o 郑 o o 塌 o 宅 o 2022年新高一英语暑假刷讲专项讲义8题号四五六七总分得分绝密启用前考试范围:XXX;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:XXX学校:姓名:班级:考号:注意事项:1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时' 将答案写在答题卡上, 写在试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(选择题)一、单选题(本大题共56小题,共56.0分)1. Water is very for those buried in the mine.()A. clearB. controversial C. commonD. critical2. Our chemistry teacher the experiment in the lab before we did the experiment byourselves.()A. stimulatedB. sponsoredC. demonstratedD. attached3. The topic is well worth talking about.We shall, return to it in the next lesson.()A. howeverB. otherwiseC. besidesD. therefore4. He an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.()A. protectedB. producedC. joinedD. received5. Students are advised to keep the list of books near the desk for easy.()A. referenceB. preferenceC. purposeD. function6. I did well in the English exam last week.I did.1 got a full mark.()A. no betterB. no worseC. even worseD. not better7. The teacher wrote an example on the blackboard to the point.()A. illustrateB. suggestC. expressD. recognizeIf you wan 二 o _ake good care of your eyes and visiopI encourage you to adopt: the habit of b-mkmg (咫束)soft-y as of_en as possible Frequen- and genrcrb-mkmg is importan 二 o mainrain heals-y eyes and good vision because it helps _0 keep your eyes coa_ed with three beneficia二ayers (而)of rears-The Hrsr-ayer ofears -ies righr up agamsts-e whites of your eyesaand provides an even coar of proremrich moisture (ZK6) for the second layer to stick to The middle wasry layer he-ps -O wash away foreign dust, ItE-so provides your eyes with mmendy a varie-y of pro-emy and m2.scre The third ouer layer of rears is somewhar oily Ir servesopreventrhe middle warery layer from drying quicklyand smooths your eyes If your eyes are no- regular-y coa-ed with the three layers ofears described abov9 rhey wi二 be short of mois-ure and coanmga and they Wil- be urmecessar 二 y Hred One of rhe reasons why many of us don - rzink as ofren as we shoE-d is fhaf we don - r see frequen- blinking in mainstream media, Ac_ors and news preservers are typically gamedo blink as infrequent-y as possible" so when we take in most forms of mediaour minds learn rhar itisn- - normal_0 b-ink frequenuy-To fu二y support: your eyes and visiopit- s bes-_ozmk soft-y every _wo to four seconds which translates -o abo£fifteenofhirry b=nks per minure- By making an effort: to sosy b=nk ar this rar9 over rimp your body will -Um your efforrss-ro a habFK you - re thinking thm such frequent blinking will make reading a book or viewing a movie uncomfortabpgive ir a try and you-二 see right: away rhari- doesn- -rake away from these experiences ar a=, 107, wha- does rhe author sugges-m rhe Sxt7A Taking good care of our eyes by eye exercises.B QOS-ng and opening our eyes frequency and gen二y.0- Mam-aining hea一rhy eyes_0 prevent: nearSighredness-D Crying as of-cn as possible to gain three layers of -ears. s8- What is the second paragraph mainly about?A The classification of rears.B The causes of rhree layers of rears.c- The functions of three layers of rears-D- The importance of the firs 二 ay er of -ears 109, How does -he aufho二hink of blinking frequen=y when reading) A Annoying B Disagreeable, c Stupid D Harm-ess,搬一 0刘洋54同请不要在装订线内答题、二改二 0- What is the bes 二 itofor -he rex_7A Keep Eyes coa-ed with as Many Layers of Tears as PossibleB Try Frequenr Blinking for Healthier Eyes and Better Vision c- Acrors and News Presenters Ser Us a Bad Example in Lifestyle D B-mkmg Lowers -he Experiences When Reading or Seeing a F=mBWhen Jane Gooda= was 6during worsWar n she was ohen woken by a-arms (喉速), The sound warned that enemy planes were flying over her towpHer Hrtcrsister would nmorhe bomb shelter. Bu- Gooda= refused -o move二I did not wan- -o -cave my bed" she said.二They had _0 rake me down with a= my bedcorhes from my bed*-Tha- same stubbornness (回洋)- ed he 二。become rhe world- s besTknown bioogist,In 196Pshe SByed for months in rhe foresrs of Tanzania in Africpwaitmg for chimpanzees (B 崎漪)-0 accept: hen When rhey dip Goodall was able_0 observe them up close and discover -ha二hey could use rools, In 1962 Imiversi-y professors criticized (懿净 Goodall for using human names and emotions to describe chimps.二I was nor against -hem二 she says.二I jus- quietly went on doing what I knew was righr.