the personal dignity of another person by verbal abuse, sarcasm, derision, disparagement, giving an insulting nickname, or other means.(3) Snatching, forcibly taking and demanding, or intentionally destroying the property of another person.(4) Maliciously excluding or alienating another person, or affecting another person's participation in school activities or socializing.(5) Fabricating facts to defame another person, spreading rumors or misinformation to disparage another person, or maliciously spreading the privacy of another person, on the network or by any other means of information dissemination.Among students, a side with an advantage in age, body, number of persons, or any other aspect deliberately or maliciously which causes personal injury, property loss or mental distress by committing any act mentioned in the preceding paragraph against the other side, or otherwise tyrannizing or insulting the other side may be determined to commit bullying.Article 22 The staff shall pay attention to a student who may be at a disadvantaged or in a special position arising from his or her physical conditions, family background, or academic performance, among others, and intervene in a timely manner, if the student is discovered being alienated or excluded or falling under other circumstances.(四)恶意排斥、孤立他人,影 响他人参加学校活动或者社会交 往;(五)通过网络或者其他信息传 播方式捏造事实诽谤他人、散布 谣言或者错误信息诋毁他人、恶 意传播他人隐私。学生之间,在年龄、身体或者人 数等方面占优势的一方蓄意或者 恶意对另一方实施前款行为,或 者以其他方式欺压、侮辱另一 方,造成人身伤害、财产损失或 者精神损害的,可以认定为构成 欺凌。第二十二条 教职工应当关 注因身体条件、家庭背景或者学 习成绩等可能处于弱势或者特殊 地位的学生,发现学生存在被孤 立、排挤等情形的,应当及时干 预。教职工发现学生有明显的情绪反 常、身体损伤等情形,应当及时 沟通了解情况,可能存在被欺凌 情形的,应当及时向学校报告。The staff who discover a student falling under circumstances such as obvious emotional abnormalities and physical injuries shall communicate in a timely manner to understand the situation, and report to the school in a timely manner, if there may be circumstances of bullying.A school shall educate and support students in voluntarily reporting the circumstances of bullying discovered and protecting the lawful rights and interests of themselves and others.Article 23 Where a school receives a report on student bullying, it shall immediately conduct an investigation. If it deems that there may be bullying, it shall request determination and disposal from a student bullying management organization in a timely manner, and so notify as to enable the parents of relevant students to participate in the determination and handling of the act of bullying. If it is determined that there is bullying, the school shall impose an education penalty or disciplinary action on the student who commits or participates in the act of bullying, and require his or her parents to strengthen their discipline, and when necessary, may cause the deputy principal for the rule of law and a counselor to provide training and education to the student and his or her parents.For a violation of public security administration, a suspected crime, or any other serious act of bullying, a school shall not conceal the act, but shall report to the public security authority and the education administrative department in a timely manner, and cooperate with relevant departments in handling the act in accordance with the law.学校应当教育、支持学生主动、 及时报告所发现的欺凌情形,保 护自身和他人的合法权益。第二十三条学校接到关于 学生欺凌报告的,应当立即开展 调查,认为可能构成欺凌的,应 当及时提交学生欺凌治理组织认 定和处置,并通知相关学生的家 长参与欺凌行为的认定和处理。 认定构成欺凌的,应当对实施或 者参与欺凌行为的学生作出教育 惩戒或者纪律处分,并对其家长 提出加强管教的要求,必要时, 可以由法治副校长、辅导员对学 生及其家长进行训导、教育。对违反治安管理或者涉嫌犯罪等 严重欺凌行为,学校不得隐瞒, 应当及时向公安机关、教育行政 部门报告,并配合相关部门依法 处理。不同学校学生之间发生的学生欺凌事件,应当在主管教育行政部education门的指导下建立联合调查机制, conduct进行认定和处理。For a student bullying incident between students in different schools, a joint investigation mechanism shall be established under the guidance of the appropriate administrative department to determination and handling.Article 24 A school shall establish and improve rules of conduct for the interaction between its staff and students, student dormitory safety management rules, video surveillance management rules, and other systems, and establish a working mechanism to prevent, report, and dispose of sexual assault and sexual harassment.A school shall take necessary measures to prevent and stop its staff and other persons entering the campus from committing the following acts:(1) Having a romantic or sexual relationship with a student.