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    2020届高三年级第一次模拟考试 英语试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答 题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What d i d the woman fa iI to see?A. A s i gn. B. A park i ng lot. C. A d i sab Ied person.2. What wiI I the man do?A. Take a course on I i ne. B. CaI I the same repa i rman. C. F i x the refr i gerator himself.3. Who wi I I the woman have d i nner with tonight?A. Tommy' s fami Iy. B. Her grandmother. C. Her co I I eagues i n Shangha i.4. Why does the boy Ii ke sharks?A. They are great swimmers. B. They make funny sounds. C. They are very smart.5. What i s the time?A. 6:00 p. m. B. 9:00 p. m. C. 10:00 pm.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。take a moment to think about that Iast point.That gives you a pause to collect your bwraeya tho. The on Iyget over a fear of pub I ic speak i ng is to do it, aga i n and aga i n. You wi I I have good and bad exper i ences but, i f you do it enough, you ' I I reaI ize that, occasionaI Iy, it' s fun.58. Accord i ng to the author, why i s pub Ii c speech important to the average?A. Fr iendships can be estab Ii shed through it.B. Pub Iic speeches can display our courage.C. There are more occasions for pubic speeches.D. It i s benef i c i a I to our way up the career I adder.59. Wh i ch of the following tips i s recommended by the author?A. Prepar i ng and writing down every deta i I.B. Displaying r i ght energy dur i ng the speech.C. Watch i ng famous films of pub Ii c speeches.D. Telling key points and buI let points apart.60. What view does the author hold about pub I i c speak i ng?A. It creates more and more fun if we stick to practice.B. It is easier to pract i se at home than to perform outside.C. Exper i ences of pub Iic speak i ng can del ight us sometimes.D. Attempts to g i ve pub Ii c speak i ng tend to fail i n the end.C.Throwing handfuIs of bread to bi rds has long been seen as harmless enough. But in recent years, some scientists have suggested that bread might not do bi rds' digest i ve systems any good, say ing that food rots down, the water qua I ity worsens and algal bI ooms can occur. PI us, by encouraging b i rds to gather i n one pI ace, the bui Id-up of dropp i ngs may result i n outbreaks of d i sease too. Meanwh i Ie, many cities have s i gns telling us not to feed pigeons and guI Is, which are considered an “ annoyance “ due to the mess they make, and scatter ing bread inevitably attracts rats and mice.It seems that the pub I i c has accepted these warnings, and that fewer of us now feed b i rds th i s way. In October, a s i gn went up i n a Derbysh i re park claiming that the I oca I b i rds were dy i ng of starvat i on, and urging visitors tofeed them as before. When on Ii ne posts about the notice went viral, feathers fIew as peopIe debated the benef i ts of hand i ng out bread to b i rds.Pau I Stand iffe of the Br it i sh Trust for Ornithology(BTO) points out that there ev i dence for s insufficient sc bread harming bi rds, adding that, as I itt Ie research has been done, it couId even turn out to be benef i c i a I. "Wejust don' know, “ he says. AI though bread i s a heavi ly processed“unnatural " food i ntended for humans, that a I one may be i nsuff i c i ent grounds for not feed i ng it to b i rds.In the 1980s, the Wi Idfowl &Wet I and Trust (WWT) carr i edout a comparative study of different flocksof mute swans, and the b i rds thatof mute swans, and the b i rds thatconsumed the most bread hadweaker muse Ies, implying that a bread-heavy d i et mightbe the cause."Our off i c i a IIi ne i s that bread i s okay for ducks, geese andswans, buton Iy i n moderat i on,on Iy i n moderat i on,"says WWT' sPeter Morr i s. a However, th i s adv i ce comes with severaI other warn i n The fi rsti s that it's bestoffered i n wiwteen there i s I ess pI ant and i nsect food around, d In spr i ng and summer, too muchart i f i c i a I food maynot be a good idea, s i nee young b i rds have to I earn how to look after themseIves and naturaIfood wiI I conta i n awider range of nutr ients to he Ip them grow.“Just Ii ke us, b i rds need a var ied diet to stayhealthy,“says a spokesperson for the RoyaIProtect ion of Bi rds (RSPB).