二 She believes that: chimps are smart: SOCE animalswhich is now widely accepredIn -9863 Gooda-1 wenroa meeting on habi_aross -hat changed her ideas about na-ure- She no- on-y jus- did researchabu- a-so began a schedule of -rave- and chari-y work,After 35 yea? she- s st 三 on rhejob Gooda二 shares her Hfe story 5 ge- people aware of environmental prorecrionBefores-e COVIDE Goodall traveled 300 days a year,She spoke a- school ga-hermgs and -a-k shows- Since March 202PGoodall has suspended her trav2-s However" she has taken ho-e-s and - ec-ure ha二s as her bedroom fo 二 he pas- year and a ha-f- Her dsermination _0 spread her message keeps herrhere for hours each day- Gooda二 doey on averagerhree virUia 二 ecHres or interviews be-ween breakfast: and bedrimpHer s-ories leave audiences fe2mg hopeful abour our planer,二 1 - What does rhe author want 5 re= usin paragraph 1 7A Gooda=-s beautiful childhood was ruined.B Gooda 三 s family were not poased wi-h herc Gooda 一二ived a poorlife when she was liseD Gooda二 has been determined since her ch二dhood.112 What did Gooda二 do 一0 gaaong with chimpanzees*?A She trained -hem to become smaRB She -aughr -hem -o use tools.c She -reared -hem a-mos- as humans.D She observed them in rhe disrance.113 Why did Gooda二 start her travel and charity work*?A To make people pro-ec二he environmentB. To have a meeting on habi-ar loss.c To furrher her research abou- nature.D. To share her life sro一es in Tanzania.114- What does rhe undefined word -suspended二 in the -as- paragraph mean 7 A Remembered, B Planned c Increased- D, stropped.cA bunch of strangers showed up ats-e gym in - he early morning ofs-e - asr Sunday of April. A few ath-eres were already srraching -heir arm? bur mosr of us cozd barely focus,As I was burning off -asr nighr- s wrong decision a big mea-31 spoiled a pos-er about: a gym - s 21 day workou- Cha=eng9 and I immedias-y signed up I a-ways wantedotrain for a marathopso I considered -his as my warmup- BesidesI neededos_op being - azy and -his was my chanceo make a change-=was easyOpromise on paper" bu-rhree weeks of recommended exercise rou 二 nes (野浩) and die-restrictions wou 一 dn- t be easy,I stuck to working our 30 mmuCDs a dayand I didn- t disturb my norma - routine- Instead" I hadobe faced wirh 一 he rough work of being more creative in my spare Hmethus breaking some bad habits- Overcoming weaknesses wi_h w 三 power (»济壮)was my goa- for rhe nex- par- of the joumcy, Bur the difficult: parr abour making a challenge is realizings-ar - wanting - and - doing- are -wo very differen二hmgs Just like a careeryou have -o physical-y work for ir rathe二han just wait for i- to happen. Bur rhar- s hard. Throughout: rhe 21 daysI often -old myse-f -hat rhe cha二enge was meaningless and tried_0 sabotage mys2f from exercising- However" fina二y I overcame rhar negarives-oughr and kepr working our, A二he end of -he Cha=eng9 I learned something even more impom: FeeHng rhe results is搬一 2刘洋54同o内o装o订o线o请不要在装订线内答题o夕卜o装o订o线o、二改bate 二 han seeing -hem- I had fewer headaches and more energyand was simp - y happier, I even fell a litre smarter as I researched which foods were better for my bodyand -earned how omake he 巴Her meaFI fel- a sense of accomp二shmenr" _O9 because even -hough I wardedo give up dozens of rimey I didn- I felr my waist gor smaller and my arms got strongeryand I noonger fe= gui-ry af-er having a piece of cake or a drmr 115 wha- was the author- s wrong decision?A Going 3 the gym ear-y B Training for a mararhoF c Eating ao二 he previous nighL D- s-oppmg being lazy for a change 116 wha-is paragraph 2 mainly about:7 A. Some of The aurhor- s bad hab-fs.B. Some ways of rhe author- s k三ing his spare rime- c The importance of sticking tos-e normal daily routine D- The difflcu一ty of -he author- s keeping on with -he workou- p-an 117 wha- doess-e imderHned word -saborage- in paragraph 3 probably mean? A, prevent, B, Hear, c, Improve, D, Distinguish, 118 wha- did the authorcram from -he workou- chal-eng% A, Eating healthy food is more impor-an二han exercising- B Overcoming a challenge cou-d bring good feelings ro him c It- s more important: -o see wha- he Hkes than jus- fee- h D There was no need to feel gui=y about: -hings he disliked -o do.DInsec-S have difficulty handling 一he rising -emperature brough- on by c-imas change,The ab = ryoreproduce is also strongly affec-ed by rising remperaturey even in norfhem areas of the worsaccording_0 a new sHdy from Lund University in Sweden- Inscc-S cannot change their own body rcmpcraturpwhich is strongly influenced by the -emperarure ins-eir immedias environment,In the current scdwrhe researchers studied two cosely re-ared species of dragonflies (SB) in Sweden- The goal was ro undersrand rheir abi 三 y _0 adaprochanges inompeatureTo study -his=he researchers used a combination of fie-d work in southern Sweden and thermography (遂烫密直斗)"a rechnoogy -ha- makes i- possibleomeasure body -emperarure in nacral condi 二 ons The mformaro-n was then conedothe survival rass and reproductive success ofs-e dragonflies in -heir Hal populations- The srudy shows tha 二 he survivorship of the dragonflies is high at relativelyow smperatures (15OC 20Q) The reproductive ability is higher at temperatures berween 20OC and 30o.