托福听力备考2大热门课外教材用法指点训练托福听力,考生除了要使用各类考试相关的练习教材来进行提 升外,也同样要结合各类优质的课外听力材料练习听力基本功。下面 我就和大家共享托福听力备考2大热门课外教材用法教导,盼望能够 关心到大家,来观赏一下吧。托福听力备考2大热门课外教材用法教导托福听力备考课外教材用法教导:SSSSSS 全名是 Scientific Americans Sixty-second Science,也就 是俗称的60秒。60秒的科学美国人是托福听力题目的重要来源之一, 而且它的语速要快于正式考试的,习惯了它的语速之后,再去听一下 正式考试的模考听力,就会是一片柳暗花明,托福竟然也开头变得如 此友好了。使用方法:1、第一遍,盲听,找到其中的关键词;2、其次遍,争取知道大致内容;3、第三遍,一句一句地听写;4、将听写好的材料与原文进行对比,看看那些地方写错了;5、最终再听一遍,达到可以用简洁的英文或者中文复述的程度。托福听力备考课外教材用法教导:TEDTED 全名是 Technology, Entertainment and Design,是一系列讲 座性质的视频材料。TED演讲的主旨是:Ideas worthspreading.每 一年的三月份,TED大会会在北美召集众多科学、设计、文学、音乐 等领域的杰出人物,以此来共享他们关于科学、社会、人的思索跟探 究。我们一般用TED的演讲材料来做泛听。使用方法:1、第一遍,关闭字幕,理解讲座大意;2、其次遍,对比字幕,修正偏差。托福听力练习对比文本At last months meeting you asked me to draw up a report about the possibility of keeping the student center open twenty-four hours a day.在上个月的会议上你们要求我起草一个报告,关于保持同学中心每 天24小时开放的可能性。I decided that the best way to assess the need for expanded hours was to talk to the people who were still in the student center at closing time.我推断评估增加小时数的需求的最好方法是与在关闭时间依旧在 同学中心里面的人谈谈。First, over the course of the two weeks, I interviewed more than fifty students as they left the student center at its regular closing time of twelve midnight.首先,在过去两周的进程中,我面谈了超过五十名同学,当他们在通常的午夜12点的关闭时间离开同学中心时。About eighty percent of them said they would prefer that the center stay open later.他们中的大约百分之八十说,他们更喜爱中心保持开放更晚些。Of the three main uses of the center一eating in the snack bar, recreation in the game room or watching TV, and studying by far the most popular late night activity is一and this may surprise you一studying.中心的三大用途一一在快餐部吃东西,在消遣室消遣或看电视,以 及学习,目前为止最普遍的深夜活动是一一这或许会让你们很惊异 学习。Almost all of the people I talked to said that their main reason for being in the center after ten p. m. was to study in groups or to find a quiet place to study because their dorm was too noisy.和我谈过的几乎全部的人都说,他们晚上10点之后呆在中心的主 要缘由是小组学习或者是找一个宁静的地方学习,由于他们的宿舍太 吵闹了。Of course, many of these people used the snack bar or TV room for breaks.当然,很多这些人使用快餐部或者电视房来休息。My recommendation is that we ask the administration to keep the center open after midnight for studying.我的建议是我们要求管理部门在午夜后保持中心开放用来学习。The recreation room and snack bar can still close at the usual time.消遣室和快餐部照旧在通常的时间关闭。This should meet the objection that it costs too much to staff the center from midnight to eight a. m. , which Im sure will be the first response.这应当符合异议,就是从午夜到上午8点给中心配备工作人员成本 太高,这点我确定会是第一个反应。托福听力练习对比文本As Dr. Miller mentioned, were trying to recruit volunteers for the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary.正如Miller博士所提及的,我们正在试图为Hawk Mountain自然 爱护区招募志愿者。But before I get into the details of the volunteer program, Id just like to tell you a little about what we do there.但是在我进入志愿者项目的细节之前,我想告你们一点关于我们在 那里做什么(的事)One of our main jobs is to keep detailed records of the migration patterns of raptors.我们的主要工作之一是记载猛禽类迁徙模式的具体记录。For those of you who dont know, raptors are birds of prey, like hawks and eagles.对于你中不了解的(人来说),猛禽是捕食的鸟类,比如隼和鹰。Between August and December, we see around twenty different species migrating from Canada and New England.在八月和十二月之间,我们观察大约二十种不同的种类(的raptors) 从加拿大迁移到新英格兰。About 20,000 birds. Part of what attracts them to Hawk Mountain is the location on the East Ridge of the Appalachian Mountains.大约20000只鸟,吸引它们到Hawk山脉的部分(缘由)是在 Appalachian山脉东部山脊的位置。What happens is that the sun warms the ridge in such a way that air currents are formed.发生的事情是太阳以这样一种方式暖和了山脊,气流(因此)被形成 了。The birds just sort of glide along on the air, so they use up very little energy.鸟类仅仅在肯定程度上在空气中滑行,所以它们只消耗很少的能量。As volunteers, youll be helping us keep accurate counts of the raptors.作为志愿者,你们将关心我们记录猛禽的精确数量。Any drop in number could mean somethings gone wrong in the environment because of pesticides or disease, even hunting.任何在数字上的下降都意味着在环境中有事情出了问题,由于农药 或疾病,甚至捕猎(导致的)。We just had a scare with the broad-winged hawks.我们刚刚在宽翅鹰上有一个惊吓(被宽翅鹰吓了一跳)。Their numbers have dropped drastically over the last ten years.他们的数量在过去十年中急剧下降。It was suggested that the birds may have changed their migratory route.这提示了鸟类可能转变了他们的迁移途径。So for 11 days we had several hundred volunteers一stationed every five miles一to observe and count.所以在11天里,我们有数百志愿者一一每五英里设站一一来观看 并计数。And sure enough, they discovered that instead of hugging the Appalachians as theyd always done, the broad-wings were cutting a wider path over the Delaware River.果不其然,他们发觉宽翼(鸟/鹰)在Delaware河上开拓了一个更宽 广的航道而不是像他们始终做的那样拥抱阿巴拉契亚山脉Needless to say, we were greatly relieved.不用说,我们大大地松了一口气。