“ Although ducks,geswemsidan d i gest a I I types of bread, too much canI eave them fee I i ng fuI I without giving them a I I of theI eave them fee I i ng fuI I without giving them a I I of theimportant vitamins, mineraIs and nutr ients they need.1When b i rd feed i ng f i rst became popuI ar i n the UK i n the 19th century, some Victor i ans encouraged tough I ove, arguing that such handouts wouId only make our feathered fr iends Iazy and dependent on welfare. Morr i s says that there i s a theory that wi Id bi rds can get “ hooked 3n easy meaIs, losing interest in other types of food. Another danger, he says, i s that bi rds fed reguI ar Iy end up accustomed to humans, placing themseIves at greater r i sk of predation(捕食).61. How can feeding bi rds with bread affect our urban Iife?A. Bi rds ' ess can attract many rats and mice.B. Bi rds ' gather i ng i n one pI ace d i sturbs our peace.C. Bread goes bad and the water qua Iity wi I I suffer.D. Human bei ngs are Ii keIy to be infected with bi rd fIu.62. If b i rds re Iy on a bread-heavy d i et, there i s a strong poss i b i Ii ty that.A. they wi I I become b i gger i n s i ze with stronger muse IesB. I ack of certa i n nutr i ents negat i veIy i nfIuences the i r heaI thC. the i r d i gest i ve system wi I I be damaged by artificial foodD. they would soon choose bread rather than naturaI food.63. Where does the sentence “Such moraIi z i ng sounds oId-fash i oned nowadays, but may have a gra i n of truth, b" est su i t?A.B.C.D.64. What i s the best title for th i s passage?A. Is feed ing bi rds a wi se choice?B. Whynot feedour b i rd ne i ghbours?C.Can we treat b i rds as fr i ends? D.Whendo b i rdsneed our food a i d?D.Despite a I I the ways we have to i nteract with others, people still fee I isolated and lone. Lone Ii ness i s an i ncreas i ng prob I emso much so that, I ast year, the government i ntroduced a Ionel iness strategy andmini ster for Ionel iness. We used to taIk of the condition i n relation to older peopIe but rare Iy gender. It may come as a surpr i se then that so many of those affected by Ionel iness are men.A recent YouGov survey for Movember, a char ity event that ra i ses awareness of men' sh asked men about the i r fr i endsh i ps and whether they had peopIe outs i de the i r homes they couId swap the i r worr i es with. Ha If of men asked sa i d they had two or fewer fr i ends and one i n e i ght had nonethat ' s 2.5 million menwith no close fr i ends. Even worse, men's fr i end Iessness doubIes between the i r ear Iy 20s aI ate middle age.Isolation can have phys icaI and mentaI heaI th imp Iicat ions. A 2017 report by the Commi ss i on on Lone Ii ness sa i dI one Ii ness i s as harmfuI to heaI th as smok i ng 15 c i garettes a day. Research shows cor re I at i on between I one Ii ness and heart d i sease and strokes, and other stud i es assoc i ate I one Ii ness withdepression. However, why are so many men affected? In our Iatest podcast, psychotherap i st Noe I Be I I says some men fee I they have to be se If-re I i ant. Due to widespread soci a I stereotypes (亥U板印象),i t can bev i ewed as a sign of weakness for men to admit they have a prob Iem, express the i r deepest fee I i ngs or d i scuss a ser i ous persona I top i c.Perhaps due to the way generat i ons of men have been ra i sed, it i s often difficult to recogn i ze fee Ii ngs of Ioneliness i n the first pI ace. Behavioural differences between boys and girls are not naturaI Iy born at b i rth, they are soc i a I i sed. Girls are stereotyp i caI Iy seen as more emot i onaI and taIkat i ve and so the i r commun i cat i ve and express ive skills are more vaIued than those of boys by parents and teachers, accord ing to researchers.For some men, hav i ng a partner and a fami ly can somewhat shelter them from the negat i ve effects of I one Ii ness一一 -but what i f the i r persona I c i rcumstances change? After a relationship breaks down or there i s a loss of you be Ioved, some men find the i r fr i ends have dr ifted away and they have no one to taIk to. Soc i a I med i a can be benef i c i a I i f it Ieads to i nteract i on i n the reaI worId, but on I i ne networks are no substitute for face-to-face fr iendshipsthe number of I ikes on your most recent post does not compare with genuine connect ion.Soc i a I activities such as team sports aren' t for everyone and, i f you ' re a I readyfee Ii ng I it can be difficult to build the conf i dence to enter those env i ronments and connect over a shared i nterest. There i s a I so the danger that some ma Ie-domi nated soc i a I env i ronments encourage dr i nk i ng a I coho I and may not be the r i ght pI aces for those who are fee Ii ng the mentaI heaI th effects of i so I at i on. That sa i d, “ shouIderto shouIder ' acti ivneteractions for men, such as exerc i se, especially runn i ng, are proven to be benef i c i a I. But such activities do not i nterest a I I men and th i s i s where psychotherapy (心理疗法) can be ofpart i cuI ar use.Don t suffer i n s i Ience. A psychotherap i st i s not a fr i end, nor i s therapy a subst i tute for a mean i ngfuI fr i endsh i p. A therap i st will, however, he Ip a cI i ent i dent i fy what may be creat i ng barr i ers to them bu i Id i ng support i ve fr i endsh i ps and determine the factors that may be caus i ng the i r fee Ii ngs of i so I at i on. A therap i st wi I I work with the cIi ent to address the i r i ssues, prov i d i ng a fa