(2) Indecent acts such as fondling or intentionally touching a specific part of the body of a student.(3) Making molesting, teasing, or suggestive remarks and gesture towards a student.(4) Showing and disseminating any information, publication, motion picture, audio-visual recording, or image containing pornographic or obscene content or any other obscene item to a student.(5) Possessing any audiovisual, graphic or textual material containing obscene and pornographic content.第二十四条 学校应当建立 健全教职工与学生交往行为准 则、学生宿舍安全管理规定、视 频监控管理规定等制度,建立预 防、报告、处置性侵害、性骚扰 工作机制。学校应当采取必要措施预防并制 止教职工以及其他进入校园的人 员实施以下行为:(一)与学生发生恋爱关系、性 关系;(二)抚摸、故意触碰学生身体 特定部位等猥亵行为;(三)对学生作出调戏、挑逗或 者具有性暗示的言行;(四)向学生展示传播包含色 情、淫秽内容的信息、书刊、影 片、音像、图片或者其他淫秽物 品;(五)持有包含淫秽、色情内容 的视听、图文资料;(六)其他构成性骚扰、性侵害(6) Other illegal and criminal acts that constitutesexual harassment or sexual assault.的违法犯罪行为。Chapter IV Management Requirements第四章管理要求Article 25 A school shall formulate school rules and discipline that regulates the conduct of its staff and students. The school rules and discipline shall be lawful and reasonable in content, and be formulated under complete development procedures, disclosed to students and their parents, and filed with the department overseeing the school as required.第二十五条 学校应当制定 规范教职工、学生行为的校规校 纪。校规校纪应当内容合法、合 理,制定程序完备,向学生及其 家长公开,并按照要求报学校主 管部门备案。Article 26 A school shall strictly implement the national curriculum plan, open complete and sufficient courses as required, and select teaching materials and teaching auxiliary materials as required. The courses developed or introduced by the school shall be scientifically justified and filed with the appropriate education administrative department.第二十六条学校应当严格 执行国家课程方案,按照要求开 齐开足课程、选用教材和教学辅 助资料。学校开发的校本课程或 者引进的课程应当经过科学论 证,并报主管教育行政部门备 案。A school shall not cooperate with a non-school training institution in providing students with onerous courses or course guidance.学校不得与校外培训机构合作向 学生提供有偿的课程或者课程辅 导。Article 27 A school shall strengthen themanagement of homework, and guide and第二十七条学校应当加强作业管理,指导和监督教师按照 规定科学适度布置家庭作业,不 得超出规定增加作业量,加重学 生学习负担。第二十八条 学校应当按照 规定设置图书馆、班级图书角, 配备适合学生认知特点、内容积 极向上的课外读物,营造良好阅 读环境,培养学生阅读习惯,提 升阅读质量。学校应当加强读物和校园文化环 境管理,禁止含有淫秽、色情、 暴力、邪教、迷信、赌博、恐怖 主义、分裂主义、极端主义等危 害未成年人身心健康内容的读 物、图片、视听作品等,以及商 业广告、有悖于社会主义核心价 值观的文化现象进入校园。第二十九条 学校应当建立 健全安全风险防控体系,按照有 关规定完善安全、卫生、食品等 管理制度,提供符合标准的教育 教学设施、设备等,制定自然灾 害、突发事件、极端天气和意外 伤害应急预案,配备相应设施并supervise teachers* assignment of homework in a scientific and appropriate manner in accordance with provisions, and shall not increase the amount of homework in excess of the requirement or the study burden on students.Article 28 A school shall establish libraries and reading corners in classrooms in accordance with the provisions, assign extracurricular reading materials proportional to the cognitive characteristics of students and containing positive contents, create a good reading environment, cultivate the reading habits of students, and improve reading quality.A school shall strengthen the management of reading materials and the campus cultural environment, and prohibit reading materials, images, and audiovisual works, among others, containing obscene, pornographic, violent, cultic, superstitious, gambling, terrorist, separatist, extremist, and other content that endangers the physical and mental health of minors, commercial advertisements, and cultural phenomena contrary to the socialist core values from entering the campus.Article 29 A school shall establish and improve a safety risk prevention and control system, improve safety, hygiene, food, and other management systems in accordance with relevant provisions, provide education and teaching facilities and equipment, among others, that meet standards, formulate emergency response plans for natural disasters, emergencies, extremesweather, and accidental injuries, have 定期组织必要的演练。 