课程教学大纲课程基本信息(Course Information)课程代码(Course Code)BU426*学时(Credit Hours)32*学分 (Credits)2*课程名称(Course Name)创业机会识别New Venture Insight课程性质(Course Type)公选课程授课对象(Target Audience)本科生、研究生授课语言(Language of Instruction)中文*开课院系 (School)安泰经济与管理学院先修课程 (Prerequisite)无*课程简介(Description)中国进入了大众创业、万众创新的新时代。然而,创新创业的“九死一生”高风 险特点导致众人踌躇不前。若能发现低风险高收益的创业机会,则将大大提高创 业吸引力。本课程致力于识别低风险高收益的创业机会,以提高创新创业能力及 其成功率。主耍教学内容包括:创业机会识别的流程要点、创新思维方式、风险 控制方法,特别是低风险高收益创业机会的识别方法;结合互联网+改变制造业 与服务业的众多创业案例,总结成功经验与失败教训1,探讨未来3年内创业机会。 课程教学目标是系统掌握创业机会识别的理论方法并学以致用指导学员自己的 创新创业实践。课程亮点在于现场指导并优化学生自己的创意,以开阔思路,推 动创业实践。修过此课的学员多数反馈受益匪浅、脑洞大开,激发了创业欲望, 目前已促成数起创业企业。*课程简介(Description)China comes into the era of mass entrepreneurship and innovation. But high risk of innovation make people hesitate to do. More opportunities with low risk and high benefit will attract more people to start new venture. This course is devoted to recognize the opportunities with low risk and high benefit in order to improve the capability and success rate of entrepreneurship and innovation. Main contents include: keynotes of opportunities recognition process, innovative thinking model, risk control methods, especially the recognition methods of opportunities with low risk and high benefit; through several entrepreneurship cases of optimizing the manufacturing industries and service industries by internet thinking, successful experience and failure lessons, further the opportunities in 3 years are discussed. The course object is to systematically master theory and method of entrepreneurship opportunities recognition, and to be used to his/her entrepreneurship practice. The highlight of course is guiding and optimizing the students/ originalities so as to broaden their thinking and push their practices. Most of the students who attend this备注说明:course reflect that the course open their mind and motivate their desire to start new venture. Up to now several invested new venture are setup.课程教学大纲(Course Syllabus)*学习目标(Learning Outcomes)1 .掌握创业机会的识别流程要点、风险控制方法与创新思维方式等知识。2 .通过互联网+改变制造业与服务业的众多案例剖析,培育识别低风险高收益创 业机会的能力。3 .通过学员自身创业案例的实践,探讨多种优化方案,提升创业能力与创新素 质。*教学内容进度安排及要求(Class Schedule &Requirements)教学内容学时教学方式作业及要求基本要求考查方式创业机会识 别流程要点2讲授与讨论TBATBA课堂考查创新思维方 式2讲授与讨论TBATBA课堂考查创业机会风 险控制方法2讲授与讨论TBATBA课堂考查低风险高收 益创业机会 的识别方法2讲授与讨论TBATBA课堂考查互联网+改变 制造业案例8案例分析与 讨论TBATBA课堂考查互联网+改变 服务业案例8案例分析与 讨论TBATBA课堂考查学员自身创 业案例8案例分析与 讨论TBATBA课堂考查*考核方式(Grading)平时成绩占40%、期末大作业占60%*教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Materials)(美)隆内克等著、郭武文等译,创业机会,华夏出版社,2002年。其它(More)备注(Notes).带*内容为必填项,英语授课课程需另提交一份英文填写版本。1 .课程简介字数为300-500字;课程大纲以表述清楚教学安排为宜,字数不限。