会 There is therefore a smperaturedependenr prob - cm baween survival ons-e one hand and rhe ab = i_y 5 reproduce on rhe o-her hand:says Erik svensso?professor a 二 he Department: of Biology a- Lund universitywho led -he s_udy The study also shows tha 二 he dragonfliesyability to handle heaTrelared stress is limired. Insecrs are coEbooded animals" so they rely on outside sources such as -he sun or hof sones -o raise -heir body 范 mperacrpncour resu 一-s show -ha- coEbooded animals can suffer from overheating even if they Hve far up in the nor-hem areasand tha二heir ability _0 changeheir body smpera-ure against: rising outside temperature is Hmisd The results also challenge a popu - ars-eory -hat animals” p-asticity 箴里Bcan help -hem survive under harsher environmenL such as during heat wavessays Erik SVQnssop二 9 What is rhe purpose ofs-e scdypA To find rhe relationship berween survival ra-e and remperarure. B To figure ou 二 he difficuses of northern msec-sy adaption c To show dragonfliesy ab=ity to deal wi_h changes in -emperarure. D To prove animals - plas二c二y in 一he hor environment 12。What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A The way of -he study. B The resu-r of -he study- c The importance of the study- D The object: of -he study. 121 - Whaf can be -earned from Erik Svenssonys study) A Insecrsy survival has nothing0 do wrh remperarures B,nsecrs showow survival raKs arower temperatures- c Insects change body -emperatures -o improve survival rates. D Insec-S have higher reproductive ab=iry befween 20 oc and 30OC. 122 What does rhe under-med word 底harsherin the -as- paragraph probab-y mean】搬一 4刘洋54同请不要在装订线内答题、二改A, More comfortable B, More discuF c. More suifab5 D, More p-easanr. 岳,西河上雷w(畀叶图壮5 3图9壮一。06) Trave=mg is supposed -o be relaxingbut if you are nor carefuL i- can become s-ressfuL Here are sevend things you need 10 check beforeravelling-Pack your suitcase carefully(1) You can do rhis a few days before leaving so that you won - r forger any-hmg impoilanL like an umbrella or simglassesin case ir rains or an extra pair of shoes in case rhe ones you" re wearing break, You can also pack an extra bag in case you - = need ir for shopping。(2)If you re planningostay at a ho_CL _he firs 二 hing you need to do is make your reservariop When making a reservationpay atanrion to whats included in your vacation packagessuch as breakfast: or transporratiop The earlier you book it 二 he bet-er since hor2-s -endobecome fu=y booked during peak seasons-Check _he wea-her foreCas-Knowing aboutrhe weather is impom for a happy travel. Checking weas-er forecasts can help you decide whar i-ems _0 bring like sunglasses umbrellas or raincoars (3). Especiallywhen you are gave三ng somewhere far from hom9 iT s possiblehar extreme weather conditions may occur any rime-Make a list of imporfan- phone numbersMake sure you have some important: phone numbers. (4). You can also store rhem on your mob=e phone so rha- you can easily access -hem if needed Make some extra copies in case something happens with the firs- copy-Remember to charge your smartphoneBefore -rave-mg3 make sure -hat your smartphone is a= charged up- IT s imporran二o keep ir fully powered if you need _0 use i二。search for dTecrions and addresses" or upload pictures* (5) .A Search for an hoelm advanceB Make a reservation for your dinnerc- wH-e -hem down on a sheet of paper123. A. AEB. BC. CD. DE.F. FG. G124. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG. G125. A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG. G126. A. AB.BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.G127. A. AB.BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.G128.第H卷(非选择题) o * o 瑞 於 * * o * o * * oo 堞媒 * * *o o * 女* * o* o *D It' s best to do it a few days before leavingE. It' s also best not to forget the wire and chargerEnsure that you have everything packed for your tripF. Checking weather forecasts can help you pack for the trip五、单句语法填空(本大题共31小题,共3L0分)129. Up to now, a number of tests(conduct) to make sure that it has no side effects.130. In the past few years the company(aid) the villagers in setting up m