corresponding facilities, and organize necessarydrills regularly.While students are in school, the school shall implement closed management of the campus and prohibit unauthorized persons from entering the campus.Article 30 A school shall educate and remind students and their parents by appropriate means to avoid students* using stimulants, sedatives, hypnotics, analgesics, and other addictive drugs; and if a student is discovered using such drug, the school shall stop the use, report to the appropriate department or the public security authority, and notify his or her parents in a timely manner, unless the student uses the drug as required for treatment after a practicing physician has given a diagnosis and consent.Article 31 A school shall establish a students, physical condition monitoring system, and if a student is discovered having a tendency for malnutrition, myopia, obesity, or dental caries, among others, or a bad habit that leads to a decline in physical conditions, the school shall conduct necessary management and intervention, notify his or her parents, and supervise, urge, and guide his or her parents' provision of treatment.学生在校期间学校应当对校园实 行封闭管理,禁止无关人员进入 校园。第三十条学校应当以适当 方式教育、提醒学生及家长,避 免学生使用兴奋剂或者镇静催眠 药、镇痛剂等成瘾性药物;发现 学生使用的,应当予以制止、向 主管部门或者公安机关报告,并 应当及时通知家长,但学生因治 疗需要并经执业医师诊断同意使 用的除外。第三十一条 学校应当建立 学生体质监测制度,发现学生出 现营养不良、近视、肥胖、耦齿 等倾向或者有导致体质下降的不 良行为习惯,应当进行必要的管 理、干预,并通知家长,督促、 指导家长实施矫治。学校应当完善管理制度,保障学 生在课间、课后使用学校的体育 运动场地、设施开展体育锻炼;A school shall improve its management system and guarantee that students use its sports venues and facilities for physical exercise during andafter class periods; and provide students and minors in the vicinity with access free of charge or at concessional rate as required during weekends and holidays.Article 32 A school shall establish a student mental health education management system, establish an early discovery and timely intervention mechanism for student mental health problems, and allocate full-time or part-time mental health education teachers as required, in addition to building psychological counseling rooms, or provide students with professional and tailored guidance and services by purchasing professional social work services and other means.A school with good conditions may regularly organize mental health assessments on its staff, guide and assist its staff in treating students with a positive and optimistic attitude.Article 33 A school may prohibit students from bringing smart terminal products such as mobile phones into the school or using them on campus; and place those brought into the school under unified management, and prohibit them from being brought into classrooms, except as needed for teaching.在周末和节假日期间,按规定向 学生和周边未成年人免费或者优 惠开放。第三十二条 学校应当建立 学生心理健康教育管理制度,建 立学生心理健康问题的早期发现 和及时干预机制,按照规定配备 专职或者兼职心理健康教育教 师、建设心理辅导室,或者通过 购买专业社工服务等多种方式为 学生提供专业化、个性化的指导 和服务。有条件的学校,可以定期组织教 职工进行心理健康状况测评,指 导、帮助教职工以积极、乐观的 心态对待学生。第三十三条学校可以禁止 学生携带手机等智能终端产品进 入学校或者在校园内使用;对经 允许带入的,应当统一管理,除 教学需要外,禁止带入课堂。第三十四条学校应当将科Article 34 A school shall incorporate scientific,civilized, safe, and reasonable use of the network into the content of the curriculum, educate students on cybersecurity, cyber-courtesy, and prevention of indulging in the network, and prevent and intervene in students' excessive use of the network.A network access facility provided by the school for students shall install online protection software for minors or adopt other security protection technical measures to prevent students from accessing information not suitable for minors; and if the school discovers that network products, services, or information contains content harmful to the physical and mental health of students or that a student uses the network to conduct illegal activities, the school shall immediately take measures and report to the appropriate department.Article 35 No one shall smoke or drink alcoholic beverages on campus. A school shall place conspicuous no smoking and no alcoholic beverages signs, and shall not use a brand of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages in the name of the school, a teaching building, a facility, equipment, or any teaching or competition activity of any type.学、文明、安全、合理使用网络 纳入课程内容,对学生进行网络 安全、网络文明和防止沉迷网络 的教育,预防和干预学生过度使 用网络。学校为学生提供的上网设施,应 当安装未成年人上网保护软件或 者采取其他安全保护技术措施, 避免学生接触不适宜未成年人接 触的信息;发现网络产品、服 务、信息有危害学生身心健康内 容的,或者学生利用网络实施违 法活动的,应当立即采取措施并 向有关主管部门报告。第三十五条 任何人不得在 校园内吸烟、饮酒。学校应当设 置明显的禁止吸烟、饮酒的标 识,并不得以烟草制品、酒精饮 料的品牌冠名学校、教学楼、设 施设备及各类教学、竞赛活动。第三十六条 学校应当严格 执行入职报告和准入查询制度, 不得聘用有下列情形的人员:Article 36 A school shall strictly implement the entry report and access i