精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上生命绳试验方案Test Plan of Life Line1. 编制说明Introduction根据钢结构工程施工安全的需要,确保施工人员在高空作业行走安全,Team A 钢结构区域2M及2M以上施工区域需搭设生命线。生命线拟定每个节间范围内设两名作业人员。每名作业人员按0.7KN计。As per requirements of safety work during installation of steel, life line should be fixed at working areas that is higher than 2 meters (included 2 meters) in Team A to ensure the safety of workmen at height. Designate two workmen in every section of life line. Take each workman for 0.7 KN when calculating.2. 技术要求Technical Requirement利用已有钢柱、钢梁,采用捆绑。卡环固定在柱两端,设置不高于1500M,9.3钢丝绳。生命线的绑扎不得少于三个锁扣,同时为了确保生命线处于拉紧状态,一段必须安装一个花篮螺丝,用来调节松紧度。为了减少钢丝绳挠度并编制计算长度,沿线按不大于8000设置一个中间立杆。Use steel columns, beams when binding. Clasp will be fixed at the ends of column. Steel wire of 19.3, which is lower than 1500 meters, will be equipped. In order to ensure the life line is stressed, use at least three turn buckle to adjust the tightness when binding the life line. To decrease the deflection of steel wire and calculate the length, set an upright pole which is less than 8000.3. 搭设步骤Steps of Fixing1) 生命线:绳扣、花篮螺丝等材料必须用正规厂家并经TOYO检查合格后的产品。Life line: materials such as cord lock and turn buckle manufactured by qualified manufacturers should get inspected and approved by TOYO.2) 生命线必须由持有有效证件的架子工搭设。Life line should be fixed by scaffold workers who has effective certificate.3) 生命线搭设完毕,必须经TOYO检验,并在第一次使用前做冲击试验,合格后挂牌使用。When the life line is installed, inspection should be performed by TOYO. Execute impact experiment before initial usage. Hang tag if qualified.4) 在使用周期内,必须经常维护检查。发现问题及时处理。During using period, regular maintenance and inspection should be carried out. Solve problem timely.5) 对重复搭设使用的生命线必须仔细检查夹头、钢丝绳的磨损情况。如磨损情况超出规定标准,应及时更换。For repeatedly used life line, check the wearing condition of collets, steel wires carefully. If wearing exceeds the allowable range of specifications, change should be made for worn parts.4. 计算1) 钢丝绳计算根据立柱间距,考虑钢柱顶部1kN的水平荷载,4kN竖向荷载,荷载示意如下图所示(单位:kN)According to the distance between posts, and 1kN horizontal load and 4kN vertical load on top of post, see below:计算结果 Calculation result:应力比及节点反力分别如下图所示:Stress ratio and reaction force on connection see below: 应力比图 节点反力图Stress ratio diagram Reaction force diagram由上图可知,最大应力比为0.91<1.0,满足规范要求。From the above figure, we know that the Max. stress ratio is 0.91<1.0,which meets the design requirement.2)焊缝及螺栓验算 Calculation of weld seams and bolt.焊缝验算 Calculation of weld seams由节点反力图,得知最大节点反力X、Z方向分别为3.4kN、3.5kNFrom the reaction force diagram, we know that the Max. force on X and Z direction is 3.4kN、3.5kN.L63×5角钢与圆钢柱角焊缝连接,采用双面角焊缝,焊缝高度4mm,长度50mm,则L63x5 angle is connected to tube post by double side fillet welding with height of 4mm and length of 63mm, so =13.5MPa<160MPa (满足要求。which meets the design requirement.)螺栓验算 Calculation of bolt.角钢另一侧加设一连接角钢,连接角钢与原角钢间采用一个普通C级螺栓M12连接,其受剪承载力设计值为14.7kN>,满足要求。The two angles will be connected by another angle and a common C class bolt M12, the designed bearing shear force is 14.7kN>, which meets the design requirement.生命绳验算 Calculation of life line取生命绳直径9.3mm,其抗拉强度为1670MPa,则生命绳承受拉力为(3.14×9.32)÷4×1670.07N113.384kNThe diameter of life line is 9.3mm, and tensile strength is 1670MPa, with the safety coefficient of 3, so the bearing tensile force is (3.14×9.32)÷4×1670.07N113.384kN设悬掉重物时,钢丝绳与水平方向夹角为3度,则其能承受的竖向重量为113.384×2×sin(3)=32kN,按一个操作工人1.5kN重量,取8倍安全系数,理论上可满足2人施工安全要求(计算式:2.6,取整数为2)。When lifting a heavy load, and an angle of 3 with horizontal direction, therefore the vertical bearing capacity would be 113.384×2×sin(3)=32kN,suppose 1.5kN for each operator, take 3 as safety coefficient and 1.4 as dynamic load coefficient, the bearing capacity meets the design requirement when 5 workmen operate at the same time (calculation formula: 2.6, 2.6 means 2 operators).5. 完验方法Inspection Method在现场实地进行试验。具体方法为:Perform experiment at site. See the method below:1) 准备2个1KN的沙袋,用吊机悬挂在高于3米高的部位(绳子打活结),在重物下方设置生命绳,并将沙袋用安全带系在生命绳上,如下图所示:Prepare two sand bags. Use crane hook to hang up the bags at the height of about three meters (tie slipknot for line), set body harness under heavy object. Tie sand bags to life line with body harness. See the illustration below:2) 在进行试验前,拉好警界绳,人员远离试验区域至少6米以上;Before experiment, set warning line. Personnel should be at least 6 meters away from experiment area.3) 试验时,地面人员牵引绳索,拉开活结,使其坠落,使之产生模拟冲击力。试验结果以两端花篮螺栓不发生明显变形,钢丝绳不断裂为合格。When performing experiment, personnel on ground pull the rope, release the slipknot to cause the sand bags fall from height. This will simulate the Impact force. If the two ends of turn buckle has no obvious deformation and the steel wire does not break, then, the life line is qualified.4) 试验合格后,参加试验的各人员签字后,挂牌才能施工使用。When the experiment is done and life line is qualified, all attendee of experiment should sign. Use life line only with qualified tags.专心-专注-专业