i r, non-judgementaI space i n wh i ch a I one Iy person can work out what i s best for them and how to move towards a more conn3ected and contented Ii fe. Bell, a famous therap i st, says too many men enter therapy on Iy when a situation has reached crisis point andhe encourages men not to bottIe up the i r emot i ons." Ref Iect i ng on your fee I i ngs i s heaI thy andnorma I, says.65. Who used to be the pr ime victims of Ioneliness?A. Junior students. B. Isolated ministers.C. Mature men.D. Senior citizens.66. What does the survey done by YouGov imply?A. Men tend to expand the i r soc i a I circle after the i r adolescence.B. Young and mi ddIe-aged ma Ie adults suffer more from I one Ii ness.C. Lone Iiness rema ins at the same level despite different ages.D. Deep fr i endsh i ps are difficult to ma i nta i n between the ma Ies.67. Accord i ng to the Nobe I Bell, men' s Ioneliness i s re Ievant to A. the fear of dy i ng of heart d i sease and strokesB. the depress i on popuI ar among men of a I I agesC. the conventionaI view on how men shouId behaveD. the i r re Ii ance on outs i de ass i stance through hardsh i psIn terms of social stereotypes, girls are better atA. gaining sympathy from menB. hiding the i r true emot i onsC. d i sc i pI i n i ng the i r own behavior D. interacting with other peopIeWhy does the author merit ion social med ia in Paragraph 5?A. To stress the importance of reaI interaction to men.B. To i ntroduce a poss ibIe way out of Ioneliness for men.C. To contradict the be I i ef that men fee I lonely on I i neD. To i I Iustrate how social med i a can re Ii eve depress i on.68. When might a psychotherap i st be of part i cuI ar use?A. When there i s no substitute for the current therapy.B. Not unti I a man is fully conscious of the crisis point?C. When act i ve i nteract i ons fa i I to attract a I one Iy man.D. After a man i s excIuded from a team of common i nterests.第四部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填1个单词。This i s a stranger truth that anyone older than 25 wi I I a I ready know: as Ii fe goes on, time seems to speed up.Think back to chiIdhood when hoiidays seemed to Iast forever and you attended a schooI for what felt Iike decades.Now consider Iast year, bycontrast, andit probabIyracedby. As thosein thei r 30s and40s wi I I know,the effectgets worse with ageand,for peopIe i nthe i r 70s,ayearcanfI ash byi n what seems Ii ke days. " Where d i d thetime go? " we wonder.One study found thatif you ' re40, assumingyouI iveto be 80, your I ife, interms of yoursubjectiveexper i ence of time, i s a I ready 70 percentgone. Itsailrather terrifying. Fortunate Iy,though, youhave power to change th i ngs.The best exp Ianat i on i s that memor i es seem Ionger when our bra i ns have to process more i nformat i on. Ch iIdhood and young adulthood are fu I I of noveltythe f i rst time you rode a bike, had a romance, go jobbut, as we getoIder, things get more rout ine. You can test this out by recaI Iing a recent exper ience of novelty in your I ife, such as traveI. A few years back, I went ski i ng for the first time, and that four-day tr i p still fee Is " long " . 一 Bduatyapfeoru i ord i n my ord i nary Ii fe zooms by too quickly for me to notice.One so Iut i on, then, i sobv i ous:do Iotsof new stuff. Travel more, i f you can, andto unfami I iar pI aces.Try new hobb ies and meet newpeop Ieyou 'I I be tax i ng your bra i n, and the result wi II be a I ife thatfee I sIonger,more expans i ve and mean i ngfuI. But smaI I er changes work, too: even alter ing the route you take to the office, read i ng different kinds of noveIs orvaryingwhere you buy your sandwich at Iunchtime wi I I havesome impact.But nove I ty can on I y goso far. Bes i des,a fulfilling I i fe requ i res rout i ne: you can' btu i I d deep re I at i onsh i ps, sor r i se through the ranks at work i f youor r i se through the ranks at work i f youre always switching fr iends or jobs or evenThat ' s why the Buddh i st teacher Sh i nzen Young suggests an add i t i ona I strategy: I earn to meditate ( 冥想).Even a few minutes a day wi I I enhance your concentration, and the better you get at concentrating, the more information your bra i n wi I I take i n dur ing any exper ience, no matter how bor i ng.I I be more prespastsaIedst imeYou' I I be making your whole Iife a IittIe more noveI. Youwi I Iquickly; i n effect, you ' I I extend-ywi i i ht i j i ut magic pills or groundbreak i ng med i caI technology.Title: How to stop time speeding upPassage out IineSupport i ng deta iIsA truth fami liar to (71) Everythingseemed to Iast longer in our chi Idhood, (72) ho I i days. With peopIe (73), the worsen i ng effect makes them be Ii evetime goes faster and faster.Findings of a previous studyThere exi sts an explicit gap be


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